MA - Remains of 3 infants found, Erika Murray charged, Blackstone, Sept 2014

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REPORTER: Did you ever see those kids?

RR: I never saw the infant at all. I knew she was uh babysitting the older one and I saw her once but that was it.

REPORTER: And what was your interaction with her?

RR: unintelligible (ETA since discerned "very little" was his answer)

REPORTER: Where did the 3 year old spend most of her time?

RR: Supposedly she was in K's cleaner room (unsure about underlined portion, hard to transcribe) because she had K clean her room so that the baby could stay there.

REPORTER: And when you found out about - um - the um . . . (question is never finished)

RR: I, Honestly, I can't do (walks away from reporters) (ETA since discerned "I can't do this anymore, I'm crumbling. I'm crumbling")

The interview takes place outside and reporters around RR appear to be wearing overcoats while RR wears a sweater. He shivers so violently throughout the interview it and speaks so softly is difficult to make out what he says. I think the shivering is one part the cold and one part nerves.

ETA K referenced above is EM and RR's 13 year old daughter. He stated her name. I did not include it in the transcription to afford her some privacy.

ETAA the second video which has a volume level that is easier to understand.

I think the Unintelligible words were "very little"

at the end he says "I'm crumbling, I'm crumbling"
[FONT=Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif]Blackstone mother Erika Murray told police one of the three dead babies found in her squalid home was born alive and lived for a number of days before she discovered the infant dead, her attorney confirmed to the Herald yesterday.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif]OKAY how did I miss or forget EM admitting that at least one infant lived for several days and then mysteriously died while napping in a bassinet???[/FONT]
If anyone is interested, here is a glimpse into the correctional facility,Western Massachusetts Regional Women's Correctional Center in Chicopee, where EM was relocated a little while back:

Thanks for the transcription, tlcya! That was appreciated because I can't find my headphones atm.

So, about the 99% of RR's awake time was spent in the basement? I'm going to assume the 1% can be attributed to food, restroom needs, and having relations with EM? This still means he was aware of the conditions his older children lived in and did nothing to change. I have a difficult time believing this man. His sister owned the home and he was "told" to go to the basement and stay in the basement? All the while being the primary breadwinner? Also, if he only saw the 3 yr old once, when did he see her? If she was close to her current age, could he not tell that there was something significantly wrong with her? :banghead: I'm still trying to wrap my head around this (will never happen) and correlate all the things that have been reported/stated.
yes, also, he stated that EM made K clean up her room so the little 3yr old being "babysat" would have somewhere to stay.

Wouldn't this indicate an awareness of the state of the house right there? An acknowledgement that he though the 3 yr old was being kept in a room that had been "cleaned up" for that purpose?
Going back a little bit in this whole debacle after reading several older stories about the deceased infants today. I missed the following detail:

“They found skeletal remains of three different babies located in two closets in the bedrooms that were occupied by Miss Murray’s children,” said Bradley, referring to her older children, ages 13 and 10.

So 1 deceased infant was found in 1 closet then the next day they found 2 in the other...They were both in the rooms occupied by the older children. I didn't know all the babies were found in closets. So, that means the staining up thread was likely not human decomp staining. Does anyone know if the 3rd infant (assuming that was the one with the umbilical cord/placenta still attached) was concealed in a bag like the other 2? What a burden the older children were forced to bear! Jeez, my heart breaks all the while my admiration grows each day for them.

In one of the stories I read RR stated that he had to quit his job in order to cash out his 401k...Is that accurate? I know you can borrow against one while employed..Is there a rule that you have to be unemployed to cash out?

“I was told to go in the basement and be in the basement...and stay in the basement,” he said, according to The Boston Globe. As well as EM being charged with witness intimidation (which corroborates RR saying the older kids were told by EM not to tell). So we have RR edging toward abuse and EM actually claiming fear/terror in regards to RR....and of course, neglect on both their parts IMO. Who is being honest here? Isn't it Dr. Phil that says there are 3 sides "his side, her side, and the truth"? Oy! Btw, how does she have a lawyer and he doesn't? Wouldn't he have an attorney appointed for him for the drug charges if he couldn't afford one? Also, does anyone know what the judge said to him today? It's apparent he didn't go to jail for the pot....Did he have any consequence?
In one of the stories I read RR stated that he had to quit his job in order to cash out his 401k...Is that accurate? I know you can borrow against one while employed..Is there a rule that you have to be unemployed to cash out?
He has to use his 401K BECAUSE he quit his job and thus has no other money. I wonder if he really did quit -- which would be a really stupid move. I bet he was fired because of the pending drug charges.
Raymond Rivera:

“Ninety-nine percent of my awake time was in the basement,” Rivera said.

Asked why, Rivera said he was “not allowed” to go upstairs.

“I was told to go in the basement and be in the basement ... and stay in the basement,” he said.

Rivera trembled while he spoke, and tears ran down his face at times. He has not been charged in connection with what happened to the children at the home.

If he spent even .0000009% of his awake time upstairs, he knew that house was unfit and dangerous for children to live in. Admission of neglect, MOO. And seriously, this grown man stayed in the basement, away from his wife and kids, in a house he payed the rent for, because he was 'told to'??? Wasn't the additional children being kept a secret because EM was afraid HE would be mad? I'm having a hard time mustering any sympathy for either of these human beings. However, my heart breaks for those children, living and deceased. It's inexcusable their precious lives were subject to these horrors.
I personally have a very hard time with a 37 year old man not allowed through his house.
EM claimed afraid of him knowing about the 5 children.............really? but she got pregnant over and over again?
Where did she have sex with him? In the basement since he wasn't allowed upstairs?
How about he knew the condition an did not WANT to be upstairs.
IMO, he knew about the clean bedroom.............because he had sex there.
IMO, he knew about the 3 year old because he knew that K had to clean.
Who painted the 'pink' room?
JMOO BOTH are so guilty!
RR didn't keep his basement 'clean' either now did he?
How often did he ever see his 13 & 10 year old?
He never used the kitchen or bath?
I do not buy any of this..................
We've read reports from witnesses/neighbors that RR & EM went places together. RR reportedly took EM grocery shopping, they allegedly hosted a birthday party for their 10 yo son a few months ago at a pizza place, EM's profile picture on FB was of RR with the 13 yo daughter, and I suspect he might have driven her to the craft store 10 miles away from Blackstone.

It doesn't seem to me that either one of these parents lived in fear of the other, rather they're both looking for a scapegoat..
More pictures...There seem to be some in this set than previous (80). I haven't been all the way through yet so not sure if it will give us more insight into layout. FYI, you may want to scroll to the comment section before you look through the pics.

From this link:

#6/80 shows the white room upstairs shares a wall with the pink room.

This confirms for the me that the pink room has to be the top left rear, this white room is the top left front. The pink room had the air conditioner (obscured by the twin bed) seen in other pics. EM's room had a printer/copier on top of the dresser that kinda looked like an A/C in that previous picture looking down the hallway toward the ceiling. The pink room doorway is actually on that same adjoining wall, where the white room door is on the end of the white room next to the stairs. (doors were placed like an "L" where white room had the bottom of the "L" and pink room had the upright of the "L" if that makes sense) EM's room wasn't split down the middle between the windows like the pink and white rooms were.

#14/80 shows the mysterious "blue" room we have been searching for.

#32/80 is that a closet stuffed to the ceiling?

#42/80 here is a deceased animal with ribs showing through the skin (looks severely malnourished IMO)

#52/80 here is the white room the infant was in . . . now I can see why the infant had never seen sunlight (the window was completely covered)

#71/80 that appears to be a onesie
[FONT=Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif]Blackstone mother Erika Murray told police one of the three dead babies found in her squalid home was born alive and lived for a number of days before she discovered the infant dead, her attorney confirmed to the Herald yesterday.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif]OKAY how did I miss or forget EM admitting that at least one infant lived for several days and then mysteriously died while napping in a bassinet???[/FONT]

It should be noted . . . not one picture of any bassinette in this home . It is highly doubtful it got "thrown away", given that it appears nothing was ever thrown away (ie: dead animals, dead babies, dirty diapers, drink containers, food wrappers, feces, etc)
Going back a little bit in this whole debacle after reading several older stories about the deceased infants today. I missed the following detail:

“They found skeletal remains of three different babies located in two closets in the bedrooms that were occupied by Miss Murray’s children,” said Bradley, referring to her older children, ages 13 and 10.

So 1 deceased infant was found in 1 closet then the next day they found 2 in the other...They were both in the rooms occupied by the older children. I didn't know all the babies were found in closets. So, that means the staining up thread was likely not human decomp staining. Does anyone know if the 3rd infant (assuming that was the one with the umbilical cord/placenta still attached) was concealed in a bag like the other 2? What a burden the older children were forced to bear! Jeez, my heart breaks all the while my admiration grows each day for them.

In one of the stories I read RR stated that he had to quit his job in order to cash out his 401k...Is that accurate? I know you can borrow against one while employed..Is there a rule that you have to be unemployed to cash out?

“I was told to go in the basement and be in the basement...and stay in the basement,” he said, according to The Boston Globe. As well as EM being charged with witness intimidation (which corroborates RR saying the older kids were told by EM not to tell). So we have RR edging toward abuse and EM actually claiming fear/terror in regards to RR....and of course, neglect on both their parts IMO. Who is being honest here? Isn't it Dr. Phil that says there are 3 sides "his side, her side, and the truth"? Oy! Btw, how does she have a lawyer and he doesn't? Wouldn't he have an attorney appointed for him for the drug charges if he couldn't afford one? Also, does anyone know what the judge said to him today? It's apparent he didn't go to jail for the pot....Did he have any consequence?

I am sure that LEO went into this home with alternative lighting to look for human decomp stains (but not sure one could tell through all the feces staining). The stain I saw may or may not be decomp but EM could have moved the remains into a bag to hang in the closet (I doubt she put the babies in the bags to die).

RR could have taken the 401k loan out if he were to be still employed, he may have quit just prior to being fired. Once he has left his job he would need to roll over his 401K or cash out (there are some other options).

The last time he was in court he was told he made too much money to qualify for public defense, and needed to hire an Atty. I think they just postponed his court date for today because he was not represented by counsel (not sure though).

I wonder if RR & EM were to pay rent to his sister and she was counting on that money for her own mortgage payment - maybe that is where the "foreclosure" story came from. Or EM just lied again.

Finally, has anyone ever referred to a room in their house as "the clean room"? That was the most bizarre interview and statements from RR today. I am not sure what to make of it. He appeared to be shivering in the cold, he sounded like he was about to cry but no tears (not a single one). He really needs to hire an Atty and it sounds like he needs a friend or family member to talk to. I have never heard someone make the statement "I'm crumbling".

He claims he only saw the 3 y/o one time. Sounds like he has spoken to his kids and his daughter told him about cleaning out her room for EM to put the 3 y/o in. Looks like it will be quite awhile before this case comes to any resolution.
"Rivera he’s a “drifter,” who’s been living in his car. When authorities showed up at the couple’s home and took away the children, Murray sent a text to Rivera telling him their house had been foreclosed on, according to Rivera, who said he owed $30,000.

“She said she couldn’t find a place to live so they had to call and have them taken,” Rivera said through tears. “They were taken into custody.” Rivera said he later picked up Murray on the side of the road and stayed at her parents’ house that night. Rivera said he later learned about the two youngest children from authorities".

**it does appear he was wiping tears away in this picture**

“I knew the house was messy, but those doors were closed. ... I was not allowed to open those doors,” Rivera said. “I was never given a reason, just, ‘Get in the basement. Get in the basement.’ Even my kids and I would joke about it. ‘Oops, Daddy’s getting thrown in the basement again.’”

“Knowing what’s there now,” Rivera said, “I think it’s inhumane.”

So why didn’t he force his way in?

“I can’t push my way through a woman who is stopping me from going in those rooms,” Rivera said.

Murray’s attorney, Keith Halpern, said Rivera told police he slept in the same bed as Murray every night, just steps from the 3-year-old’s room.

Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?! :O We're either looking at someone who is truly mentally impaired (DDS/MR) or a great manipulator, IMO. We know he can hear, speak, and see as he answers questions asked of him while walking. The only thing we don't know is if he can smell.
Oh great, these two had an opportunity to be alone at least once before EM went to jail? Let's hope their time to comfort one another doesn't result in another child. :gaah:

So, I'm going to assume they took out a loan on the house? Is there some way he could have owed that money to his sister (KR/KW) and she was able to foreclose on him some way? The house was in her name...That doesn't make sense to me - at all.
yes, also, he stated that EM made K clean up her room so the little 3yr old being "babysat" would have somewhere to stay.

Wouldn't this indicate an awareness of the state of the house right there? An acknowledgement that he though the 3 yr old was being kept in a room that had been "cleaned up" for that purpose?
He could still weasel his way around that. My daughter's room is a bit of a mess -- she gets that from me -- and I would make her clean her room if a houseguest were staying there. I am aware it's messy -- but just normal teen mess, some clothes on the floor and books strewn about, not feces and dead bodies. He could say that is what he thought the room was like a typical messy teen. I wouldn't believe him if he did, but I wouldn't be surprised if that is how he tries to explain it.

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