MISTRIAL MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #17

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Great post @OldCop! I've long believed the Edge and the Jeep were being manipulated on the street to obstruct any visual of JOK from any neighborhood ring cameras which miraculously NEVER surfaced. Not even from the LE who lived on the block -- including the homeowner, BA.

I'll never understand how this could be. A groups so skilled with butt dialing had no ring cameras? Really? SMH. MOO
Yes Seattle1!^^^ and that IMO would have also allowed for tampering with evidence (and maybe obstruction of justice) charges to other potential individuals. Beyond proctor it would seem. And including those that produced the sally port video and those that had anything to do with the taillight evidence at a minimum? See e.g. the details of OldCop post 512 and the homeowner across the street! And still SMH at much of this trial and the judge disposition of it that last day upon deliberations concluding. IANAL. MOO
juror burnout? moo.
They may have had no idea until being on the jury the extent of the case, the atmosphere in the court room, a feeling or vibe from certain witnesses, the realization of what happened to two innocent people. Both JO and KR at the hands of others in the community. They want nothing more to do with it.
They may have had no idea until being on the jury the extent of the case, the atmosphere in the court room, a feeling or vibe from certain witnesses, the realization of what happened to two innocent people. Both JO and KR at the hands of others in the community. They want nothing more to do with it.
I can understand why they would want to be done with it, however, if they are as morally principled as they indicated in their note to judge Cannone, how could they let Miss Read be retried for a murder she did not commit; especially when they had deemed her not guilty of these charges?
I can understand why they would want to be done with it, however, if they are as morally principled as they indicated in their note to judge Cannone, how could they let Miss Read be retried for a murder she did not commit; especially when they had deemed her not guilty of these charges?
We have seen 4-jurors make claim that (2) of the charges were voted unanimous for acquittal, 2-of the jurors made that known directly to defense counsel. Jurors are not lawyers in most cases, and the CW does not want those charges to simply be purged from any forthcoming indictments. I believe the whole topic lands firmly on the Judge, that the rapid dismissal of the jurors in spite of there being (3) charges under deliberation, was intentional and brings us to exactly this point.
I don't know what would be applied as constraint to ensure the integrity of jurors responses to inquiries at this point in time, considering that now the jurors know who commissioned and paid for the ARCCA experts, they know they were presented with deceiving and improper evidence by the CW (the salley port video comes immediately to mind) and they know Proctor and Albert are suspended, in Proctor's case for his behavior demonstrating extreme prejudice as he undertook the subject investigation. At this point, all the jurors have to feel they were shortchanged by the judge and the proceedings overall, they were left in the dark and not given a realistic opportunity to get it right. MOO
If the jury were polled in the normal sense, it could be anticipated that the Acquittal votes would be reported as indicated by the defense, but the OUI charges....entirely possible that the outcome would differ from that reported by the (4) who have come forward to date. MOO again.
So as speculative scenario: lets say the poll results for the OUI come back 5-7 instead of 8-4. Then what? Would the DA see the scales tilting or just be relieved that he would have a new jury in the upcoming proceedings? And the Judge? Would any of the rulings about permitted evidence or extent/content of expert testimony change?
We have seen 4-jurors make claim that (2) of the charges were voted unanimous for acquittal, 2-of the jurors made that known directly to defense counsel. Jurors are not lawyers in most cases, and the CW does not want those charges to simply be purged from any forthcoming indictments. I believe the whole topic lands firmly on the Judge, that the rapid dismissal of the jurors in spite of there being (3) charges under deliberation, was intentional and brings us to exactly this point.
I don't know what would be applied as constraint to ensure the integrity of jurors responses to inquiries at this point in time, considering that now the jurors know who commissioned and paid for the ARCCA experts, they know they were presented with deceiving and improper evidence by the CW (the salley port video comes immediately to mind) and they know Proctor and Albert are suspended, in Proctor's case for his behavior demonstrating extreme prejudice as he undertook the subject investigation. At this point, all the jurors have to feel they were shortchanged by the judge and the proceedings overall, they were left in the dark and not given a realistic opportunity to get it right. MOO
If the jury were polled in the normal sense, it could be anticipated that the Acquittal votes would be reported as indicated by the defense, but the OUI charges....entirely possible that the outcome would differ from that reported by the (4) who have come forward to date. MOO again.
So as speculative scenario: lets say the poll results for the OUI come back 5-7 instead of 8-4. Then what? Would the DA see the scales tilting or just be relieved that he would have a new jury in the upcoming proceedings? And the Judge? Would any of the rulings about permitted evidence or extent/content of expert testimony change?
I agree. I wasn’t suggesting the other charges not be retried, (although I think it would be a gigantic waste of taxpayers’ money). I meant if those other jurors would commit to a polling and admit to a judge what their vote was at that time, and it was found that there was a unanimous vote of not guilty, those charges should be dropped from future proceedings.

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