Identified! MA - Granby, off Route 116, WhtFem 15-26, UP14969, shallow grave, clothes, gold ring, Nov'78 - Patricia Ann Tucker

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Oh, thank you so much! I am curious to see where it stands!

Well, that was quick...

The entry is there but the agency chooses to not make it public ally viewable. I can assure you that we have collected additional information and compare case to this woman.


Any suggestions to throw at me for my response?
That is...not what I expected. I'm at a loss. With a response like that, I'd fear getting shut down with every and any question.

By agency, are we assuming it is NamUS choosing to keep it private or is it at the request of the local/State PD? Not that it makes a difference, I guess.

I guess we could further inquire whether there will be any additional information made public in the future? :-/ :-/
Also, is this fairly common practice? Nothing immediately screams that this would be a case requiring "above and beyond" levels of discretion. I'm really curious re: the rationale behind the decision.
Well, that was quick...


Any suggestions to throw at me for my response?

Not surprised. I'm aware of several PA cases that are in NamUs but not publicly viewable. When I asked about one in particular, the answer was that they cannot comment on cases not viewable to the public.

Over time, much info has been restricted. Dentals, types of DNA, documents ... they were all viewable in the beginning but now we can't see them. Case Managers (if different from the RA) used to have emails visible. That didn't last long.

No, not surprised at all.

If I were you, Rats, I would simply thank Lori for her timely response and be done with it.

Then we can all all wait and see what happens when NamUs 2.0 rolls out. Will it be more public-user friendly? Time will tell.
Cases like this always make me wonder whether there's an effort to protect somebody (important person's son, LE involved, fear of retribution, etc.) Nothing specific to this case, just a general concern.
Cases like this always make me wonder whether there's an effort to protect somebody (important person's son, LE involved, fear of retribution, etc.) Nothing specific to this case, just a general concern.

I think it's a lack of urgency (in addition to lack of funds), at least in my neck of the woods. It's just not a priority.
I've noticed a few unidentified remains cases from my state were recently added to NamUs, from years ago.
I was like, what took you so long? SMH. We have a new cold case unit, but my understanding is that they're focusing on unsolved murders, not disappearances or UIDS, which is really upsetting the folks with missing loved ones. They also advocated for and supported the creation of this group and feel like they're being neglected. I don't blame them.
Yeah, I'd be really pissed too.

It's hard to figure with this case because they've done all the work. They just want to keep it out of the public eye, apparently.
Has there been any information about where this woman may have been from? Or where she may have grew up. Very few missing women in that area of time in Massachusetts. Large possibility she may have been hitchhiking from another area in New England or anywhere else in the United States. I would love to see a picture of the belt or whatever that was the suspect used to drag her.
I apologize if this infomation was already shared and I missed it.
I sent an email to the Granby PD, since they are the Doe Network contact, asking them to put her file into NamUs. I forgot about Lori Bruski's reply. Oh, well, at least it will get someone thinking o_O
Has there been any information about where this woman may have been from? Or where she may have grew up. Very few missing women in that area of time in Massachusetts. Large possibility she may have been hitchhiking from another area in New England or anywhere else in the United States. I would love to see a picture of the belt or whatever that was the suspect used to drag her.
I apologize if this infomation was already shared and I missed it.
Welcome to Websleuths, alrightyrichie! As far as anyone knows, there's no publicly shared information about whether this Jane Doe is believed to be local to the area where she was found or not. With what is known about this particular case though, it's probably unlikely that she has had isotope tests done (for example) that would be a good indicator as to where she grew up, more recently resided, or if she was fairly local to the region or not.
This makes me wish isotope tests were done. I know they can usually do this regardless of the state of decomposition. From searching NamUs and The Doe Network I haven’t come across anything similar to the discription in surrounding areas. Cases as old as this one make me even more interested in why after all these years there is nothing to help us figure it out. I hope she gets on NamUs soon and more media attention because in these 40 years a lot of people with infomation may have passed away.
I sent an email to the Granby PD, since they are the Doe Network contact, asking them to put her file into NamUs. I forgot about Lori Bruski's reply. Oh, well, at least it will get someone thinking o_O

I hope they pay more attention to you than they did to the previous requests! Maybe the third or fifth or whatever it is will be the charm...
Has there been any information about where this woman may have been from? Or where she may have grew up. Very few missing women in that area of time in Massachusetts. Large possibility she may have been hitchhiking from another area in New England or anywhere else in the United States. I would love to see a picture of the belt or whatever that was the suspect used to drag her.
I apologize if this infomation was already shared and I missed it.

There may be more missing persons than we know and LE just either purged their file or they haven't entered them into Namus. Looking at old newspaper archives and there are a lot of missing people that never turned up again.
Has there been any information about where this woman may have been from? Or where she may have grew up. Very few missing women in that area of time in Massachusetts. Large possibility she may have been hitchhiking from another area in New England or anywhere else in the United States. I would love to see a picture of the belt or whatever that was the suspect used to drag her.
I apologize if this infomation was already shared and I missed it.

There are a lot of women missing from Massachusetts in that time frame as well as more recently.
They just mostly aren't listed in Namus.

I have been told that the state has a policy that it doesn't list a missing person or UID in the national databases unless they have reason to think the person might have been from out of state. (I think within-state comparisons are made routinely, however.) Some dep.artments have started to add recent disappearances to Namus, but there doesn't seem to be much push to add cold cases

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