MA - Remains of 3 infants found, Erika Murray charged, Blackstone, Sept 2014

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I am curious now about the dirty diapers, at first I thought she hoarded them to keep anyone from knowing there were babies in the home, but now we find out the boyfriend knew of the babies - whom he thought belonged to a ficticious Michelle. (BTW, I cannot find any friends named Michelle on her FB friend list). This woman is a whole psychological study all by herself! Certainly she will be diagnosed with depression, but at what level did her everyday decisions to care for her older two and severely neglect the 2 most vulnerable? She CHOSE to portray herself as such a good Mom to others and she CHOSE to allow the babies to live in such depraved conditions - for which they had no escape! Uggghhhh!
The FB page is still there for me, guys. I clicked on the link in the first post.
According to Blackstone Board of Health records obtained by MassLive, the town had been alerted to minor issues with the house before. In April and May of 2012, the board’s agendas included references to issues of refuse at the address.

Walsh said those types of items usually involve garbage piled up outside a home.

“It’s kind of routine stuff,” he said.

Walsh said he doesn’t recall going to that particular address back in 2012, but that typically, after a complaint, he’ll go back 24 hours later to ensure the garbage has been cleaned up. If there were unsanitary conditions inside the house, Walsh said, he wouldn’t know.

“We don't have the privilege of looking inside your house,” Walsh said.

I wonder if the inside home pics off fb were at her parents house. There was one that showed her with an older blonde woman in the background and people commented on her weight loss. That was 2010. (!!!)
What a shocking and sad story, just unbelievable. The house is so tiny, how could they all breathe with the foul stench in the air? :( I assume the 3 dead babies were born in the years between the 10 yr old son and the 3 yr old who was severely neglected.

Could the mother have had an undiagnosed mental illness to begin which became worse once she had children? I read in an earlier post a report was made about her family back in 2007. So she did neglect the 2 eldest until they could fend for themselves and then she liked them? It's mind boggling. Fb can definitely deceive onlookers to what the situation is like at home. The pics on the porch and in and around the car parked in the yard.

How no one visited for so many years is just incredible. That's why I think her mother must have known she was ill, a mother would enter the house at regular times unless she fears it will upset her daughter. Nothing adds up as usual, the more I read, the more questions pop up.
My stomach hurts from reading this. I feel like I might cry. I don't understand. I'm not sure that I've ever read anything more shocking.
I can't believe she went to a baby shower last week with relatives present, and was so gleeful about the infant's nursery room. This woman can compartmentalize more than anyone I have ever seen!
1st post-thanks to this case- apologies if I don't do this right!

"According to the relative, who asked not to be identified, Murray’s own parents, who live in Northbridge, only learned about the existence of the two younger children on Thursday night, as the public did. Those disclosures came with reports that their daughter’s house was infested with vermin, flies, and bugs and filled with piles of dirty diapers.

This relative said Murray’s parents and other family members were never invited inside the Blackstone house, so they never saw the conditions."

Murray told the man she lived with that she was baby-
sitting the two younger children and that they belonged to a woman named Michelle. She also created a Facebook page with Michelle’s name, as well as a photo of herself in a wig and glasses, as a way of proving that such a woman existed, according to a state investigator who has been briefed on the case.
When questioned by authorities, Murray allegedly said she was the mother of the four children, but that she never told Rivera that he was the father of two additional children, according to the state investigator. She said she hid those pregnancies by wearing loose-fitting clothes.

After her children were taken away to foster care, Murray apparently moved in over the past two weeks with her parents in Northbridge, making up a story about the man she was living with being busted by the police for a marijuana business run from the home, according to the relative who saw her during the nursery visit. Murray also allegedly told her parents that the state had to temporarily take her two children, and she did not say anything about the two other younger children, said her relative.

Weirdest. Thing. Ever.
The heroic neighbor who led to the rescue of four children — including a hidden-away toddler and 5-month-old baby girl — from a vermin-infested Blackstone home recalled the shocking discovery and how she tried to comfort the feces-and-maggot-covered children.

“I never would have guessed that was going on — ever,” the neighbor said of the atrocities inside the house where investigators this week found the remains of three dead infants.

The 41-year-old neighbor and mother of two, who asked the Herald to withhold her name, moved to the neighborhood a year ago. About six months ago, her 13-year-old son began playing with the 10-year-old son of Erika Murray, who was arraigned yesterday in Uxbridge District Court on charges of “fetal death concealment” and permitting substantial injury to a child.

The woman said she met the 31-year-old Murray for the first time two weeks ago. She gave Murray her phone number and suggested they get together sometime.

Murray looked puzzled and said: “I don’t have any friends.”

Murray asked if her son could come over the next day because she was going to the Cape.

The neighbor said yes and took the boys to lunch the next day. Later, she ran an errand while the boys played outside. But her son suddenly called her and told her, “I can’t get the babies to stop crying.”

She had no idea what he was talking about. She only knew of Murray’s son and 13-year-old daughter. She didn’t know the two younger children even existed.

The woman came home and went to Murray’s house. She had never been inside. She could “hear the babies” and asked Murray’s son where they were. The boy led her inside the filthy home and upstairs — and she found a 5-month-old baby girl on a bed in one room and a 3-year-old — who she believed to be a boy — on a bed in another room.

The children were crying, covered from head-to-toe in feces and maggots. The house was dark — sheets and blankets covered the windows — and stifling hot. There was no electricity or running water.

“They had been left there all day,” she said. Murray’s boy had been at her house since 10 a.m. and it was now 4:30 p.m. “I tried not to panic,” the woman said.

“It was the worst thing you could imagine and then it was probably a little bit worse than that,” she said.

She went into the baby’s room first, sweetly telling her that it was “going to be OK.” The 3-year-old was sitting up, rocking violently on the bed. She told him to be careful, she didn’t want him to hurt himself.

Then she called the cops. The dispatcher told her not to pick up the babies, so she stood in between the two rooms, comforting them. When the first cop finally arrived, she asked to pick up the baby girl — and got the OK. She stepped on dirty diapers and piles of “stuff” — she didn’t know what it was — to reach her. When she leaned over, the baby was excited to see her. Her nails were long, her stomach swollen. “She was very cute. She liked to be held,” she said. “She was desperate to be held.”

The woman stripped off the baby’s soiled clothes and took off her own tank top to clean her up. “There was nothing clean in the house to wipe the baby with,” she said.

The baby giggled when she played peek-a-boo and the woman told her “things were going to be better.” She tried to talk to the long, curly-haired 3-year-old tot, who appeared small for his age, but he didn’t speak. He was soaking wet and looked afraid, his bed so soiled it sunk in the middle.

A cop asked her what was inside a door behind her in the hallway — she didn’t know — and when he opened it, there was a “horrible smell.” The officer told her to put the baby down and leave. So she did.

“I was scared to death,” she said, “and in shock.”

Murray was outside. The distraught neighbor confronted Murray and asked her what she was thinking. Murray said she didn’t know why she was so upset because she’d only left the children for a few hours.

Later, the woman said her son told her he had washed maggots out of the baby’s bottle earlier that day.

This just gets worse and worse, horrifying!
Why is it that children are the ones that have to ALWAYS pay the ultimate price? It is so sad that in today's world that we have human beings that think it is o.k to dispose of their children? mental illness is real and i believe that it is becoming the "blame" all. I also believe that if you have diabetes, you know that if a doctor tells you that you need to take insulin then you do. A mental illness is just that. an illness and therefore that illness as most can be treated with the right medications. I for one am tired of hearing that these monsters are doing things because they suffer from depression, their bi-polar, etc, etc, etc,......If you make a decision to not seek help and not treat your illness then you are fully responsible for what you do..and the family and friends around you that know of your illness and do nothing, should be held responsible too....looking the other way is so wrong.......sick of the excuses......2,500 children die every year by the hands of the very people that were suppose to love's an epidemic, it needs to stop....thanks for letting me ramble, i needed heart just aches for all of these children involved. The two that never got to see the light of day, and the two who lived in darkness anyway. The two oldest seem to have done a lot of activities. lots of pics on facebook. school functions and trips with grandparents. I cannot imagine how hard it was for those two to keep up the facade? My heart breaks for the many times that they probably wanted to tell, but fear kept them from doing so....I hope that the neighbor with the little boy knows that she saved those children's lives. I wouldn't want to trade shoes with her, what she had to see i am sure will haunt her for a very long time, if not forever...god bless her and god bless the babies who have no choice but to lay there and take it........
so strange... 2 kids living a fairly normal life, 2 kids in serious neglect and 3 others killed and disposed of after birth... why the different treatment??? there must be a reason.

i am so shocked to hear about this case. all i want to do right now is to hug these 2 poor babies, give them food and a warm bath, wrap them in blankets and hug some more. i have a 9m old baby and my other daughter just turned 4. looking into their innocent eyes i just cant comprehend what kind of mental problems a mother must have to let them live in such conditions. my heart breaks for these poor little babies. may they find the most loving parents on earth. [emoji173]
A law enforcement official briefed on the investigation described the remains of the deceased infants as skeletal and said some of the remains were found in a bag inside the house amid trash and diapers.

The official said the state medical examiner will review bone growth of the remains to try to calculate the age and gender to determine whether there are any signs of trauma.

“These were actual, born children,” another official briefed on the investigation said.
By the way trackhit - Welcome to WS!!!! Glad you joined us!

From your link above:

"returned to the home with a search warrant Wednesday, looking for documentation to verify the children’s identities. After being overrun by insects, investigators came across what they believed to be the remains of an infant tucked in the back of a closet. Because of the discovery, investigators had to obtain a new search warrant, and they returned Thursday. They discovered two more sets of infant remains, and the skeletal remains of cats and a dog were also later found."
Just some thoughts on this case: 1) Wondering if the 2 babies and the dead babies were R Rivera's or someone elses? 2) Wonder if he really was growing pot in the basement or that was just another lie she told her parents? 3) She told someone on FB that she didn't want to start over and have more babies and they were much easier when they got older - why keep having them? 4) Why not turn the babies over to the FD or LEO - so harm/no foul? 5) All 4 kids were at the home without parental supervision when they were picked up. The 10 y/o asked his neighbor/friend to help calm crying babies - who in turn called his own Mother - who came to the rescue. The 13 y/o never asked for help? 6) Didn't Mom have a cellphone for them to get in touch with her? (I am glad they didn't).

The Globe reported Friday, however, that DCF social workers visited the family in 2007. The agency said Friday that it had received a report of possible abuse or neglect at the time but that the report was unsupported and “therefore no case was opened.”

Thank you trackhit for your link, here is the excerpt about a report 7 years ago, the eldest 2 children were neglected too, maybe she had some help until the 2 kids looked after themselves. jmo
By the way trackhit - Welcome to WS!!!! Glad you joined us!

Thank you!

According to police documents, officers have been called to 23 St. Paul Street in the past for various issues, including several reports of animal abuse.
In December of 2012, a caller reported seeing a dog on the back porch so cold that it could not sit down.
In a 2007 incident, officers responded to the house after an unnamed woman who lived there told Murray that she wanted to hurt herself.
The report states Murray didn't live at the home in 2007, but down the road at 3 St. Paul Street.
Officers responding to that call said they saw two children, ages 4 and 7 at the time, sleeping on couches - the room littered with dirty clothes. A report was filed with the Department of Social Services.
The report also said the unnamed woman bit a Blackstone rescue officer, but no charges were filed.
sounds like she just got better at hiding what was going on after the 2007 CPS encounter. But there may have been an issue all along. I agree, the kids got better at taking care of themselves as they got older and the mother got better at hiding and began putting up the supermom FB front, started keeping visitors out of the homes and the shades drawn.
I have to stop reading about this case for awhile. I've seen WSers who posted on other cases that they were in tears. Now I get it. I'm in tears.

Obviously we are seeing a mom with severe mental illness. I've never seen anything like this.

The heroic neighbor who led to the rescue of four children — including a hidden-away toddler and 5-month-old baby girl — from a vermin-infested Blackstone home recalled the shocking discovery and how she tried to comfort the feces-and-maggot-covered children.

“I never would have guessed that was going on — ever,” the neighbor said of the atrocities inside the house where investigators this week found the remains of three dead infants.

The 41-year-old neighbor and mother of two, who asked the Herald to withhold her name, moved to the neighborhood a year ago. About six months ago, her 13-year-old son began playing with the 10-year-old son of Erika Murray, who was arraigned yesterday in Uxbridge District Court on charges of “fetal death concealment” and permitting substantial injury to a child.

The woman said she met the 31-year-old Murray for the first time two weeks ago. She gave Murray her phone number and suggested they get together sometime.

Murray looked puzzled and said: “I don’t have any friends.”

Murray asked if her son could come over the next day because she was going to the Cape.

The neighbor said yes and took the boys to lunch the next day. Later, she ran an errand while the boys played outside. But her son suddenly called her and told her, “I can’t get the babies to stop crying.”

She had no idea what he was talking about. She only knew of Murray’s son and 13-year-old daughter. She didn’t know the two younger children even existed.

The woman came home and went to Murray’s house. She had never been inside. She could “hear the babies” and asked Murray’s son where they were. The boy led her inside the filthy home and upstairs — and she found a 5-month-old baby girl on a bed in one room and a 3-year-old — who she believed to be a boy — on a bed in another room.

The children were crying, covered from head-to-toe in feces and maggots. The house was dark — sheets and blankets covered the windows — and stifling hot. There was no electricity or running water.

“They had been left there all day,” she said. Murray’s boy had been at her house since 10 a.m. and it was now 4:30 p.m. “I tried not to panic,” the woman said.

“It was the worst thing you could imagine and then it was probably a little bit worse than that,” she said.

She went into the baby’s room first, sweetly telling her that it was “going to be OK.” The 3-year-old was sitting up, rocking violently on the bed. She told him to be careful, she didn’t want him to hurt himself.

Then she called the cops. The dispatcher told her not to pick up the babies, so she stood in between the two rooms, comforting them. When the first cop finally arrived, she asked to pick up the baby girl — and got the OK. She stepped on dirty diapers and piles of “stuff” — she didn’t know what it was — to reach her. When she leaned over, the baby was excited to see her. Her nails were long, her stomach swollen. “She was very cute. She liked to be held,” she said. “She was desperate to be held.”

The woman stripped off the baby’s soiled clothes and took off her own tank top to clean her up. “There was nothing clean in the house to wipe the baby with,” she said.

The baby giggled when she played peek-a-boo and the woman told her “things were going to be better.” She tried to talk to the long, curly-haired 3-year-old tot, who appeared small for his age, but he didn’t speak. He was soaking wet and looked afraid, his bed so soiled it sunk in the middle.

A cop asked her what was inside a door behind her in the hallway — she didn’t know — and when he opened it, there was a “horrible smell.” The officer told her to put the baby down and leave. So she did.

“I was scared to death,” she said, “and in shock.”

Murray was outside. The distraught neighbor confronted Murray and asked her what she was thinking. Murray said she didn’t know why she was so upset because she’d only left the children for a few hours.

Later, the woman said her son told her he had washed maggots out of the baby’s bottle earlier that day.

I don't know if I have reacted so emotionally to a thread before. God bless everyone. Like the bumper sticker says-no exceptions.
still a lot of conflicting information coming out on this story.

The four living children — ages 13, 10, 3, and 5 months — were placed in the care of the state Department of Children and Families. The two oldest, a girl and boy, were placed with their paternal grandparents, while the youngest two, both girls, remained at a health care facility.

She allegedly told state investigators that she was the mother of all four children, but that she had told family members she was baby-sitting the youngest two. She told authorities she hid the pregnancies from her family by wearing loose clothing. The man thought to be the father of the oldest children, identified as Ramon Rivera III, was flabbergasted to learn he had two other children, the investigator said. Rivera has not been charged.

Reports have varied that the youngest living children were a boy and a girl and now also both girls. Father of all four living children per Murray has been named as Raymond Rivera and Ramon River III in the press.

Hoping as the investigation progresses things are more clear and who knew what when is better explained. Along with so many other questions that still remain as to how this can happen.

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