Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 9

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BethInAk, I believe this is one of those cases where LE believed the parents, and didn't look. When they did look, they could only see it with lumniol (or some similar substance). I think it will be very interesting to hear what they find in the vehicles they searched yesterday. Apparently, they took them all to the lower level of a parking garage, and must have used the closed, private, and DARK space to use lumniol and/or fluorescent black light to inspect the vehicles of the parents, Murat and his family, and friends, and on one report, they also inspected the vehicles of the McCann party....although I only read that on a single source.
Why would someone photoshop the picture of her eye???:waitasec:
If the parents are involved, it isn't going to be a big surprise for many of us. Their actions all along have been questionable at best. I am finally glad to see LE is admitting taking a serious look into their involvement.

If the blood is determined to be that of Maddie's, it would only be a reasonable assumption a perp didn't stay behind to clean up the scene if he were just abducting her nor would there be signs of a struggle at the scene. This would indicate the parents covered up neccessary evidence in determining what happened to her.

What reason would the other parents of the group risk their own necks to cover up for the McCanns, if they knew they had hurt her? The way Kate acted from the beginning was suspicious and her going clear back to restaurant to get him with leaving the other two babies never made sense...but they might have been putting on a "planned" show for the other parents' to witness. Maddie could have gone "missing" before they ever decided to go to dinner with the others and could explain why they didn't return to the room as often as they stated, which was contradicted by the staff of the restaurant anyway.

I would say things are finally coming to light and answers aren't far away now. We all want justice for Maddie.

I agree with much of what you are saying but am quite surprised YOU are saying it. You left a scathing and rude post to those of us following this case and the direction many of us saw it taking back on part 7, that I believe may have been deleted. So I'm surprised, but glad you're no longer angry. :cool:
Heather, I blew up the photo. That is incredibly creepy.
Wow, there's some crazy developments going on. I have to admit that I *never* suspected the parents. But now...if it's true they found Madeleine's blood in the apartment, who else could it be??? I don't imagine an intruder would kill her, clean up, and then dispose of the body. It makes no sense.

I guess we need to wait for DNA evidence to come back.

I certainly hope there's closure soon. I don't know how I'll feel if it's the parents who are involved.

"...specially-trained British cocker spaniel sniffer dogs had located the smell of a dead body in the Ocean Club apartment - only possible if a cadaver had been left there for at least two hours." (bold is mine)

"Acording to Portuguese news reports, the police have virtually abandoned the kidnap theory or any hope that she may still be alive..."

Different sniffer dogs are used for different purposes. There are cadaver dogs and then there are dogs that sniff out blood. There are also sniffer dogs that follow a scent of an alive person.

The cadaver dogs found the scent of a dead person in the McCann's apartment. The blood sniffing dogs found traces of blood on the lower part of a wall in the McCann's apartment.

The article above states that a dead person was kept in the apartment for at least two hours. Police believe that this dead person was Madeleine.
There wasn't an abduction. An abduction is of an alive person.
Lusa News Agency (reprinted in Barlavento), 7 August 2007, 18:42:

PJ sees "light at the end of the tunnel" and has an idea of what might have happened

The police consider that "there is now light at the end of the tunnel" in the Madeleine McCann case, and there is "an idea of what might have happened" to the girl who disappeared in the Algarve three months again, said a source with the investigation to Lusa.

"The police see, at this time, a light at the end of the tunnel concerning the case of the missing British child," affirmed this same source, but did not provide more details.

"The working group involved with this case has an idea of what might have happened and it is with this idea as a base we are working, to develop the investigation. It is still premature to advance concrete hypotheses because they have to be consolidated."

Questioned about the detection of vestiges of blood in the apartment occupied by the McCann couple, at Ocean Club, in Lagos, the source would not confirm anything.

However, it was explained to Lusa that the police utilized an ultraviolet ray machine in the McCann apartment and that this "can detect small amounts of blood and other biological fluids."

The same source also said that "a clearly defined plan was developed more than two weeks ago and it is being followed."

Questioned about the direction of the investigation, the source reminded us that "until things are completely certain, everyone is a suspect, the parents, friends, employees and cleaning lady."

"If we look at statistics regarding these cases, in more than 80% we see the involvement of the parents, a lesser percentage of family and even fewer of friends and only 2-3 percent are strangers," stated the investigator, ending with "this is not to say that these numbers apply to this case."

Meanwhile, the ex-PJ Inspector Moita Flores said today that analysis of the blood found in the apartment "will take 10 to 12 days" and in case it is Madeleine's "it is the result of a very serious event."

"I have no doubts that, in this specific case, it will be the sign that something very serious happened, possibly death," he affirmed to Lusa.

For the criminologist, if it is found that the blood belongs to Madeleine, "the case is practically resolved, everything will become much easier."

As for the fact that the PJ is not declaring anything about the case, the ex-inspector was in agreement, justifying that "there are many issues at stake."

"There is at play more than just a child. The Portuguese Police "posto em causa" (reputation was questioned) by the media at a worldwide level and is right to be careful and protect the investigation," he confirmed.
If they killed her, where is her body? That's what I can't figure out. :(
Can someone post the blown-up version here? I don't know how to do that to a picture. Thanks.

Here you are:
If they killed her, where is her body? That's what I can't figure out. :(

I really wish I could tell you all what I think about that but, I need to wait.

It is not my place to say exactly. I will tell you though that there are caves, old wells, acres of scrubland, an old viaduct system, all within a 10 minutes drive.

Amazing what you can find with Google Earth.
I really wish I could tell you all what I think about that but, I need to wait.

It is not my place to say exactly. I will tell you though that there are caves, old wells, acres of scrubland, an old viaduct system, all within a 10 minutes drive.

Amazing what you can find with Google Earth.

Ah, thanks, colomom. Have the McCann's been at this location before-meaning, would they be aware of places like this? I guess they could have driven around to find a spot. Thanks for replying though. I appreciate not being ignored or told to read the last 8 threads. I kept up in the beginning, but didn't when it seemed things were at a standstill. :blowkiss:
ETA: Thanks for the picture too. Goosebumps.
Ah, thanks, colomom. Have the McCann's been at this location before-meaning, would they be aware of places like this? I guess they could have driven around to find a spot. Thanks for replying though. I appreciate not being ignored or told to read the last 8 threads. I kept up in the beginning, but didn't when it seemed things were at a standstill. :blowkiss:
ETA: Thanks for the picture too. Goosebumps.

You are welcome!

I will just say there has been alot of jogging going on....
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