GUILTY MA - Christa Worthington, 45, murdered in her Truro home, 6 Jan 2002

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Judge Kicks Juror Off Cape Cod Slaying Trial After Her Telephone Calls Are Recorded

BARNSTABLE, Mass. -- A woman was thrown off the jury in the case of a murdered fashion writer Tuesday after she was recorded discussing media coverage of the case and telling her jailed boyfriend that police officers were "dumb."

The development came a day after jurors said they were deadlocked following five days of deliberations on the charges against Christopher McCowen, a garbage collector in the Cape Cod town where writer Christa Worthington was killed. The juror was replaced with an alternate, and the judge ordered the panel to start deliberations over again.
I think now that that juror has been kicked off, a verdict will be reached. I'm thinking that it will be guilty.
What I thought was interesting is how McCowen's attorney looked as if he was so upset. I know this is his job, but did he really think his client was going to get off on this? There was so much evidence against his client. I know he is going to say something about the dismissed juror.

This guy is right where he belongs. How many stories did he tell? And then there he stands crying like a baby. At least justice was served.

I think I heard them say that sentencing is later today (maybe 2:00). He faces lifes in prison...and that's what I hope he gets.
nanandjim said:
That's great news. So, I guess that one young girl, whose boyfriend was a criminal, was the lone holdout. :waitasec:

It appears that way. But I don't know if she was a holdout on only one count, or more than one. I wonder if she'll speak to the media.
I've been following this trial on CourtTv for many weeks now. I am happy and relieved that this jury had the good sense to convict this piece of garbage. I don't know how defense attorneys sleep at night. I hope we get to hear from the jurors on this one. Theirs was not an easy job and they deserve our appreciation.
Sniffy38 said:
I don't know how defense attorneys sleep at night.

That's the truth.

I'm all for due process, but these guys will just do anything to get their clients off. It doesn't matter if they are guilty or not...if the attorney can find some technicality, they will use it to their advantage. I wonder how they would feel if it were their loved one who was raped and murdered? I would imagine Daniel Horowitz has a different outlook on this now that his wife was killed....but maybe not.

I still think of that attorney for Molesterfield, who was brokering a deal for a plea, knowing full well his client was GUILTY, and then they found Danielle, and the deal was off. Then he went on to smear her mom and dad, knowing his client was guilty.
The evidence against this defendant was much stronger than it was against Scott Peterson, for example.
McGowen's attorney said there was reasonable doubt in this case, and since he didn't elaborate on this, does anyone know what he was talking about?

I know similarity of language might have been a factor in the statements McGowen gave the police and how they were interpreted. What about the knife. Was there any DNA evidence from McGowan on it, or from anyone else?

From what I read, the defense's position was twofold (and contradictory) - first, that the police only looked at him because they didn't think any rich white woman would want to have sex with a poor black man; second, they had consentual sex, then he beat her up a little, put the boot in (I guess kicked her?), but his buddy is the one who actually killed her.

OK - consentual sex, but he beat her up? Yeah, that wouldn't take a jury long to see through. Thank goodness they got rid of that stupid criminal lover juror.
Justice was served---finding his DNA on her is pretty strong evidence--Thank God for DNA--Now its time for him to rot in a claustrophobic cell for the rest of his worthless life
I've had CC on this afternoon, and if there was anything off-kilt with the releasiong of this juror, it could spell for a motion for a new trial.

Evidently after 3 weeks the jury was weary and this one juror was holding them up. Somehow she was able to call directly to her BF in jail - not a collect call by him to her, but a set up call where she got him directly on the phone - which is highly unusual. If there was something underway to give cause to get this juror out of there - set her up for a fall, it will not sit well with the judge so they are saying.

And listening to the DA, I can't believe there were fluids leaked out of her body that were preserved but not tested. He gave some lame excuse like all we cared about were those fluids still in her body. Forensic tests could show someone else was involved in this crime, and evidently the jury found him to have committed this crime alone.

Something smells fishy to me. The guy was supposedly boinking her regularly. I know they tried to make her look bad, but if it is the truth what is wrong with that, except Cape Cod misgivings?

The prosecutor said that even if he committed this crime with someone else, they'd both be guilty of the murder, so the extra fluids don't really matter. Not that I believe this guy about anything being consentual, but if he and a buddy go over, rape her, beat her up, then either one does the finishing blow, I'd say they're both guilty of murder.

Just sounds like standard defense posturing - oh, there's some fluids that weren't tested, that came from the area they did test - maybe they're different. There's no reason to think so - if a jug of milk spills half on the floor, and the milk in the jug tests out as being from Cow A - I think it's fair to say that the milk outside the jug is also from Cow A.

The released juror seems to have a real bias - if they set her up to admit it, or if they merely caught her at it - either way, she had no place on a jury.
scandi said:
Something smells fishy to me. The guy was supposedly boinking her regularly. I know they tried to make her look bad, but if it is the truth what is wrong with that, except Cape Cod misgivings?

I didn't think it had been proven they had a sexual relationship. I thought that was just his claim. I could be wrong though.

"boinking her regularly" - that wording is bothering me for some reason. It almost seems crass to me and a little disrespectful of the victim. Or maybe its just blunt. I am not quite sure. Though I'm sure you didn't mean it that way.
Masterj said:
I didn't think it had been proven they had a sexual relationship. I thought that was just his claim. I could be wrong though.

"boinking her regularly" - that wording is bothering me for some reason. It almost seems crass to me and a little disrespectful of the victim. Or maybe its just blunt. I am not quite sure. Though I'm sure you didn't mean it that way.
Yeah, that seemed just a defense attorney attempt to slime the victim, as always. See if he can find a puritan on the jury or some such.

Whatever word is used, even had they had a sexual relationship, he admits beating her, and being there while she was killed - and I've no doubt that's just a defense created story to explain all the evidence that points straight at him as the murderer.
No Masterj, I didn't mean anything disrespectful towards her, and it might have been too blunt. I was thinkiing about him doing this to her having brought another man with him which would be insensitive, then doing it on the kitchen floor and kicking her. So it was with disrespect to him I was thinking. If they had a relationship ongoing it certainly would not have been like this as she never would have stood for it.

I'm now rethinking the claim that they had a sexual relationship at all as it doesn't add up, especially if it wasn't a proven fact. Sometimes men will be mean to women in front of other men to show their power. I'm trying to reationalize his saying they had this relationship going on and then admitting he beat and kicked her and watched someone else kill her.

His attorney said he has a low IQ. If she did let him in to her house, he probably gave her the illusion he was slow talking and gentle, and then it was too late when he got rough and in came his friend. Awful. And after reading Details post, I think he's just where he belongs.


Now, more than a year after the defendant, a black garbage man, was convicted of stabbing to death a white fashion writer on Cape Cod, the judge has taken the highly unusual step of summoning the entire jury back to court next week to testify publicly about whether racism infected the deliberations.

Depending on what he finds out, the judge could order a new trial.

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