Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 1

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An online appeal to help find Madeleine has also been set up.

The appeal, created by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre and the Virtual Global Taskforce, is available in English, Portuguese and Spanish on

Crimestoppers have also set up an international number - +44 1883 731 336 - which people with information can call anonymously.
Sorry if this has been posted already:,2933,271134,00.html

LISBON, Portugal — Portuguese police are now working on the assumption that Madeleine McCann was abducted "to order" by an international pedophile network, after narrowing the focus of their six-day investigation.
Detectives have now discarded a range of other possibilities, including the theory that the British toddler could have walked out of her Algarve hotel room by herself or was kidnapped for adoption, Portuguese newspapers have reported.
“Everything points to a kidnapping,” a person close to the investigation told Correio da Manhã, adding that police were now exclusively investigating the possibility that she had been captured by a child abuse network. Police sources quoted anonymously by several other local newspapers said the same thing.
Citing local laws, Portuguese police have refused to speak publicly about the state of their investigation. But recent moves have pointed to a renewed focus on international pedophile networks. (more at link)
Sorry if this has been posted already:,2933,271134,00.html

LISBON, Portugal — Portuguese police are now working on the assumption that Madeleine McCann was abducted "to order" by an international pedophile network, after narrowing the focus of their six-day investigation.
Detectives have now discarded a range of other possibilities, including the theory that the British toddler could have walked out of her Algarve hotel room by herself or was kidnapped for adoption, Portuguese newspapers have reported.
“Everything points to a kidnapping,” a person close to the investigation told Correio da Manhã, adding that police were now exclusively investigating the possibility that she had been captured by a child abuse network. Police sources quoted anonymously by several other local newspapers said the same thing.
Citing local laws, Portuguese police have refused to speak publicly about the state of their investigation. But recent moves have pointed to a renewed focus on international pedophile networks. (more at link)

I had to comment on my own post...sorry...
abducted "to order" SICK is this? It makes me so so so sick to hear these horror stories and see/hear these stories about these poor, gullible, innocent makes me so sick...I certainly didn't have the best childhood, I faced physical, emotional, and sexual abuse myself, BUT, I am still alive, and I am not saying Madeliene isn't, but the odds get greater everyday...I am so sick for her, and all the other kids out sick...
I had to comment on my own post...sorry...
abducted "to order" SICK is this? It makes me so so so sick to hear these horror stories and see/hear these stories about these poor, gullible, innocent makes me so sick...I certainly didn't have the best childhood, I faced physical, emotional, and sexual abuse myself, BUT, I am still alive, and I am not saying Madeliene isn't, but the odds get greater everyday...I am so sick for her, and all the other kids out sick...

I believe children have been abducted "to order" for many, many years. all over the world. a large percentage, IMO, of missing children haven't been taken by just one nut. highly organised operations are in action. IMO.

sadly, i don't believe Madeleine is coming home, although i long to eat my words. :(
I believe children have been abducted "to order" for many, many years. all over the world. a large percentage, IMO, of missing children haven't been taken by just one nut. highly organised operations are in action. IMO.

sadly, i don't believe Madeleine is coming home, although i long to eat my words. :(

I believe that, Floh, although it's rare to see it in words, I guess, at least for me anyway. Always before I would always tell myself that things like this really don't happen, but now I find myself wanting to do something about this, I don't care how small a difference it makes in this world, I want to do SOMETHING to help. Anyone with ANY idea how I can help, please see my thread by the same name. Thank you.
What a heartbreaking case.
God please watch over this little one.
Prayers and support to her family.

By Carole Aye Maung and Ross Hall

POLICE hunting for missing Maddie McCann have dramatically widened their search to an extinct VOLCANO, the News of the World can exclusively reveal.

Teams of officers with sniffer dogs are scouring what one called a "sinister" area called Black Rock near sea cliffs just over a mile from the resort where the youngster was snatched on Thursday.
The search was redirected as the detective leading the hunt said his team had a good idea who the kidnapper was — and that he believes Maddie may still be ALIVE. CAN YOU HELP?

CALL THE POLICE: (00 351) 282 405 400

CALL THE NEWSDESK: (00 44) 207 782 1001

A source close to the Portuguese investigation also told the News of the World that the abductor is believed to have spent days watching Maddie and staking out the McCann family's apartment at the Ocean Club resort in the seaside village of Praia da Luz.

Maddie's mother Kate McCann has made an impassioned plea to the person holding the tot - begging them to let her go.

Clutching a picture of her missing daughter she said:“We would like to say a few words to the person who is with our Madeleine, or has been with Madeleine.

“Madeleine is a beautiful, bright, sunny and caring little girl. She is so special.

“Please, please, do not hurt her. Please do not scare her, please let us know where to find Madeleine or put her in place of safety and tell somebody where.

“We beg you to let Madeleine come home.We need our Madeleine.”

“Sean and Amelie need Madeleine and she needs us. Please give our little girl back. “Por favor, devolva a nossa menina.”

Meanwhile more than 500 British tourists, expats and locals have joined in the ongoing search for the blonde youngster along a six-mile stretch of the coastline.
The search has now shifted to Rocha Negra — a remote area feared by the local community and an ideal hideout.
Furriel Louis Costa, one of the policemen involved in the search, told us: "You would call it Black Rock. It is a very scary and chilling place. The local Portuguese people do not like to go up there. They are too frightened.

"It is very big and extends high up above the sea which makes it seem very threatening. You can go up there. But no one ever does. It's not a nice place. It is sinister."
He spoke as hopes rose that Maddie might be alive and held captive following a statement earlier in the day from the head of the investigation, Director of the Judicial Police Guilhermino Encarnacao who hinted that they KNOW the kidnapper's identity. He said: "There is a prime suspect and we have a portrait sketch of the suspect. But I am not going to reveal it because it may put the girl's life in danger. We believe that she is still alive and still in Portugal."

Much more at link...
The parents of missing Madeleine McCann left their three children alone in their apartment every night of their holiday because they did not want a stranger to babysit, it has emerged.

Last night police were investigating reports that a blonde youngster was spotted at a motorway service station ten miles from Praia da Luz.
Staff told officers that a woman had come in with the child and told her to say "thank you" in Portuguese. It is understood they were captured on CCTV.
I believe that, Floh, although it's rare to see it in words, I guess, at least for me anyway. Always before I would always tell myself that things like this really don't happen, but now I find myself wanting to do something about this, I don't care how small a difference it makes in this world, I want to do SOMETHING to help. Anyone with ANY idea how I can help, please see my thread by the same name. Thank you.

I thought I would post this link from a subgroup of "Save The Children".
There are many things that can be done right from your home with the internet. They are a wonderful, international organization. And can certainly use any help offered. It is a huge, huge problem and undertaking.

Thank you for wanting to do something about the problem.
There are also many other organizations which are involved in child abduction and sex slavery.

Disclaimer- I work with Save the Children, mainly in Eastern Europe, on these issues as well as disaster relief - emergency response.

Thanks for caring. Many times it seems just so overwhelming and terribly sad. Hoping for a safe return of Madeline.
I'm following this on a crimeblog and there's supposed to be a press conference scheduled for 6:30 Portugese time, which I estimate to be 12:30 pm central US time. Praying for good news for this little girl...
I'm following this on a crimeblog and there's supposed to be a press conference scheduled for 6:30 Portugese time, which I estimate to be 12:30 pm central US time. Praying for good news for this little girl...

Steph, could you link us to the blog?
"I'm also being told that a town or village has been sealed off near Seville in southern Spain. It is not a long journey to get from the Algarve across the border."


Officers have reportedly examined CCTV footage showing a girl fitting Madeleine's description with a woman and two men.
The footage was taken*at a service station*a few miles from the village of Praia da Luz a few days ago, on the road towards Spain.
The Portuguese newspaper, 24 Horas, said the woman was in her 40s, blonde and appeared foreign.
Brunt said police have shown a still from the CCTV to a British tourist who confirmed it showed a man he had to chase off from photographing his daughter.,,91210-1264945,00.html
If this a pedo ring, it's going to be infuriating. I won't call for all the bad things that we all would like to see happen to them because even though we would like it, it won't happen. We can let our lawmakers know that it's enough. We've had it. These people can't be cured so they can't be walking our streets, period. It's an immediate life sentence without the chance for parole. Life means life. We need to build new prisons strictly for these guys. If we need to pay higher tax to build these, so be it. Let all of the doctors study these people & see if there is something that can be done at a very early age to prevent this. Right now, we can't & we must protect our children. Pedos & Pedo rings need to be rooted out & put away for life. Right now!!!
If this a pedo ring, it's going to be infuriating. I won't call for all the bad things that we all would like to see happen to them because even though we would like it, it won't happen. We can let our lawmakers know that it's enough. We've had it. These people can't be cured so they can't be walking our streets, period. It's an immediate life sentence without the chance for parole. Life means life. We need to build new prisons strictly for these guys. If we need to pay higher tax to build these, so be it. Let all of the doctors study these people & see if there is something that can be done at a very early age to prevent this. Right now, we can't & we must protect our children. Pedos & Pedo rings need to be rooted out & put away for life. Right now!!!

What JP76ER said! :furious: :furious: :furious:
You're welcome. I've been following this Sunday and haven't been able to come up with much over here. The sky news website is the most up-to-date I've come across.

It seems Portugese police are required to remain extremely tight-lipped; thus, it was assumed the press conference was going to announce some very bad news. That wasn't the case, so let's hope there's something to the service station sighting.
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