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I think that is why she is involved, because Baez and Company totally think there is enough evidence to convict her.

With the timing of her book coming out, I think a media tour was in AL's best financial interests. I don't think she is too worried about losing this case, as I feel she stands a good chance at getting the death penalty off the table in the penalty phase. Her perfect record will stand, regardless of Casey being convicted in this case.

Of course, this is my humble (very humble) opinion only.
Well...I bet you're right. There is enough evidence to go the distance.
First, technically I think you are correct - and so I think another defense attorney could say it was a double standard - but I do believe there is a difference and here goes.

One, what I released was my own email and the sentence I responded to. I did not reveal what any of the other attorneys said to Mr. Baez or what they said to him.

Second, I was on the FACDL board and resigned over a year ago in protest of an issue that is immaterial for this discussion (it would sidetrack this response). So I am no longer a member of that organization and thus have no corresponding obligations. However, unlike the seminar materials, there are no rules prohibiting one from releasing your own email.

Third, if you look at the time period, it was when Baez was making a complete circus of his client's case (still is, but he has gotten better). Reporters were asking what other attorneys thought and I said, well I can't speak for them but here is what I have said directly to him.

Fourth, I did not lie to obtain other people's information for a reporter. Again, I simply posted an email that I sent Mr. Baez. Ask yourself this, would it have been any different than me writing in my blog ABOUT the email? Actually there would have been a huge difference, the email is tangible proof that I did not make my claims to gain credibility. Whereas an unsupported statement would have everybody accusing me of lying.

And if you notice, my email did some good. Ms. Anthony's jail visits stopped immediately after I sent it. So in some respects, I feel I helped stop the bleeding.

Now I am sure some of you thought I was playing Monday morning quarterback in my email - and maybe I was.

But I say this about every case I handle, my goal is to obtain the best possible resolution for my clients given the facts, the evidence, and the applicable law. At the time I saw an attorney who was exploiting his client's celebrity to the detriment of obtaining the best resolution possible. That made me angry as a criminal defense attorney.

And frankly, I think Ms. Lyon is now faced with working overtime to reverse the damage done by Baez and Baden (don't get me started with her) and get Ms. Anthony back into a position where she could at least obtain a decent resolution given the facts, evidence, and law of her case.

And the only way a defense attorney can do that is to challenge each piece of evidence in the hope enough pieces are excluded and the State has to re-evaluate what they are willing to offer to resolve the case.
Is it common for one attorney to inject themselves into another attorney's case...or did Baez ask for your advice?
My best guess would be her book that is about to be released. I think she wanted the publicity.

Didn't AL mention something about a big case a decade, with the last one in 2000 she is looking forward to 2010.
Is it common for one attorney to inject themselves into another attorney's case...or did Baez ask for your advice?

Okay, close your eyes and think about how much most of you despise Baez and Co.

Okay, now open them and imagine that an email from Baez comes across your computer on a listserve you are a member of and he essentially sarcastically invites "any help or assistance" from anyone.

Well, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

At the time of that email, I knew Baez was a fraud and I was the first one to pass the information on to WOFL-FOX. Every time he appeared on tv with her I cringed. And I knew what was coming with her jail visits, any good lawyer would.

So, is it common for one lawyer to tell another lawyer how to try his case - no, not at all. But he asked and I obliged.
Okay, close your eyes and think about how much most of you despise Baez and Co.

Okay, now open them and imagine that an email from Baez comes across your computer on a listserve you are a member of and he essentially sarcastically invites "any help or assistance" from anyone.

Well, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

At the time of that email, I knew Baez was a fraud and I was the first one to pass the information on to WOFL-FOX. Every time he appeared on tv with her I cringed. And I knew what was coming with her jail visits, any good lawyer would.

So, is it common for one lawyer to tell another lawyer how to try his case - no, not at all. But he asked and I obliged.

Is it common for a defense attorney to do anything to get a client off, even if it is immoral and dishonest?
Glad you're back Mr. Hornsby. Could you please respond to earlier posters questions with regard to your thoughts on Ms. Lyons comments made at this seminar. Specifically, comments regarding female prosecutors, jurors being killers, derogatory comments about judges, just to name a few? I'm interested in your response.
But, if she has such a phenomenal reputation why would she need this case to promote her book? At one point, she needed to have asked there a likelihood that the accused could receive the DP? Is there enough to prove her guilt? If she really felt the SA didn't have what it takes to get the DP, and in all likelihood the case would be pleaded down, I don't think she'd be the one to be involved.

Just my 2 cents.

Truer words have never been written! Of course, of course, if she felt the SA didn't have the goods, she would not have become involved in this case! Thanks for stating it so well.
Is it common for one attorney to inject themselves into another attorney's case...or did Baez ask for your advice?

I ain't him, but Baez asked. From the title of the email, Baez seemed to have posted right after the bail reduction hearing failed. I would surmise that Baez posted something like 'everyone is being so MEAN to me! What shall I do!' and Hornsby basically said, "Well, shut up. And shut Cindy up, too."

'Nother Question, Hornsby -- If Casey Anthony was your client, having read all of the discovery, watching this play out, from day one -- how would you have represented her?

Wow, sounds like a Private Club for defense attorneys. They don't want to give out the secret handshake and proprietary decoder ring to prosecuting types and us Great Unwashed in the jury pool. Unless we pay royalties for their intellectual property.[/QUOTE=cecybeans;4484828]

Since it is a tax funded system all of this should be open to the public. We deserve to know what is going on in our own system.
Okay, close your eyes and think about how much most of you despise Baez and Co.

Okay, now open them and imagine that an email from Baez comes across your computer on a listserve you are a member of and he essentially sarcastically invites "any help or assistance" from anyone.

Well, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

At the time of that email, I knew Baez was a fraud and I was the first one to pass the information on to WOFL-FOX. Every time he appeared on tv with her I cringed. And I knew what was coming with her jail visits, any good lawyer would.

So, is it common for one lawyer to tell another lawyer how to try his case - no, not at all. But he asked and I obliged.
Actually (and I can only speak for myself)...the reason I don't like Baez has nothing to do with who he's representing, but rather everything to do with his really bad lawyering. I also don't like the people behind the scenes who are feeding money into this case as well as those who want to attach themselves to it for no other reason than to promote themselves in some way or another.

ETA: and please...let's not forget that there is a little girl, Caylee, who deserves justice. All this other cr*p really detracts from that IMO.
Glad you're back Mr. Hornsby. Could you please respond to earlier posters questions with regard to your thoughts on Ms. Lyons comments made at this seminar. Specifically, comments regarding female prosecutors, jurors being killers, derogatory comments about judges, just to name a few? I'm interested in your response.
I am unable to comment because I have never listened to the seminar audio - I did not go to this death penalty seminar this year, I went to a different one.

So for me to comment on something out of context would be improper.
Okay, close your eyes and think about how much most of you despise Baez and Co.

Okay, now open them and imagine that an email from Baez comes across your computer on a listserve you are a member of and he essentially sarcastically invites "any help or assistance" from anyone.

Well, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

At the time of that email, I knew Baez was a fraud and I was the first one to pass the information on to WOFL-FOX. Every time he appeared on tv with her I cringed. And I knew what was coming with her jail visits, any good lawyer would.

So, is it common for one lawyer to tell another lawyer how to try his case - no, not at all. But he asked and I obliged.

Deja vu! "Okay close your eyes......" Hmm? That sounds exactly like the closing argument of one Counselor Jake Brigance in A Time To Kill. Great movie!

So did Baez send his "any help or assistance" to every lawyer in the Orlando area?

ETA: If you thought Baez was a "fake" or whatever the term you used, why did you respond to his call for help?

I whole-heartedly agree with is not so much Baez that we despise, it is his completely mockery of our legal system and his court antics that have us outraged.
Wow, sounds like a Private Club for defense attorneys. They don't want to give out the secret handshake and proprietary decoder ring to prosecuting types and us Great Unwashed in the jury pool. Unless we pay royalties for their intellectual property.[/QUOTE=cecybeans;4484828]

Since it is a tax funded system all of this should be open to the public. We deserve to know what is going on in our own system.

The Death is Different seminar is privately funded, no tax dollars go to it at all.
I am unable to comment because I have never listened to the seminar audio - I did not go to this death penalty seminar this year, I went to a different one.

So for me to comment on something out of context would be improper.
But worthy of tattling about?
Now, you would think she'd be proud of what she had to say. I still can't get past why she would ever want to get into bed with Baez. Who is paying the big bucks to employ her?

The lovely and gracious Ms. Lyon has a book coming out soon. I think her presence in this case is a cynical investment in what she hopes will translate into book sales and undoubtedly more of those wonderfully uplifting seminar speeches.
Is it common for a defense attorney to do anything to get a client off, even if it is immoral and dishonest?

My honest answer is absolutely not, actually just the opposite. No one likes what we do, but if we didn't exist, the entire country would be locked up.

This case is a train wreck because of Baez's initial handling, I think any other lawyer would have worked this case from a different angle.

Casey Anthony's behavior alone would make this case difficult to win, the "Kronks" of the case are just interesting sideshows from a legal perspective.

You can put all the lipstick you want on this pig, its still a pig...
First, technically I think you are correct - and so I think another defense attorney could say it was a double standard - but I do believe there is a difference and here goes.

One, what I released was my own email and the sentence I responded to. I did not reveal what any of the other attorneys said to Mr. Baez or what they said to him.

Second, I was on the FACDL board and resigned over a year ago in protest of an issue that is immaterial for this discussion (it would sidetrack this response). So I am no longer a member of that organization and thus have no corresponding obligations. However, unlike the seminar materials, there are no rules prohibiting one from releasing your own email.

Third, if you look at the time period, it was when Baez was making a complete circus of his client's case (still is, but he has gotten better). Reporters were asking what other attorneys thought and I said, well I can't speak for them but here is what I have said directly to him.

Fourth, I did not lie to obtain other people's information for a reporter. Again, I simply posted an email that I sent Mr. Baez. Ask yourself this, would it have been any different than me writing in my blog ABOUT the email? Actually there would have been a huge difference, the email is tangible proof that I did not make my claims to gain credibility. Whereas an unsupported statement would have everybody accusing me of lying.

And if you notice, my email did some good. Ms. Anthony's jail visits stopped immediately after I sent it. So in some respects, I feel I helped stop the bleeding.

Now I am sure some of you thought I was playing Monday morning quarterback in my email - and maybe I was.

But I say this about every case I handle, my goal is to obtain the best possible resolution for my clients given the facts, the evidence, and the applicable law. At the time I saw an attorney who was exploiting his client's celebrity to the detriment of obtaining the best resolution possible. That made me angry as a criminal defense attorney.

And frankly, I think Ms. Lyon is now faced with working overtime to reverse the damage done by Baez and Baden (don't get me started with her) and get Ms. Anthony back into a position where she could at least obtain a decent resolution given the facts, evidence, and law of her case.

And the only way a defense attorney can do that is to challenge each piece of evidence in the hope enough pieces are excluded and the State has to re-evaluate what they are willing to offer to resolve the case.

I have to say (almost with regret) that I appreciate your candid answer to my question. In some ways I can see your point, but in other ways, I truly feel you were hoping to inject yourself into this case, where you felt a fellow attorney was failing miserably.

I want to believe your original motives, but I am also afraid that you have failed to further any objective legal intellect into this circus, when it was so sadly needed.

What we are looking for is legal insight into this case as it stands now and progressing forward. I would love for all the name calling to end, as it does not promote our needs and wants.

What I fear the most is what we have witnessed over the past few days (by all parties involved) will jade our opinion of our current legal system.

Do you share this fear? Please feel free to enlighten us.
Okay, close your eyes and think about how much most of you despise Baez and Co.

Okay, now open them and imagine that an email from Baez comes across your computer on a listserve you are a member of and he essentially sarcastically invites "any help or assistance" from anyone.

Well, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

At the time of that email, I knew Baez was a fraud and I was the first one to pass the information on to WOFL-FOX. Every time he appeared on tv with her I cringed. And I knew what was coming with her jail visits, any good lawyer would.

So, is it common for one lawyer to tell another lawyer how to try his case - no, not at all. But he asked and I obliged.

Thanks for being here - I look forward to learning from you. Have you been in further contact with Baez since that initial request? I suppose it is not as necessary with the arrival of Ms. Lyon.

I wish Baez would email me to ask for advice. If he could see how deeply offended most of us are by his attempt to destroy Mr. Kronk, he might want to be certain he has more substance to show jurors before portraying Kronk as a suspect.

I recognize his need to cast doubt on the timeline of when the body was dumped by trying to impeach Kronk's testimony. But to make the quantum leap to "Kronk is a suspect", I feel defense better have more than we have seen so far.
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