Madeleine McCann found?

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Well how about looking at the actual evidence. Is there any evidence that an intruder made his way into the apartment and took Madeleine?

Can you give me the evidence where gerry is meant to have hidden maddie. Can you even give me a theory or evidence on how they then moved her weeks later

Its easy to play this game SY are now working through their theorie that maddie was abducted in a pre planned snatch
Honestly, let me defend my fellow country people here. Leaving your children sleeping in rooms while the parents go off to eat and drink isn't common practice for UK parents. Usually the whole family, babies, toddlers and children along with the adults go out together on an evening on holidays. It's not normal for children to be left alone.

None of my friends had ever heard of such a thing, and a brief search of twitter would show any Americans the condemnation of the McCanns from fellow Brits. Honestly it's not what we normally do.
American here:seeya:- that's what I always did when my daughter was little. When she was a baby- she'd be in the baby carrier on the table in the restaurant. No more adults only evenings when you have kids unless there's a babysitter!!!
For a while when there was no news it was pretty much the only thing that was discussed here.
-It's dangerous to leave babies alone
- no, it's perfectly normal in Europe
-even European children could wake up and be scared
-abductions are rare and I've been downstairs when my kids are upstairs and everyone else was doing it too
- there could be a fire, how are their kids going to rescue themselves?
-my mom left me alone too and I'm fine
-but Madeleine isn't
- it's just that American parents are overprotective
-what if the children get sick when they're alone
-look, they were never charged for child neglect so that proves it was okay
- clearly it wasn't okay as madeleine is not okay
- it's not their fault there was an abductor
- perhaps he wouldn't have come if the children were supervised
- don't let's keep harping about that after all this time, you cruel people, blaming poor parents who didn't bother with babysitting and lost a child
-yeah, negligence magically becomes okay if the child suffers the ultimate price

I'm exaggerating a little but only a little.
Hey I may be overprotective, some may call me a helicopter mom, but my daughter is safe and alive and not missing because of it!!!
Have people on here actually been saying that??? I haven't ready any posts like that but I haven't read much yet. I saw a diagram of the hotel on TV and they were too far away from their room IMO. I would have brought a baby monitor and carried it with me or I wouldn't have done it. However, I don't believe for a second that the parents killed their own daughter in this case. No way. Someone took her. JMO
gord said:
Whats the point ? This is about finding out what happened not some constant narrative abou how bad the parents are
Actually, yes I have seen that defense posted. Regardless of whether Maddie was abducted, (which I personally don't believe), the McCanns are still guilty of Criminal Negligent for putting Maddie and siblings into a situation where she could be easily abducted, a fire started, choked on something...
I want people to stop insisting that it's okay to leave babies to their own devices.[/QUOTE

No its not ok . They know that .they will live with it for ever. But this dies not make them involved in her dissapearance

I get the feeling that people think if they cant prove that they will vilify for the babysitting.

Whats the point ? This is about finding out what happened not some constant narrative abou how bad the parents are

I guess it is because leaving three under four year olds alone several night in a row seems like a cold, uncaring and irresponsible thing to do and it may be kind of difficult to convince people that you're so loving and caring and responsible that you are beyond suspicion if anything happens to your children, you're officially the last ones to see them and there are reports of cadaver dogs hitting in your stuff.

I'm just wondering - if they know it was wrong why did they say it was reasonable?
American here:seeya:- that's what I always did when my daughter was little. When she was a baby- she'd be in the baby carrier on the table in the restaurant. No more adults only evenings when you have kids unless there's a babysitter!!!

This is what most brit parents do me included. Why they chose to dine as they did has been debated for ever.

It does not though make them murderers or involved in her disposal. To equate the two is just not logical or correct.
Obviously, the parents had made the worst decision ever but they didn't kill their kid, IMO. To keep the persecution going is not going to find her. JMO
Can you give me the evidence where gerry is meant to have hidden maddie. Can you even give me a theory or evidence on how they then moved her weeks later

Its easy to play this game SY are now working through their theorie that maddie was abducted in a pre planned snatch

Asking for theoretical "proof" that doesn't exist (instead of providing some themselves :eek:) is a means of deflecting the investigation that has long been a popular tactic for the McCann. The best offense is defence etc. It's worked for 6 years.

In answer to your question, if she was hidden, there are a million potential hiding places, so demanding or supplying "evidence" as to which one at this stage is pretty pointless. There isn't any.

We have new stuff to discuss, such as the fact that a guy positively identified as Gerry, was seen strutting down the road by the Smiths, with a sleeping/deceased Madeleine zonked out on his shoulder, at 10pm.

Where did he take her? How long is a piece of string? The guy was fit as a fiddle, in 10 minutes he could've been almost anywhere in PDL and back again, barely breaking a sweat. Despite the fact they'd only been there 5 days they had both jogged all over PDL, alone...a suspicious mind may call this "scouting".

The early information indicates that the PJ suspected she went into road works, which were outside the church.

The McCanns were up and wandering PDL alone at 6am the next morning, that would be my guess as to the time of the first exhumation.

Which, if true, gives a whole new import to those photos of the McCann laughing and smiling on the steps of that church at Madeleine's birthday service a week later...:sick:

Kate also was provided with a key so she could sit there in private prayer.

Apologising, perhaps?

Honestly, let me defend my fellow country people here. Leaving your children sleeping in rooms while the parents go off to eat and drink isn't common practice for UK parents. Usually the whole family, babies, toddlers and children along with the adults go out together on an evening on holidays. It's not normal for children to be left alone.

None of my friends had ever heard of such a thing, and a brief search of twitter would show any Americans the condemnation of the McCanns from fellow Brits. Honestly it's not what we normally do.

I certainly didn't mean all of England! But here I keep reading that they do it all over GBritain, Euope, and Thailand, too-I don't believe that people in all of these places do that of course-just the bad parents! I understand that many people leave babies in carriages outside of stores in Europe (my husband swears that it's so), but we can't do that here-we'll get arrested. Having said that, I know that some stores and restaurants don't easily accomodate baby carriages...
I certainly didn't mean all of England! But here I keep reading that they do it all over GBritain, Euope, and Thailand, too-I don't believe that people in all of these places do that of course-just the bad parents! I understand that many people leave babies in carriages outside of stores in Europe (my husband swears that it's so), but we can't do that here-we'll get arrested. Having said that, I know that some stores and restaurants don't easily accomodate baby carriages...

I can't swear for mainland Europe but leaving babies in prams/pushchairs in the UK outside shops would get you arrested.
So what do you want ? You want them to go to jail ? Do you want them driven through the streets and tarred and feathered.

Both authorities have not prosecuted . Its done why still go about it on and in 6 years later.

They will live with the guilt all their life. Is that enough or do you want more ?

So this is combination yes/no multiple choice? I want more. At best, a child was "abducted". Or she died in an accident or overdose and her loving parents covered it up. So, either way, for the second part I select go for door #1, jail time works for me.

You can bet your Assets that if they were some poor working parents that left their children unattended and the child vanished, there would be repercussions.
Can you give me the evidence where gerry is meant to have hidden maddie. Can you even give me a theory or evidence on how they then moved her weeks later

Its easy to play this game SY are now working through their theorie that maddie was abducted in a pre planned snatch

Have I said he did? I have no clue what happened to her. But I do know that in 6 years they haven't found any evidence of an intruder.
Have people on here actually been saying that??? I haven't ready any posts like that but I haven't read much yet. I saw a diagram of the hotel on TV and they were too far away from their room IMO. I would have brought a baby monitor and carried it with me or I wouldn't have done it. However, I don't believe for a second that the parents killed their own daughter in this case. No way. Someone took her. JMO

Yes-there are people here who have said Europeans do it all the time, and referred to Americans who are appalled as "paranoid". I don't believe it is a common practice among sensible and intelligent people, though. One of the couples at dinner did bring a baby monitor, but the McCanns did not. I don't know what happened to her, but I do know that if the parents had not left the children alone in a ground floor villa, there'd be no talk of abduction here.
This is what most brit parents do me included. Why they chose to dine as they did has been debated for ever.

It does not though make them murderers or involved in her disposal. To equate the two is just not logical or correct.

"dine" - there's that word again like they were something out of Downton Abbey. Downtown, more like. :pullhair:

The McCanns didn't "dine", if they did they would be across and back within the hour.

The McCanns went on a drinking session with their boozy mates, night after night, without their kids. It was a Tapas Bar, tapas are light meals that the Spanish serve as bar snacks.

Certainly not fine dining by any stretch of the imagination.

Quit with the "Europeans leave their kids outside" justification, please!!!!

The McCanns are British not European.


What is your point? The two concepts are not mutually exclusive
I have no idea

Both authorities chose not to prosecute = its done

to me it is trying to prosecute Hitler of tax evasion

The big picture is what happened to Maddie - I always find it strange that people who believe the parents are involved in murder/ disposal are worried about the babysitting arrangements

we have people here who think that it was a pre planned plot to " loose her " yet still go about the child care

Well, even if Madeleine was murdered the twins were still alone in the apartment and there could have been someone come in to abduct them. It seems there were many suspicious people lurking about.
This is what most brit parents do me included. Why they chose to dine as they did has been debated for ever.

It does not though make them murderers or involved in her disposal. To equate the two is just not logical or correct.

I don't think that the leap people are making is that because they (the McCanns) were willing to leave their chidren alone without a sitter, they are also likely to be killers. The leap, if it is one, is that they are, at the very best, irresponsible parents who are now pointing their irresponsible fingers at some ambiguous intruder, who got into their unlocked, ground floor, unattended villa.
I've gotten more into trying to understand this case just lately. Learned many interesting facts, thanks to all your posts. Watching the BBC1 Crimewatch video, and have so many questions.

Why was the door to the children's room mentioned by both parents as being open quite a bit?

Why didn't the door slam shut before Kate was there?
I don't understand something about this door story!
Wouldn't the wind shut the door so forcefully before Kate got there?
That's when Kate noticed the window open, not when she was standing there listening to the quiet.

I'm off to look at the grounds and floor plan. Surprised me that there was a parking area on the other side. Mainly, I'm shocked that the parents left the children again, now that I hear there was that question from Madeleine about waking up without them there the night before.
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