MISTRIAL MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #16

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You've all been Jerry Springer'd into believing she is innocent.
Not so, I suppose you could read for yourself how various posters reached their conclusions. I don't like generalisations like this because imo they're going to be inherently inaccurate and even insullting to some posters. Moo
I have a question, how many of you good people have butt dialed someone with an IPhone or android? I'm literally curious because I haven't in about 18 years since I had a Blackberry.
I'm a terribly impatient person and numerous times I've jabbed at the big red end call button on my iphone several times to end a cal and the phone can't keep up and when it switches screens from an active call to the "recent" list, it will dial a random number on that screen. But I wouldn't call that a "butt dial", as it has always happened when I'm stabbing away at the screen, meaning it has required my active involvement.
. Also, re: JO's ring camera footage, isn't there an issue with chunks of it missing?
BBM and snipped for focus

Correct. And interestingly enough, Proctor had access to JOs ring camera app via him having immediate access to JOs phone sans warrant, so there's that.Moo but see trial testimony of Proctor.

OTOH all testimony at trial indicated KR didn't access JO's ring cam app from his home. Moo

Ebm for clarity
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I have a question, how many of you good people have butt dialed someone with an IPhone or android? I'm literally curious because I haven't in about 18 years since I had a Blackberry.

Butt dialed? Not recently.....can't remember. Several years I'm sure. Calling people accidentally while my phone is in my hand and I'm not paying attention to where my fingers are touching? Yes. 7 times in a row without it ever going to voicemail? Hell no.

Lies. Total lies.


KR is not linked to JO. He was leaving her. So, definitely she is not the victim of his murder. Think for yourself: she was sleeping in a warm house, while he was dying, or lying dead under a snowy sky.

Happy to discuss the details of KR trial, although we are going in circles here.

They were still in a relationship. Who cares if "he was leaving her?" (IF) Have you ever been a relationship where you broke up, got back together, broke up, got back together, etc.? It's a typical relationship pattern--even if it isn't healthy. To say she's not a victim because of what you perceive his intentions to be is a huge, huge, huge reach.

They are victim's relatives. There is only one victim in this case, JO, and relatives are off-limits.
OP was simply speaking to impressions gained from the testimony of JOs relatives at trial imo. And observations. Also there is nothing to stop anyone from feeling that KR is also a victim in this case but for different reasons obviously and voicing an opinon about that. Jmo
I don’t begrudge the O’Keefes their anger or grief - thank god I have not been in their shoes and I have no idea how I’d feel or react if I was. I think they deserve a lot of grace.

What I cannot understand is why they continue to ride for Proctor and excuse and minimize his conduct. If someone texted those things about Paul’s wife I’m sure he’d have a different reaction…
Expert witnesses constantly disagree with each other in trials, when they get into an area which is essentially speculation and theory. Expert witnesses for the defense are paid a great deal of money. If you believe the whole justice system is corrupt, why would you believe a retired medical pathogist was both incapable of error and uncorruptible?


The expert witnesses for the defense in this case weren't paid a single penny for their testimony.
The expert witnesses for the defense in this case weren't paid a single penny for their testimony.
Weren’t the engineering witnesses employed by ARCCA? So they would have been paid by their employer, if I understand correctly. Unless you are speaking of a different expert?

Forensic Engineering & Expert Witness Consulting

ARCCA is a multidisciplinary engineering consulting firm for litigation, insurance, military, sports, and more.​

Weren’t the engineering witnesses employed by ARCCA? So they would have been paid by their employer, if I understand correctly. Unless you are speaking of a different expert?

Forensic Engineering & Expert Witness Consulting

ARCCA is a multidisciplinary engineering consulting firm for litigation, insurance, military, sports, and more.​

Of course they are paid by their employer for the work they do. I think you know the point was that they weren't paid by the defense.
I have no idea! Luckily I’m not an ME or LE so it is not my job to figure it out :)
Just a random thought. A snowblower could have piled snow on top or him. The same snowblower they used to look at the crime scene, which also could have covered tracks . It appears that there was more snow on him than would have been expected. Darn! A snowplow could have got him too. Really dumped snow on him.MOO.
They were still in a relationship. Who cares if "he was leaving her?" (IF) Have you ever been a relationship where you broke up, got back together, broke up, got back together, etc.? It's a typical relationship pattern--even if it isn't healthy. To say she's not a victim because of what you perceive his intentions to be is a huge, huge, huge reach.

Massive reach. He was very affectionally happy to see her as she came over to him, meeting him as planned, even after the texting between them earlier that afternoon. Instant caress. Dynamics were theirs to figure out what was best for her as she was attempting to. They are human beings.
Massive reach. He was very affectionally happy to see her as she came over to him, meeting him as planned, even after the texting between them earlier that afternoon. Instant caress. Dynamics were theirs to figure out what was best for her as she was attempting to. They are human beings.
then she wanted Pizza and he wanted to party..
Row erupts.
Hardly grounds for a murder though.. the biggest reach of all..
Butt dialed? Not recently.....can't remember. Several years I'm sure. Calling people accidentally while my phone is in my hand and I'm not paying attention to where my fingers are touching? Yes. 7 times in a row without it ever going to voicemail? Hell no.

Lies. Total lies.

Everybody was butt dialing that night, all the involved parties. Wildddddd.
Everybody was butt dialing that night, all the involved parties. Wildddddd.

Seems like the butt dialing meeting didn't end with a clear plan, at least not to all attendees. I can see it now...."Guys, we can't ALL claim butt dialing...so which one of us gets to claim it?" Then they somehow all got distracted by something else and never solidified the plan and forgot about it until they were on the stand....then, in their panic, they all claimed butt dialing. Oopsie Daisy.

Just a theory.

I have a question, how many of you good people have butt dialed someone with an IPhone or android? I'm literally curious because I haven't in about 18 years since I had a Blackberry.
When I got my new iPhone, every time I put my phone in my pocket, I was butt dialling the last person I chatted with or talked to. This never happened with my previous iPhone. Then I learned I needed to lock it before putting it into my pocket. It never happened after that. Butt dials can happen easily, I think, but not if it's just lying out on its own, such as on a bed. It needs some kind of pressure put on it to make it happen imo. And I'm pretty sure they haven't developed technology yet to butt-dial a return call made from a butt-dial. LOL.
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Seems like the butt dialing meeting didn't end with a clear plan, at least not to all attendees. I can see it now...."Guys, we can't ALL claim butt dialing...so which one of us gets to claim it?" Then they somehow all got distracted by something else and never solidified the plan and forgot about it until they were on the stand....then, in their panic, they all claimed butt dialing. Oopsie Daisy.

Just a theory.

This had to be it.. :)

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