Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 1

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Ah, That could well be Taximom. Good call, as she was very passionate.

About your earlier post, I find it really interesting. In America we would definately classify this as child neglect. Period. In England, including the parents from what I heard on TV, they are horrified at the criticism of the parents leaving the children alone at all. This must be a standard more of English culture then, I would think.

And in Portugal, the standard would have been to take the children all with to the restaurant and let them sleep beside you in their baby seats. This is what families do in Spain, Portugal and Italy, and it doesn't matter if it is well into the night.

Such a difference of opinion depending on where you are from. The only reason I said I thought it wasn't child abuse was using the English standard, as these people are from Merry 'ole England! YaYa Scandi
The only reason I said I thought it wasn't child abuse was using the English standard, as these people are from Merry 'ole England! YaYa Scandi

I have heard this over and over from friends, about the "English". I guess I figured they have the same amount of crime and news coverage that we have and would be more aware. It's not like Iraq where TV news is minimal for most people, and highly censored.

In any case, I really pray for her safe return. I'm sure her parents feel the worst ever, and it's not my wish to impart more pain on them.
Oh Good! I just don't think it is all cut and dried, you know.

I disagree with you 100%. Too many people are afraid to say it like it is, not Jeana, and not me. The parents caused this. Sad, but true. I am devasted for them. We all make mistakes. This was a big one. I am sorry they made it...but they did.

I agree with you also. The parents repeatedly left their children alone in the room at night while they ate dinner and had drinks. They admitted this. If the parents would have hired a babysitter or been in the apartment with the children, Maddie would be safe and sound with her parents and not missing and sadly to say, probably dead.
I agree with you also. The parents repeatedly left their children alone in the room at night while they ate dinner and had drinks. They admitted this. If the parents would have hired a babysitter or been in the apartment with the children, Maddie would be safe and sound with her parents and not missing and sadly to say, probably dead.

Can we please quit bashing the parents. This has become a discussion on Maddie's parents and the perception that they are not responsible people instead of Maddie. This is terrible.

I'm guessing that those who are bashing have not traveled extensively and are basing their statements on the American lifestyle. While you may not agree with what Maddie's parents did, they adhered to the standards of their culture, which should be respected.
I am not really into placing blame in this case. There is a child missing and I pray she is found safely.
I think we have to hang on to hope that she will be reunited with her parents....however remote the odds of that are. "advertising" her case is the ONLY way to keep that hope alive. Elizabeth's Smart's family knew that keeping her case in the media was the best chance they had of getting their daughter back. It worked...yes, it took 9 months but the reason she was found and reunited with her family was because she was recongnized by someone who knew her story.

If we didn't hang on to hope of finding missing people and just went on statistics there would never be any "missing" people because they would all be presumed dead if not found within the first few hours.....according to statistics.

I say keep the prayers, hope and positive thoughts going to Maddie and her parents. That's what I'm doing.

I'm hanging unto hope for Maddie. Whoever has her could have easily ordered a colored contact lens online to change Maddie's eye. I will believe Maddie is alive until I hear differently. I will continue to pray for her safe return and strength for her parents.
Can we please quit bashing the parents. This has become a discussion on Maddie's parents and the perception that they are not responsible people instead of Maddie. This is terrible.

I'm guessing that those who are bashing have not traveled extensively and are basing their statements on the American lifestyle. While you may not agree with what Maddie's parents did, they adhered to the standards of their culture, which should be respected.
I dont understand why you call it bashing the parents, when in reality they are responsible for the welfare of their children, in this instance, there was no parental guidance, its fact not bashing that the parents should not have left there children alone. It doesnt matter what country lifestyle we lead, it is globally known that parents are responsible for their children, they were not there for them and now Madelaine is missing. This is not parent bashing, its called responsibility.
What consequences do you think the parents should suffer? People love to repeat themselves about the parent's guilt in this matter and that's fine, but what do you think their punishment should be?
guilt. guilt should eat them alive. it is more than likely. if you do something so stupid and careless and it causes harm to your child you should feel guilt. shame. you caused your child to be taken. maybe molested. maybe god forbid killed. hang your head in shame. do not say it was safe and you did nothing wrong. own up to what you have done. parenting classes. in america if you leave your kids home alone the state steps in. they make you take classes so you can learn how to parent responsibly.
Can we please quit bashing the parents. This has become a discussion on Maddie's parents and the perception that they are not responsible people instead of Maddie. This is terrible.

I'm guessing that those who are bashing have not traveled extensively and are basing their statements on the American lifestyle. While you may not agree with what Maddie's parents did, they adhered to the standards of their culture, which should be respected.
i dont understand something here. are kids only in danger in America? this girl was taken and it was not here. do kids not drown in bath tubs in other countries? pull dressers over on themselves? stick stuff in light sockets. play with matches. open doors and go looking for mommy and daddy? even if you dont think you are in danger from a pervert dont kids everywhere need mommy and daddy close enough to hear when they cry out?
i dont understand something here. are kids only in danger in America? this girl was taken and it was not here. do kids not drown in bath tubs in other countries? pull dressers over on themselves? stick stuff in light sockets. play with matches. open doors and go looking for mommy and daddy? even if you dont think you are in danger from a pervert dont kids everywhere need mommy and daddy close enough to hear when they cry out?
Exactly, thats what parents do for their children, they protect them. Who was protecting Madelaine.
The parents made a big mistake and poor little Maddie is paying for it...The parents are at fault and all my sympathy is going to Maddie...not her neglectful parents,they have no excuse as to why they left their babies someone posted earlier, if this had been a poor white family we would have been down on them like a ton of bricks.....
Thoughts and prayers for Maddie.
The parents made a big mistake and poor little Maddie is paying for it...The parents are at fault and all my sympathy is going to Maddie...not her neglectful parents,they have no excuse as to why they left their babies someone posted earlier, if this had been a poor white family we would have been down on them like a ton of bricks.....
Thoughts and prayers for Maddie.
Right on Dingo.
Can we please quit bashing the parents. This has become a discussion on Maddie's parents and the perception that they are not responsible people instead of Maddie. This is terrible.

I'm guessing that those who are bashing have not traveled extensively and are basing their statements on the American lifestyle. While you may not agree with what Maddie's parents did, they adhered to the standards of their culture, which should be respected.

I'm glad that you said that. There isn't one parent on this forum who hasn't done something stupid at some time that could have put their children or child at risk. Luckily for most of us....nothing happened. I don't believe for a minute that these parents had a clue that something like this would happen. If they were dining close to their motel and they could check on the they did...they must have felt comfortable with leaving them sleeping in the motel. Some of the posts that I have read now has the parents out every night dining and drinking and having a great time with other adults there. What it sounded like to me was a couple having a quiet dinner after their children went to sleep. So what if they had a drink with dinner.

I can't imagine what this couple is going through while waiting to hear something about their daughter. I can't begin to put myself in their shoes. I know I would be carrying a load of guilt of which I'm sure that they are. If I could see them I would give them each a hug. They are victims...whoever kidnapped their daughter made them victims. They didn't set up the kidnapping and they sure didn't want something like that to happen. The important thing right now is finding their daughter. Instead of ragging on the parents we should use that energy to try and figure out what has happened to her.
I'm glad that you said that. There isn't one parent on this forum who hasn't done something stupid at some time that could have put their children or child at risk. Luckily for most of us....nothing happened. I don't believe for a minute that these parents had a clue that something like this would happen. If they were dining close to their motel and they could check on the they did...they must have felt comfortable with leaving them sleeping in the motel. Some of the posts that I have read now has the parents out every night dining and drinking and having a great time with other adults there. What it sounded like to me was a couple having a quiet dinner after their children went to sleep. So what if they had a drink with dinner.

I can't imagine what this couple is going through while waiting to hear something about their daughter. I can't begin to put myself in their shoes. I know I would be carrying a load of guilt of which I'm sure that they are. If I could see them I would give them each a hug. They are victims...whoever kidnapped their daughter made them victims. They didn't set up the kidnapping and they sure didn't want something like that to happen. The important thing right now is finding their daughter. Instead of ragging on the parents we should use that energy to try and figure out what has happened to her.

Okay the parents were checking in on their children, but it takes minutes for something to go wrong, one of the children could have woken up and gone looking for their parents and got lost or hurt, these children should have never been left alone for one minute.

The parents will be feeling guilty, and we should put all our energy and prayers into finding out what happened to Madelaine but the truth of the fact is the children should have had some one there whilst they slept.
Nobody is perfect and yes we have made mistakes bringing up our kids, as there is no manual on how to be the perfect parent, but commonsense says that children that young should not be left alone especially in unfamiliar surroundings.
People are saying it is part of their culture to treat their children this way and thats what they do in their homeland, that is utter crap. Nobody leaves children that young alone, the parents are at fault, there is no buck passing here. Parents are responisble for their childrens safety, so Madelaines parents are responisble for their daughter being missing, if they had their dinner in their rooms Madelaine would still be with them today.
I'm glad that you said that. There isn't one parent on this forum who hasn't done something stupid at some time that could have put their children or child at risk. Luckily for most of us....nothing happened. I don't believe for a minute that these parents had a clue that something like this would happen. If they were dining close to their motel and they could check on the they did...they must have felt comfortable with leaving them sleeping in the motel. Some of the posts that I have read now has the parents out every night dining and drinking and having a great time with other adults there. What it sounded like to me was a couple having a quiet dinner after their children went to sleep. So what if they had a drink with dinner.

I can't imagine what this couple is going through while waiting to hear something about their daughter. I can't begin to put myself in their shoes. I know I would be carrying a load of guilt of which I'm sure that they are. If I could see them I would give them each a hug. They are victims...whoever kidnapped their daughter made them victims. They didn't set up the kidnapping and they sure didn't want something like that to happen. The important thing right now is finding their daughter. Instead of ragging on the parents we should use that energy to try and figure out what has happened to her.
Amen to that Bobbisangel! No one is pefect. We could sit here clucking away about how awful her parents are all day long, but it resolves nothing!!
Jeana....did Ireland get TO'd or banned?

I just want to understand, and for others who 'watched' this happen, why you took such measures? I am assuming becuase she was PERSONALLY attacking you and it wasn't her opinions. WS is FOR freedom of speech. But we DO NOT attack EACHOTHER. We work TOGETHER. We may not always agree, and everyone's different views and talents is what makes this world go around.

I think this may be a good time for everyone to read the TOS about attacking the post and not the poster.

4. We strive to provide a safe environment for members to express their ideas without personal attacks or "flames". Please be polite in your posts. Any reply that we feel violates this rule including but not limited to, name calling, ad hominem argument, and profane or racist language will be deleted. If you object to a post, and consider it a flame or insult, please use the "Report post" link instead of insulting the poster back. If you flame others through personal attacks, even in response to a perceived personal attack, you will lose your posting privileges.

Jeana, if I assumed wrong in why the 'bye bye'...delete this post
<<While you may not agree with what Maddie's parents did, they adhered to the standards of their culture, which should be respected.>>

If this truly is the culture, it needs to change pronto. This is sadly not the world we live in anymore.
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