MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #6

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IIRC when we were originally shown the video from the sally port am I correct in remembering that not once was it mentioned that the video had been flipped?
In other cases that I have followed this would have caused a stern warning by the judge to the prosecution at the very least.
The internet lit up last night across all sites indicating that the video was flipped so it seemed to me like Lally had no choice but to revisit that video and make it seem like Sgt B was forthcoming with the information.
IMO they hoped no one would notice. Say what you will but that tells me everything I need to know about Sgt B.

If I am a juror, it's also giving me red flag vibes bc of the way Sgt B stonewalled the defense's questions and was downright uncooperative.

IMO he was made to look hostile and also to like a fool. I think he was feeling the heat too because that neck move he makes is his "tell".


You are correct. Lally made it seem like there were two different cameras. Nobody mentioned the images being mirrored at all. It’s funny because you would think the CW would bring it up. They didn’t bring it up because they didn’t want it brought up. You know he would start towing the party line of “I don’t remember/recall” and that was sure where we ended up. JMO
IIRC when we were originally shown the video from the sally port am I correct in remembering that not once was it mentioned that the video had been flipped?
In other cases that I have followed this would have caused a stern warning by the judge to the prosecution at the very least.
The internet lit up last night across all sites indicating that the video was flipped so it seemed to me like Lally had no choice but to revisit that video and make it seem like Sgt B was forthcoming with the information.
IMO they hoped no one would notice. Say what you will but that tells me everything I need to know about Sgt B.

If I am a juror, it's also giving me red flag vibes bc of the way Sgt B stonewalled the defense's questions and was downright uncooperative.

IMO he was made to look hostile and also to like a fool. I think he was feeling the heat too because that neck move he makes is his "tell".

Nobody, and I mean nobody mentioned a thing about this doctored video. I'm pretty sure the defense didn't know it was going to be shown to the jury or if they even knew about it.JMO
IIRC when we were originally shown the video from the sally port am I correct in remembering that not once was it mentioned that the video had been flipped?
In other cases that I have followed this would have caused a stern warning by the judge to the prosecution at the very least.
The internet lit up last night across all sites indicating that the video was flipped so it seemed to me like Lally had no choice but to revisit that video and make it seem like Sgt B was forthcoming with the information.
IMO they hoped no one would notice. Say what you will but that tells me everything I need to know about Sgt B.

If I am a juror, it's also giving me red flag vibes bc of the way Sgt B stonewalled the defense's questions and was downright uncooperative.

IMO he was made to look hostile and also to like a fool. I think he was feeling the heat too because that neck move he makes is his "tell".

"If I am a juror" ....well if I was a juror I have had so many red flags up to this point and still CW case where they need to convince me beyond a reasonable doubt...I would have trouble showing up every court date. I bet the sight of Lally is really getting to the jury. There is some wisdom in having two people share the case.
What does this mean? I don't understand.

I'm about 4 miles from Fairview, if that, and I remember clearly looking out at 6 am exactly when my alarm went off and being surprised how little snow was on the ground and on my car. But you don't have to believe me. Check out the dashcam vid.

There should have been absolutely no reason for the Canton PD to miss such an extreme number of taillight pieces. Of course, thanks to the unbelievably bad investigation (which I think was intentional), we don't know where these pieces were in relation to John's body. But they couldn't have gone too far.
Well I’m not from that area so can’t give you an eye witness account of the weather. I’m going by what I’m seeing and hearing from the trial and a weather report from that day.
"If I am a juror" ....well if I was a juror I have had so many red flags up to this point and still CW case where they need to convince me beyond a reasonable doubt...I would have trouble showing up every court date. I bet the sight of Lally is really getting to the jury. There is some wisdom in having two people share the case.
Every time he asks a witness a question which includes the words "what, if any..." I shudder.

Also, I have followed quite a lot of American TV trials at this point, I have never seen a prosecutor have to be repeatedly instructed by the judge to raise his voice. It's so bizarre. So low energy!
Every time he asks a witness a question which includes the words "what, if any..." I shudder.

Also, I have followed quite a lot of American TV trials at this point, I have never seen a prosecutor have to be repeatedly instructed by the judge to raise his voice. It's so bizarre. So low energy!
yes basic litigation 101...speak clearly and loudly so jury and witness do not miss a thing.
Every time he asks a witness a question which includes the words "what, if any..." I shudder.

Also, I have followed quite a lot of American TV trials at this point, I have never seen a prosecutor have to be repeatedly instructed by the judge to raise his voice. It's so bizarre. So low energy!
Maybe he's just depressed. God knows I would be in his shoes.
Nobody, and I mean nobody mentioned a thing about this doctored video. I'm pretty sure the defense didn't know it was going to be shown to the jury or if they even knew about it.JMO

Didn’t the judge play the video for the defense and CW while the jury was out of the room in order to decide whether to let it in, as the defense had not seen it before?

Of course it was allowed in even though the defense hadn’t been provided the video but now the CW is submitting motions to disqualify an animal bite expert because they are just finding out about them. Funny how that works, isn’t it?
I think today was an important day. Imo the mirrored video being shown in the correct view is major — the CW just decided to make no mention of it? That’s an easy way to lose credibility.

Also the backing up video — did we see this or hear about it yesterday? I can’t remember which video(s) were shown yesterday as I follow along on here. I definitely saw JO’s car move and that was another important moment today. At the very least, it adds to the growing pile of reasonable doubt.
YB 'does not remember' who laid out the clothes to dry the night of the 29th.
Per YB,
'The clothes were layed out to dry, in a secure area of the DA's office in Canton, under lock and key.' 'No one was watching it.'

When asked who had access to that area, while the clothes were drying, YB states, " Troopers in our office"

A Jackson: " Meaning you?"
YB: "Yes"
AJ: Trooper Proctor?
YB: "Yes"

Later, he goes on with the " Once it was dried, it was bagged, sealed up and put into evidence"
After further questioning, A Jackson is able to get him to state that the clothing was bagged and labeled 6 days after the recovery of the items of clothing from the hospital.

AJ: So my question is, What was happening to these items after you last saw them on Jan 29th that night on the butcher paper until Feb 4th when that tag indicates when they were first processed?

YB: " To the best of my knowledge, those items were drying on the butcher paper"

AJ: For SIX days???

YB: "If that's what the label maker says, yes . For six days. They were soaking wet"

( Meaning Trooper Proctor had access to the clothing, to perhaps sprinkle with some magical fairy red tail light crumbs, collected from KR's damaged tail light which was in their possession)

There was never a legitimate log created for those items until March 14th !!
Didn’t the judge play the video for the defense and CW while the jury was out of the room in order to decide whether to let it in, as the defense had not seen it before?

Of course it was allowed in even though the defense hadn’t been provided the video but now the CW is submitting motions to disqualify an animal bite expert because they are just finding out about them. Funny how that works, isn’t it?
Judge Bev indicated it was put into evidence on 4/24 or so when she made the ruling . Idk what happened with that, just recall what she said
The video of the Sallyport was a complete dud as far as evidence helping the CW's case. What on earth did they expect? Did they think they could pull a fast one on the defense? Was it true, that they only " collected " this evidence two weeks ago? By that point in the trial, the defense team had made mincemeat out of their case. So, they ( CW ) decide to create a misleading mirror image video to show THE JURY ??? And think they could get away with that?

You don't change/alter the truth via videos, Lally.
We the people are smarter than that.

Meanwhile, in every jurors mind by now: ( IMO )

" Hows long before we get to aquit ? "
This is what is blowing my mind. They’ve been investigated by the Feds. The citizens have demanded an investigation into the police department. They’ve been taking hits one after another in this trial. And they still think they can pull a fast one, with all the eyes they have on them, and not get called out.
They found multiple pieces at multiple times. However the first pieces found were the evening it happened at the same time as her vehicle was being transported…. These pieces could not have been planted. Of course other times they can claim they were because they had her vehicle. (There was a search team at the house at the time her vehicle was being transported)
Has documentation of the time officers were on scene been introduced at trial? I have only heard estimations.
IIRC when we were originally shown the video from the sally port am I correct in remembering that not once was it mentioned that the video had been flipped?
In other cases that I have followed this would have caused a stern warning by the judge to the prosecution at the very least.
The internet lit up last night across all sites indicating that the video was flipped so it seemed to me like Lally had no choice but to revisit that video and make it seem like Sgt B was forthcoming with the information.
IMO they hoped no one would notice. Say what you will but that tells me everything I need to know about Sgt B.

If I am a juror, it's also giving me red flag vibes bc of the way Sgt B stonewalled the defense's questions and was downright uncooperative.

IMO he was made to look hostile and also to like a fool. I think he was feeling the heat too because that neck move he makes is his "tell".

NEVER! I just listened to Vinnie Politan who has now become a conspiracy convert, just as I have.

I have never before seen a DA and LE witness perpetrate a fraud on the court on live TV! And I believe the defense has the actual video with the "missing" parts.

The CW attempted to mislead the jury by showing a completely altered scene. In a case where the rear drivers side taillight is at issue the DA presents a reversed image that shows no officers near what should be the taillight in question. But that's only because they misled EVERYONE about what we were looking at. Proctor was right by that taillight for quite some time.
Has documentation of the time officers were on scene been introduced at trial? I have only heard estimations.

Nothing official. No log showing who and when any officer arrived or left a scene. We have been given " reports" from various witnesses, but zippo on any proper sort of record keeping for the crime scene, on all of the various days that 34 Fairview was searched.
He was at the Sally Port when the first pieces were being found. I believe it was still snowing (could be wrong) during the first search. There was definitely more snow on the ground then just 2 inches. John was under 4-6 inches according to testimony and it was still coming down heavy when he was found. Definitely not saying the investigation wasn’t crappy but that don’t excuse KR’s actions.
The snow was blowing and drifting due to the high wind. It had not snowed 4-6” by the time he was found. You can see by the graph attached that the precipitation was low until around 9 am. Additionally, if you look at the link I’m going to provide, it gives hourly info on the conditions.



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