Arizona girl, 2, left in car by father on 109-degree day and is found dead

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How Many Yrs. Together?

snipped for focus.
Q: Anyone have a link handy re CRS & ES being together since 2012? Or any specific yr?
I have not found a marriage date or a year-specific ref to their being together.

I wonder because the Complaint in AZ. ct proceeding against CRS, was filed by his child's mother on May 2, 2012.
AFAIK, info from earlier link* does not show the child's age.

Timing may or may not be relevant.
I recall reading (in Daily Mail?) CRS made a stmt
(on his FB? IG? or ?) about TEN wonderful yrs together w ES, but IDK when/what yr CRS said that.

* Ct. info.
He had a post on SM that referred to them being together 10 years that was a little dated, think it was in the Daily Mail. You could try there or I guess look for his socials. JMOOO.
An anesthesiologist could afford a live-in nanny. I'm actually surprised they didn't have one anyway.

We don't know their exact financial situation. I do taxes for a lot of people who make 10x or more money a year than I do, seriously, and they live pay check to paycheck. Loans, mortgages, living the "lifestyle". It is insane how little financial planning and savings people do now...
How Many Yrs. Together?

snipped for focus.
Q: Anyone have a link handy re CRS & ES being together since 2012? Or any specific yr?
I have not found a marriage date or a year-specific ref to their being together.

I wonder because the Complaint in AZ. ct proceeding against CRS, was filed by his child's mother on May 2, 2012.
AFAIK, info from earlier link* does not show the child's age.

Timing may or may not be relevant.
I recall reading (in Daily Mail?) CRS made a stmt
(on his FB? IG? or ?) about TEN wonderful yrs together w ES, but IDK when/what yr CRS said that.

* Ct. info.
I'm not sure whether or not there was relationship overlap matters as much as his failure to pay CS, the possible link of that to SAH (no garnishable wages) even though he seemed to try to avoid key tasks of that role and that he was non-compliant with court orders or even attending hearings, such that multiple civil arrest orders were issued by the court.

It is not behavior that prioritizes needs or wellbeing of a child or shows respect for rules and authority, even when that leads to consequences. I think that non-appearance history may have played into him being kept in custody but for the ardent appeal of ES in the present case.

IME some people don't think rules apply to them and they act that out in multiple situations.

I still cannot get over the "Sorry Babe!" text re: a dead toddler. It's astonishing. As was his attempt to trash his wife to LE and her blind devotion to him with only the briefest display of anger over her dead 2 year old. I really worry about grief stricken young kids and their needs in the midst of this dynamic. JMOO, YMMV.
How Many Yrs. Together?

snipped for focus.
Q: Anyone have a link handy re CRS & ES being together since 2012? Or any specific yr?
I have not found a marriage date or a year-specific ref to their being together.

I wonder because the Complaint in AZ. ct proceeding against CRS, was filed by his child's mother on May 2, 2012.
AFAIK, info from earlier link* does not show the child's age.

Timing may or may not be relevant.
I recall reading (in Daily Mail?) CRS made a stmt
(on his FB? IG? or ?) about TEN wonderful yrs together w ES, but IDK when/what yr CRS said that.

* Ct. info.

I pulled it out of an article here; the post was on dad's IG, the same where he posted photos of Parker. I might have calculated it and came up with 2012. I shall try to check it, but honestly, it doesn't change the current circumstances at all. That he is a selfish, deadbeat dad is no surprise. If Parker's mom was denying the obvious, then it came biting her back in the most horrible way. I assume she is functioning in a self-preservation mode now, and she is necessary for the other girls.
His Other Child?

From info on that site, my gen impression ---
CRS & his child's Mother had marked differences on child related issues, etc. beginning in 2012 and continuing for years. Most recent entry was in 2023.

edit: corrected ct. info (I hope).
The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County. Family cCt.
Can search by case no. or party name.
(Above Case Number: FC2012-051886)
I just can't get over the numbers of women who want to marry, AND BREED WITH, men like this, especially if they are highly intelligent. Yes, he WILL be that way with you, eventually.
How Many Yrs. Together?

snipped for focus.
Q: Anyone have a link handy re CRS & ES being together since 2012? Or any specific yr?
I have not found a marriage date or a year-specific ref to their being together.

I wonder because the Complaint in AZ. ct proceeding against CRS was filed by his child's mother on May 2, 2012.
AFAIK, info from earlier link* does not show the child's age.

Timing may or may not be relevant.
I recall reading (in Daily Mail?) CRS made a stmt
(on his FB? IG? or ?) about TEN wonderful yrs together w ES, but IDK when/what yr CRS said that.

* Ct. info.
"Chris and Erika started dating on October 19, 2012, according to a post Chris made on their 10th anniversary."

"Chris and Erika started dating on October 19, 2012, according to a post Chris made on their 10th anniversary."

Yes,the title says, after father made terrible mistake but it would be more accurate if it read, after irresponsible and dangerous practice caught up with father, sadly.
I just can't get over the numbers of women who want to marry, AND BREED WITH, men like this, especially if they are highly intelligent. Yes, he WILL be that way with you, eventually.
Of people I have known of who do this, it's kind of 2 linked pieces, they are driven to live in heads and outwardly achieve and also repeat patterns of chaos and dysfunction all because of own childhood.

I personally do not think any of that is an excuse at all, kids deserve to be in safe environments. That you were once a victim but now may be an enabler or vicitmizer in my mind makes you culpable for the harm of an innocent child.

Many people DO NOT repeat generational trauma. Most parents, even poor parents, even teen parents, even parents who were victims of abuse in childhood themselves, manage to keep own kids safe. NO EXCUSES for failure to protect, kids deserve to grow up.

Taking up while he is treating his first family so badly has a "pick me" vibe. Neither parent nor their dynamic seems healthy or grounded in basic safeguarding IMOO. I really hope the other girls will be ok. He can't be happy about their interviews with LE.
I just can't get over the numbers of women who want to marry, AND BREED WITH, men like this, especially if they are highly intelligent. Yes, he WILL be that way with you, eventually.
A person IRL introduced me to the concept of repeating generational trauma and betrayal bonds. No idea what drives the decisions of ES, this is JMOOO on what seems to shed insight on the behavior of some people. Bit of info on the idea here.

Key Point # 1: Three signs of trauma/betrayal bonding
1. Chronic helpless and victim mindset
2. Focus on fixing/helping/rescuing your abuser instead of your own needs or growth. [or needs of kids}
3. You are acutely vulnerable to the “reality” of the abuser and may collude with his excuse making, minimization, rationalization and/or denial. You are doing things that are against your core values and your empathy leads to high enabling behaviors.

Key Point # 2: Obstacles to your own healing. What keeps you stuck?
1. You get trapped in your own anger and shame at yourself or at him. [and stay stuck rather than acting]
2. You spend way too much time trying to understand “why” he does what he does and not enough time learning about you [ or focused on needs of kids].

Key Point # 3: Ten things you can do to start the healing process.

1. Commit to face the truth: Give up the wish, the hope, the fantasy that he’s going to get it, be truly sorry, or change. If you have seen no active change, no seeking of truth on his part, then let go of wishful thinking.

JMOO. My bottom line, kids deserve to be safe and both parents have primary responsibility to do an adequate job or get help for what hinders them.
I'm not sure whether or not there was relationship overlap matters as much as his failure to pay CS, the possible link of that to SAH (no garnishable wages) even though he seemed to try to avoid key tasks of that role and that he was non-compliant with court orders or even attending hearings, such that multiple civil arrest orders were issued by the court.

It is not behavior that prioritizes needs or wellbeing of a child or shows respect for rules and authority, even when that leads to consequences. I think that non-appearance history may have played into him being kept in custody but for the ardent appeal of ES in the present case.

IME some people don't think rules apply to them and they act that out in multiple situations....
I pulled it out of an article here; the post was on dad's IG, the same where he posted photos of Parker. I might have calculated it and came up with 2012. I shall try to check it, but honestly, it doesn't change the current circumstances at all. That he is a selfish, deadbeat dad is no surprise....
@LifeIsAMystery and @Charlot123 Thx for your responses.
No need to spend time chasing down a specific year.
As post said, timing may or may not be relevant.
Yes, there may (or may not) have been relationship overlap, but I wondered more about -

1. Did CRS tell ES about the paternity issue? Did he stay mum on the topic to lead her blindfolded down the garden path? Or did she enter their relationship & marriage already aware of paternity issue? IDK.

2. Were there financial skeletons in his closet?? Huuuge loans he was unable to pay? Bankruptcy? Fraudulent business practices? IDK.

3. Or?

Did ES date & marry him w 'out his making disclosures? IDK.

Horrid to think marrying then learning about these things later. imo
Last edited:
We don't know their exact financial situation. I do taxes for a lot of people who make 10x or more money a year than I do, seriously, and they live pay check to paycheck. Loans, mortgages, living the "lifestyle". It is insane how little financial planning and savings people do now...
True. And at the same time we currently don’t know if the family did already have some kind of help such as a housekeeper or someone working a couple days a week to help the dad out.

A part time nanny 4 hours a day 5 days a week wouldn’t be horribly expensive. No need for a live in. A friend of mine has a trusted woman in on weekdays to help out her stay at home husband while she goes to the office. No shame in an extra person to watch the kids.

But IMO the family must have some disposable income as the link noted various vacations:

Erika and Chris took frequent holidays in the past year - posting about their adventures on social media.

They went skiing in Banff in February, with their older daughters in tow, and took a beach holiday to Cancun in March with the whole family.

The couple also traveled through Europe in June, Seattle in October, and Sedona in June last year, just the two of them.

@LifeIsAMystery and @Charlot123 Thx for your responses.
No need to spend time chasing down a specific year.
As post said, timing may or may not be relevant.
Yes, there may (or may not) have been relationship overlap, but I wondering more about -

1. Did CRS tell ES about the paternity issue? Did he stay mum on the topic to lead her blindfolded down the garden path? Or did she enter their relationship & marriage already aware of paternity issue? IDK.

2. Were there financial skeletons in his closet?? Huuuge loans he was unable to pay? Bankruptcy? Fraudulent business practices?

3. Or?

Did ES date & marry him w 'out his making disclosures? IDK.

Horrid to think marrying then learning about these things later. imo

Think of Henry VIII. Surely his wives knew about the fates of the previous ones? However, the prior ones had been so intensely defamed, that it is only now that the historians are beginning to uncover the truth: most of them were innocent. Modern manipulators use the same approach. They tell about prior relationships/kids, but devaluate earlier partners. If the current partner is a good cook, he'd say that the previous one "never poured a cup of tea" for him. If the current one is not a homebody but smart, he'd say that the previous one was "a dead-end street." The level of brainwashing is shocking. As the family friend who knows both "old" and "new" partner, you listen to the typical story: the new husband is the victim, the prior woman didn't do this or that, and me, I am so good to him. And of course, it applies to both sexes.

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