GUILTY MA - Colleen Ritzer, 24, brutally murdered, Danvers, 22 Oct 2013 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Regan asks about an acute episode. It's an increase in symptoms including hallucinations.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Kid can have psychosis for years b4 an acute episode. Nothing can trigger this or any major life transition can push child

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 58s58 seconds ago
They will act bizarre, out of control, not making sense.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Dvir said there is a gradual increase in symptoms b4 acute episode

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 36s37 seconds ago
Generally all of the symptoms worsen during an episode, adults might ignore bc it might just look like teen behavior

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 46s46 seconds ago
#PhilipChism's mom is leaning over with her head down for some of this discussion. Doc is talking about adults not noticing behaviors.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Youth might not share the symptoms either

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 34s35 seconds ago
Acute episode can last hours to days to weeks

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 55s56 seconds ago
Child might not be aware something unusual happening to them. Can be scary, headphones and music used to quiet noises

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 52s53 seconds ago

Lord, defense asked about brain differences in youth with schziophrenia.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 55s56 seconds ago
Defense again trying to get brain scan evidence in by asking about the size of brains inpatients w/ psychosis?
Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 51s51 seconds ago
Regan: Is schizophrenia a physical illness?Dr. Dvir: Its a brain illness

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 52s52 seconds ago
Schizophrenia is a brain illness. Defense asks if there are physical manifestations - again trying to open door for #PhilipChism MRI

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 1m1 minute ago
Regan: is there a physical manifestation of that illness?ADA objects, judge sustains.ADA cross now.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 57s58 seconds ago
Lowy shuts it down. Now prosecutor is cross examining Dvir

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Lead up symptoms can be missed by a caretaker, delusions and hallucinations too

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Some can depend on adults in their life and how in tune they are to them Dvir said

Dvir says the symptoms will worsen and be noticed by teachers, parents. Now explaining differences between schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 53s54 seconds ago
ADA asking Dvir about schizophrenia research

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 39s40 seconds ago
Some kids have warning signs but don't develop schizophrenia Dvir says

Describes irritability, withdrawal, depression as warning signs. Symptoms worsen as the psychosis continues

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 34s35 seconds ago
Unusual ideas, beliefs that don't make sense, bizarre thoughts can be part of diagnosis

Acute phase is very noticeable. Includes word salad where speech doesn't make sense. If having a command auditory hallucination they can seem normal for 20 to 30 minutes.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 2m2 minutes ago
Some youth are guarded and won't share any of this Dvir says. #PhilipChism mom looks like she was shaking her head slightly

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 56s56 seconds ago
Dvir is done. No redirect. She steps off the stand
Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 2m2 minutes ago
Dvir exits after MacDougall asks her to point out to jury that everything she just testified to "is completely unrelated to #PhilipChism."

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 1m1 minute ago
Lowy telling #PhilipChism jury it will begin deliberating Thursday or Friday.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 52s53 seconds ago
Jury excused until 9 am tomorrow

Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 57s58 seconds ago
Lowy excuses them for the day without the defense having rested

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 39s40 seconds ago
The jury is gone for the day. Now they're arguing motions
Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Lowy now hearing some info on motions from defense attorney Susan Oker

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
Defense wants to call the superintendent of Bridgewater state hospital to talk about what would happen if Chism is found NGI.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
It's still not even clear he'd be sent there. No one recalls an under 18 year old being sent there

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 54s55 seconds ago
Defense: Dept. of Mental Health and Dept of Corrections both say they'll accept him at Bridgewater.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
ADA says it's appropriate for judge to mention in instructions but not for a witness to talk about it.

It's not clear yet that Chism would even go to Bridgeport, more likely to go to Westchester. If defense brings in testimony about Bridgeport prosecution will bring in testimony about Westchester and security concerns.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 2m2 minutes ago
Defense says DOC has never had a 16yo at Bridgewater State Hospital. If #PhilipChism went there, he'd have one-on-one supervision.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
Judge denies the motion to call Bridgewater superintendent.

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 1m1 minute ago
Def: Wants psychiatric records of #PhilipChism 's grandmother and aunt admitted given to jury

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 1m1 minute ago
Def wants photo of #PhilipChism preteen, w/his siblings admitted and shown to jury

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 53s53 seconds ago
ADA is addressing Lowy about photos of #PhilipChism going into evidence. Show him significantly younger and with young sisters

Pictures closer to the date of the murder will be allowed, the one defense wants is out. Family mental health records will be allowed to be admitted into evidence for the jury to review.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 52s53 seconds ago
Regan says that #PhilipChism is still taking his Risperdal, despite refusing it the last day of his hospitalization in Oct/Nov.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 2m2 minutes ago
Commonwealth made it seem like he stopped taking the medication so he'd seem worse in court, or didn't need it, Regan says.

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 2m2 minutes ago
Def wants records showing #PhilipChism is still taking meds (was off on day he left Worcester) given to jury.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 2m2 minutes ago
Regan: The jury is going to look at #PhilipChism and see how he looks in court. They have a right to know he's currently on meds.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Regan says she won't mention #PhilipChism appearance in court and its relationship to antipsychotic meds in her closing

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 59s59 seconds ago
Judge says that information can be entered as to #PhilipChism being on medication.
Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 1m1 minute ago
Lowy: #PhilipChism wants to leave courtroom at 2pm, waive his appearance at 2pm.

Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 1m1 minute ago
The trial teams will reconvene at 2 for a conference on the instructions the jury will receive from Lowy. #PhilipChism wants to leave

Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 42s43 seconds ago
As he has done so many times, #PhilipChism stands to be questioned by Lowy about his state of mind.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
#PhilipChism is waiving his attendance at this afternoon charge conference

Rupa Shenoy ‏@RupaShenoy 2m2 minutes ago
Chains clink as #PhilipChism stands to talk to the judge about waiving his presence for a conference this afternoon about jury instructions.

That answers that question, Chism is wearing ankle chains while in the courtroom but is not handcuffed.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
As he stands next to his lawyer Regan they're flanked by 3 court officers. Another one a few feet away.

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 40s41 seconds ago
Lowy: is allowing #PhilipChism to not be present for 2pm hearing during which charging of jury will be discussed.

Court is in recess until 2:00pm EST
There's no excuse for that many late disclosures. :twocents:
Does anyone else find it odd (to say the least), that the defense seems very determined to get testimony on schizophrenia into court - even though no one has actually diagnosed him with schizophrenia?

I would think it would be much more important to attempt to point out any plausible reason that he might not have been able to distinguish right from wrong when he committed this brutal crime.

It seems as if they are just throwing 'bricks' and hoping to confuse the jury, IMO. I don't think it will be very effective.- JMO
There's no excuse for that many late disclosures. :twocents:

I think it was purposeful, trial by ambush. Attempt to get the judge to allow it because they are in the middle of the trial, if the testimony isn't allowed in it might be reversible error. Don't give the prosecution time to research or rebut. As the prosecution said, they would not have asked certain questions if they had known the undisclosed information before their cross exam.
Does anyone else find it odd (to say the least), that the defense seems very determined to get testimony on schizophrenia into court - even though no one has actually diagnosed him with schizophrenia?

I would think it would be much more important to attempt to point out any plausible reason that he might not have been able to distinguish right from wrong when he committed this brutal crime.

It seems as if they are just throwing 'bricks' and hoping to confuse the jury, IMO. I don't think it will be very effective.- JMO

The defense didn't have much to show insanity so this is the best they can do for a defense. I don't know why Chism didn't just plead guilty. With the sentencing guidelines for juveniles in MA he would be out of prison while still a relatively young man.
Does anyone else find it odd (to say the least), that the defense seems very determined to get testimony on schizophrenia into court - even though no one has actually diagnosed him with schizophrenia?

I would think it would be much more important to attempt to point out any plausible reason that he might not have been able to distinguish right from wrong when he committed this brutal crime.

It seems as if they are just throwing 'bricks' and hoping to confuse the jury, IMO. I don't think it will be very effective.- JMO

All these machinations make me think that they went doctor shopping and just couldn't get anyone to outright give him the diagnosis. I can't think of any other reason they'd go at it so obliquely. Add to that that "schizophrenia" does not by any stretch commonly mean "cold-blooded sexual killer," I have to wonder if they just knew they had nothing.
As someone who works with severely emotionally disabled youth in an academic setting (not verified), I think the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court's decision to strike down life without parole as a possibility for juveniles is a good thing (based on the idea that the brain is not fully developed until a person is in his 20's).

I think (and this is only a guess/my personal opinion) that Philip
Chism's recent "breakdowns" (specifically his initial refusal to participate in his trial when the recycling bin was being introduced) are proof that his brain was not fully developed when the crime occurred. Now at 16, two years later, he is able to more fully comprehend the gravity of what he did, and he's finding it unbearable. I don't think this means he shouldn't serve time/face retribution. I just think it may be a factor in his behavior now as opposed to 2 years ago. I do think the potential for a personality disorder is strong as well, given his family history.

From the court ruling regarding youth being sentenced without possibility of parole:

“Simply put, because the brain of a juvenile is not fully developed, either structurally or functionally, by the age of eighteen, a judge cannot find with confidence that a particular offender, at that point in time, is irretrievably depraved,” the court wrote. “Therefore, it follows that the judge cannot ascertain, with any reasonable degree of certainty, whether imposition of this most severe punishment is warranted.”

BBM. I disagree. IMO, it's the opposite as he has viewed much of the most disturbing evidence, staring intently while his mother has to look away. IMO, he enjoys viewing the most horrific evidence, especially that which shows his victim and the damage he inflicted on her. He is not interested in the less sensational evidence or the court proceedings which, IMO, reveal someone who enjoys the crime but is averse to justice and the possibility of paying for his crime. He reminds me a lot of the killer, Joshua Komisarjevsky, in that regard. "I hate you all" said the note he left by Colleen's body. He is a sick, sadistic rapist/killer. I have no doubt that Chism would kill again if given the opportunity.
Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
We are now back for a preliminary hearing on jury instructions.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
Issue of armed robbery of Ritzer's credit cards is being discussed.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
Defense says in order to sustain armed robbery the cards would have to be taken from the person or her immediate control

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
But #PhilipChism had to go back to classroom they argue.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
Prosecutor says it's a "term of art" and that statute covers the crime.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 53s54 seconds ago
ADA David O'Sullivan of the appeals unit is arguing this issue.

Ethan Hartley ‏@Ehartley_DH_BC 1m1 minute ago Salem, MA
Defense using semantic logic saying #PhilipChism didnt take Ritzer's credit cards "from her person" since it was in her bag in her classroom

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 53s53 seconds ago
Defense: "It's not like he used force" to take the cards

Ethan Hartley ‏@Ehartley_DH_BC 52s53 seconds ago Salem, MA
State attorney David O'Sullivan says thats not an argument to avail #PhilipChism because he still took them from her vicinity using violence

I wonder if Chism is visiting with Dr. Dudley again while this is going on? Probably not, it's too late to use in trial at this point.
Ethan Hartley ‏@Ehartley_DH_BC 2m2 minutes ago Salem, MA

Judge won't rule on robbery indictment today, needs to think about it.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 3m3 minutes ago
Defense is asking for instruction on #PhilipChism not testifying.

Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 3m3 minutes ago
Well, it appears official now #PhilipChism will not take the stand in his own defense.

Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 1m1 minute ago
His attorney John Osler asks Lowy to instruct jurors silence is the right of #PhilipChism and can't be held against him.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
Defense is objecting to giving jurors a definition of death during instruction on felony murder option.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 1m1 minute ago
Medical examiner couldn't sequence the events when Ritzer was killed, judge says.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
Judge: while its natural to think Colleen Ritzer was dead when she was wheeled out, there is evidence to the contrary.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
This discussion relates to whether jurors could find that Ritzer was killed while #PhilipChism committing a felony - the rape in the woods.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
Prosecution will argue 3 theories of 1st degree murder - premeditation, extreme atrocity or cruelty and commission of a felony

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 57s57 seconds ago
Defense will ask for jury to be able to consider lesser charges in robbery and murder counts.
Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago Lowy: there has to be second degree option. But he's not sure what lesser offense to robbery the defense wants jury to consider.

Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 1m1 minute ago
Lowy will allow jurors the option of second-degree murder for #PhilipChism.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
The ADA says there's no evidence other than that items taken by force. They're objecting to a lesser charge.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
Defense "there's absolutely no evidence where the underwear was taken." Lowy: you've got an aggravated rape in bathroom.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
Judge suggests he's entitled to use some common sense here.

Tweets are very slow now.
"Then, in another meeting just last Thursday, Dudley testified under cross-examination, Chism seemed to understand what he’d done even more profoundly.

“There was much more of a sense of having had an illness that had not been treated,” Dudley said. “And had that been treated, he wouldn’t have caused the difficulties he’s caused.”

Essex County Assistant District Attorney Kate MacDougall stopped in her tracks, visibly surprised, and disgusted.

“‘Caused the difficulties that he’s caused,’ Dr. Dudley,” MacDougall asked, her voice dripping with disdain. Behind her, Tom and Peggie Ritzer, Colleen’s parents, looked on."

The "difficulties," IMO, being that he could end up spending most of his life in prison. So convenient that the voices appeared after he realized the "difficult" situation he is in. smh.
Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago The ADA argues that the jury should be instructed on the issue of peri-mortem rape in the woods

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
The ADA acknowledges the case for the rape in the bathroom is stronger but jury should still consider both.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
The defense also wants "juvenile specific" instructions.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
DA argues that undercuts the whole basis for the legislature voting to try people 14-up as adults in murder cases.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 43s44 seconds ago
The family of Colleen Ritzer has stayed for this proceeding. #PhilipChism family has left.

No tweets for a while now

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