MISTRIAL MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #17

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We posted them upthread.

Here's a couple of them..
Thanks but I didn’t see where that involved Colin? Did I miss something? Actually I can’t blame them one bit for being upset with that blogger, what he’s done is just horrible. I can’t even imagine living under that kind of harassment.
Jackson and DY’s affidavits. Not the jurors.
The motion itself was filed by the new lawyer, bc Jackson and DY may be called as witnesses.
I would think it’s hearsay until there’s some kind of sworn affidavit from a juror, could be wrong and the other 2 is friends of jurors that’s totally hearsay. Have to see how it plays out.
I would think it’s hearsay until there’s some kind of sworn affidavit from a juror, could be wrong and the other 2 is friends of jurors that’s totally hearsay. Have to see how it plays out.
It appears that the motion has a very weak legal basis.
I still haven't figured out why Lucky was out plowing in the middle of the night when it wasn't snowing much. And why did he hit the hoop if conditions where not bad? JMO.
I wonder if he was on shift? In my region sometimes they will start at 10 PM or 3 AM depending on when the snowstorm is expected to get heavier. Even if the predictions are wrong they will still drive around during their allotted hours and do the work when the time comes to do so.

I think Tristen also mentioned he was expected to start his job plowing the roads too at 3 AM so maybe their area is not too different from mine.

Also, it appears that swollen or bruised knuckles are just common side affects of getting into a fist fight as a result of hitting a hard surface or repeated blunt trauma to those surfaces. And even though a lot of JOK’s injuries to the right of his body, such as the laceration above his right eyelid and a dark bruise on the dorsal aspect of his right hand, he also has two abrasions on the left side of his nose and a lighter bruise on dorsal surface of his left hand, according to the medical examiner.


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Thanks but I didn’t see where that involved Colin? Did I miss something? Actually I can’t blame them one bit for being upset with that blogger, what he’s done is just horrible. I can’t even imagine living under that kind of harassment.
You'll find the full video on the blogger's social media.
It is not an approved source on this platform, as you know, so I will not be linking it here.
It appears that the motion has a very weak legal basis.
Can you elaborate on the legal basis where it appears 'weak', please?
They have a seriously hardcore lawyer on board , not the type to lodge 'weak' legal documents.
That’s what puzzles me in relation to JOK family. Even if the McAlberts did nothing physically to JOK, they indeed meddled in the investigation to the point there will be nothing but doubt. You’d think the O’Keefes would be just as angry with them for that.
Perhaps subconsciously they realize that if they don’t support the McAlberts, et al, there will absolutely never be any justice for their son/brother. If Karen doesn’t go down for this, it’s extremely unlikely anyone will. The “investigation” is simply too much of a mess, the case tainted if you will. So maybe they would rather Karen pay for his death, even if they’re not truly convinced she killed him, because they probably blame her for leaving him there, for being a “bad” girlfriend, etc.

All that said, I do think they believe she killed him. Probably believe she did it on purpose. I also now believe that even Karen herself thought she ran over him at first. It seemed like a fairly logical conclusion for an anxiety-ridden, drunk, annoyed with him girlfriend given the circumstances. When shocking, unexpected, bad things happen, we try to make sense of what we are seeing/experiencing. If I were in her shoes that morning, I could see wondering if he got hit by a vehicle or snow plow, maybe had a heart attack, slipped on ice and fell… I’m not sure I would have considered if he went inside, got attacked by a dog, and hit in the head with a baseball bat or whatever other weapon, then dumped on the lawn hours later to make it look like something else. It would be MORE suspicious to me if she had come up with something like that initially vs thinking she must’ve done it.
Hoping some jurors come out and tell us the factual numbers for the mistrial.
Not fair or reasonable that Jackson is still running the PR for this case.
Jackson tried his damnest, brought as many smoke and mirrors as he could muster to the table.
The case wasn't anywhere near as botched as the defence exaggerated it to be.
The sheer volume of people unconnected and unrelated insinuated to be part of a conspiracy that had no substance other than opinions like...well maybe this happened...and maybe that could have happened..... no factual evidence to support it.
The pro karen readers may be loud.... but it can not be discounted the amount of loved ones, professional good people of MA and their supporters... mad as hell at the shade thrown their way.
How sad times we live...when a mother enters the court house of HER SON, a good police officer MURDER trial and she is booed.

Its not going to be let go. No matter how many reshufflings might come along. A reshuffle doesn't mean anything negative for a department keen and capable of getting justice for not only one of their own...but to restore faith in their community that they are a force to be reckoned with.
AJ had to get that not guilty.
He didn't.

I have total faith the state will bring what it needs to this little county and get it done.
And if KR is smart she will plead out for Invol manslaughter and a DUI.

I would think it’s hearsay until there’s some kind of sworn affidavit from a juror, could be wrong and the other 2 is friends of jurors that’s totally hearsay. Have to see how it plays out.

This is why I am a bit skeptical of this motion to dismiss.

It would obviously be a shocking development if the foreman and judge somehow failed to realise between them that the jury had acquitted the accused on a murder charge.

I don't see how the defence lawyers can be witnesses to the truth of that. Only what they were told later. The primary witness(es) need to testify to it.

Will they?

I am interested if something like this has ever happened before.

This is why I am a bit skeptical of this motion to dismiss.

It would obviously be a shocking development if the foreman and judge somehow failed to realise between them that the jury had acquitted the accused on a murder charge.

I don't see how the defence lawyers can be witnesses to the truth of that. Only what they were told later. The primary witness(es) need to testify to it.

Will they?

I am interested if something like this has ever happened before.

Found this

f there are two or more offenses or defendants tried together, the jury may with the consent of the judge at any time during its deliberations return or be required by the judge to return a verdict or verdicts with respect to the defendants or charges as to which a verdict has been reached; and thereafter the jury may in the discretion of the judge resume deliberation. The judge may declare a mistrial as to any charges upon which the jury cannot agree upon a verdict; provided, however, that the judge may first require the jury to return verdicts on those charges upon which the jury can agree and direct that such verdicts be received and recorded.

This rule also provides that the court may declare a mistrial in cases where the jury is unable to reach a verdict. However, it must first receive and record the verdicts which the jury can agree upon. See ABA Standards Relating to Trial by Jury §§ 5.4-.5 (Approved Draft, 1968); Rules of Criminal Procedure (U.L.A.), supra, Rule 541.

ubdivision (b) does not prohibit retrial of those defendants as to whom the jury is unable to reach a verdict. This is consistent with Fed.R.Crim.P. 31(b), which provides that, in cases of multiple defendants, disagreement as to one or more defendants has no effect upon the verdict as to any other defendant, and such defendant may be retried without violating the protection of the double jeopardy clause. 8A J. MOORE, FEDERAL PRACTICE para. 31.02[2] (1978 rev.). It has long been settled that jeopardy does not attach where the jury is discharged after inability to reach a verdict. United States v. Perez , 22 U.S. 579, 9 Wheat. 579 (1824); Thames v. Commonwealth , 365 Mass. 477 (1974). It is within the discretion of the court to declare a mistrial where there is a “manifest necessity.” United States v. Perez, supra at 580. Unless such “manifest necessity” exists, a second prosecution will be barred by the double jeopardy clause. Since Perez, it has been held that where the jury has been unable to agree upon a verdict, the declaration of a mistrial is a “classic example” of manifest necessity. United States v. Castellanos , 478 F.2d 749, 751 (2d Cir.1973). Thus the defendant may be retried without twice being placed in jeopardy.

Subdivision (d)

This subdivision is based upon Fed.R.Crim.P. 31(d), but differs in that the polling of the jury is to be discretionary with the court rather than a right of the defendant so as to conform to existing Massachusetts practice. That this discretion is well-settled in the Commonwealth was recently reaffirmed in Commonwealth v. Stewart , 375 Mass. 380 (1978). See also Commonwealth v. Valliere , 366 Mass. 479, 497 (1974); Commonwealth v. Caine , 366 Mass. 366, 375 (1974); Commonwealth v. Fleming , 360 Mass. 404, 408 (1971) (jurors polled); Commonwealth v. Beneficial Finance Co., supra, at 300-301. Under Rule 31 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and under the ABA Standards Relating to Trial by Jury § 5.5 (Approved Draft, 1968), a jury is to be polled only at the request of a party or upon the court's own motion. In any case, where a jury has been polled and there is not a unanimous concurrence, compare Commonwealth v. Fleming, supra, or it appears that the verdict was a compromise or other serious doubts are raised as to its integrity, see Commonwealth v. Stewart, supra, the court may declare a mistrial, or alternatively, order further deliberations. Accord, Rules of Criminal Procedure (U.L.A.) Rule 535(e) (1974).
Well this won’t make any sense to those that buy into the conspiracy theory. For those of us that don’t, it goes like this. Julie and Chris were friends of John’s and obviously they are related to BA. MOO weren’t JA and CA also neighbors of John’s at one time. Julie is also friends with Proctors wife or was it sister?, to many players. Once Julie hears that MP is investigating the case she says she’s proud of him and wants to buy him a gift. That’s the thing, why would anyone buy him a gift….it was a gesture. Just like when she takes everyone doubts on their birthday, it who she is…..it’s kindness thing.
Also wasn’t MP the man on call or duty that morning ? Don’t recall him changing the schedule so he could run right in and grab this case…..MOO
I'm not buying this at all. JMO.

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