MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #4

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Body could have been decomposed making it difficult to identify cause of death. Notice that computer generated sketch isn't very accurate (again suggesting face wasn't in good shape, otherwise, wouldn't sketch be more accurate?)
I have plenty of catching up to do, but I just wanted to say that I'm happy this little one has her name back!
Justice can now begin for little Bella.

I was actually thinking she would never be identified and she would be just another Doe in our Unidentified forum.
="onley would not say specifically how her body got to Deer Island, but implied that her mother placed her there. He said evidence investigators uncovered led them to charge her with being an accessory after the fact to murder. Bond had a history of drug and prostitution arrests. In 2006, she was arrested after a car she was a passenger in was stopped for a traffic violation. When Bond got out of the car, police noticed she was sitting on a syringe. She was charged with possession of a hypodermic syringe. In 2008, she was charged in a sting operation with offering to perform sexual acts for a fee on a male police officer posing as a john.


Well doesn't she sound like a wonderful mother...........

A real winner - Not! It was in one of the newspaper articles that Deer Island is known as a party spot and somebody reported finding needles/syringes there. Steleheart said it is a party spot too. I'll never be able to think like her, a murderer, but... WTH! You put your dead child in a trashbag and place her at Deer Island. I think literally every single one of her brain cells are fried. I'd like to sucker gut punch those two maggots.
Yes, I agree. If Bella was 'punched in the stomach' I am wondering the same thing.

AND then again maybe the ME and LE chose not to say anything relating to COD with the public.

Also I bet RB (I will not say Mom when referring to her) is a LIAR.
Quite possibly. It's my understanding it can also be difficult to ascertain whether blunt force abdominal trauma in children is a result of an accident or abuse without corroborating evidence to support either as well. They may have needed RB's confession as the final puzzle piece.

Quite possibly. It's my understanding it can also be difficult to ascertain whether blunt force abdominal trauma in children is a result of an accident or abuse without corroborating evidence to support either as well. They may have needed RB's confession as the final puzzle piece.


yeah but wouldnt she possbily puked........
huh??????? how do give alink with a pic? wow.. its a missing childrens case, no secret, not rumererd google missing children and u will see them... SO CONFUSED RIGHT NOW!!

Meaning the MSM article that the picture was found in. It's because someone , like a granny ( for example) could have pictures on their own personal fb page that are not allowed to be shared that were not a part of MSM. So whatever article the pictures came from, use that link.
Meaning the MSM article that the picture was found in. It's because someone , like a granny ( for example) could have pictures on their own personal fb page that are not allowed to be shared that were not a part of MSM. So whatever article the pictures came from, use that link.

I was just using fb as an example. Often people will ' sleuth' all family and friends ig, twitter, fb ,e tc and find lots of other pictures of victims but we cannot use them. But eventually a lot of those pictures do end up on MSM if you give it a day or two. :)
I see a few possibilities here:

1. They may have withheld the COD, despite what they said publicly.
2. Decomp may have made bruising and bleeding harder to detect (maybe?)
3. RB is lying.

I hate to say it but if her COD was in fact due to stomach punches, I just hope she passed as quickly as possible. If not, she could have been alive for several days and died from a very painful infection known as peritonitis and/or sepsis. She may have been very sick for several days, exhibiting severe flu-like symptoms. I'm sorry for mentioning that but its a significant possibility with abdominal trauma.

i'm with you there. if she is telling the truth I agree with you, I hope it was quick, because that is definitely something that could have dragged out for days.
I had bleeding in my stomach a few years ago from an ulcer and I was not well for a few days, lots of pain. I took so much Advil that it made the ulcer bleed even more (ibuprofen is very hard on the stomach, I can't take it AT ALL any more, Dr's orders) so that it opened up caused me to pass out within a couple of hours. If it hadn't opened though I can imagine I would have been in agony for days until I passed out or possibly died from the slow blood loss. We can only pray that didn't happen here.

I actually hope the mom is lying about that, because any way you look at it it's horrible, because it wasn't something that happened in an instant and she might have never seen coming. :(
Thanku :)
I was just using fb as an example. Often people will ' sleuth' all family and friends ig, twitter, fb ,e tc and find lots of other pictures of victims but we cannot use them. But eventually a lot of those pictures do end up on MSM if you give it a day or two. :)
yeah but wouldnt she possbily puked........
Even if she did, that still doesn't prove she was murdered, kwim? I'm thinking, assuming her body was fully intact (no decomp), that they may only have had evidence of an injury - not necessarily what caused it.

I am really, really sorry to be typing about such a gorgeous little girl so clinically. :(
MA DCF constantly gets in trouble for leaving children with bio parents that they shouldn't have. Why was Bella's case closed to begin with? Her mother had lost parental rights to two older children, yet DCF left Bella with her, closed the cases, and was not following up.

I don't know. I am guessing they didn't have a reason to keep it open at that time. I am guessing they followed their procedures, if they had a complaint they followed up on it, if it was unfounded or everything passed muster they closed the case. I hope investigators make sure DCF followed their procedures with this case, AND if they did, that they re-evaluate those procedures. At least then maybe something good could come from this case.
"We have a very good idea about what happened to her, based on the evidence. We believe by an act of violence in the very place that she should have felt safest, in her home."

Based on that ^^^ I believe they knew before the arrests how she died .

They just kept it from the public ..
yes but, might could be indication.. at time of death puke in mouth throat etc, could lead to bigger reasoning as to why... I personally think they knew all along, jus didnt release,....
Even if she did, that still doesn't prove she was murdered, kwim? I'm thinking, assuming her body was fully intact (no decomp), that they may only have had evidence of an injury - not necessarily what caused it.

I am really, really sorry to be typing about such a gorgeous little girl so clinically. :(
"We have a very good idea about what happened to her, based on the evidence. We believe by an act of violence in the very place that she should have felt safest, in her home."

Based on that ^^^ I believe they knew before the arrests how she died .

They just kept it from the public ..

I totally agree.

Bella was found on JUNE 25th.

Do we know what date she was actually murdered?
Thinking back, I wouldn't be surprised if they did know and just didn't release it. Perhaps even to draw someone who knew something out. By saying they didn't know, maybe some parents might feel safer coming forward, thinking they'd be able to claim it was accident or something, not knowing that LE really did know (or had a good idea of based on the evidence) what caused the death.
Now that she has been identified, and with two days until next LE presser, good time to review info from before. One significant question:

- What did MSM report about condition of the body in the days after she was found?
I didn't get any screen caps or even get to see the FB page before it closed so I hope someone did.

I saw 2 pages under her name, both were pages set up to follow (rather than friend request) and one of them was filled with people posting what a monster she is. They do state they are not her, and there is some stuff on there that people copied from her actual FB. If you search the name it's the one that says "Public Figure" under her name. It was the 2nd result for me, I think. Just letting you know if you want to see some of the stuff from her original page.

I'll have to look through the original threads, but I've been following this one since pretty close to the beginning, and I am fairly sure they said they thought the girl had been deceased only a couple of days before being found. I will try and find a link here if someone else doesn't beat me to it.
I am sure our members have plenty of screenshots of the FB page tucked away. They know they can't post them but they have them I have no doubt ;)
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