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AL taught me some things I have always believed, yet never heard with my own ears..
That is that it really doesn't matter to a defense attorney if their client is guilty or not..It is all about their own record and a win..
This Richard Hornsby character seems to have anger issues.
His constant bashing of everything WFTV is very childish and he's making a fool of himself.
I shouldn't be surprised considering the way he pampers the defense.
I am sure that going into her next hearing with a woman prosecutor will be very uncomfortable for her...


I hope LBD had a chance to listen to AL's garbage.
I am not surprised to hear her trial tactics. I am sure that we all knew that defense attorneys do these things. It is a shame that justice is so perverted. I think maybe it is time for the judge to slap the gag order on everyone. There is just too much banter about this case that has nothing to do with this case. Let's try it in court for a change. JMO
Boy, am I glad I listened to them last night.

My guess is it won't be long before they are gone from youtube.

ITA, even though there is freedom in using Youtube...there are still copyrights and other legal restrictions that could get them pulled.

I am still glad we got to listen.:innocent:
ITA, even though there is freedom in using Youtube...there are still copyrights and other legal restrictions that could get them pulled.

I am still glad we got to listen.:innocent:
But, once something has been put out on the internet, it's out there (somewhere) to stay.
But, once something has been put out on the internet, it's out there (somewhere) to stay.

that is very true...if someone posted it on youtube they have it...hadn't thought of that...

AL's words will come back to haunt her me thinks.:croc:
Thank God I saved it! I don't suppose we can post it here?
Thank God is right Bean...maybe we can find some nook or cranny here on WS to "store" this legal advice Andrea so freely provided. It seems to be a waste to not use such a powerful lecture from one of the pioneers in the field.
Problem is, is that that the talk given by AL went for an hour or so. The person who has uploaded it to youtube (bless you) has only posted 20 mins worth. Hopefully the rest is still out there.
Link to Richard's Blog

UPDATE: So I passed on my blog post to the powers that be over at FACDL this morning, and low and behold they apparently expressed their displeasure with WFTV-ABC for dishonestly obtaining and using their seminar materials.

Wow. Guess when I commented on his original article yesterday and said that the tone was high schoolish I should have said kindergartenish!!
I love how Hornsby accuses BS and KB of taking Lyon's comments out of context. Huh? How can saying women prosecutors wear strap-ons and calling jurors stupid killers be part of some larger noble context? Nice try, though.
"he failed to put the seminar into any kind of context during his staged video interview with Kathy Belich"

When he (Hornsby) goes on to criticize BS for only having been a prosecutor for 2 years, as if BS should therefore have no authority to speak on the subject, but yet Hornsby himself has only ever been a defense attorney for the duration of his career?
"However, I would point out that his time as a prosecutor, lasted less than two years: 1978 – 1980"

Accusing Bill Schaeffer of mentioning justice for Caylee as a tactic?
"rather it is about honoring “the memory of Caylee” – which is exactly what his viewers wanted him to say."

I think Hornsby's last words say it all, though..."Game on". Double you tee eff?!
Well TG for youtube!

Bill Schaeffer 11/23/09 - Analyzes Andrea Lyons Lecture.AVI
YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
Andrea Lyon Speaks At Conference In 2008 - Part 1
YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
Andrea Lyon Speaks At Conference In 2008 - Part 2
YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.

I have removed the "Bill Schaeffer Analyzes" from my YouTube channel until I see how this all pans out with regards to WFTV etc. I am sure the other YouTuber that has the Lyons lecture will keep it on.

I have the lecture and Bill's discussion on file, and in safe keeping for now.
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