Madeleine McCann found?

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I have just watched the video again of Andy Redwood, he does say he believes she is alive,
his words when asked if he believes she is still alive is "yes I do"
he then goes on a bit of a ramble that seems to make very little point or sense.

To say that, is a little mystifying for me personally, unless he has evidence to go onto a nationally televised programme and have good reason?
Good reason to my mind would not be because there was an opportunity for an abduction to have taken place, an abduction that goes long term as this one has, nearly always ends in tragedy

The report I watched he said that his belief was based on evidence, but said they did not discount she could be alive (paraphrasing there). He did say there was specific evidence that pointed to her being alive.
I know a former detective also did a review of the publicly available information and said he believed there was a very good chance she was taken by a childless couple. BUt he also said he there were other attacks on children in holiday flats which were not investigated properly which could be connected (again paraphrasing)
I wonder why they took the oldest child if a childless couple took her. In my criminal mind, it seems like it would have been a lot easier to take one of the twins. They were younger and presumably less verbal, less able to tell someone they have been taken from their parents. The younger children are the more their memories fade and the difference in age might make a difference in the likelihood of remembering the abduction in the future. The younger the child, the faster their appearance changes. Also, Madeleine's eye defect makes her more recognizable than the twins. (Probably, I don't know what the twins look like) It's possible they didn't know about the eye defect if they hadn't seen her up close. I'd take a baby if possible, not a three year old.
I wonder why they took the oldest child if a childless couple took her. In my criminal mind, it seems like it would have been a lot easier to take one of the twins. They were younger and presumably less verbal, less able to tell someone they have been taken from their parents. The younger children are the more their memories fade and the difference in age might make a difference in the likelihood of remembering the abduction in the future. The younger the child, the faster their appearance changes. Also, Madeleine's eye defect makes her more recognizable than the twins. (Probably, I don't know what the twins look like) It's possible they didn't know about the eye defect if they hadn't seen her up close. I'd take a baby if possible, not a three year old.

I agree, I ve just said this to someone on here. 'if it was a childless couple and they were not from an english speaking country, they would have the problems of Madeleine not being able to understand them and vice versa, they would not be able to take her out in their country and pass her off as their own until she had been taught the language and be trusted enough not to speak out against the couple.
The twin would have been the obvious option, in addition, easier to conceal and transport and definitely less able to speak.

Of course, there is the chance she would have been stolen to order, but the odds are getting smaller and smaller
Horrible as this is to say, she could have been abducted by a paedophile.
I wonder if any child *advertiser censored* investigations have come up with photos of an older child that looks very much like her. All the sightings have seemed to be so iffy so far but if there was an unidentified look-alike with the same eye defect it would be pretty strong evidence that she could be alive. Probably not with a childless couple who want to love her as their own but alive nonetheless.

What else would be evidence that she is still alive? Since the investigation was closed it doesn't look like anybody's sending ransom demands with proof of her being alive.
She could still be alive if she was abducted by a paedophile, but the clock is ticking. Once she hits adolescence she would be of no further interest or use.
There mustn't be any evidence to support the paedophile suggestion (like photos with similarities)
The PJ would surely reopen the case for that?
She could still be alive if she was abducted by a paedophile, but the clock is ticking. Once she hits adolescence she would be of no further interest or use.

I must disagree with this.

See Jaycee Dugard.

I must disagree with this.

See Jaycee Dugard.


Jaycee Dugard ceased to be of any sexual interest to Garrido after the birth of her second child. She was kept alive at that stage because she was the mother of his two children and because she had bonded with her kidnappers.
Jaycee Dugard ceased to be of any sexual interest to Garrido after the birth of her second child. She was kept alive at that stage because she was the mother of his two children and because she had bonded with her kidnappers.

You said -

Once she hits adolescence she would be of no further interest or use.

I disagreed - she helped in his business and was (your words) mother of his children.

Can you see the contradiction in your statements?

I said she would be of no further use or interest to a paedophile. I'm sure most people reading knew what I meant, for those who didn't, just to make it crystal clear - I was talking about sexual interest.
I said she would be of no further use or interest to a paedophile. I'm sure most people reading knew what I meant, for those who didn't, just to make it crystal clear - I was talking about sexual interest.

Your argument is NO pedophile would want ANY child after adolesence.

Jaycee Dugard's abductor was a pedophile who wanted her after adolesence.

You cannot look into the future and state the unknown abductor will not behave like Jaycee Dugard's abductor.

Therefore that statement is flawed.

It has no impact on finding Madeleine either way, however...especially if you believe there is no abductor.

Fine, the statement is flawed. I'm pretty sure everyone reading knew I meant sexual interest, and for those who didn't the second statement clarifies it.

The chances of Madeleine still being alive if she was abducted by a stranger are slim, the chances that her case will have a happy ending as unusual as the Jaycee Dugard case are terribly slim indeed. So, like I said, the clock is ticking...
There are entirely too many posts that are attacking posters in this forum, instead of just responding to the post. If a poster uses "you" frequently in a post, then that is a good indication that the poster is attacking another poster. I can't say it enough that mods. do not read every post. If you see a post that violates TOS, do NOT respond to it. Alert on it and mods. will handle it.

This forum is about Madeleine and has the sole purpose of helping to find her. This forum was gone for a few years, because of the nitpicking and attacking members that is still going on now. Do you guys really want this forum to go away again?

We just ask that you treat each other respectfully in your posts. We ask that you review your post before posting it, and if you have any doubt, then you should probably not post it.

These are pretty simple rules, that I know are not difficult to follow.

Madeleine, or a lookalike has been spotted in a plane from Ibiza to Munich, with a German family with two boys. For a kidnapped child she seems to do a lot of vacationing across Europe.
“She didn’t seem to fit with her family at all. Her father was clearly German, as were her two brothers, both around 10 to 12 years old, but her mother appeared to be British.

“They were all speaking German except for the girl, who I clearly heard speaking British English.”

He continued: “The two boys were touching her strangely and the girl seemed totally out of place – nervous, stuttering, just not normal. And her mother, who bore no resemblance to the girl, was a strange woman and didn’t talk the entire trip.

It seems like it would be easy enough to rule out since people usually have to show some sort of ID to get on a plane so they would know who these people are. But the British police doesn't appear to know about it.


I think Madeleine would probably have learned to speak German by now if she'd lived with a German family for all these years. But maybe it's a bilingual family.
I'm not sure how he determined that the mother was British if she didn't say anything for the whole trip though.

The photo is so bad it could be anybody imo.

Madeleine, or a lookalike has been spotted in a plane from Ibiza to Munich, with a German family with two boys. For a kidnapped child she seems to do a lot of vacationing across Europe.

It seems like it would be easy enough to rule out since people usually have to show some sort of ID to get on a plane so they would know who these people are. But the British police doesn't appear to know about it.


I think Madeleine would probably have learned to speak German by now if she'd lived with a German family for all these years. But maybe it's a bilingual family.
I'm not sure how he determined that the mother was British if she didn't say anything for the whole trip though.

The photo is so bad it could be anybody imo.

The Sun picked it up today

Why would this make the msm, there is nothing convincing about it really is there?
A blurry photo? that the taker obviously didnt feel was important enough to check at the time, even though he thought it was Madeleine?
As Donjeta posted, how could Mr Bode think the mother was british yet didnt utter a word (must have been the Union Jack t shirt eh?)

The family were on a civilian passenger aircraft, why would anyone who "had" taken Madeleine, risk flying, especially as this child was obvioulsy standing out so much from the rest of her family?

Its absolute rubbish, so what is the reason?
the upcoming court case in Portugal?
Some other news somewhere that needs to be countered?
For a while there you could set your clock by the "sightings". They were monotonously regular, almost like they'd been timed for maximum impact.

This young girl and her family can now join the ranks of the innocent who have been dragged into this case and slandered by baseless implication. Blind Freddy can tell her features are much different, even with the blurring. Her nose is an entirely different shape to Madeleines.

I would like all of these families and "suspects" to get together and investigate sueing Team McCann for libel or defamation.

Two can play at that game...or can they, with the inexplicably biased British press?

I don't think the McCanns could be sued if random people go to the press with sightings unless they knowingly asked them to drag complete strangers into it. But it must be very uncomfortable for any ordinary family if they read in the news that their daughter doesn't appear to fit in with the family, the mother is a weird creature and the brothers touch their sister strangely. At least the photo is blurry so maybe everybody they know doesn't recognize her from the photo.

I wonder if Mr. Bode wasn't so convinced about his sighting if he didn't report it to anybody at the time. If this happened earlier this month the suspects could have absconded with Madeleine several times by now. Why not invite the police to meet them at the arrivals terminal?
For a while there you could set your clock by the "sightings". They were monotonously regular, almost like they'd been timed for maximum impact.

This young girl and her family can now join the ranks of the innocent who have been dragged into this case and slandered by baseless implication. Blind Freddy can tell her features are much different, even with the blurring. Her nose is an entirely different shape to Madeleines.

I would like all of these families and "suspects" to get together and investigate sueing Team McCann for libel or defamation.

Two can play at that game...or can they, with the inexplicably biased British press?


I agree.

What amazes me is how this charade has continued for over 5 years and a lot of the UK public still believe she was abducted.

I really have to ask after so much time why they still need a phalanx of lawyers and a spokesperson?

What really happened in Portugal all those years ago that it still involves the government/police/press so much?
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