Found Deceased MA - Michael Doherty, 20, Franklin, 14 May 2017

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<mod snip> On a side note one, does anyone else think it seems weird that there's no public Facebook page for Mike - created by his friends or family?
I still believe that something went wrong at the home on Phyllis ave. I don't think he left to walk home. The clothes could have been discarded by someone from the party.
I still believe that something went wrong at the home on Phyllis ave. I don't think he left to walk home. The clothes could have been discarded by someone from the party.
Anything is possible. Is this just speculation or have you learned something that leads you to believe that is the case?
What I've been wondering, is about the backtracking. Did he realize he went the wrong way and then try to head back the way he came, across the marsh? I live a couple miles from where this is all taking place and we own 80 acres of land abutting the large state forest, just across 140 from Maple St. I keep thinking, he's young and healthy. If he fell and struck his head, becoming disoriented, he still could have walked much further than the mile radius they are searching. There is so much forest and wetland here that he could be lost in!
They have been using drones. And helicopters, dogs, boats... You name it.
As mentioned, clothes being strewn about seems like paradoxical undressing from hypothermia onset. This doesn't look good.
Poor Michael. It's times like these I wish I lived nearby to help search, I'm only one year older than him. :(
This case is just very sad. I honestly think the simplest explanation will reveal the answer to where Michael is. It's easy to hypothesize about "what happened" and sometimes this thinking takes away from the obvious. When our children were in college, they were "cream of the crop" students, attending top-notch schools with academic scholarships, and maintained good grades. Did they "party"? Yes, they did as did MANY of their friends/fellow students. Of course the 30 or so kids partied that night on Phyllis Lane, probably drinking in excess, smoking/eating pot, and I wouldn't be surprised is other drugs were used....ecstacy (which makes one VERY hot) molly, etc. It's commonplace and doesn't in any way mean these kids are not intelligent, level-headed, ambitious adults.....they're simply kids at heart. Kids celebrating the end of a semester, probably all being together for the first time in months. I think Michael simply left to walk home and walked the "trail" he once knew. As someone posted earlier, all the conditions for disaster just came together.......level of clear thinking diminished by alcohol/drugs, horrendous weather, cold temperature, and where he actually walked. Although not from Franklin, I've looked at many maps/photos/etc and this area is not conducive to a walk at night. There are a number of wild animals he could have stumbled upon. Yes, coyotes are seclusive/won't usually attack; however, this is a time they would have their babies and if a person mistakenly in the dark walked or fell in/near their den, they would protect their young. IMO, this could explain the scattering of Michael's shoes and shirt as well as the distribution of his scent in different place. He could very easily been running from an animal, fallen, and gotten attacked. I honestly think LE knows more than they have released. I think at this point they're looking for a body/body parts/etc. My thoughts and prayers have been with Michael's family. I so, so hope they find him soon. The anguish his parents are living is more horrendous than I can even imagine.
<mod snip> On a side note one, does anyone else think it seems weird that there's no public Facebook page for Mike - created by his friends or family?

Probably because there's a Facebook page "All About Franklin" where the locals are members and are discussing it. Suppose anyone could start a public page if they want to.
Why would Michael take a path that extends West if his home was North? Does any one know if there's another path off the beginning of the rail bed that would have led north?
I can only see from online maps the path that extends West across the waterway coming out to the North side of the golf course.

I've been lost in the dark, vast woods and know firsthand how easy it is to become disoriented.
But why did he take that way home at all?

Looking at the maps, the roadways are a more direct route.

I agree with others that LE knows a lot more than they are making public as it should be during an ongoing investigation.

I continue to hope for Michael's safe return.
And why would a friend allow that with or without knowledge of drug use? Someone knows something. Might explain how the reporting has shown little shock and grief from peers, if not, friends. IMO, a person missing from a party I attended would cause me emotional turmoil. IMO, even a missing pet sends people into overdrive with theories, searches and information. MOO

Blythe, I live here in Franklin and I've never seen anything like this. The community has come together and are doing whatever is needed. Nobody thinks foul play is involved. I don't think that's crossed anybody's mind since the police don't think foul played is involved either. You have NO idea what us parents are going through here! There isn't one of us who wouldn't be out there searching, too, if the police would allow us to. The community is delivering water, gatorade, granola bars, pizza, bug spray, sun screen....whatever the searchers need. The police had to ask everyone to stop because they have so much. There is nothing the community wouldn't do to bring that boy home to his parents, so don't judge based upon what little the media has shown you.
Blythe, I live here in Franklin and I've never seen anything like this. The community has come together and are doing whatever is needed. Nobody thinks foul play is involved. I don't think that's crossed anybody's mind since the police don't think foul played is involved either. You have NO idea what us parents are going through here! There isn't one of us who wouldn't be out there searching, too, if the police would allow us to. The community is delivering water, gatorade, granola bars, pizza, bug spray, sun screen....whatever the searchers need. The police had to ask everyone to stop because they have so much. There is nothing the community wouldn't do to bring that boy home to his parents, so don't judge based upon what little the media has shown you.

This is so great. Thank you for sharing.
What I've been wondering, is about the backtracking. Did he realize he went the wrong way and then try to head back the way he came, across the marsh? I live a couple miles from where this is all taking place and we own 80 acres of land abutting the large state forest, just across 140 from Maple St. I keep thinking, he's young and healthy. If he fell and struck his head, becoming disoriented, he still could have walked much further than the mile radius they are searching. There is so much forest and wetland here that he could be lost in!

I think people are now beginning to wonder of other things that may have happened to him since the search has gone on so long. I read earlier of someone wondering if he made it to 495N and someone picked him up. I don't know but I hope they find him.
I'm also from Franklin and what Jajo says is correct. It is a great place to live and yes kids home from College were probably drinking and maybe eating pot brownies but this kid was enrolled in the Engineering School at Duke. Do you have any idea how rigorous that program is? 6,400 hundred applicants for 900 admits. He is obviously not someone with a drug problem.
What struck me re hypothermia is that it was reported yesterday that Michael's shirt and shoe were found fairly close to Phyllis Lane. A map had the location marked in what looks like a back yard or wooded area behind a Phyllis Lane home. Unless the report/map is not accurate, odd.

I think the majority here in Franklin are thinking that very thing. The police have reported that all Michael has on is a pair of black pants. Hypothermia is most likely the problem here....but nobody wants to say it because nobody wants to take hope away from his parents and siblings.....or ourselves, either!
The homeowners, presumably parents, would be liable for underage drinking and consequences.

Speaking to the fact that all of the party goers were heavily intoxicated, which JMO I would doubt, that means the likely underage drivers were driving drunk. It also means that such information was held back. At the very least, IMO, people are not forthcoming.

Nobody here cares about those kinds of things right now. We only care about finding Michael and then will deal with the rest after he's found.
As mentioned, clothes being strewn about seems like paradoxical undressing from hypothermia onset. This doesn't look good.

Yeah, but shirt and one sneaker found on water's edge and other sneaker found on other side of water's edge. Police don't think the sneakers were under the marshy/mucky water. Seems like he took shirt/sneaker off one side of the water and carried other sneaker across. People who have too much to drink do some weird things.
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