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DNA Solves
Not open for further replies. what are the chances of your brother sending my kids a Zhu Zhu pet?? I think I'm going to have two crying toddlers on X-mas if I don't find some of these rodents and rodent houses LOL.

Just a side note..apparently his brother is the Zhu Zhu toy creator..which is only the hottest and hardest to find toy on the planet.

Back on topic this entire thread is very enlightening.:dance:
LOL - I can't even get one.
Oh no, make no mistake I just dislike Kathi Belich as a reporter (I sit in bed and tell my fiance, that fricking Kathi Embelish is at it again).

My real problem was with Mr. Sheafer, Ms. Embelish would report on Casey Anthony stories and Mr. Sheaffer would make up law to support her stories.

And so people would say things to me like, well that is not what Bill said. And so once I actually reviewed some of his major pieces, I realized he was basically making the law up.

I guess a comparison would be the Wall Street Journal reporter who just made up imaginary headlines. That was what BS was doing with his legal commentary - what's that Ms. Embelish, you need me to say what so you can sound aggressive and informed.

I mean if you guys just want me to tell you what you want to hear, say so. I will just put an asterick by any response so you know it is BS (no pun intended).

Ms. 'Embellish'? That was not nice!

You said that Mr. Sheaffer would "make up law to support Belich's stories"...could you reference some of the made up law by Mr. Sheaffer?
Ms. 'Embellish'? That was not nice!

You said that Mr. Sheaffer would "make up law to support Belich's stories"...could you reference some of the made up law by Mr. Sheaffer?
Okay let me rephrase, he provided legal commentary that was unsupported by Florida law - meaning there was not even room for debate, he made it up.

I am not plugging my site (people seem to think I am) but I explained in painful detail there, so rather than rehash, you could look there.
All of this is just boys playin' in the sandbox that a cat has used. Silliness and pettiness when a little girl's life was taken away before she was 3 and this is where we are. Shameful.
Thanks for that frank assessment!
Aside from the Caylee Anthony case -
I am bothered that this "professor" has the access and means to teach young impressionable future attornies that her vile beliefs and methods are acceptable concepts. It all seems so "warped".

Pretty scarey, isn't it!
I do find it interesting that on Hornsby's blog he does admit to being a legal analyst for WFTV until they aquired Shaeffer. Then his services were no longer required or asked for.

Could be that Mr. Hornsby has a personal axe to grind here.

BINGO! :dance:
BBM. Hmm, with all due respect, Mr. Hornsby, I have a feeling your reputation with your colleagues was sold out today.

Not only with his colleagues, but with any future clients. I wouldn't hire him. :snooty:
Too bad if Andrea Lyon or the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers don't want anyone but them to hear the audiotape of Andrea Lyon's speech. It's out there. I heard it and so did a lot of other people. You can't put "ugly" back in the Pandora's box!

So WFTV took the audioclips off their station's web site. Once it was posted to Youtube anyone could download it using something like Real Player.

In today's tech savvy world, who would make a public speech in 2008 front of a group of people and assume that there's some sort of innate privacy? Andra Lyon knew that her speech was being audiotaped, she even joked about it after her crude comments about women lawyers. But I bet she's embarrassed that the speech has come out. I'll bet that speech gives more insight into who she is than she intended. Too bad. She should have thought about that before she gave it!

Andrea Lyon even has her own Youtube channel where she's posted 2 videoclips of herself talking to an audience of students so give me a break about how private her speeches are.
Too bad if Andrea Lyon or the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers don't want anyone but them to hear the audiotape of Andrea Lyon's speech. It's out there. I heard it and so did a lot of other people. You can't put "ugly" back in the Pandora's box!

So WFTV took the audioclips off their station's web site. Once it was posted to Youtube anyone could download it using something like Real Player.

In today's tech savvy world, who would make a public speech in 2008 front of a group of people and assume that there's some sort of innate privacy? Andra Lyon knew that her speech was being audiotaped, she even joked about it after her crude comments about women lawyers. But I bet she's embarrassed that the speech has come out. I'll bet that speech gives more insight into who she is than she intended. Too bad. She should have thought about that before she gave it!

Andrea Lyon even has her own Youtube channel where she's posted 2 videoclips of herself talking to an audience of students so give me a break about how private her speeches are.

I agree...and might I add,
When you inject yourself into a case such as this where the world revolves around the BS that is spawn, instead of justice for a little girl who lost her life unfairly, then by all means you as well are all game to whomever wants to dig into your past, your words and your character.
Least when Belich reported this, she didn't come out and say that Lyons considers jurors killers, she allowed the world to listen to it with their own ears.
To me, this is a good reporter...find the story and report it.
Just the simple thought that ANY defense attorney would claim a rape as consensual just because...well makes me sick!
I can't even begin to imagine how the hell she will spawn away 31 days.:sick:
Oh no, make no mistake I just dislike Kathi Belich as a reporter (I sit in bed and tell my fiance, that fricking Kathi Embelish is at it again).

My real problem was with Mr. Sheafer, Ms. Embelish would report on Casey Anthony stories and Mr. Sheaffer would make up law to support her stories.

And so people would say things to me like, well that is not what Bill said. And so once I actually reviewed some of his major pieces, I realized he was basically making the law up.

I guess a comparison would be the Wall Street Journal reporter who just made up imaginary headlines. That was what BS was doing with his legal commentary - what's that Ms. Embelish, you need me to say what so you can sound aggressive and informed.

I mean if you guys just want me to tell you what you want to hear, say so. I will just put an asterick by any response so you know it is BS (no pun intended).

LOL now we are getting to the real reasons behind all of this..:dance:
Without a doubt it is worthy of tattling. I don't care if Ms. Lyon would not have said one inflammatory thing, the bottom line is these materials were dishonestly obtained to benefit Ms. Belich.

Think about it. Belich was all over Baez for "tainting the jury pool" with his Kronk theory - accusing him of being dishonest.

So what headline does she run with the dishonest materials? Anthony Defense Attorney Calls Jurors Killers.

And if you actually read what she said in context, she said some jurors will vote to kill your client and you don't want the killers on your jury (DUH!).

The ends justify the means.
Whoever obtained those videos did us a huge public service.
Okay let me rephrase, he provided legal commentary that was unsupported by Florida law - meaning there was not even room for debate, he made it up.

I am not plugging my site (people seem to think I am) but I explained in painful detail there, so rather than rehash, you could look there.

A simple case of ratings envy.
I do find it interesting that on Hornsby's blog he does admit to being a legal analyst for WFTV until they aquired Shaeffer. Then his services were no longer required or asked for.

Could be that Mr. Hornsby has a personal axe to grind here.

ITA. I also find it interesting that he calls Mr. Schaeffer a "sell out". He is not the only paid legal analyst in Florida. Mike Eiglarsh comes to mind. So are they all "sell outs" or just Mr. Schaeffer. And should we also assume that if Mr. Hornsby were offered a paid analyst position that he would decline the offer to avoid becoming a "sell out"?

IMHO this is just a big old jealous hissy fit. But thats just me.
LOL - I can't even get one.

Well that sucks! I'm going to fight the millions of other people on Black Friday. It must suck knowing you sell the rodent for $8.00 and people are selling your product for 5 times that amount on ebay. Your brother is a smart man for the creation/implementation, but he should have reviewed his price point and upped production!
Being a victim of rape myself the tapes of AL are repugnant to me. She obviously has never been the victim of a sexual crime. You can bet your last buck that if she ever was her work would take a 180 degree turn. She is a disgrace to all women. She works for the dark side in my book.

What I would love to know from AL (and know I will never know), maybe RH can give me his honest opinion is how the defense attorney feels (since AL believes so highly in human feelings and her ability to manipulate them), when she/he succeeds and gets the accused but guilty murderer off and they kill again? Is there any feeling of remorse? Responsibility? Or are they able to live with themselves just fine as long as the murderer who walked doesn't kill any of their loved ones?

For the record I don't fear RK walking the streets--but the threat of KC walking the streets again is frightening. I wonder how RH, JB, or AL would feel if Caylee had been their grand daughter. moo
I respect the fact that at least RH has come to this site and is willing to talk about what has recently happened. I must say that I realized years ago Defense Atty's are doing their job and if I were the accused person - I would want an Atty to do anything in their power to help me. I began to look at the courtroom as a theatre play, and have found that the most dramatic outbursts are usually the defense trying to do their very best to help their client in any way they can (although I have seen both sides do this). Wise words were spoken to me by a mentor years ago that have significant meaning. "Remember, it is not a Court of Justice, it is a Court of Law"!

To be fair, my limited experience with courts are related to family law and nothing of this magnitude.
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