GUILTY MA - Colleen Ritzer, 24, brutally murdered, Danvers, 22 Oct 2013 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I kind of wish he was going to testify because i know he has no good excuses or explanations....but I am also relieved because I cant stand the thought of having to listen to his drivel and lies....
Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 54s55 seconds ago The judge is weighing which specific crime #PhilipChism intended to commit when he took Ritzer to the woods.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 59s59 seconds ago
Judge calls details of rape in woods "appalling and disgusting" - but struggles with whether #PhilipChism intended aggravated rape vs. rape

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
This will be a complex set of instructions for jurors to follow when it's done.
Thanks again for posting the tweets, jacct!!

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 3m3 minutes ago Judge just acknowledged "just how complicated this is going to be"

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
The issue is if #PhilipChism intended to simply rape Ritzer, that's a 20-year felony and thus a 2nd degree felony murder.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
But 1st degree still possible on grounds of premeditation or extreme atrocity/cruelty.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
Both sides want time to hash out the legal issues before final instructions are prepared.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
Judge says carving out an option for second degree murder based on what happened in the woods challenge to common sense.

Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 50s51 seconds ago
That's it for today. Join us back here tomorrow at 9 a.m. Still to come, the defense finale and the state's rebuttal.
Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
We are now back for a preliminary hearing on jury instructions.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
Issue of armed robbery of Ritzer's credit cards is being discussed.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
Defense says in order to sustain armed robbery the cards would have to be taken from the person or her immediate control

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
But #PhilipChism had to go back to classroom they argue.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
Prosecutor says it's a "term of art" and that statute covers the crime.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 53s54 seconds ago
ADA David O'Sullivan of the appeals unit is arguing this issue.

Ethan Hartley ‏@Ehartley_DH_BC 1m1 minute ago Salem, MA
Defense using semantic logic saying #PhilipChism didnt take Ritzer's credit cards "from her person" since it was in her bag in her classroom

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 53s53 seconds ago
Defense: "It's not like he used force" to take the cards

Ethan Hartley ‏@Ehartley_DH_BC 52s53 seconds ago Salem, MA
State attorney David O'Sullivan says thats not an argument to avail #PhilipChism because he still took them from her vicinity using violence

I wonder if Chism is visiting with Dr. Dudley again while this is going on? Probably not, it's too late to use in trial at this point.

OMG, the defense actually argued that,'It's not like he used force' to take the cards". Oh, no force there, just stabbing and strangling, otherwise she would just have handed them over and told him to go to a movie. Crimminy.
OMG, the defense actually argued that,'It's not like he used force' to take the cards". Oh, no force there, just stabbing and strangling, otherwise she would just have handed them over and told him to go to a movie. Crimminy.

That was appalling.
I am surprised that a murder, even if not premeditated, that is committed during the commission of a premeditated rape, could still be 2nd degree murder. I would think the rape/murder combination would be enough for "extreme atrocity/cruelty." What a world we live in.
Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 2m2 minutes ago
Dianna Barbieri Chism is on the trial witness list.

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 2m2 minutes ago
Earlier testimony indicated #PhilipChism did not treat his mother well in TN. And after the murder he didn't talk to her for 2 yrs.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 2m2 minutes ago
#PhilipChism Mom and Ritzer parents are seated on separate sides of courtroom

Victoria WarrenVerified account ‏@vwarrenon7 56s56 seconds ago
Testimony about to resume.. Some speculation #PhilipChism mother will testify as last defense witness. At this point just speculation

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
The defense is expected to rest this morning
Victoria WarrenVerified account ‏@vwarrenon7 40s41 seconds ago
Jury being brought in. Rare to start without procedural stuff from attorneys first.

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 50s50 seconds ago
BREAKING: The Defense Rests in #PhilipChism murder trial. Mother will NOT testify.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 49s49 seconds ago
Regan introduces medical records from DYS. Likely the records showing he's still taking the anti-psychotic.

Victoria WarrenVerified account ‏@vwarrenon7 55s55 seconds ago
Now Prosecutor gets to call rebuttal witnesses, including their own psychiatrist who has a very different take.

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 51s51 seconds ago
The wording was interesting. "The juvenile rests."

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 49s50 seconds ago
DA calls Dr. Kelly Casey of Wm James College is Commonwealth's first rebuttal witness.
Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 49s50 seconds ago
Psychologist Kelly Casey takes the stand. She is from William James College and had worked at Suffolk Juvenile Court clinic.
Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 5m5 minutes ago She did a Rorschach ink blot test on #PhilipChism

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 4m4 minutes ago
Casey did a rorschach test and brief clinical interview with #PhilipChism in September.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 4m4 minutes ago
She says #PhilipChism was "cooperative and polite"

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 4m4 minutes ago
#PhilipChism was shown 10 cards with ink blot, asked to say what he thought they represented

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 4m4 minutes ago
Casey: #PhilipChism was cooperative, pleasant, didn't appear to be "responding to any external stimuli." Wasn't acting bizarre.

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 4m4 minutes ago
Dr. Casey: Used standardized scoring system to assess results of #PhilipChism Rorsach test.

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 4m4 minutes ago
DA: Did #PhilipChism show any sign of thought disorder or psychosis? Dr. Casey: No.

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 3m3 minutes ago
Dr. Casey: #PhilipChism was emotionally constricted. Was more than normal 15 year old. Test done 9/15

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 3m3 minutes ago
Dr. Casey: #PhilipChism has interest in other ppl, but doesn't understand them. Not unusual for ppl his age, he does more often

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 4m4 minutes ago
#PhilipChism has interest in other people but doesn't always understand them. Misinterprets social cues Casey said

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 4m4 minutes ago
Casey: Teens think somewhat differently, can jump to conclusions. #PhilipChism did that slightly more often than other 16yo. Not psychosis

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 3m3 minutes ago
#PhilipChism seemed typical. Didn't show signs of getting lost in a fantasy world
Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 3m3 minutes ago Casey says #PhilipChism was under extreme stress when she tested him in Sept

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 3m3 minutes ago
ADA done. Regan on cross. Asking about the norms used to compare #PhilipChism to others.

Victoria WarrenVerified account ‏@vwarrenon7 3m3 minutes ago
Defense questioning about differences between testing for adults v. adolescents.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 3m3 minutes ago
She says #PhilipChism did appear to be under stress, was particularly "anxious, guarded, hyper-vigilant."

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 3m3 minutes ago
Dr Casey said #PhilipChism showed some depressive symptoms which were higher than average 16 yr old

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 2m2 minutes ago
Regan, asking about why Casey didn't compare #PhilipChism to adults. "Adolescents in many ways are different from adults?"

Christina Hager ‏@HagerWBZ 2m2 minutes ago
Dr. Casey observed #PhilipChism had depressive tendencies...none of his issues rising to the level of psychosis.

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 2m2 minutes ago
Denise Regan: #PhilipChism was 16 when you tested him. That' limited value of when he was 14 ( time of murder)Dr. Casey: correct.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 3m3 minutes ago
Regan puts up a portion of ink blot test #PhilipChism on screen. Triggers sidebar

Victoria WarrenVerified account ‏@vwarrenon7 2m2 minutes ago
#PhilipChism continues sitting exceptionally still, face forward. His demeanor all trial in courtroom has rarely deviated from this.

Rupa Shenoy ‏@RupaShenoy 1m1 minute ago
Defense attorney Regan tried to put ink blot test with notes on screen for jurors, but prosecution objected, called sidebar.
I had no idea ink blot tests were still used. You learn something new every day!
Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago Ink blot test is on a screen. Regan asking Casey questions about it

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
Casey explaining how she scores a Rorschach test

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 2m2 minutes ago
Casey explaining how the test is graded, how different answers reflect different levels

Victoria WarrenVerified account ‏@vwarrenon7 2m2 minutes ago
This is an explanation of the Rorschach Test they're describing: …

Rupa Shenoy ‏@RupaShenoy 1m1 minute ago
Casey is explaining how Rorschach ink blot tests works. Over 100 variables scored.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 58s59 seconds ago
Casey suggested #PhilipChism be monitored for suicidal behavior. He was suffering depression, impulsivity, feelings of helplessness.

Victoria WarrenVerified account ‏@vwarrenon7 35s35 seconds ago
Dr Casey says he could distinguish reality and right from wrong. All based on what he saw in ink blots.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Casey is done. Leaving stand
Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 40s40 seconds ago #PhilipChism is sitting at defense table, staring straight ahead. His lawyer is talking to him, but he's not interacting.

Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 32s32 seconds ago
The state's second rebuttal witness against #PhilipChism is private practice psychologist Nancy Hebben.

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 59s59 seconds ago
Dr. Hebben from 1982 to 1998 worked for McLeans Hospital

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 58s58 seconds ago
Hebben is also board certified in clinical neuropsychology

Ethan Hartley ‏@Ehartley_DH_BC 39s39 seconds ago Salem, MA
Hebben did fellowship at MIT, is expert of neuropsychology, Harvard professor and ad hoc reviewer of various medical journals.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 49s49 seconds ago
She's discussion her work at McLean Hospital. She ran neuropsychology adolescents and teens department there.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 56s56 seconds ago
Patients at McLean were acutely Ill and experiencing psychosis

Victoria WarrenVerified account ‏@vwarrenon7 59s59 seconds ago
Dr Hebben specializes in neuropsychology.. Looking at brain/psychiatric illnesses.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Uses testing to determine if a person is suffering from a cognitive illness

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 41s42 seconds ago
Dr. Hebben was asked to conduct neuro and psychological tests of #PhilipChism

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 46s46 seconds ago
She was retained by prosecution expert to conduct neuro and neuropsych evaluations

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 35s35 seconds ago
Hebben consulted in particular tests looking at feigning of mental illness in children and adolescents.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 58s58 seconds ago
Hebben says it's very easy to feign mental illness or cognitive disability

Ethan Hartley ‏@Ehartley_DH_BC 1m1 minute ago Salem, MA
Hebben: faking mental illness is very easy, so they do symptom and performance validity tests to see if data is trustworthy

Victoria WarrenVerified account ‏@vwarrenon7 1m1 minute ago
Dr Hebben: simple validity tests help us determine if patient is actually experiencing symptoms

Victoria WarrenVerified account ‏@vwarrenon7 29s29 seconds ago
Dr Hebben did meet with #PhilipChism. Interviewed him before administering test and reviewed school records and psych report.
Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 21s21 seconds ago After interviewing #PhilipChism, she had no concern about proceeding with tests. She started with the MMPI adolescent version,may well- known test.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 2m2 minutes ago
Sidebar now, defense asks to be heard

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Allows them to look at clinical symptoms, if present

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 51s51 seconds ago
Dr. Hebben: The MMPI test allows us to look at clinical symptoms of person and compare to ppl with doc psych illness.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 54s54 seconds ago
Symptom validity measures are also embedded in the test Hebben said

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 1m1 minute ago
Hebben gave #PhilipChism a personality inventory. … Compare symptoms person has with ppl with actual illness

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 49s50 seconds ago
The test includes checks to verify whether someone minimizing or exaggerating symptoms.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 52s52 seconds ago
MMPI is a true/false test that Hebben gives on the computer.

Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 1m1 minute ago
The jury's body language is very favorable for Hebben. It's like they're talking over coffee.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 51s51 seconds ago
#PhilipChism results were "invalid .. "and suggested he was attempting to fake bad and to demonstrate that he was severely mentally ill."

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 56s57 seconds ago
Hebben said she couldn't even assess the results. "You can’t know how much of it is real or if any of it is real."

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Jury being sent out now as an issue of law is discussed by attorneys
Defense has a Dalbert challenge against 3 tests. Jury has been sent out for this challenge.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 2m2 minutes ago Jury files out. Defense has a challenge to three tests that Regan says are not normed for 16-year-olds

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 2m2 minutes ago
#PhilipChism is challenging these tests. Judge Lowy is hearing arguments on this now w/o jury present.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 2m2 minutes ago
Hebben says #PhilipChism tests showed he was malingering, which means faking or lying about mental illness. Jury not hearing this

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 58s59 seconds ago
Hebben: had to look for other tests so she could make sure the test showing the fake bad (the malingering) was accurate.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 1m1 minute ago
ADA: so you can be sure you're reducing the risk of a false positive for malingering. Giving #PhilipChism "benefit of the doubt."

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 53s53 seconds ago
The defense is objecting to the use of the additional tests on basis they're not "normed" for teens #PhilipChism age.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
One test only "normed" for 17 - #PhilipChism was 16 1/2 at time. The other is now being used with 14-17 year olds.

Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 2m2 minutes ago
Hebben is currently previewing testimony for Lowy to decide whether she can repeat it to jurors

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 1m1 minute ago
Hebben: The four tests "all showed evidence of faking bad, evidence that indicated malingering."

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 2m2 minutes ago
Regan now crossing Dr. Hebben without jury present.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 56s57 seconds ago
Regan questions one test that was developed for adults.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 53s54 seconds ago
The test is normed for adolescence, but not for psychotic kids, Regan says. So you assumed he was not psychotic?

Ethan Hartley ‏@Ehartley_DH_BC 42s43 seconds ago Salem, MA
Hebben said she used the test in question in conjunction with other tests to ensure no false positives.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
Regan is questioning whether tests she gave #PhilipChism were invalid, Hebben says multiple instruments used in every case
Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 57s58 seconds ago Hebben, answering ?s from Lowy, says the tests are generally accepted

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 1m1 minute ago
Dr. Hebben When test originally devised it was for ppl 18 and above

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 43s44 seconds ago
Regan if you went by manual this test is inappropriate.Dr. Hebben if i didn't do research that it can be used, yes.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 58s58 seconds ago
Hebben says yes, manual says it should only be used for adults, but research says it can be used on kids.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 2m2 minutes ago
Hebben says we need to be careful with use of "norms," which Regan keeps asking about w/r/t adults, the ages being compared to

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 1m1 minute ago
Hebben says these tests are looking at typical signs of psychopathology. "Those are universal." (ie wont change w/ age)

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
Hebben says symptoms of psychopathology do not change by age, so test is valid.

Laurel J. SweetVerified account ‏@Laurel_Sweet 54s54 seconds ago
#PhilipChism unusually alert today, listening to Hebben, now studying computer of attorney John Osler.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 59s59 seconds ago
Regan is clearly trying to block jurors from hearing test results Hebben gathered

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 46s47 seconds ago
Regan is done with Hebben. Judge will decide if jurors can hear about these additional tests that all indicated faking symptoms

Ethan Hartley ‏@Ehartley_DH_BC 1m1 minute ago Salem, MA
Regan trying to nitpick Hebben's scientific chops in how she conducted these tests. It's not going very well for Regan.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
Regan suggests the two tests have not been subject to formal peer reviewed studies and thus should not be used.

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 2m2 minutes ago
Hebben is leaving stand now but we expect her back

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 1m1 minute ago
Regan: These are adult tests, not normed, manuals say they're inappropriate for ppl #PhilipChism's age.

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 1m1 minute ago
Regan: One test that Hebben cites is for non-psychotic populations. "That's assuming a fact that's at issue here."

Jill Harmacinski ‏@EagleTribJill 1m1 minute ago
ADA is firing back, saying some of these tests have been extended down to age 14

Bob Ward Fox25Verified account ‏@Bward3 2m2 minutes ago
ADA: The manuals are not the end-all and be-all

allison manningVerified account ‏@allymanning 1m1 minute ago
ADA: The tests were done to give #PhilipChism the benefit of the doubt. They should be allowed in.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 1m1 minute ago
The judge finds "gatekeeper reliability" for testimony.

Victoria WarrenVerified account ‏@vwarrenon7 1m1 minute ago
Judge rules reliability of tests met, even tests designed for adults used on 16 1/2 yo
Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago Judge finds that the tests are generally accepted to validate the MMPI for adolescents.

Julie Manganis ‏@SNJulieManganis 2m2 minutes ago
He's dictating detailed findings because this could become an issue in #PhilipChism appeal.

Ethan Hartley ‏@Ehartley_DH_BC 44s44 seconds ago Salem, MA
Judge Lowy rules that Hebben's testimony of test results showing malingering by #PhilipChism can be repeated for jury when court resumes.

Court in recess until 10:55am EST
The MMPI is widely used. There's no way the defense could have succeeded in challenging it. Hebben sounds very thorough - what I had originally expected of the defense witness when he said he met with Chism seven times. I had expected this battery of tests. :twocents:

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