Luka Rocco Magnotta: charged with first degree murder; worldwide red alert:INTERPOL

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I scoured some of the local french online papers and there is nothing new that hasn't already been discussed here. One thing that bothers me is the perception I have that locals here aren't as fearful and concerned about LRM as many others on this board including myself. It may have had to do with the lieutenant somewhat downplaying the crime in his early statements that the victim had a relationship with his killer. Perhaps folks think he's just a freak that killed his lover. I'm not sure the locals are feeling the same impact of how brutal and horrific this murder was and what the sick b@st@rd is capable of.

One example is our radio stations. They had like a 2 minute announcement when it occurred and they moved on to other local news like the student protests, Grand Prix weekend coming up, etc.

IDK....maybe it's just my perception.
Same here! I read a detailed description about it and saw a still image from it that I wasn't prepared for, and read the comments under it...but did NOT view the video. No I don't think I'm better than anyone who watched it, because I understand human nature can be a very curious one, and has tempted me multiple times to watch it. However, my delicate psyche probably could not handle it, as i cannot even handle gory scenes in fake movies

Okay, had to respond to this post and agree with it, but now I must go back to lurking and read the rest of this thread, because I still have a ways to go! keep up the good posting everyone <3

I totally understand. I don't think anyone has done the "oh, you saw the video, I didn't, so I'm still untainted" routine. For my own purposes, I watched it to understand Luka a little better. It was his performance and I wanted to get a sense of who and what he really was. I know that there are others (I don't mean WS'ers), that watched it for totally different reasons. It made me sick the entire time I was watching it, ok sicker, that there were people watching the video and pretty much getting off on it. I meant it yesterday when I said Dont watch the video. It drove me to drink, and I rarely drink.
NMK: I took your warning seriously, so thank you (and others whose names I forget but posted warnings too). I already had nightmares from this ... I don't want them to be long-term.
This whole thing is giving me the heebie geebies. I wish I could make myself quit checking for updates. :banghead:
Okay, lets see if I can relay this without getting myself in trouble. That phone number that Luka uses when he's pimping himself, and the JM that it traces back to...

Well, here are his interests. I don't believe that JM (the owner of the phone number) is Luka. I think this is a seperate person. I'm certainly not going to hang the accomplice title on someone that could be just a pimp, but...

Actually JM seems to be a fairly known gay advocate and a real sick SOB to boot. And from what I can tell, he's loaded. Follow the money, that's all I'm going to say...
from article I posted above:

&#8220;His backpack was still there. His cat was there, unfed. His cellphone charger was there,&#8221; Ming recounted. &#8220;It didn&#8217;t look like he was on vacation.&#8221;

OMG, this makes me even angrier - Lin obviously liked cats! I hope there was no connection there ... that freakazoid lured him that way ...
I'm happy with myself for two big reasons:

- I've not watched any of the videos nor have I heard his voice

- last night I stayed away from the computer and read a good book whilst curled up in bed listening to the pelting rain

Now, today is another day...............I was praying/hoping it would be all finished with by today! :maddening:
Okay, lets see if I can relay this without getting myself in trouble. That phone number that Luka uses when he's pimping himself, and the JM that it traces back to...

Well, here are his interests. I don't believe that JM (the owner of the phone number) is Luka. I think this is a seperate person. I'm certainly not going to hang the accomplice title on someone that could be just a pimp, but...

yep, another bizarre twist

that is a pic of Luka in the center of that interests cloud
<modsnip> commented on that weird Mega Man YouTube video, which presumably requires approval. Also, this post is basically comprehensive promotion.


In my humble opinion all forums on this subject are basically comprehensive promotions.

If nobody talked about it the act of filming the crime would be pointless all but for leaving evidence, if the lunatic intended for the snuff movie to have any shock value then he's got international attention now.

That weird Mega Man YouTube video, does not require approval btw.
from article I posted above:

“His backpack was still there. His cat was there, unfed. His cellphone charger was there,” Ming recounted. “It didn’t look like he was on vacation.”

OMG, this makes me even angrier - Lin obviously liked cats! I hope there was no connection there ... that freakazoid lured him that way ...

Oh, you just made me think of something awful - I'm an active member of PETA, OSPCA, Humane Societies, etc. I wonder if the freakazoid frequented animal activist meetings?

Gets worser and worser.............:banghead:
I'm happy with myself for two big reasons:

- I've not watched any of the videos nor have I heard his voice

- last night I stayed away from the computer and read a good book whilst curled up in bed listening to the pelting rain

Now, today is another day...............I was praying/hoping it would be all finished with by today! :maddening:

awww, I'm glad you were able to relax & ignore creepo news

one of my fav things to do is read while listening to the rain

I find myself thinking about LE and realizing this is the kind of crap some of them see daily - what a horrific toll that must take on them and their families )-; and then to have to hold themselves back from thumping him when they catch him - well, that's heroic IMO
Many here have brought up the question about his money source(s). I'm also very curious about that. I'd like to believe he's perhaps prostituting himself and that's how he's getting his money but the dark side of gut instincts thinks he may either have an accomplice or more and/or more victims who he has not only murdered but taken all of their valuables. Money, jewelry, etc.

Again, Justin Lin was a kind hearted, quiet, discreet and hardworking man both in his educational studies and his job according to all those who knew him. I don't know how much money he had on him when he immigrated to Canada but one would think he needed a significant amout to immigrate here.

I did a quick calculation on basic studies and it would have costed him approximately $35,000 on tuition fees alone at Concordia University. Add to that books, living expenses, etc and it could go well over $40,000. I'm guessing he would've had to come here with a significant amount of cash. Yes, he worked part time at the convenience store but probably getting minimum wage and enough to perhaps pay for food and transportation.

All that to say, that LRM's target might be immigrants, perhaps college/university students with cash.
Hi everyone! I haven't had time to read every post since last night, so forgive me if this has already been posted. Has anyone seen this forum post from May 15?
this is him! The babymaggie user name was a name Karla Homolka used on a parenting forum until she was outed. He's tried for years to link himself to her, so it's no coincidence that he would be using a user name associated with Homolka to promote his video

Seems he was very busy on the 15th either promoting himself, or trying to lay an alibi. Over and over he makes mention of the place the vid was shot and that it was a 'boy' and even goes so far as to state an age. Sick sick.
Oh, you just made me think of something awful - I'm an active member of PETA, OSPCA, Humane Societies, etc. I wonder if the freakazoid frequented animal activist meetings?

Gets worser and worser.............:banghead:

I wouldn't be surprised at all! Didn't he post on a animal rescue site? IIRC, it was Arizona looking for stray pets?
I'm also thinking about the money angle, ~n/t~. I HOPE and pray that word is out among prostitutes/escorts/people who use the services that this guy is a freakazoid and is to be avoided.

About him targeting immigrants, I thought of that as well. Someone new to Canada, perhaps with little French/English skills, might be easy targets for a while.

But his ugly face has been plastered on every newspaper known to humankind, so I'm hoping a picture tells a story.
I totally understand. I don't think anyone has done the "oh, you saw the video, I didn't, so I'm still untainted" routine. For my own purposes, I watched it to understand Luka a little better. It was his performance and I wanted to get a sense of who and what he really was. I know that there are others (I don't mean WS'ers), that watched it for totally different reasons. It made me sick the entire time I was watching it, ok sicker, that there were people watching the video and pretty much getting off on it. I meant it yesterday when I said Dont watch the video. It drove me to drink, and I rarely drink.

I watched it and it terrified me. I watched it to see if things added up from beginning to end and also to get a sense of what Luka was about. I went out to the bar last night. The video is disturbing and messes up ones head, heart and stomach to say the least.
Thank you. I couldnt get passed the first part and it must have been the angle or something.

So whats the deal with the bevis video then. It shows a pic of a guy in a purple hoodie. What I saw in this video it looks black. Is it just the lighting or is that pic in the bevis vid photoshopped?

That pic is just his AD for the video. He spammed a lot of above ground websites with the title and that image of him with the hoodie and the icepick. The room is dark and I can't tell for sure if the hoodie he has on is purple. It looks dark. We know Jun Lin was last seen May 24th. The video only appears on May 25th (so far as we have been able to tell).
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