Luka Rocco Magnotta: charged with first degree murder; worldwide red alert:INTERPOL 3

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In this video @ 10 seconds the music stops and a symbol is on screen. What does that symbol mean? And also what does the voice say?

Anyone worked that out yet? It sounds like "The lines of...... <something something>

The symbol is apparently a Dreccian Doctrine.
I found it online here:

Basically: life is both bitter and sweet.
There are several more pages, all way too complex for me to make sense of, right now.
Whoever posted it on the James Dean Killer site is just playing.
I can't make out the words, either, other than what you have.
So I googled one of LM's alter ego's, Alexi Baranov, this website showed up link, at first I didn't think much about it but reading the description at the bottom makes me think it was written by LM, there are just too many parallels!

His strong connections with Russia, worthless father, relationship with Middle Eastern men, the boy being "the image of perfection", gay gang rape...and this:

"They found the body of Alexi Baranov with every appendage ripped from the body; both arms, both legs and his head... which was never found."

"A supernaturally good looking young man who seems to be about 19 or 20 years old. He has light brown hair and golden Hazel eyes. He is incredibly attractive. He wears whatever is comfortable and appropriate for the situation. In villian ID he wears a white thermal hoodie, black vest jacket, blue jeans, and combat boots. He also wears a mask so that no one can get a view of him. But generally his hoodie covers his face well enough that no one can really get a good look at him."

Interestingly he claims that after the mutilation of "Baranov" his character travels to Europe with the aim of finally arriving in London.
Good find and he even has a new name picked out. Wonder if there is any new ads posted under that name?
So you are a gay guy on the run, lets presume he is low on cash, he would take a train, bus. Hitchiking in Europe would be too risky, he would want to blend in the crowd. Wearing a hat and probably dark clothes to blend in the background. My guess is not only the gay bars he'll hang out at, not inside but rather outside. I still say he might go near a college area, he would blend, and find some resources there. Aren't all college students broke? easy to give a sob story and be believable too.

I would speculate that if he is still in Paris or a major city and not in complete hideout mode; he would NOT immerse himself in the GLBT community because that is the most obvious area for authorities to focus on. (If he were to do anything in the GLBT community I would speculate he would focus on utilizing the anonymity of the gay bathhouse/sauna scene)

Given his urges and twisted desires, I would speculate that Luka would be in a family-oriented area of the city where he could turn on the charm, make a good impression and begin to tie himself to a family with young children either as a babysitter, tutor or charity case.
I haven't completely caught up with the thread, it's moving so fast. What is this about a mirror? Did Luka post a new picture since last night?! Unbelievable.
No. Someone calling himself "matty pantaloons" has posted some Youtube videos of Luka's apartment and he appears reflected in mirrors and glass in some shots, a rather "heavy set" guy.
I know I speak the obvious, but this case disturbs me more than any case I have read about in my 39 years! This monster is as sick as they come! I will heed the warnings and proudly decline to watch the video.

RIP Lin Jun, May your soul be at peace with God.
So you are a gay guy on the run, lets presume he is low on cash, he would take a train, bus. Hitchiking in Europe would be too risky, he would want to blend in the crowd. Wearing a hat and probably dark clothes to blend in the background. My guess is not only the gay bars he'll hang out at, not inside but rather outside. I still say he might go near a college area, he would blend, and find some resources there. Aren't all college students broke? easy to give a sob story and be believable too.

I don't think he's alone. I've always felt he had someone helping him. Perhaps even more than one person. A fugitive like him would have been caught by now. Look how long he's gotten away with the kitten killings. He moves around. Ontario - UK - Montreal - Paris (and all those in between)
If you can find it, or if someone else knows of a link to it if it's not new - it would be useful to rule it out. I just went through one of the photobucket accounts and couldn't find it.

[edit: Correction I just found it - it's not new!]!cpZZ8QQtppZZ20

Pretty sure it was on the photobucket account with the picture of his mother and father (same one he has up in the vid with the mother blacked out) guanta...something was the name of the account I think....have viewed so many in the last few days they are all starting to run togehter. But it was that picture, but could see the wine bottle and the beer can but the food wasn't as apparent.
If Facie keeps up this good work I am gonna hire her at my legal firm as my personal private investigator. =D

I am in need of someone who can do real damage with photoshop.
YES and that reminds me FACIE when you watch the video I think I saw THAT GOLD CHAIN a time or two and we can DEFINITELY find photos of him wearing that same gold chain in other settings, can you get us a still shot of that gold chain from killvid and another pic of him wearing the chain and create is a side by side, anytime no rush.

WAS THE CHAIN present in killvid, I was sure I saw it, do you recall, anyone?

WE ALSO need a STILL SHOT of the close up of his BONY HANDS from KILLVID and another one for a side by side from a regular pic.

PAX i dont think the gold chain is seen in the vid but will check, but there are buttloads of pics and interviews of him wearing that stupid gold chain.

will get his nasty hands
hi, i'm new!
been following this more closely than i should, great forum!
just want to point out a few youtube profiles mentioned here
have too much background & personality behind them to be LM.
i believe HollywoodLoveLetters & BB are him though.

the fact he's being called a serial killer already seems to come
from luka himself, it's sick, but what makes this so fascinating
is that he's actually developed the image for himself he desired.
the media does think he's a model, *advertiser censored* star & serial killer yet
in reality he's none of those things.
now he tries to tag himself the james dean killer & tie in the
hollywood sign dismemberments for the glamor.
i expect if he keeps posting he'll allude to being responsible
(actually "framed") for other high profile crimes.

Hi welcome! :seeya:

I thought they were also but not so sure anymore. It seems a YT video keeps popping up every day....or even twice a day. Unless he's been cloned, I doubt he can be in 2 or 3 places at the same time.

I think right now his focus is saving his sorry arse from getting caught.
Has 'hate crime' been added to his charges?
He's clearly a white supremacist and Jun Lin was Asian...

I don't actually think he is. IMO that was just something he posted to get attention, along with claiming to be a Scientologist, then a Satanist. In his Storm Front post he claims to have been deported from Canada to Russia, which of course never happened or came close to happening.
So I googled one of LM's alter ego's, Alexi Baranov, this website showed up link, at first I didn't think much about it but reading the description at the bottom makes me think it was written by LM, there are just too many parallels!

His strong connections with Russia, worthless father, relationship with Middle Eastern men, the boy being "the image of perfection", gay gang rape...and this:

"They found the body of Alexi Baranov with every appendage ripped from the body; both arms, both legs and his head... which was never found."

"A supernaturally good looking young man who seems to be about 19 or 20 years old. He has light brown hair and golden Hazel eyes. He is incredibly attractive. He wears whatever is comfortable and appropriate for the situation. In villian ID he wears a white thermal hoodie, black vest jacket, blue jeans, and combat boots. He also wears a mask so that no one can get a view of him. But generally his hoodie covers his face well enough that no one can really get a good look at him."

Interestingly he claims that after the mutilation of "Baranov" his character travels to Europe with the aim of finally arriving in London.


That is so darn eerie!!!!!! I'm reading through it, and just wow!!!!
Is he wearing the chain and ring at the airport? I think I see the chain but not sure if we see the ring. Can someone blow up the photos? I would but don't know how.
ummm... has this been posted yet???

(list of articles written by you know who)

I just read these. Wow. Clear what he's written and what he's copied. Whacked! BTW, further to the of talk about photoshopping. I haven't gone back and checked all the shots with LM holding a champagne glass, however a number of them, regardless of the variety of locations, appear to be the same cut crystal glass. This leads me to believe he was not actually at most of these locations and chances are his international travels are yet another photo-shopped delusion or illusion depending on your perspective.
A clubber unwittingly spent two nights with fugitive cannibal killer Luka Magnotta after picking him up in a gay nightclub in Paris.

He told police he only found out who his guest was after spotting the *advertiser censored* actor’s photo on the web when he left.

The traumatised man immediately told detectives, who are also chasing up reports of the psycho out drinking in the French capital’s trendy bars.
Surely the Top agencies in this world can capture the camera person to a sharper view???!!!

Find the camera man... He may know a lot more about Eric.
With the proper warrant, LE could get the identity of the Youtube uploader if they needed to, couldn't they?
A clubber unwittingly spent two nights with fugitive cannibal killer Luka Magnotta after picking him up in a gay nightclub in Paris.

He told police he only found out who his guest was after spotting the *advertiser censored* actor’s photo on the web when he left.

The traumatised man immediately told detectives, who are also chasing up reports of the psycho out drinking in the French capital’s trendy bars.

This is why I don't think he is hiding. He is flaunting himself, almost daring LE to find him as he stays one step ahead of them.
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