MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #3

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An FBI analysis of a phone belonging to Brian Albert’s sister-in-law, Jennifer McCabe, determined she searched “hos long to die in cold” at 2:27 am, hours before she called 911 to report that O’Keefe’s body had been found outside the Albert home, according to Jackson.

“The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation also specifically confirms that that search was made on Jennifer McCabe’s phone, and it was made on or before 2:27 (am)… That fact, Your Honor, is no longer open for debate. And none of that was presented before the (state) grand jury,” Jackson explained.

The defense first brought up McCabe’s Google search in April 2023 and this is the first time a law enforcement agency has corroborated the findings.
So it sounds like she knew he was out there before KR and herself and the other friend went looking and KR saw him?> I know it's said that KR told her to look up that info at the scene. Did she go see him and he was alive and left him there to die 'in the cold'? That sounds beyond evil though. Did she hear or had been told JO was out there beaten up? Protecting someone who told her what they did? Matt says she wanted to stay up and watch a show. WHY was she not exhausted and 'drank out'? Something made her call at that time then and it was not KR I think. If the FBI is correct, which I have to think they are on the time. My head now believes anything can be messed up on purpose or just tech not correct at this point.
GSDs are exceptionally smart and loyal. A GSD is not only a hard-working dog, it is of the kind who’d give own life for its human.
Absolutely. I’ve always had GSD’s or Belgian Malinois’my entire adult life. We’ve had several generations due to our age and the fact we hat dogs don’t live nearly long enough when compared to humans. Fifty years ago, I started out with a Malinois before most had ever heard of them. GSD’s and Malinois’ are the most magnificent, loyal, loving and protective friends.
While yesterday Allie McCabe came across as generally truthful, Colin seems like he's determined to just answer "I don't remember" to everything. It makes him look deceitful. He can't even recall how long ago he spoke to Allie, one of his best friends?

He's making it very easy to believe he'd be willing to lie about the events of that night at the Albert residence.
They all appear hostile to me. Not a good look in terms of honesty IMO.

Sue O'Connell got this wrong: "Did we talk about not talking to other witnesses?" Colin actually answered "no" to this. Which surprised everyone including Lally.

You can listen to him here at 2:29:59.

The point was to say that Colin wasn't speaking to his parents about the case because the DA had told him not to. But even though Lally asked him a couple of different variants of this question, Colin kept giving the wrong answer.
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I can't speak on stuff found on SM as I don't follow any cases on SM. I think the SS image shows her quick temper and the segment of the video shows she's not shy about showing how she feels. However, within minutes she [forces] a smile his way.

It seems to me that she's beginning to look aged during her trial. MOO Karen had long gorgeous hair during certain times since her arrest. Maybe she had hair extensions. Her hair appears thinner than ever. I experienced a highly traumatic event April 2023. As a consequence, more of my hair was in the vacuum cleaner than on my head. Had to get prescription shampoo and take xtra Vit D. Extreme, prolonged stress makes our hair fall out. The hair falls out because the hair follicles close since other parts of the body needs to be cared for more than the hair in order to survive the shock and awe. That's how my Dr explained it to me.


What in the world does her appearance have to do with anything?
I need an animated video of everyone's drive bys, arrivals, and departures.
It would honestly help me, as a juror.
I'll agree that I'm surprised at how amateur-ish the presentations have been from both defense and prosecution. Asking people to wave around that shaky laser pointer? The defense using some overhead projector ripped right out of a 1980's high school to try and show texts. Countless pieces of paper going back and forth to witnesses.

Maybe some of it is tactics... but it all seems so sloppy.
I'll agree that I'm surprised at how amateur-ish the presentations have been from both defense and prosecution. Asking people to wave around that shaky laser pointer? The defense using some overhead projector ripped right out of a 1980's high school to try and show texts. Countless pieces of paper going back and forth to witnesses.

Maybe some of it is tactics... but it all seems so sloppy.

The courtroom - and probably some of the equipment - is like 200 years old. It's how we roll in Nawfuk.

During one of the prelim conferences the judge said they just got Wi-Fi in the building a few weeks ago.
I feel like this post was written by a DailyMail/tabloid copywriter.
I see a lot of unnecessary (and incorrect) descriptors attributed to KR:
  • KR doesn't just take notes, but she "furiously" pens them.
  • Is she not allowed to use a yellow legal notepad? Why? Because she is not a lawyer?
  • KR doesn't read notes regarding evidence, but "she'll flip through" "apparent" evidence.
  • Is KR not allowed to review her own defense documents in court? It insinuates that this finance professor shouldn't be involved in her own legal defense? Trying to say -- "Look at her, trying to be a know-it-all"?
  • Is this woman not staying in her own lane??? The horror!! How dare she?

I don't know who Traconis is, I'll have to look them up.

Dude, I watched the video. Twice.
She flipped her hair over her shoulder.
That's it.

These words are problematic:
"busy work"
"hot under-the-collar anger"
"scary face"

No evidence to show against KR, so people attack her appearance, her intelligence, and mischaracterize her behavior.
Propaganda 101: don't forget to include a rhyming phrase for extra credit.
My posts can be mocked. It doesn't bother me. Most of us know the DM is reliable for their photos.

MichelleTroconis was convicted for her participation in the murder of Jennifer Dulos, a lovely CT mother of 5.

I've never mentioned KR's IQ in a negative light. She was a professor at a rather prestigious Uni. I won't mention nepotism either. I think she has great fashion sense and dresses very well. Her hair is currently a mess. I think it's due to stress for I suffered from the same or similar condition last year.

It's my opinion West Coast lawyer Jackson was brought aboard for his reputable skills in the courtroom. IE: He handed a witness a document and instructed them: "Look up to me -- when you're finished."

Karen decided in Sept 2022 to spend her savings and donations on high powered legal services. Why would she need to do that if she was innocent? She should be able to prove her innocence. Instead, they're attacking even the youth that are called to the witness stand. Made a young lady weep in court. It's reprehensible the things the families have endured so she can have the chance to get away with murder.

The CW obviously has a lot more evidence than witnesses to the snow and the movable SUV.

What we don't see is anything that implicates the vilified families. It is laughable to think JO was lured to the 34 FV house so he could be murdered. What would be a motive? Big, burly cops were practicing their fight moves at the pub because they wanted to kill John O'Keefe, the Patron Saint of Canton. lol


Thu, May 16, 2024

Karen Read lost her cool with her defense team, rolling her eyes and giving a strong reaction during a break from the trial over her alleged killing of her cop boyfriend.
Karen Read loses it on defense team as trial over the alleged murder of her cop boyfriend drags on

As court broke for lunch on Wednesday, the defendant rolled her eyes and snapped her head back during a talk with her attorney, then reportedly muttered something quickly at her legal team.

The reaction is the latest in a series of odd behavior from Ms Read in court as she was previously seen smiling and eating while in the courtroom.


May 16, 2023
The judge overseeing the Karen Read murder trial has denied a request from the defense to delete testimony in which a key witness cried over “alleged harassment” she and her family have received during the case as evidence.

Before Day 13 of testimony even began at Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham, Judge Beverly Cannone shot down defense attorney David Yannetti’s motion for the jury to “disregard” the “alleged harassment” as evidence.

The Boston Herald via MSN MSN
No doubt she is under stress as she is being tried for murder. Quite understandable. Years of stress, not to forget the toll taken on her personal and work life. As for looking old, she is 45. Not exactly a spring chicken. Although I think she looks pretty good for her age and for dealing with MS. JMOO
I think she is pretty.
In addition to MS it is common knowledge from multiple MSM sources that she also has a brain tumor and colitis.
Regular life is stressful enough - she has been in a pressure cooker since John's death.
She is a smart woman who is active in her own defense - thankfully for her. Because look at the evidence they have
that she murdered John with the car - its still CRICKETS. What, she is not demure or defferential enough? Welcome to Massachusetts where women stand up for themselves.
I sense a lot of emotion mixed with pure distain at this woman. Bullying her comes from no logical place and is based on nothing to do with the case. Its just mean spirited, kind of like Proctor searching Karen's phone for nudes and calling her the c word... it's beyond distasteful IMO
My oldest GD toured Boston U during Spring break in case she's not accepted at Harvard, her first choice. I hold intelligent women in high regard. I do not tolerate liars very well. If that means disdain for Read, so be it.

I stand with the thin blue line. There is no bullying here. It is distasteful that so many defend a cop killer because they think over 24 people are involved a twisted conspiracy to frame Karen Read for John O'Keefe's murder.

WTAF? Please tell me you aren't an American.
I don't recognize that acronym but it must be bad since it's not put into words. So, you feel she should not try to prove her innocence? Did she hand over her phone, electronics, the SUV telematics? Or is she trying to keep the CW from obtaining those items? The D begged the Judge to strike AM's testimony because it is harmful to Karen Read.

I'm wrong if I say she's writing notes on a legal pad and I'm wrong for thinking she should help prove her innocence. It's silly to be conflicting in those matters.

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