Found Deceased MA - Meghan Marohn, 43, from NY, car found near Longcope Park, Lee, 28 Mar 2022 *Reward*

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My humble opinion is that they have some evidence that she is in the river

It is not an excuse, but it must be terribly difficult to search the banks of the river in that area. It meanders like crazy. Maybe they are monitoring the dam/power plant a bit SW of where her car was found.

I've wondered the same, many times. And you're right ... there aren't really any paths along the length of the river. Just here and there is it more accessible.
I know she left the car unlocked. Did she leave the keys in it?
I don't think so@carbuff
IMO I also see as I look around the different platforms, that the brother recently set up a site that would aid in hiring a private detective. I guess there is only so much that LE can do. It really does not seem like there is much to go on other than where she stayed and that her car was parked at that particular trailhead. It is frightening easy to "go missing".
LEE — The brother of a New York woman who went missing last month plans to hire a private investigator.

“My sister Meghan Marohn went missing in Lee, MA on March 27th while on a hike near the Longcope Property Park on Church St. in Lee,” Naple wrote on the fundraising website. “Her car was found in the parking lot of the park, but numerous search efforts by officials as well as myself and volunteers have turned up nothing. Absolutely nothing.”

Lee Police Chief Craig Desantis said Monday the probe is still a missing person investigation, and there is no reason to believe it "will evolve into a criminal matter at this point."

"The situation is fluid because it is an open investigation," he said. "Our goal is to find Meghan."

Brother of woman who went missing in Lee, Meghan Marohn, to hire private investigator
LEE — The brother of a New York woman who went missing last month plans to hire a private investigator.

“My sister Meghan Marohn went missing in Lee, MA on March 27th while on a hike near the Longcope Property Park on Church St. in Lee,” Naple wrote on the fundraising website. “Her car was found in the parking lot of the park, but numerous search efforts by officials as well as myself and volunteers have turned up nothing. Absolutely nothing.”

Lee Police Chief Craig Desantis said Monday the probe is still a missing person investigation, and there is no reason to believe it "will evolve into a criminal matter at this point."

"The situation is fluid because it is an open investigation," he said. "Our goal is to find Meghan."

Brother of woman who went missing in Lee, Meghan Marohn, to hire private investigator
She looks younger than 42 in the headline photo of that article. Also @carbuff , I remember her brother specifically saying the keys were not in the car.
Peter Naple is still searching for his sister, 42-year-old Meghan Marohn, who has been missing for more than 4 weeks.

Speaking on Zoom with Western Mass News, he told us that Meghan, who is from New York, had escaped to Berkshire County for a few days to relax and was staying at the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge. He last spoke to her on Saturday, March 26th, and said she showed no signs that anything was wrong.

“She had gotten back to the room, and she was eating some soup and reading her book,” Peter told us.

She was set to stay until March 30th, but Sunday the 27th was the last time anyone saw her.

More at Brother of missing New York woman last seen in Lee speaks out
Peter Naple is still searching for his sister, 42-year-old Meghan Marohn, who has been missing for more than 4 weeks.

Speaking on Zoom with Western Mass News, he told us that Meghan, who is from New York, had escaped to Berkshire County for a few days to relax and was staying at the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge. He last spoke to her on Saturday, March 26th, and said she showed no signs that anything was wrong.

“She had gotten back to the room, and she was eating some soup and reading her book,” Peter told us.

She was set to stay until March 30th, but Sunday the 27th was the last time anyone saw her.

More at Brother of missing New York woman last seen in Lee speaks out

@GuyfromCanada - thank you so much for posting that! I watch Western Mass News on occasion but missed that. There's another clue in the writeup. Her HIKING BOOTS were left in the car. We had read early on that the man and woman who lived a few doors down, who spotted her car day after day and reported it, had approached it and carefully (with his sleeve to avoid fingerprints) opened it, and he said inside all they saw were some "film CDs, articles of clothing, and a pair of shoes." This is the first time I've read a description of the shoes.

Does anyone know what "film CDs" are? I am assuming CDs of favorite movies or movie soundtracks?

Also, this is a new clue, not announced before. I assumed her stress was family related from previous articles. Article above states:

“I don’t know the full story,” he said. “I do know that what happened at school caused her a lot of heartache. The school gave her paid leave until the end of the school year.”

We reached out to Meghan’s school who told us, quote:

“We continue to keep Ms. Marohn and her family in our hearts and minds. She is a valued and loved member of our school community. The district continues to provide counselors, social workers, and psychologists to assist any student in need.”

- - - What could have happened at school to cause her so much stress? It doesn't seem that she was fired in any way, shape or form. Did a dear student hurt himself and she felt responsible? I just cannot imagine.
From article above:

"Peter said that Meghan’s car was found in the parking lot in front of Longcope Park, but according to phone data, she never entered the park, but instead went down the street to private property.

“Which doesn’t make any sense,” Peter said. “She left her car unlocked, which is against what she’s done in the past.”"

Here's a case where wording is critical. I can interpret the above 2 ways.

One: She never drove to the park and parked there. Her cell phone tracked her driving and arriving to some private property down the street. But the car was found in the park. So then someone else must have moved her car to the park.

Two: She drove to the park, parked there, but her cell phone never pinged her INSIDE the park's acreage because she never hiked IN the park, and instead the phone then tracked her to some private property down the street. So cell phone data may have tracked her to the parking lot and then after, in the residential area SW of there?

It'd be great if they could clarify which scenario. This goes back to the river theory, though... unfortunately. Could she swim? Have they done any searches on the Housatonic? It is a twisty turny river and probably drones would be needed and now may be too late if something washed ashore?

Ugh, this is just so sad for ALL.
I wonder what happened at school that caused her so much heartache and even led to the school giving her leave for the rest of the year. I wonder if it was something like a student attacked her or harassed her? Pure speculation - I do personally know a teacher who was attacked by a student this year and has not returned for months due to not being cleared by her doctors. Very concerning.

I, too, have questions about the private property comment. The hiking boots being in the car - sometimes when I hike, I will drive to the trailhead in other shoes and then change into hiking boots when I arrive. However, from the get go I have questioned her actually going hiking that day due to the terrible weather. It's possible she never took the boots out of her car - that she planned to keep them there. Sometimes on trips where we hike a lot, because the hiking shoes get so muddy or dirty, we never bring them into our hotel or accommodations and just always plan to change in and out at the car. MOO
The hiking boots being in the car - sometimes when I hike, I will drive to the trailhead in other shoes and then change into hiking boots when I arrive. However, from the get go I have questioned her actually going hiking that day due to the terrible weather. It's possible she never took the boots out of her car - that she planned to keep them there. Sometimes on trips where we hike a lot, because the hiking shoes get so muddy or dirty, we never bring them into our hotel or accommodations and just always plan to change in and out at the car. MOO
Your comment about the boots gave me a thought -- is there a chance she went on a hike, returned to her car, changed back out of her boots, and then, before she drove away, something happened that took her away from the car?

Say, someone else drove up and asked for directions or help etc, and she walked over to them (not locking her car) and then she was overpowered and taken?

If she was distressed, it's hard not to think about suicide, but even if she was not suicidal, feeling distressed could have caused her to not be as alert or cautious as she might normally be.

I wonder what happened at school that caused her so much heartache and even led to the school giving her leave for the rest of the year. I wonder if it was something like a student attacked her or harassed her? Pure speculation - I do personally know a teacher who was attacked by a student this year and has not returned for months due to not being cleared by her doctors. Very concerning.

I just did a bit of Googling on the school she taught at (Shaker High, in Colonie, NY) and came across this article dated March 16 (just a week or so before her leave/trip to MA). Very disturbing. Sounds like the students have been harassed for months with racism, homophobia and more. They tried to plan a walkout in Dec 2021. Article links to an IG page on the topic with the following profile:
Changing Shaker
Ending the Injustice
No more antisemitism, islamophobia, sexual harassment, racism, homophobia, etc.
DM your stories and we will post them anonymously

From what we've read about Meghan, she would most likely not stand for any of that. Perhaps this is what contributed to her leave (MOO).

Swastikas allegedly drawn on wall at Shaker High School
Your comment about the boots gave me a thought -- is there a chance she went on a hike, returned to her car, changed back out of her boots, and then, before she drove away, something happened that took her away from the car?

Say, someone else drove up and asked for directions or help etc, and she walked over to them (not locking her car) and then she was overpowered and taken?

If she was distressed, it's hard not to think about suicide, but even if she was not suicidal, feeling distressed could have caused her to not be as alert or cautious as she might normally be.


That's a very good insight and seems more plausible than many other scenarios.
@JerseyWasHome2 and @realanastasia
You are super sleuths!!!!!
It's easy for me to say, but I don't see any of that as likely to lead to Meghan's suicide so maybe there was a crime here.
I vascillate hourly on what may have happened, but it sure does seem more likely to be a crime, perhaps by someone who knew her? It seems so unlikely that there'd be some random serial killer at that "park" that day, given the weather and given that it's not a regular park with tons of visitors, just waiting to pounce on a female who may happen to appear there alone. And the clientele at the inn she was staying at are not the seedy type who may have heard her state where she was going and followed her, although that's still a possibility (random).

Unless she was indeed working at the high school where all of the prejudice was taking place, and she was outspoken about it and put on a leave ... which surely would have upset her immensely for many reasons.
Meghan's brother has created a website about the case.

Meghan attended high school at Academy of the Holy Names. Meghan went on to earn her B.A. from Russell Sage College and her M.A. from Farleigh Dickinson University

Meghan became a high school English teacher at Chatham High School in Chatham, NY and taught there for 13 years. For the past 3 years, Meghan has been a high school English teacher at Shaker High School in Latham, NY.

Meghan is an avid poet and also started the Troy Poem Project. Meghan is a climate activist and volunteers for Democracy Now! and the Sanctuary for Independent Media.

Find Meghan Marohn
I wonder what happened at school that upset her. I feel like the suggestion about bullying inside the school makes some sense. (While I graduated from the school I have not had any affiliation with it in many years).
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Insight into her mindset, generally speaking:
Goodbye to All That and a Whole Lot More
I have no words. Everything I read about her, each time just makes me admire her more and more, and feel even more sad about her being missing. She is truly "an old soul" as the saying goes, and that she carries the weight of the world on her shoulders is an understatement. Thanks for sharing that. It does make me feel that perhaps those horrible bullying issues at the high school just made her snap. "If I can't even help the children close to me..." (my quote, not hers) And now the whole mess overseas with Ukraine and Russia.
New article: 12ft |

It's from the Times Union newspaper which is paywalled but I believe this link should work for everyone.

Here is a small snippet from the article:

"COLONIE — The North Colonie school superintendent sent an internal letter to teachers and staff Wednesday addressing speculation that Shaker High School teacher Meghan Marohn was experiencing problems at work before her disappearance. It's unclear what the 42-year-old teacher's employment status was when she vanished in western Massachusetts a month ago.

In an interview Monday with WGGB-TV in Massachusetts, Marohn's brother Peter Naple said the workplace issues had caused her "a lot of heartache."
"I don't know the full story … the school gave her paid leave until the end of the school year," Naple told the station.

A spokeswoman for the district said Marohn was considering taking a leave of absence for "personal reasons" shortly before she disappeared.

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