GUILTY MA - Doctors Richard Field, 49, & Lina Bolanos, 38, slain, Boston, 5 May 2017 *Arrest*

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So most reports describe heavy security there. A card key to ket in, again for the elevator and again for the 11th floor.

"A motive for the alleged gruesome murders is not known, but Evans believes the couple must have known the suspect.

“If someone would come here and go up to the 11th floor of a penthouse, we gotta believe there was some type of knowledge of each other,” Evans said.

One reason police believe the suspect must have known the victims is the building’s security. A special access key is needed to get into the door and to use the elevator."
It's important to remember that numerous people may have had the keys and access codes to the doctors' residence. Often the occupants of these luxury condos entrust service personnel to perform work at their home. Security people have keys and access info to those places as well.

I think it's possible that Teixeira may have obtained keys and access codes from someone legitimately connected to their residence. Teixeira, a cunning, psychopathic con, may have schemed to commit a high-end burglary or some other crime. If so, he likely wasn't acquainted with the doctors, or even know who lived at the apartment. Just my theory.

Based on reports, the female doctor seems to have been squeaky-clean, and I cannot imagine her crossing paths with someone like Teixeira. Based on her obvious intelligence level, if they had somehow met, she would have known better than to indulge him in any way. I don't know much about the other doctor, but if he was engaged to her, he was probably of the same mindset and lifestyle.

So, we should keep in mind that there could easily have been no personal connection between the doctors and their killer.
It's important to remember that numerous people may have had the keys and access codes to the doctors' residence. Often the occupants of these luxury condos entrust service personnel to perform work at their home. Security people have keys and access info to those places as well.

I think it's possible that Teixeira may have obtained keys and access codes from someone legitimately connected to their residence. Teixeira, a cunning, psychopathic con, may have schemed to commit a high-end burglary or some other crime. If so it's likely wasn't acquainted with the doctors, or even know who lived at the apartment. Just my theory.

Based on reports, the female doctor seems to have been squeaky-clean, and I cannot imagine her crossing paths with someone like Teixeira. Based on her obvious intelligence level, if they had somehow met, she would have known better than to indulge him in any way. I don't know much about the other doctor, but if he was engaged to her, he was probably of the same mindset and lifestyle.

So, we should keep in mind that there could easily have been no personal connection between the doctors and their killer.


This article is saying Teixiera was in the doctors' apartment when police arrived.

According to the Globe, Field’s last text message Friday night was a plea for help to a friend. At about 8:38 p.m., Boston police said local units responded to a report of a person with a gun at the South Boston apartment building.
Police arrived at the 11th floor around 8:45 p.m., according to the Globe. When officers opened the door of Field and Bolanos’s apartment, Teixeira immediately began shooting at them.
“When they walked in, right away they were confronted with gunfire from an individual who had just killed two people,” Evans said, according to the Herald. “There was a shootout, and our officers were able to take the suspect down.”
It's important to remember that numerous people may have had the keys and access codes to the doctors' residence. Often the occupants of these luxury condos entrust service personnel to perform work at their home. Security people have keys and access info to those places as well.

I think it's possible that Teixeira may have obtained keys and access codes from someone legitimately connected to their residence. Teixeira, a cunning, psychopathic con, may have schemed to commit a high-end burglary or some other crime. If so it's likely wasn't acquainted with the doctors, or even know who lived at the apartment. Just my theory.

Based on reports, the female doctor seems to have been squeaky-clean, and I cannot imagine her crossing paths with someone like Teixeira. Based on her obvious intelligence level, if they had somehow met, she would have known better than to indulge him in any way. I don't know much about the other doctor, but if he was engaged to her, he was probably of the same mindset and lifestyle.

So, we should keep in mind that there could easily have been no personal connection between the doctors and their killer.


Women, and men, have failed to suspect numerous people who were "off the rails", much to their demise, b/c the assailant(s) are chameleons.
His ex-girlfriend describes him as:
On Saturday afternoon, Teixeira’s ex-girlfriend described him as a “charming” “gentleman” who was good with her 9-year-old son and never displayed a hint of violence.
She never saw Teixeira drink, smoke, or use drugs, and he was always well-dressed, she said. She trusted him with the keys to her apartment.
“Slacks with shoes, a button-up shirt, jacket with a tie,” she said. “I don’t think he owns a pair of sneakers.”

Also, just about the description of every guy who goes nuts and kills folks. He was a nice man, quiet, kept to himself... They don't look, nor act, like the monsters that they can become.
So most reports describe heavy security there. A card key to ket in, again for the elevator and again for the 11th floor.

"A motive for the alleged gruesome murders is not known, but Evans believes the couple must have known the suspect.

“If someone would come here and go up to the 11th floor of a penthouse, we gotta believe there was some type of knowledge of each other,” Evans said.

One reason police believe the suspect must have known the victims is the building’s security. A special access key is needed to get into the door and to use the elevator."

So it seems to be an assumption on LEs part so far and they really havent found a linkage or a connection to the doctors, and the murderer it seems.

It reminds me of many other cases where LE speculated the murderer knew the victim/s because there was no forced entry when in several cases that did not turnout to be the case, and the murderer had no familiar linkage to the victims.

If he was somehow able to access the elevator I still think they would have freely opened the door because they felt secure where they lived.

We sadly read of quite a few cases where the victims did open their door up to someone they did not know, and it ended very badly for the homeowners.

It seems by now LE would positively know if they knew him or not and how..........instead of just relying on him being able to gain entry for their speculation.

Maybe he had a security guard buddy that worked that building that let him in thinking he had a legitimate reason for being there.

this is horrendous. But I still want to know what the "retribution message " actually said...
Hmm sounds like his motive may have been to do another robbery and hit these two doctors instead of the bank this time.

Possibly. The message of retribution written on the wall is not being released for some reason, (maybe illegible?), but it seems significant to motive no?
It's important to remember that numerous people may have had the keys and access codes to the doctors' residence. Often the occupants of these luxury condos entrust service personnel to perform work at their home. Security people have keys and access info to those places as well.

I think it's possible that Teixeira may have obtained keys and access codes from someone legitimately connected to their residence. Teixeira, a cunning, psychopathic con, may have schemed to commit a high-end burglary or some other crime. If so, he likely wasn't acquainted with the doctors, or even know who lived at the apartment. Just my theory.

Based on reports, the female doctor seems to have been squeaky-clean, and I cannot imagine her crossing paths with someone like Teixeira. Based on her obvious intelligence level, if they had somehow met, she would have known better than to indulge him in any way. I don't know much about the other doctor, but if he was engaged to her, he was probably of the same mindset and lifestyle.

So, we should keep in mind that there could easily have been no personal connection between the doctors and their killer.

Great Post!

Yes, we have to keep in mind that other murderers have also been able to access other locations, and there was no forced entry in those either, and several were done by a stranger/s to the victims.

There are multiple ways he could have found the key to access the penthouse.

We have been on such levels before inside of an elevator, and even though one person uses the key to access the private upper floors there are more people standing inside of the elevator that did not have to use their key, and just walked out behind the one using their key when the door opened.

I am not convinced he knew these two doctors unless one of the security guards that worked that building knew him when he was a security guard, and ran his mouth about what nice jewelry she had and that both doctors seemed wealthy.

He may have thought they would be a good target to do a successful robbery this time. Maybe he was already inside of the penthouse when they arrived home, and in the middle of robbing it.

Unless he had inside help all of the video footage should be able to be seen by now showing how and when he entered and when they entered. But if someone did let him in even thinking his reason for being there was legal and legitimate they may try to destroy some of the camera footage.

According to the latest Boston Globe article, which was posted minutes ago, authorities believe the killer previously "worked for a security firm at the South Boston condo complex."

So, the cops must have info to the effect that Teixeira's security experience was more extensive than that indicated on his resume.

Not to crow, but this latest info reinforces my hunch that the doctors did not know Teixeira. I'm increasingly inclined to believe that their security info was stolen by service personnel, probably by Teixeira himself at a prior point in time.
It would be hard to imagine they had any sort of personal connection to this guy, easier to for me to believe affluent Dr's targeted for robbery, but the text the killer sent to his girlfriend suggests he wouldn't be needing money or drugs...
So that leaves revenge...but for what?
But then again -- now that I think about it -- if Teixeira once worked at the condo, maybe he was fired for bothering tenants? Maybe some contretemps arose between Teixeira and one (or both) of the doctors?

That would explain the "retribution" part of the messages allegedly scrawled on the wall by Teixeira. Just more speculation on my part.
Possibly. The message of retribution written on the wall is not being released for some reason, (maybe illegible?), but it seems significant to motive no?

Its hard to tell my friend without knowing what the message even says. Could be the ramblings of a person filled with senseless rage at the world or the world of what he perceives as the 'rich.' Maybe he feels they are paying for all of those who were successful, and loved when he was neither. Those he may have hated in general for years.

With the jewelry being put in the backpack to be taken out of the penthouse it sure seems like greed/robbery was part of his motive. He would rather steal this time from the two he murdered than work an honest living it seems.

I am so thankful at least there was a text sent which stopped this monster in his tracks from taking any of their possessions after he had slaughtered both of them.

This case has tinges of the Washington DC massacre and the Husted parents. The WDC mass murderer over-killed his victims, and tortured them before they died. :( We have seen several cases where gruesome over-kills were done by complete strangers.

Hrm. I can't help but feel that we are still missing a BIG piece of the puzzle here. Not surprising, given that's it only been two days, I know. I can't figure out how these jumps happen though...

Security guard, working, has a relationship, now ex describes him as not at all violent, and well put together.
Tries to hold up a bank in 2014.
Tries again in 2016. Same bank. Both non violent means, a note and a verbal request. May or may not get away with $.
Goes away for about 7 months after pleading guilty to the 2 larceny charges.
Gets released early to avoid deportation (I have to assume that this is due to the non violent nature of his crimes/refugee status, because otherwise my head is going to blow) [I also know this is unconfirmed at this point]
Talks to ex, tells her he is bad and won't live long but he isn't going to hurt anyone.
Goes to secure residence, brutally murders two people, writes a message that speaks to retribution, destroys photos of the victims, and steals (or attempts to steal) a bunch of jewelry.

I don't know... and I want to know. What we do know of this guy up to Friday, he would strike me as the type to, if $ was an issue, maybe realize the bank thing wasn't panning out and go hit a Baskin Robbins or something. Not kill two people in a very up close and personal way, especially when he had a gun.

The escalation seems so extreme to me. Especially if he was released early to protect his green card status.

I'm torn right now between something deeply personal and an attempt to suicide by cop.

A big leap - what if Dr. Field or Dr. Bolanos were at the bank in 2016? Witness?
What if this guy was a Security Guard working at Mass Eye And Ear?
He becomes obsessed with this woman and begins to stalk her.
All of those Boston Hospitals have Valet Parking, and that means access to keys.
If he looked in the glove box, he can find her address on the Registration.
I know it was mentioned the key was a "Card Key." and if that is the case, maybe he took it from her car, if she left it there, and she may have thought she just lost it.
Could the stealing of the Jewelry not only have been done for self gain, but also to make the motive seem like a robbery gone bad?
Although Dorchester Ave. is not the best area by far as far as crime goes, having those pics separated tells me that he knew her, and was obsessed over some random act.
Too early to tell. This is just a guess on my part.
Why didn't the doctor text 911??

The police may have gotten there faster and they would still be alive.

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