MISTRIAL MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #16

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I think he immediately - and probably sincerely - decided she was guilty and was disappointed no taillight evidence was at the scene. Dude clearly has the IQ of a mentally disabled gorilla.

By moving things along by planting evidence he was helping both his friends the Alberts and himself. Make it a slam dunk so he didn't have to do any serious work, like identify and interview all those witnesses. So much easier to just do a group chat with some of the principals and call it a day. Clearly he had no worries that anyone would question his useless investigation, including things like taillight patterns and the origins of broken glass.

The state police system in MA needs a complete overhaul and it should start with removing anyone who had any oversight responsibilities for Proctor.

Looks like he initially thought it was as a result of a fight.
In a text chain, Proctor stated that 'his initial thought was that this was as a result of a fight' (or similar wording). In the same text chain the respondent replied 'that I bet the homeowner will get some serious sh.'. "no because he is a Boston cop'.

Despite being his inital suspicion. there was no mention of anything about a fight anywhere in the police reports. Nope, nada.
What I am getting at is because they didn't do a good enough job on the original crime scene documentation, the analysis and the presentation at trial - I think we can't ever know what actually happened BARD.

A proper investigation in the first hours, together with proper analysis, should have identified what likely did, and what did not happen.

That's all lost to us.
All good. I read your post as being specific to Cw not doing a good enough job on their accident reconstruction in relation to KR's Lexus. I agree with the above. Although in a broader context investigators did not do a good enough job period.imo. To me it's not even clear if the lawn was a crime scene as such or at least not the only crime scene. It's been noted many times on this thread the absence of search warrant for 34 Fairview. That fact always returns me to the dog scratch and bite wounds which were ignored from day 1. I can't think about the cw's unsuccessful attempt at vehicle accident reconstruction in isolation of those discordant arm wounds and the second major 'head in the sand' or, as Alan Jackson put it in closing argument, 'look the other way' behaviour of investigatigators and the DA; no bruising to speak of on JO's body that would be expected if he had impacted with an SUV and ended up being propelled to where he lay. This leads me to conclude that he could not have received head wound from impact with the lawn after an impact ocurring on the road. Even though I believe it's been proven already that the ground under lawn would not have been frozen at the time. Jmo
I do think there is an implication from some state evidence that he was hit by a car - but not enough for us to know what event actually caused his death. And if they can't prove a part of the Actus Reus then NG is the correct verdict.
RBBM As in my response above. I do think this is where we disagree and that's fine. I don't think state evidence, if it includes JO's autopsy and ME, implies he was hit by car. Imo what the cw did was try to make their evidence imply it; by implicitly asking jury to join them in looking the other way re absence of injuries and discordant arm wounds. Moo

ETA just to be a bit technical, we do know what caused JO's death. I'm no medico but understand from testimony COD stemmed from the effects of the head wound; the basal fracture caused spreading fractures from back of head to the front behind the eyes, which set off a course of bodily events (brain swelling and bleeding) that eventaully lead to respiratory failure (I understand from testimony that DR Sheridan and the ME were in agreement re COD, Sheridan, who reviewed autopsy docs, agreed with ME findings).

What we don't know, what cw failed to prove BARD, was manner of death or circumstances or events that lead to his death. Which I know is what you're saying! (I also know this is a bit pedantic, is just the way my mind works sometimes when tracing back my thoughts and own implicit assumptions.) moo
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I'm not sure anybody has mentioned this before but could he have injured his head by hitting the fire hydrant, somehow?
I think somebody already posted JO's body wasn't in vicinity or near hydrant so didn't recieve head wound that way. But yeah I think it would have been typical of the tunnel visioned investigation if the fire hydrant was never even tested for blood or dna etc. Though I'm not aware if this was the case or not. Someone else probably knows. I can't remember if this was raised through testimony or not. jmo
We always seem to be going back to Chloe. It’s hard to look at the injuries to JOK’s arm without thinking of her.
I have revisited Nicole Albert’s testimony wherein she said the following:
Nicole Albert said the dog had been up in their bedroom but Brian Albert let her out to go to the bathroom soon after arriving home. The backyard was fenced in, she said.
After that, she said Brian Albert brought the dog back upstairs.

Chloe was known to be an aggressive dog who had attacked neighbors of the Alberts in the past and did not like strangers..
So, after reviewing Nicole’s testimony, that tells me BA let the dog out at just about the exact time JOK was walking up to the house.
Did JOK walk in the front door as BA was bringing Chloe down from upstairs?
Did Chloe come in from the back as JOK was coming in the front?
Was the side gate from the backyard open? The side gate that leads to the area where JOK was found?
Mention has been made of the basement with the bulkhead that leads to the backyard; the basement with the replaced floor, replaced bulkhead door, and the home gym that was down there. If BA brought Chloe down from the second floor to go out, would he then bring him down another set of stairs to the basement to let her out that way? I’m sure there was at least one door from the first floor that opened to the back yard. Was he afraid to bring Chloe through the house while everyone was there? Or did he bring JOK into the basement through the bulkhead from the backyard after JOK was attacked by Chloe to check his injuries?
JOK was reportedly inebriated. Did he fall and hit his head in the basement? Did Chloe jump him and he fell back hitting his head?
If JOK walked up the front steps, down the basement steps, and brought up the bulkhead steps, wouldn’t that count as the 3 flights of stairs that JOK’s health app reported?
We will never know because the bulkhead doors were replaced, the floor was removed, and Chloe has moved on to a new life in idyllic Vermont.
Another post of yours which resonates strongly. Yes what about Chloe. moo
I'm not sure anybody has mentioned this before but could he have injured his head by hitting the fire hydrant, somehow?
I think somebody already posted JO's body wasn't in vicinity or near hydrant so didn't recieve head wound that way.
I had at some point considered this possibility, specifically that Chloe could have attacked John in the yard when she was briefly let out, causing him to fall backwards at strike his head on the fire hydrant.
However, looking at google maps street view, and comparing it to the dashcam video from the Police cruiser arriving at 34 Fairview Rd (Timestamp approx 6:14:55 in this video) I can estimate that JOK's body (marked with red X in picture) lay approximately 23 feet from the fire hydrant.
I also considered that he could have struck his head on the flag pole in the same manor.

However, we also know that his body temperature was approximately 80*f as measured at the hospital more than six hours after he arrived at the house. And I don't believe it's possible for him to be that warm after lying in the snow in a blizzard for six hours wearing only jeans and a light hoodie. He would have been basically frozen by 6am.
So my thinking is that he either died outside after 3am, or more likely that he died inside and remained in the building for some hours before being moved out to the lawn.

I had at some point considered this possibility, specifically that Chloe could have attacked John in the yard when she was briefly let out, causing him to fall backwards at strike his head on the fire hydrant.
However, looking at google maps street view, and comparing it to the dashcam video from the Police cruiser arriving at 34 Fairview Rd (Timestamp approx 6:14:55 in this video) I can estimate that JOK's body (marked with red X in picture) lay approximately 23 feet from the fire hydrant.
I also considered that he could have struck his head on the flag pole in the same manor.

However, we also know that his body temperature was approximately 80*f as measured at the hospital more than six hours after he arrived at the house. And I don't believe it's possible for him to be that warm after lying in the snow in a blizzard for six hours wearing only jeans and a light hoodie. He would have been basically frozen by 6am.
So my thinking is that he either died outside after 3am, or more likely that he died inside and remained in the building for some hours before being moved out to the lawn.

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That's a thing that could have been presented with expert testimony and would have proven he was in a different environment prior to being placed outside..
there are a lot of ways it could have been defended...
Yep I was really surprised that it barely got a mention in defence.
If cw is stupid enough to bring this case to trial again, defense has a multitude of options and I'd bet this would be one of them. jmo. On the subject of second trial I was thinking if DA/PA says this is their intention at upcoming hearing, surely defense will bring another motion to dismiss? On what grounds would Judge Cannone deny?Moo

But I'm guessing evidence presented at the mistrial could not be used for a MTD and both sides would have to go through the whole process and discovery again from scratch which would mean defense would be forced to wait for MTD until prelim? INAL but personally, what a colossal waste of money and resources and needless pain and suffering to both JO's family and KR, when instead a vetted,independent and impartial LE could in theory at least open a new investigation. But that would require the cw to admit to some mistakes which seems unlikely in the extreme. Then there's whatever role fbi investigation is playing too. Maybe part of that is looking at you Mr Higgins and Proctor ofcourse. moo

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If cw is stupid enough to bring this case to trial again, defense has a multitude of options and I'd bet this would be one of them. jmo. On the subject of second trial I was thinking if DA/PA says this is their intention at upcoming hearing, surely defense will bring another motion to dismiss? On what grounds would Judge Cannone deny?Moo

But I'm guessing evidence presented at the mistrial could not be used for a MOT and both sides would have to go through the whole process and discovery again from scratch which would mean defense would be forced to wait for MOT until prelim? INAL but personally, what a colossal waste of money and resources and needless pain and suffering to both JO's family and KR, when instead a vetted,independent and impartial LE could in theory at least open a new investigation. But that would require the cw to admit to some mistakes which seems unlikely in the extreme. Then there's whatever role fbi investigation is playing too. Maybe part of that is looking at you Mr Higgins and Proctor ofcourse. moo

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For one thing it must be moved out of state, methinks.
Another LE overlook, though I would expect the ME to actually do the sampling.
I expected that too but according to testimony the ME basically shrugged her shoulders and ignored the arm wounds. Measured them, said something about them being not what one would expect from a "classic" pedestrian-vehicle impact. Imo. No curiosity shown about them at all. Certainly no swabs which defies common sense given she was told.they were apparently acquired via pedestrian impact with a moving vehicle. Either a sub par medical examiner or not as independent of investigators as she claimed. I think it's fair to wonder if someone told her not to swab them. jmo
I think it's fair to wonder if someone told her not to swab them. jmo
I could be wrong but weren't there swabs taken from somewhere and they were found to possibly contain pig DNA? I remember briefly considering wild boar and then realising that many dog foods contain pork.
I thought that was from either his shirt or arm wounds.
Judges can sustain objects without them even being made. There was nothing strange going on other than people who (probably) don't normally watch trials, watching this trial and (possibly) comparing it to TV drama trials.

IANAL and I watch trials all the time. I like to learn why an objection is made and then understand why it was sustained/overruled. I realize it's nothing "strange going on." It's the way she does things in her courtroom, but I dislike it.
what a colossal waste of money and resources and needless pain and suffering to both JO's family and KR, when instead a vetted,independent and impartial LE could in theory at least open a new investigation.
I mean, they did. The FBI have been involved for some time, which is why I was surprised that the previous trial wasn't put on hold pending the outcome of that.
I mean, they did. The FBI have been involved for some time, which is why I was surprised that the previous trial wasn't put on hold pending the outcome of that.
I reckon the Feds will go after Morrissey mainly..
I'm not confident that whatever action they take will affect this case... unless it does, and they're quick..
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