Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week beginning Oct 27, 2014 - Trial Thread #3

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Not important info?!?! Well of course it's not important to the defence. I think it's VERY important to find out who owned that python and who was in that video with him. And how exactly that came about.

Of course they aren't going to find her. There's no way she's coming forward and of course LM WILL NOT provide anyone with the information needed to find her.

ETA: I'm surprised the animal rights people didn't figure out who it was.

And once again, everytime Bouthillier asks a question, LeClair gets it thrown out or attempts to.

Oh and now it's not just the question but the "phrasing". I thought you could ask leading questions on cross?
Come on, tell us about Manny, and the Colombian, and Emile Lecroix...
Quoted from Kamille:

ETA: I'm surprised the animal rights people didn't figure out who it was.

Perhaps "Rebecca" is another one of LM's voices.

Hang on a minute! I just realised something -

1st June 2012 - Police receive a fax from a lawyer in Toronto telling then where to find JL's head.
4th June 2012 - LM arrested in Germany.

So did LM have anything to do with the fax being sent, or not?!?! I wonder if he told a family member where it was in his secret phonecall/ texts or something!

ETA I'm wrong, the fax was sent on JULY 1st.
suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
Watts didn't find Manny, either. #Magnotta told him Manny was American citizen living in NYC when he met him

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji · 2m2 minutes ago
Watts says he would very much have liked to speak with Manny but #Magnotta gave him no information to help track Manny down.

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
To this day we don't know if Rebecca is a real person, Crown says. Yeah, I guess we could say that, Watts says #magnotta

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji · 47s47 seconds ago
Crown: So we don't know if this Rebecca is a real person or not. Watts: We could say that, I don't know if she's real. #Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
#Magnotta was working as escort in Montreal but to lesser extent than in TO and NYC because felt he was being followed

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 49s50 seconds ago
#Magnotta earned between $1000-2000/week working as escort, Crown said. Probably more than one client a day, Watts says

Michaël Nguyen ‏@MNguyenJDM · 4m4 minutes ago
Le Dr Watts parle maintenant des médicaments de #Magnotta. Témazépam, Risperidol.

Translation: Dr. Watts is now talking about drugs #Magnotta . Temazepam , Risperidol .

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
Did you ask #Magnotta if he drugged Jun Lin in order to subdue him and kill him? Yes, I asked lots of ?s Watts says

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 3m3 minutes ago
#Magnotta m'a dit qu'il avait consommé temazepam et benadryl avec le Colombien qui était chez lui le 18 mai 2012, dit Watts

#Magnotta Said he had consumed temazepam and benadryl with the Colombian who was at his home May 18, 2012 , said Watts

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
Did you ask how Temazepam ended up in wine bottle? crown asks. Colombian took cocaine and jumpy, Watts says. #Magnotta drinking wine

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 6m 6 minutes ago
#Magotta was taking Benedryl and Temazepam, Watts says. Don't know who put it in wine bottle - not in report cause it was already too long

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 2m2 minutes ago
#Magnotta m'a dit que Lin Jun avait pris comprimé de temazepam. N'a pu expliquer pourquoi temazepam dans bouteille de vin -Watts

Translation: #Magnotta said that Lin Jun had taken temazepam tablet . Could not explain why temazepam was in the bottle -Watts

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
Temazepam with alcohol would make Lin Jun less able to fend off attack, but not clear he was attacked before his death, Watts says #Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
#Magnotta didn't want to talk about killing animals because felt ashamed "didn't want to go there." But then brought it up later with Watts

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji · 1m1 minute ago
Watts says #Magnotta was ashamed, too anxious to talk of some things with him, such as the cat videos.

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
Nothing in medical records that #Magnotta was coke addict and he never said it himself

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 1m1 minute ago
#Magnotta m'a confirmé être l'auteur du courriel menaçant au Sun de Londres en décembre 2011. Il a utilisé le nom John Kilbride -Watts

Translation: #Magnotta confirmed to me to be the author of the threatening e-mail to the Sun in London in December 2011. He used the name John Kilbride -Watts

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 1m1 minute ago
Selon Watts, #Magnotta voulait faire peur avec ce courriel. Comportement qui se voit chez les psychotiques: ils ne sont pas logiques, dit-il

Translation:According to Watts, #Magnotta wanted to scare with the email. Behavior that is seen in psychotic they are not logical

christianedesjardins ‏@chridesjardins · 2m2 minutes ago
Le Dr Watts dit que #Magnotta a fait commentaires sexuellement dégradants ds le email. Le ton est arrogant, dit le psychiatre

Translation: Dr. Watts said #Magnotta made ​​sexually demeaning comments in the email . The tone is arrogant , says psychiatrist

Michaël Nguyen ‏@MNguyenJDM · 47s47 seconds ago
Pourquoi avoir utilisé un alias si #Magnotta dit avoir envoyé un mail menaçant pour faire peur, demande la Couronne.

Translation: Why would he use an alias if he send the email to scare asks the Crown

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 1m1 minute ago
Pourquoi #Magnotta n'utilisait pas son vrai nom s'il voulait faire peur aux gens? Watts admet que ça aurait été plus logique

Translation: Why didn't #Magnotta use his real name if he wanted to scare people ? Watts admits that it would have been more logical

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji · 5m5 minutes ago
Watts: #Magnotta maybe thought they would guess it was him - they did. Crown: So he was playing games. Watts:Yes, but not for fun, to scare.
Hang on a minute! I just realised something -

1st June 2012 - Police receive a fax from a lawyer in Toronto telling then where to find JL's head.
4th June 2012 - LM arrested in Germany.

So did LM have anything to do with the fax being sent, or not?!?! I wonder if he told a family member where it was in his secret phonecall/ texts or something!

I thought that fax was on July 1st? And I think it was from one of his original lawyers?
Quoted from Kamille:

ETA: I'm surprised the animal rights people didn't figure out who it was.

Perhaps "Rebecca" is another one of LM's voices.


The name is likely made up but apparently there was a woman in that video. Someone owned that python, likely illegally, and they were there when it was fed that cat and the video was made. That's the problem with a lot of this. The company LM was keeping is not likely to ever come forward with crucial information since they were all likely doing illegal things.

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 3m3 minutes ago
Watts n'a pas demandé à #Magnotta si Manny ou Rebecca étaients présents lorsqu'il a écrit son courriel au Sun.

Translation: Watts did not ask if Manny or Rebecca were present when he wrote the email to the Sun

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji · 40s41 seconds ago
Watts not sure if #Magnotta mother was unwilling to talk to him, or if only his grandmother was. We're taking break so he can check.

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 3m3 minutes ago
Pause de 20 minutes au procès #Magnotta

20 minute break
The name is likely made up but apparently there was a woman in that video. Someone owned that python, likely illegally, and they were there when it was fed that cat and the video was made. That's the problem with a lot of this. The company LM was keeping is not likely to ever come forward with crucial information since they were all likely doing illegal things.


OK thanks. As a person who belongs to every animal group/charity on earth......I did NOT see the vid.
I haven't seen any of the videos, but i read that there is no one else in the python feeding video except LM. however, another video was uploaded of LM and a woman petting the python.
OK thanks. As a person who belongs to every animal group/charity on earth......I did NOT see the vid.

Neither did I, I couldn't bring myself to watch any of them. But there are some who have braved them and have confirmed just recently in fact that there is a woman in that python one. I think it was maybe DaveNP who confirmed it?
I haven't seen any of the videos, but i read that there is no one else in the python feeding video except LM. however, another video was uploaded of LM and a woman petting the python.

Now that I'd like to see. Is she the owner?
And how about LM claiming that he and the Columbian were taking Temazepam and Benedryl, the Columbian also took cocaine and he was "jumpy"?

But of course for the actual murder a week later, LM has no idea how Temazepam got in a wine bottle. And JL only took one tablet.

Pulleeze... :gaah:
If you look in the "crimes incolving animals" thread, someone (I think it was Fairy?) has put a link to the video of the python being petted. There is nothing graphic in that video.
And how about LM claiming that he and the Columbian were taking Temazepam and Benedryl, the Columbian also took cocaine and he was "jumpy"?

But of course for the actual murder a week later, LM has no idea how Temazepam got in a wine bottle. And JL only took one tablet.

Pulleeze... :gaah:

It's insulting to JL's family... It's like he can't even be bothered to come up with a half-believable lie! :gaah: Is he really that stupid, or are the meds he's on addling his brain?
IIRC the upload location given when the python video was uploaded (december 2011) was London (LM probably put this to throw people off the scent). But when the Sun contacted Scotland Yard about the video, Scotland Yard said the video was "posted from somewhere in North America." There would be nothing illegal about owning a snake like that in the UK by the way.

In July 2011 LM tells a doctor (Dr Andree David) at a walk-in clinic that he is in Quebec for 4 months. In December 2011 LM moved into an apartment in Montreal.

When he was living in Quebec, he did this photoshoot in his apartment:
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