Found Deceased MA - Kim Kelly-Oberhauser, 56, Lowell, 18 Jan 2021

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One picture of the car (the left side) looked pristine but in another picture, it looked like the back and right side were smashed in. The only reason I can think to sink the car would be to destroy evidence or kill the occupant. (I guess suicide is possible but why no body in the car?) That car was worth a few dollars - I don't think anyone would ditch it just for fun. I wonder if there are any cameras on that road?
I'd also be curious to know where she was coming from. A late night at work? A friend's house?

There are cameras on the traffic lights in either direction at the Rourke Bridge.
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Thanks for the tidbit of info @Meg1903. How far is the Rourke Bridge from location where Kim's vehicle entered the water?
It looks like there are 2 places a car could enter the water if you look very carefully. The Rourke Brothers Boat Ramp is approx 1/2 mile from the bridge. There is a small driveway that goes down to a cul-de-sac about mid way to the bridge. If you blow up the map and look through the trees you can see where there is a smaller driveway down to the water and what looks like a ramp into the water. That is just about 1/4 mile from the bridge. Google Maps
It looks like there are 2 places a car could enter the water if you look very carefully. The Rourke Brothers Boat Ramp is approx 1/2 mile from the bridge. There is a small driveway that goes down to a cul-de-sac about mid way to the bridge. If you blow up the map and look through the trees you can see where there is a smaller driveway down to the water and what looks like a ramp into the water. That is just about 1/4 mile from the bridge. Google Maps
Welcome, it's a banner day for new members on this board!
I hope Kim is miraculously found alive. I don't know her but we went to the same school at the same time and am praying for her safe return.
Welcome, and
It looks like there are 2 places a car could enter the water if you look very carefully. The Rourke Brothers Boat Ramp is approx 1/2 mile from the bridge. There is a small driveway that goes down to a cul-de-sac about mid way to the bridge. If you blow up the map and look through the trees you can see where there is a smaller driveway down to the water and what looks like a ramp into the water. That is just about 1/4 mile from the bridge. Google Maps
Welcome, and thank you for posting the map. I may be wrong, but I don't think the car went down a boat ramp and straight into the water. There is no damage to the front. There is damage to the side, and the side impact air bags deployed. I believe the car went into the water from the side with enough impact to deploy the side airbags.

I find it odd that there has been no mention of her in over a week now. No reports of rescue teams looking for her in the river. No reports from MSM asking for help, or tips, etc.
Still no statements from LE, no words from family, nothing in MSM.
Well that doesn’t sound promising at all. And/or LE already knows what’s going on, and like usual they are keeping everything close to their vest, which imho isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially if they are trying to build a case and/or tailing someone(s). M00.
But I’m still holding out some hope that nothing nefarious happened.

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Welcome, and

Welcome, and thank you for posting the map. I may be wrong, but I don't think the car went down a boat ramp and straight into the water. There is no damage to the front. There is damage to the side, and the side impact air bags deployed. I believe the car went into the water from the side with enough impact to deploy the side airbags.

I find it odd that there has been no mention of her in over a week now. No reports of rescue teams looking for her in the river. No reports from MSM asking for help, or tips, etc.
OK. I get the only apparent damage is to the side of the vehicle. So, I am trying to picture the vehicle going into the water sideways, but can't. Could the vehicle have impacted something first?
It looks like there are 2 places a car could enter the water if you look very carefully. The Rourke Brothers Boat Ramp is approx 1/2 mile from the bridge. There is a small driveway that goes down to a cul-de-sac about mid way to the bridge. If you blow up the map and look through the trees you can see where there is a smaller driveway down to the water and what looks like a ramp into the water. That is just about 1/4 mile from the bridge. Google Maps
Thanks so much for posting the map @Genealogy lady I was wondering if her vehicle went off the bridge and into the river. But if the car was found 1/4 to 1/2 mile from bridge.....????
OK. I get the only apparent damage is to the side of the vehicle. So, I am trying to picture the vehicle going into the water sideways, but can't. Could the vehicle have impacted something first?
I'm thinking the car was traveling on a road that's parallel with the river, struck a low barrier (that's the same height as the scrapes on the drivers side), and jumped that. When it hit the water on it's side, the side airbags deployed. Then again, the damage to the car may have pre-existed. I'm not sure, but there as some type of side impact to deploy the air bags.

I noticed you made a comment asking if it could have gone off the bridge. If that was the case, I would think there would be damage to the guardrail, (which there could very well be, we just don't know yet) and a lot more damage to the side of the car. When Ted Kennedy's car went off the Dyke Bridge on Chappaquiddick island, the entire passengers side was concaved and the roof was caved in as well. That car went off the bridge about ten feet above the water.
With the strong current, it wouldn't surprise me if that car traveled close to a mile before it sank once it entered the water.

If you scroll down, you can see what Kennedy's car looked like. The force from the water blew both passengers side windows out and cracked the windshield.
chappaquiddick photos - Google Search
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I'm thinking the car was traveling on a road that's parallel with the river, struck a low barrier (that's the same height as the scrapes on the drivers side), and jumped that. When it hit the water on it's side, the side airbags deployed. Then again, the damage to the car may have pre-existed. I'm not sure, but there as some type of side impact to deploy the air bags.

I noticed you made a comment asking if it could have gone off the bridge. If that was the case, I would think there would be damage to the guardrail, (which there could very well be, we just don't know yet) and a lot more damage to the side of the car. When Ted Kennedy's car went off the Dyke Bridge on Chappaquiddick island, the entire passengers side was concaved and the roof was caved in as well. That car went off the bridge about ten feet above the water.
With the strong current, it wouldn't surprise me if that car traveled close to a mile before it sank once it entered the water.

If you scroll down, you can see what Kennedy's car looked like. The force from the water blew both passengers side windows out and cracked the windshield.
chappaquiddick photos - Google Search
Excellent reasoning @Rocky1 . Thanks for directing me to a logical explanation. After studying the map, I can see how close the road is to the river.
Excellent reasoning @Rocky1 . Thanks for directing me to a logical explanation. After studying the map, I can see how close the road is to the river.
We went down there this morning and there aren't a lot of areas where the road is close enough to the river without obstruction (trees, fences, etc) for a car to just enter the water. We pulled into the area where they recovered the car and didn't see any obvious damage to the concrete barrier there and I would think if a car went over that small barrier there would be some damage to the undercarriage from either scraping across it or bouncing on it after one set of tires went over. We have a car similar in size and it is an SUV and the only way it would make it over it is to get up a lot of speed or get pushed over which would leave quite a lot of damage.
I have a few theories but will wait to see if any more information is released soon.
We went down there this morning and there aren't a lot of areas where the road is close enough to the river without obstruction (trees, fences, etc) for a car to just enter the water. We pulled into the area where they recovered the car and didn't see any obvious damage to the concrete barrier there and I would think if a car went over that small barrier there would be some damage to the undercarriage from either scraping across it or bouncing on it after one set of tires went over. We have a car similar in size and it is an SUV and the only way it would make it over it is to get up a lot of speed or get pushed over which would leave quite a lot of damage.
I have a few theories but will wait to see if any more information is released soon.
Thanks for the on-the-scene information. I find it odd that, to my knowledge, LE has not speculated as to where the car entered the river. Do they know? Do they believe it's unimportant?

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