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Two news conferences are planned this week for “major developments” in the Lyon sisters case.

At noon Wednesday, a news conference will be held in Wheaton, Maryland, for “major developments” in the Lyon sisters cold case investigation, according to the Bedford County Sheriff’s Office. A second news conference will be held in Bedford County at noon Thursday.

Prosecutors and law enforcement from Maryland and Bedford County will discuss developments in the case at both news conferences.
Here's the affidavit filed in support of the search warrant to search Connie Akers home (sorry I don't know how to post it as a hyper link directly to web page) but its on under News Links: Read: Search Warrant Affidavit.

So according to Akers, when Lloyd showed up with the duffel bags at her home on Taylor Mountain Road in the spring of 1975, he had a female companion with him.
"(CNN)Forty years ago, the disappearance of two innocent little girls shook the town of Kensington, Maryland, to its core.

On March 25, 1975, Katherine and Sheila Lyon walked to a neighborhood shopping center for pizza and a look at an Easter exhibit. They never returned home.

Kensington's fears would later spread to the Washington Metropolitan area -- and the nation. The heavily publicized disappearances of the 10- and 12-year-old Lyon sisters in Maryland, of Etan Patz in New York and of other children in that era helped build a wave of fear that the America of unlocked doors and unsupervised kids playing in safe neighborhoods was over.

The fear that some stranger might kidnap and kill an innocent child propelled mothers throughout the country into a protective mode that would morph into "helicopter parenting" in the years to followed.

Remarkably, after 40 long years, Bedford County, Virginia, Sheriff Mike Brown finally announced on July 15 an indictment of the alleged murderer, Lloyd Welch Jr. Welch's aunt, Patricia Welch, was also accused of perjury in December -- and indicted this month -- for lying to a grand jury investigating the case. Lloyd Welch denies murdering the two girls. Patricia Welch has declined to comment.

"Cold cases" such as this one present extraordinary challenges for prosecutors. The recent New York trial in the disappearance of 6-year-old Etan Patz resulted in a hung jury in late May, demonstrating the problems cold case prosecutors often face."
Relatives allegedly tie Richard Welch to Lyon sisters murder

...The relative says Welch told him he and other family members sexually assaulted the girls on pool tables in Welch's home in Hyattsville, and that they disposed of their bodies on Taylors Mountain in Bedford County, Virginia. The relative also allegedly told cold case detectives that a family vehicle was used to take the girls from Hyattsville to Bedford.

Thomas Welch, Jr., another relative of Richard Welch, told investigators he saw two blonde girls in Welch's pool room on Easter in 1975. Welch is not commenting now, but detectives say he told them that he believes the girls were the Lyon sisters...

Maybe LE should be looking for the pool tables.
According to news reports, these are the alleged statements from witnesses and family members-

CONNIE AKERS- LLWJr brought duffle bags filled with bloody clothing to Bedford and asked her to help "wash clothes"

HENRY PARKER- LLWJr brought bloody, heavy duffle bags to Bedford that were burned. Parker claimed it was known among family members that LLW Jr was involved in the abduction of the sisters and that LLWJr made statements to Parker about being in company of two sisters from MD who police and parents were looking for.

THOMAS WELCH- Claims to have been present with Lyon sisters in Richard Allen Welch's Hyattsville home in 1975. Claims RAW, LLW Jr and girlfriend Helen Craver were present.

WES JUSTICE- Claims Richard Allen Welch confided in him that the Lyon sisters were abducted, raped, dismembered and burned. Disposed of on Taylor Mountain. Mentioned the girls were transported in a family vehicle to Taylor Mountain.

LLOYD LEE WELCH JUNIOR- Has given conflicting statements including 1) he left Wheaton Plaza with the girls, RAW and TTW. 2) that he witnessed his father Lloyd Lee Welch Sr and Richard Allen Welch assault the girls. 3) admits following the girls around the mall and identified a flower print shirt one was wearing. 4) claimed also to have left on a bus and had witnessed TTW and another male with "arms around the girls" 5) claimed he "beleived the girls were abducted, raped and burned up" 6) LLW Jr also claimed to have lied about some of the information in one of the interviews at one point.

Sounds like promising information but there are also some problems including credibility of witnesses and the 40 years that has elapsed.

If the crime was a group effort, participants may try to minimize their role and claim to be witnesses instead.

100% of the truth will never be revealed, but I think this is a good start for an investigation.

Excuse me if this is a little long, but I wanted to write this out for myself and share to see if I have missed anything or anyone. Thank you.

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