MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #3

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I can't speak on stuff found on SM as I don't follow any cases on SM. I think the SS image shows her quick temper and the segment of the video shows she's not shy about showing how she feels. However, within minutes she [forces] a smile his way.

It seems to me that she's beginning to look aged during her trial. MOO Karen had long gorgeous hair during certain times since her arrest. Maybe she had hair extensions. Her hair appears thinner than ever. I experienced a highly traumatic event April 2023. As a consequence, more of my hair was in the vacuum cleaner than on my head. Had to get prescription shampoo and take xtra Vit D. Extreme, prolonged stress makes our hair fall out. The hair falls out because the hair follicles close since other parts of the body needs to be cared for more than the hair in order to survive the shock and awe. That's how my Dr explained it to me.


To be honest, lots of people comment on her appearance, but since her lawyer mentioned MS, I think we can discuss it. Some traits that make her look unusual I had to Google. MS can produce unusual affect and multiple symptoms that people obviously misinterpret. Copaxone was a breakthrough, miracle drug in the 90es. Before, the disease was called "the illness of young and beautiful", but was as deadly as today ALS is. It was hopeless. Medicine has achieved a lot, but it is a difficult illness. So this, I think, contributes to her look and affect.

Not reflecting on her guilt or innocence, just MOO that the process is physically draining her.
The testimoney by CA, helped along by the video's, shows him to truly to be "a piece of work" . That's how his knuckles got that way...say what? bracing himself with the back of his right hand while he mighta been holding a "beverage" in the other hand. ( I live a few towns over and a beverage in my neck of the woods is of the alcoholic variety. ) Maybe they should have asked for a demonstation bc I am not sure it's even possible . I wonder which brain trust came up with that one. Defitely not the kid. He is an athlete - works out every day and that's how he braces himself for a fall. C'mon
Why not just use the working out with the bag for this one too?
No matter whether he killed JO or not the adults in this case are making this kid look lke a complete moron.
Are there any earlier photos of his knuckles? Before 29th of Jan and 16th of February?
It is funny that people keep saying that those who support KR must be conspiracy theorists.
Is it though?
One little shady thought in a persons head that they share with 2 other people , ..
Oh wow.
So, you must be really conflicted in this case. I can only imagine how hard it must be to watch this trial since pointing out you stand strong with the thin blue line while not tolerating liars very well.
No, I am not conflicted at all. The investigators weren't trying to protect all of the people at the parties. Yanetti spoke in court that their 3rd party defense would be that CA, BA and BH killed the victim. 2 cops and a kid targeted John is a bizarre SODDI while at the cop's own home, then leaving him on his own front yard. But the D is tied to that theory and it has failed them in court. Karen knows it failed and that why she was so upset over AM's testimony.

How do John's steps indicate that he was carried from inside of the FV basement out to the flagpole? Apple health data registers the speed and movement of his phone. "The defense said that "Apple Health recorded O'Keefe taking 80 steps (ic, traveling approximately 87.74 meters) and climbing the equivalent of three floors with his location data pinging in close proximity of the Albert Residence"

Karen hit John with her vehicle, on purpose, as charged or else the CW wouldn't have upgraded her charges. There's a list of other damaging data. Stay tuned. "According to prosecutors, the medical examiner who performed an autopsy on O’Keefe detailed that she “observed no signs of an altercation or fight from her examination” and went on to describe his “right arm injuries as scratches caused by a blunt object.”

I haven't heard a witness lie. The D can't even get a perjury charge for the medic saying she's not a good friend of another witness. I didn't know about half of the other guests at a baby shower I attended so the photo means nothing. They're desperate though so they're trying to keep evidence from the jury and present innocuous items as if it's proof of a coverup.

It is strange how genes work. Colin A resembles me of his uncle BA, in that neither is Cicero. When at a loss for words, they get tense and nervous. It might come as aggression during cross-examination, and they are bound to look suspicious, but IMHO, it is severe social anxiety. People with poor oratorical skills, when in need to express themselves, often resort to profanities, the choice of which, sadly, is not Carlin-esque. Colin on tape is cussing because he struggles with a tall order, speaking for his group. He is not blessed with broad vocabulary. I think that his obvious alcohol use is driven by the same reason: severe fear of public speaking. The uncle is older, more experienced and IMHO, academically brighter, but the trait is there, too. I am concerned about Colin’s emotional well-being after the trial. I don’t believe he is involved at all. In fact, having listened to both uncle and nephew, I realized that the choice of SODDIs was almost too easy; both are clumsy witnesses.

I am interested to know what happened in the bar. Did Jen McCabe invite both KR and JO to BA, and both enthusiastically agreed, but then in the car, Karen changed her mind? Or was KR disinclined to go from the very beginning? In her TV interview, KR rapidly zoomed on that trait of BA, social anxiety. She might be very observant, or, she observed him.

And pay attention, CoA was harassed. BA also did not threaten witnesses.

ETA: KR’s interview to Nightline.

3:30 - what KR says about BA.

3:28 - BA’s eloquence: he says something like, “one minute, it is fine, another minute, it is not fine”.

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I have some very close friends that are law-enforcement. Believe me when I tell you that I more likely than not will side with law-enforcement. However, I am not blind! In this case, law-enforcement officials did not follow proper protocol! Their “investigation” was pathetic at best.

I do believe in our American justice system as well. I believe that some conversations on this thread tonight mis-state what we believe it should be in a court of law. A defendant does need to prove their innocence, but first and foremost it is the job of the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It is not the defense’s job to prove innocence if there is no proof of guilt.

At this point in time, I doubt anyone who has watched or paid attention to the case up until this point would see BARD. The prosecution has spent more time trying to prove that it was snowing outside, that a group of people went to the bar, and that the defendant wanted pizza that night. Obviously they have not finished their case, but I see no smoking gun - h311, at this point in time, they have only proven that JO died in the snow.

I do not know how people can say. She is getting away with murder. I cannot say what happened to JO that night. I definitely cannot say that she hit him with her car because the evidence does not prove that.

It is funny that people keep saying that those who support KR must be conspiracy theorists; however, there is an FBI investigation going on.
I do believe in our American justice system as well. I believe that some conversations on this thread tonight mis-state what we believe it should be in a court of law. A defendant does need to prove their innocence, but first and foremost it is the job of the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It is not the defense’s job to prove innocence if there is no proof of guilt.

Why would a defendant in a murder case not want to provide proof of their innocence? Why take the risk that the jury may believe the CW's theory of murder or manslaughter?

Proving you are innocent of the most serious charges is critical to avoiding a conviction with a long sentence in prison. Why trust in an unpredictable juror thinking there is a reasonable doubt? We don't know what all Lally has in his files. What if her SUV's data reveals she placed the vehicle in reverse and hit the accelerator? What if the data reveals she disengaged the vehicle's warning of an object being nearby? If either are facts, it was intentional.

Can she even prove the bump into John's vehicle cracked her tail light since it left no fragments on the snowy driveway? I don't know exactly why she wanted to punish him for exiting the SUV. Maybe one reason is this: "O’Keefe’s niece described a second argument within a week of his death where she heard O’Keefe tell [Ms. Read] that he wanted to end the relationship, that it had run its course, that it was not healthy, and that they argued too often. [Ms. Read] did not want the relationship to end and again refused to leave the house."

Is my dog a bad dog because if someone broke into the house he'd run up on them and lick them to death?
I know dogs who’d probably think that the robbers broke in solely to play with them. A very smart dog living across the street has a great personality and the aura on an English lord, but he has a huge “rap sheet” in the neighborhood, mostly, mischiefs. But let me guess: your dog is not a shepherd dog, is she?
Just guessing here, because all of the witness testimonies so far have been clouded in vagueness and time sensitive opaqueness...but .....Space Aliens?


I just do not believe any of them at this point.
The Colin Albert time is a sensitive secret.....
Everything happened at 12:10
( unless he time warped )
Too much conflicting info especially with the revealed data from that life 360 thingy during AMc's testimony moo. Maybe more clarity when Defense presents its case. Time lines on a par with fuzzy wuzzy bear. JMO!
Perfectly said. Starting with the Chief regarding the shakeup. If not KR, someone saw JO get out and had been watching the suv wondering what was going on then went over to JO when he was out of the suv. Colin acting as you said or Higgins and his stewing about KR. There is the text that he said ' hmmmmm tonight?' before that get together. He's huge and JO would of been caught off guard. Oh it makes me sick.
Interesting exchange and enjoying your posts!. I'm so impatient for some real testimomy on those scratch like wounds to try and understand how they might fit into events and play into any of these possible scenarios. Bring on the D's case. Though surely State has to address the arm scratchy wounds at some point. How on earth will they explain the lack of swabbing if there was a lack of swabbing which seems to be the case. Tunnel vision 101 is going to be raised by D imo.
It is strange how genes work. Colin A resembles me of his uncle BA, in that neither is Cicero. When at a loss for words, they get tense and nervous. It might come as aggression during cross-examination, and they are bound to look suspicious, but IMHO, it is severe social anxiety. People with poor oratorical skills, when in need to express themselves, often resort to profanities, the choice of which, sadly, is not Carlin-esque. Colin on tape is cussing because he struggles with a tall order, speaking for his group. He is not blessed with broad vocabulary. I think that his obvious alcohol use is driven by the same reason: severe fear of public speaking. The uncle is older, more experienced and IMHO, academically brighter, but the trait is there, too. I am concerned about Colin’s emotional well-being after the trial. I don’t believe he is involved at all. In fact, having listened to both uncle and nephew, I realized that the choice of SODDIs was almost too easy; both are clumsy witnesses.

I am interested to know what happened in the bar. Did Jen McCabe invite both KR and JO to BA, and both enthusiastically agreed, but then in the car, Karen changed her mind? Or was KR disinclined to go from the very beginning? In her TV interview, KR rapidly zoomed on that trait of BA, social anxiety. She might be very observant, or, she observed him.

And pay attention, CoA was harassed. BA also did not threaten witnesses.

ETA: KR’s interview to Nightline.

3:30 - what KR says about BA.

3:28 - BA’s eloquence: he says something like, “one minute, it is fine, another minute, it is not fine”.

Thank you for posting the AUG 22, 2023 video. After listening to her Nightline interview I noticed a conflict.

3:58 it's snowing John has no co-on it's
4:01 windy so I drop him off he goes up the
4:04 driveway and approaches the side door
4:06 and as I see him approach the door

Karen says she watched him approach the side door of the 34 FV home, then she says what she thought could have happened was she incapacitated him. How could she incapacitate John if she saw him at the home's side door?

6:09 what I thought could have happened was
6:12 that did I incapacitate him unwittingly
6:15 somehow and then in his drunkenness
6:17 passed out
I know dogs who’d probably think that the robbers broke in solely to play with them. A very smart dog living across the street has a great personality and the aura on an English lord, but he has a huge “rap sheet” in the neighborhood, mostly, mischiefs. But let me guess: your dog is not a shepherd dog, is she?

He is some form of Treeing walker coonhound mixed with american foxhound, actually.
Are there any earlier photos of his knuckles? Before 29th of Jan and 16th of February?
Good point. You would think the CW would bring that into evidence. Dont most boxer's use wraps (imo). Someone who is going to fight in a split second (at the moment) will not use wraps. moo

Good morning from day 14 of testimony in the Commonwealth vs. Karen Read.
I'm back in court today.
-Matthew McCabe is expected back on the stand.
He was at 34 Fairview and testified he saw a vehicle similar to Read's outside the house.
-Matthew's wife Jennifer McCabe is also expected to testify today.
Her google searches are a key factor for the defense
-All good in the media line this morning.
We've been talking about Scottie Scheffler's arrest. Looks like he will make his 10:18 tee time.
It's Friday. LG.

9:04 AM · May 17, 2024


I am a commentator & analyst, not a reporter.
My job is to offer opinions & commentary, based on what I see & hear in the courtroom.

#KarenRead & the defense team are in the courtroom. 9 family & friends sit behind her.Just a little bit of pink on the spectators.

The OKeefe family has entered the courtroom.

We expect prosecution witness Matt McCabe, wife of Jennifer McCabe to return to the stand today. Jennifer McCabe is expected today tooAn FBI analysis of her phone will be a topic.
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