GUILTY MA - Priscilla Walker, 18 mos, beaten to death, New Bedford, 14 March 2009

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I'm sorry I'm just too sad to comment Lovejac.
I don't understand the kind of rage or cruelty someone would have to have inside themselves to be able to do this. Violence against little kids and animals makes me absolutely sick.
OKAY ALREADY! I'm sick of these poor babies dying like this. :furious:

Can we all vote for inhumane treatment of ALL criminals who harm, rape & murder children? Because maybe scaring the life out of cowards like this will stop this from happening. Severe inhumane torture!

In some countries around the world that use certain types of 'sentencing'... leaves the country with little or no crime. (ie: death penalty for driving drunk in middle east country). There's no drunk driving.

Having illegal drugs on your person (even if you don't use them) Malasia, death penalty.

Stealing 1 x, hand cut off, 2nd time the other hand cut off. Not sure what they do if they steal again?

I could go on but until we get extremely tough and the threat of sentence becomes so fearfully scary, maybe some people will not do this crap. I'm serious about this because what we have now DOESN'T work.

People who harm children are pure cowards. Cowards scare easily. Lets scare them to death!
I'm not sure about cutting people's hands off. Some people steal to eat and I would hate to punish them severely. BUT I absolutely agree that something needs to be done about these POSs that harm children.

I think if convicted, they should serve life sentences at a minimum. I think folks with anger issues should not be allowed around children until they have learned to deal with their anger. Not sure how that happens - but it is necessary. And I don't know what else I think except this is just so sad and there has to be a way to stop it.

What in the world is happening? Everday another baby is tortured!
I'm sorry, I'm believing the death penalty needs to come back with no appeal times!
I think this horrible stuff has been happening since the beginng of time. We are now hearing more and more about it. We get the news right away. Lots and lots of people are missing, but there is only so much we can do. Seems like there should be, but there isnt.

Dont forget that this country passed some sort of law that forces mentally ill people out onto the street. Most mental places are 3 days, then out ya go.

A prime example is the astronaut that drove with a diaper on to go kill some woman. An astronaut!!!! and she was around lots of proffesionals most of the time.

Then again, on the other side. I think some are born insane and dangerous. I know a girl 15 now I think. I never turned my back on her, she gave me the creeps. I was her sisters nurse. I really believe some day she will hurt someone.
Why are all of these babies DYING????

We need to instill harsher punishments so these idiots stop killing and raping our precious babies. What happened in our society that makes it acceptable to hurt someone smaller than you just because you can? Back in the day, you only heard about maybe 1-2 high profile cases a year, tops- NOW~ LOOK OUT!!! It seems that since the penalties arent too bad and if you can afford a lawyer, they will just trip up the legal system and lie, cheat, and steal to get off.

I think that maybe judges can start handing down HARSH penalties- When you take away someone defenseless's civil rights, your's should be taken away also, IMHO.

Sorry for the rant- Im sick of baby killers!! :slap:
What kind of mother allows someone to talk her out of taking her baby to the doctor? When he mentioned DCF, did an alarm not go off in her head?
"Rayburn said Moniz persuaded McCarthy-Rodriguez not to seek medical attention for the child because he feared doctors would refer the matter to the state Department of Children and Families for investigation."

In other words he knew the whole 2 days that that baby was suffering (and until she went unconscious she was suffering) the extent of the injuries he had caused!!! And her mother wth!!! Why would she let some boyfriend stop her from helping her helpless baby??????

Is the mother being charged too? There are many times when the woman doesn't know what happened, but these kinds of injuries are not one of them.

I think PattyCake is right, until these scum bags realize society is not going to stand for a baby being used as a punching bag, they're not going to stop. So let's let the punishment fit the crime when it comes to an adult raping and/or murdering a baby.

Let's start turning these punks over to the worst of the worst, let's let them experience what they did to their victim. I'll be willing to bet once that word hits the street these will start treating babies a whole lot better. They will at least think before they dropkick a helpless baby.

This just makes my heart hurt soooo much.
Years ago when I got out of college I took a job teaching nutrition to low income families. I also worked with headstart. There was a little girl who always had bruises and was very withdrawn. We called DCYF and reported it. They in turn sent a letter to mother and set a date and time when they were going to home to investigate. Of course the home was spotless and the mother and boyfriend were VERY loving towards that little girl. Any abused child will take any affection they can so she sat in her moms lap, hugged and kissed her. DCYF found NOTHING...3 weeks later the little girl was found dead in her bed after the mom got home from work...she had been dead for 5 hours...the boyfriend had punched her and ruptured her intestines. She died a slow painful death..

Now comes court....Mom got on the stand and pleaded for her boyfriend to NOT go to jail. She said the little girl was always causing trouble, was always bad and he didn't know how hard he hit her :(....

I swore that I would do everything in my power for the rest of my life for this to not happen to another little girl...I left the job in SS simply because I felt we could do better for these kids..I now own my own business but every free moment I have I give myself to the youth in my hopes that this can someday be prevented each and every time.

Sorry for the long post but really something has to be done....and 30 years later, it still is the same story, only different City, different State...sad
What kind of mother allows someone to talk her out of taking her baby to the doctor? When he mentioned DCF, did an alarm not go off in her head?

Exactly. Why in the hell would she not bring him? Bring back the death penalty for this guy.
Years ago when I got out of college I took a job teaching nutrition to low income families. I also worked with headstart. There was a little girl who always had bruises and was very withdrawn. We called DCYF and reported it. They in turn sent a letter to mother and set a date and time when they were going to home to investigate. Of course the home was spotless and the mother and boyfriend were VERY loving towards that little girl. Any abused child will take any affection they can so she sat in her moms lap, hugged and kissed her. DCYF found NOTHING...3 weeks later the little girl was found dead in her bed after the mom got home from work...she had been dead for 5 hours...the boyfriend had punched her and ruptured her intestines. She died a slow painful death..

Now comes court....Mom got on the stand and pleaded for her boyfriend to NOT go to jail. She said the little girl was always causing trouble, was always bad and he didn't know how hard he hit her :(....

I swore that I would do everything in my power for the rest of my life for this to not happen to another little girl...I left the job in SS simply because I felt we could do better for these kids..I now own my own business but every free moment I have I give myself to the youth in my hopes that this can someday be prevented each and every time.

Sorry for the long post but really something has to be done....and 30 years later, it still is the same story, only different City, different State...sad

My Bold-

I think this mom deserves a life sentence for this statement. Seriously.
Years ago when I got out of college I took a job teaching nutrition to low income families. I also worked with headstart. There was a little girl who always had bruises and was very withdrawn. We called DCYF and reported it. They in turn sent a letter to mother and set a date and time when they were going to home to investigate. Of course the home was spotless and the mother and boyfriend were VERY loving towards that little girl. Any abused child will take any affection they can so she sat in her moms lap, hugged and kissed her. DCYF found NOTHING...3 weeks later the little girl was found dead in her bed after the mom got home from work...she had been dead for 5 hours...the boyfriend had punched her and ruptured her intestines. She died a slow painful death..

Now comes court....Mom got on the stand and pleaded for her boyfriend to NOT go to jail. She said the little girl was always causing trouble, was always bad and he didn't know how hard he hit her :(....

I swore that I would do everything in my power for the rest of my life for this to not happen to another little girl...I left the job in SS simply because I felt we could do better for these kids..I now own my own business but every free moment I have I give myself to the youth in my hopes that this can someday be prevented each and every time.

Sorry for the long post but really something has to be done....and 30 years later, it still is the same story, only different City, different State...sad

I know you weren't asking, but thank you for trying to save that precious baby. Thank you for every child you have helped since.

We have to stop this behavior! Grown men using babies as punching bags, mothers who abandon (or worse) their infants for some scuzzy guy. Parents who torture a toddler to the point they no longer cry.

It makes me weep for these babes, it makes me want to change my passive nature into a stone cold hate machine who can insure a world of hurt on any adult who raises their hand to a child.

Worse than being different city, different state; every city, every state, everyday. It's gotten worse. Where is the out cry? Who is standing up for these babies?
Sometimes, I wonder where God is.
It's probably a terrible thing to write that, but why do these things have to happen, and if they must happen,
why do the children have to suffer so long before dying? This little girl was dying for 2 days.
Sometimes, I wonder where God is.
It's probably a terrible thing to write that, but why do these things have to happen, and if they must happen,
why do the children have to suffer so long before dying? This little girl was dying for 2 days.

For the sake of some, we banned God for all.
He is no longer allowed in our courts, schools or part of our policy making.

Without God, this is what we become. just my
Sometimes, I wonder where God is.
It's probably a terrible thing to write that, but why do these things have to happen, and if they must happen,
why do the children have to suffer so long before dying? This little girl was dying for 2 days.

I also often find myself asking God daily WHY, and then I get my answers when I read websites like this and read these articles. It isnt God who is taking these babies, it is the viscious perents and strangers that abduct and kill our children daily. They are the sickkos- Somewhere in life, something scarred them, and many could probably control their impulses with meds, but why bother? No one in their family or life does. JMHO

I apologize for the rant, but I ask myself this everyday- WHY???

But then again, I didnt need to spell that out for you, you're a smart cookie :blowkiss:
Sometimes, I wonder where God is.
It's probably a terrible thing to write that, but why do these things have to happen, and if they must happen,
why do the children have to suffer so long before dying? This little girl was dying for 2 days.

From your mouth to God's ears, perhaps he spares them the realization of what is happening to them. Maybe their last hours are filled with something imaginary and lovely thanks to him. That is a prayer that I pray to myself when I read these terrible stories.

I have thought the same thing, terrible as it is. Like the mother who shot her son in the back of the head. It is TERRIBLE, and unthinkable, but if you absolutely MUST kill your child it is much better ( if there can be a better?) that it was sudden, unseen and instantly fatal. These awful stories of children being starved to death, left in abandoned buildings, drowned and abused for such long periods of time before death finally comes are the ones that get me the most. The best and purest beings among us should not be made to hurt and suffer! They are so sweet, delicate and innocent :(

Like Sandra, it haunts me that she may have been abused then thrown in the water in that suitcase alive. I so hope not, she was, like all children are, a symbol of everything good in this world.

The part that gets me the most, is that these pitiful, lazy, worthless excuses for human being spend more energy, time and effort on hurting these babies. The easy thing is to give them up for adoption, or a multitude of other options that are open to desperate people who do not want their children. Why not take the easy way? Why are they so worthless that they can not be bothered to do that?

What can we do to change this, and make it more 'ok' for parents to give up children they don't want? I don't know, but we as a nation need to seriously consider how to teach people these simple values, even if we can only start with the current generation that has not come of age to have children yet. Something needs to change! I really can't take many more of these stories, I am however going to dedicate some of my time to try and come up with a way to make a difference, however small it may be.

Alright, I am off the soapbox.

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