Found Deceased MA - Zachary Marr, 22, Boston, 13 Feb 2016 #2

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His Birthday was on the 11th, they waited till the weekend to celebrate. It's a small thing, maybe but I find it a bit comforting that he didn't die on the exact same day he was born. They can still celebrate his Birthday as such.

Ok thanks for that. I thought they were celebrating his birthday which makes it even more sad for me.. whether it was the actual day or not. It was the night of his celebration and the night he died.
"Extremely cold temperature can also cause hypothermia, when the body's temperature dips below 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Warning signs include uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness, and obvious exhaustion, according to the NWS.
Surprisingly, hypothermia can occur at any temperature lower than normal body temperature. Factors like body fat, age, alcohol consumption, and especially wetness can affect how long hypothermia takes to strike.
If you fall into water, the situation becomes drastically more dangerous."

So at 8 deg. F without a jacket and even moderate alcohol consumption, symptoms can be a factor in an accidental drowning.


I don't care what charts say. I am going to believe the folks who live there and were out in the weather who verify that it was wicked cold. .
IT WAS FREAKING DANGEROUSLY COLD. It does not take long to be effected by that kind of cold with no coat. This is horrible and beyond sad. The only good that can come of this as I see it ... is that it...somehow , in some way, helps someone else have it not happen to them.

Stop sleuthing family. You may discuss what family/friends have said in MSM, but you CANNOT sleuth them. It is a TOS violation and may result in loss of posting privileges.
I wish we could start a public service announcement type of thing. Don't leave if you're out in the cold. Stay put and let people find you. Jump up and down. Do jumping jacks to stay warm; pace in a small circle, but stay put so your loved ones and searchers can find you. I so SO SO wish he hadn't walked away from that tavern.

....hindsight.... 20/20
There were quite a number of news stories and public service announcements as the bitterly cold weather approached. I guess when you're 22, you just don't think it's going to happen to you.

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So, I have been following this case and I have to say it does to make any sense to me. First off, It was actually around 20 degrees when Zach was outside as it was 1:30 am on February 13...
Still cold, but no -9 and wind chill at 16 mph. Don't know how many times people have incorrectly stated this.
Media has stated several different stories, the last two are that he was "seen on video walking on railroad tracks then disappeared into the water", the other was "he was seen on video walking into the water". Initially I had read an article stating they had seen him jump a barrier onto the tracks but then he disappeared.
From all accounts Zach was not inebriated, so if he did fall in the water, is there any likelihood he could have made it out? Swam across? Gone off on the foot bridge? Met up with friends he had in Somerville?
And can dogs smell through water? What is that all about? They had the dog on the boat??? I've never seen anything quite like that...Which made me wonder...
Also, could Zach have set up something to get away for some reason? I know 22 year old's, and even if stuck outside a bar, with family inside, they aren't leaving till all their family are with them unless they have an ulterior motive. Especially when not from there, and all having come together. And he was on the phone and then on the move before anyone could get to him. So, thinking... was he in any kind of trouble, he had to disappear?
Did he accidentally take anything from grandma's house and decide to start out somewhere new before his family found out? He obviously had a burner phone, you don't, as a 22 year old, just have one of those either. Generally for illegal things. Or for his disappearance? Maybe he owed to the wrong people?
Yes dogs can just like avalanche dogs.

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Have they stopped the search? There seems to be no news at all that I can tell. Has anyone picked up on anything? Hope...
Due to weather conditions, they wouldn't have been able to search the last few days. I haven't heard whether they plan to resume.

Also, some of the dive teams have been working rescues around the state.

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I'm sure that the searchers are doing their best, but it is heartbreaking to know that he is in that water and has not been found *sigh*
I haven't seen or heard anything either via Boston news. Still praying for Zach and his family.


"Matthew, 33, was last seen with his girlfriend and a group of friends, celebrating Mardi Gras at a bar in downtown Williamsport. Family members say he had a little too much to drink, and after stepping out for some air, was not let back into the bar.

It is believed that Stoner decided to walk the 10 or so minutes back to his mother's house, where he had been living at the time.

Officials tracked down the last known images of Stoner, a grainy surveillance video showing him walking onto the Market Street Bridge. He never made it to the other side."

That's uncanny! I'll be interested to to see if the bar denies he was kept out...

It would appear bridges and late night drinking don't mix.

"Matthew, 33, was last seen with his girlfriend and a group of friends, celebrating Mardi Gras at a bar in downtown Williamsport. Family members say he had a little too much to drink, and after stepping out for some air, was not let back into the bar.

It is believed that Stoner decided to walk the 10 or so minutes back to his mother's house, where he had been living at the time.

Officials tracked down the last known images of Stoner, a grainy surveillance video showing him walking onto the Market Street Bridge. He never made it to the other side."

That's uncanny! I'll be interested to to see if the bar denies he was kept out...

It would appear bridges and late night drinking don't mix.

They did in their first and only statement!!
Have they stopped the search? There seems to be no news at all that I can tell. Has anyone picked up on anything? Hope...

Like most of us I check daily. I dont know why it feels like this on this one , but it is frustrating. Again not sure if it is accurate , but it seems as if other similiar events have gotten longer media play.

Anyone who has not seen Gone Girl, it was awesome, and relates to this in terms of a missing person being at the core of the story . It was interesting it light of the past several weeks , plus it was an awesome pic - won a lot of awards
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