Luka Rocco Magnotta: charged with first degree murder; worldwide red alert:INTERPOL

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After all these years, I thought TOR was an abbreviation for Toronto.
Following his sock puppets. And the fact that that username pops up on other sites, mental health sites, like Luka's other profiles seem equally obsessed with...and if you go to Youtube, find that user's channel and look through the comments that user has made, in defense of a music video he likes very much, he tells another user that he will "rape your wife's corpse". I'm could be wrong, but I'm quite sure it's him.

If that is him, he made a comment 11 hours ago under that nick.
If that is him, he made a comment 11 hours ago under that nick.

Beavis is still posting comments too (1 hour ago).

Magnotta linked to white supremacist site

On StormFront, described as a "white-nationalist" website, a user under the names reddragon1 and arcangel9 writes Magnotta's praises, but does so in a style similar to how Magnotta writes on his own site.

"The writer breaks suddenly into capitalization, demonstrates similarly poor grammar, links to Magnotta's website and photographs, and refers repeatedly to the 'slander' and 'bullying' he faced at the hands of animal rights activists," Xtra! reports.
Answer to question 3: I agree, it is very possible he is lurking here, either as a guest or a member

Answer to question 4: I also found it interesting that it is written in the closet. I have seen a picture of the writing itself, and there are definitely some errors. { "If you dont like the reflection. Dont look in the mirror. I dont care." } The first two sentences should have been separated by a comma, not a full stop. There should be apostrophes in the word don't. That said, I don't see how spelling and grammar errors (or a lack of) would make a difference when it comes to who wrote it. It fits the 'theme' of his online ramblings (he goes on about not caring quite a bit). It was written by him, in the closet of the apartment he lived in. I see no reason to doubt that.

It's beyond creepy to think he's reading on this forum. Makes me feel sick. In regards to the closet writing - anyone have a guess at the meaning behind? Does this guy alternate between hating himself and loving himself? If you look in the mirror you see yourself - to not like the reflection is to not like yourself. But then the "I don't care" part confuses's like he's 2 people.
It's beyond creepy to think he's reading on this forum. Makes me feel sick. In regards to the closet writing - anyone have a guess at the meaning behind? Does this guy alternate between hating himself and loving himself? If you look in the mirror you see yourself - to not like the reflection is to not like yourself. But then the "I don't care" part confuses's like he's 2 people.

Actually, he wrote "If you don't like the reflection. Don't look in the mirror. I don't care"
Lonnnng time lurker, first time poster here.

I am absolutely fascinated by this case! I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this (I read the FAQ but ya never know!) but I just found a video interview with Luka going by the alias of Jimmy. It's from NakedNews, but seems SFW.


Edit: I'm on an ipad so posting links is always confusing. Apologies if this is incorrect.
It's beyond creepy to think he's reading on this forum. Makes me feel sick. In regards to the closet writing - anyone have a guess at the meaning behind? Does this guy alternate between hating himself and loving himself? If you look in the mirror you see yourself - to not like the reflection is to not like yourself. But then the "I don't care" part confuses's like he's 2 people.

Maybe he wrote it to torment a person who might become locked in the closet?

This guy reminds me of the guy who murdered the two guys after luring them to film a movie.

I have to read thread one still.
Lonnnng time lurker, first time poster here.

I am absolutely fascinated by this case! I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this (I read the FAQ but ya never know!) but I just found a video interview with Luka going by the alias of Jimmy. It's from NakedNews, but seems SFW.

Great find Peppermint Pie and welcome! Can you re-post it as just the link? It should self-embed.
It's beyond creepy to think he's reading on this forum. Makes me feel sick. In regards to the closet writing - anyone have a guess at the meaning behind? Does this guy alternate between hating himself and loving himself? If you look in the mirror you see yourself - to not like the reflection is to not like yourself. But then the "I don't care" part confuses's like he's 2 people.

the "i dont care" part stands out to me based on this...
this post
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - ACTIVE SEARCH Luka Rocco Magnotta: charged with first degree murder; worldwide red alert:INTERPOL

snipped from the quote..

Then I phoned my mother and she said....get ready...... "im not talking to ANY doctors, I understand you were raped and I hope they keep you in the hospital for good" ??????? Where the hell did this attitude come from? After everything I have done for her I thought she would be there for me.. but she screwed me at the one time I was the weakest...this is what she LOVES to do... humiliate people and make them feel inferior to her because she is the devil...she has such a horrible life she needs to drag everyone down with her. So I told her , that if she made me stay in the trauma word alone for another few days I would NEVER speak to her again... she said "i dont care" and I hung up.

may be zero connection at all....but the word of a parent CAN do damage and can stick with you forever.....
Luka the lunatic. Keep up the good work wsers.


Yep, still posting away talking to hisself just like a normal person with an IQ of 165.
Someone has posted at least two images taken from the icepick video in which they have photoshopped Luka's profile onto the killer's unseen face. NEVER believe a still photo is real. Another site claims to have audio of Luka saying that he would return and next time he will be killing humans instead of kittens. Not true, the audio interview was about why he changed his name. The sinister message was emailed from "someone". Never trust an email. The lies are obscuring the truth.
Beavis Butthead 12 minutes ago
It's beyond creepy to think he's reading on this forum. Makes me feel sick. In regards to the closet writing - anyone have a guess at the meaning behind? Does this guy alternate between hating himself and loving himself? If you look in the mirror you see yourself - to not like the reflection is to not like yourself. But then the "I don't care" part confuses's like he's 2 people.

I read a comment that said he meant YOU are HIM.. it could be one of his sock puppets posting too because made sense. It was on a youtube vid for/about him and said something like I cant believe you people are wanting him to die. What he wrote in the closet is exactly right. YOU are HIM.. Does that make sense? lol We cant post comments and Im not on the page anymore so I may not be conveying it right.
Lonnnng time lurker, first time poster here.

I am absolutely fascinated by this case! I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this (I read the FAQ but ya never know!) but I just found a video interview with Luka going by the alias of Jimmy. It's from NakedNews, but seems SFW.

Luka Magnotta - Interview with a Psychopath: A Naked News Special Report. - YouTube

Edit: I'm on an ipad so posting links is always confusing. Apologies if this is incorrect.

his FACE is so flippn' ugly.....and his eyes are so dead.....
he looks and acts like a freaking robot....
There is an old proverb that says, "if you don't like the reflection, don't blame the mirror." In other words, if you don't like what you see in yourself, then blame yourself, not the person that is pointing out your flaws. I think Luka has changed the proverb to suit himself.
Have you noticed in that clip, that his eyes are cold, and he hardly blinks. Just like a reptile.
Have you noticed in that clip, that his eyes are cold, and he hardly blinks. Just like a reptile.

That's what the Toronto Sun's Joe Warmington had to say about him when he interviewed him r.e. Karla Homolka. No blinking. Weird. His eyes look like he is on permanent acid. JMO
I read a comment that said he meant YOU are HIM.. it could be one of his sock puppets posting too because made sense. It was on a youtube vid for/about him and said something like I cant believe you people are wanting him to die. What he wrote in the closet is exactly right. YOU are HIM.. Does that make sense? lol We cant post comments and Im not on the page anymore so I may not be conveying it right.

I hear it as "I will make you just like me. I will make you as dead and angry and unfeeling as I am."

And I can just imagine him laughing somewhere online because he has proven that there are a heck of a lot of people just like him. Look at the video hits. I watched it too, not like I'm exempt. But he will take that as a sign that he's right. We, the general public, who are so beneath him are just like him. We hate him, and he hates us, and yet...we watched it too. Knowing what it was.
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