Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 19

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If I were the McCanns and innocent like they protest, I would get rid of the team of 'spinners' once and for all, pack my suit cases , get off my butt and head right back to Portugal and search for Maddie! I could NOT sit at home waiting for misleading news , I would have to be involved in some way or other in the hunt or else I would just go crazy. Surely as her parents this seems the right and proper thing to do.

Poor little Maddie is out there somewhere and even if she has been murdered ( God forbid), she should be found and brought home.
If I were the McCanns and innocent like they protest, I would get rid of the team of 'spinners' once and for all, pack my suit cases , get off my butt and head right back to Portugal and search for Maddie! I could NOT sit at home waiting for misleading news , I would have to be involved in some way or other in the hunt or else I would just go crazy. Surely as her parents this seems the right and proper thing to do.

Poor little Maddie is out there somewhere and even if she has been murdered ( God forbid), she should be found and brought home.

And, I wouldn't go jogging on the beach, visit the Pope, or fly to the US to confer about other missing children.
And, I wouldn't go jogging on the beach, visit the Pope, or fly to the US to confer about other missing children.

Absolutely Trino, couldn't agree more, never quite understood the Pope visit to be honest .I understand very little regarding those two, especially leaving 3 babies alone, how could they?

Thank you for the Reis article. There is a link to El Mundo but the only version that is ready is in Fr. Rather shocking news, anyway: the police were not called until the group had time to confer and confront the problem they all faced for leaving their children untended, according to the client. (No secret that it is O'Brien.). An admission they were well aware that they had been grossly negligent as I see it.

I took the liberty of translating that article it is pretty explosive if ll inferences are true:

The lobby which encircles McCann scares " (updated 22 h 30) the lawyer of one of the witnesses who want to change his statements in the inquiry, criticizes the pressure of the circle of the parents of Maddie and confides, today, in an article published by El Mundo. " My customer is made keep silence regarding what he can make to help the inquiry and it is not because of the secret in which he is kept by Portuguese law. This proves to be extremely revealing on the strange circumstances which encircle all this affair ", assures the lawyer of one of the friends of the McCann which was in Types Bar at night when Madeleine disappeared, and one decides on whom to collaborate with the police, as El MUNDO advanced last Wednesday. " It is not because he is afraid of McCann, but all economic and political lobby which encircles the couple scare whoever ".

" The police was called only after the group analyses the problems to which they could be confronted to have left their only children and, until now, my customer did not have opportunity to speak by himself about all that ", goes on the lawyer since his office in London. Since last September, this lawyer represents one of both friends of the McCann McCann which got in touch with the police to solicit opportunity to testify again and be able to so correct some details and divergences which had occurred in the course of statements made before by the group of the nine persons who crossed their vacation in Ocean Club.

" What my customer wishes to show all truth, but well while making understand it pretends neither to accuse, nor to exculpate nobody, because this is the task of the police. The only thing which he wants it is to help the police to know the truth, especially that it it is before crossed, during and after this dinner of May 3rd ".

Clarence Mitchell, the spokesman of the McCann, disclaimed this information, by being based on the fact that he had contacted the seven friends of the McCann and that all had assured that they had not given instructions to their lawyers to speak with the police and be again questioned. In front of the attitude of Mitchell, the British lawyer explains: " When one take into consideration the pressure which was both exercised over my customer, and over other persons, it proves to be perfectly natural and comprehensible that my customer does not say to Clarence Mitchell that he had decided to hire his own lawyer to collaborate closely with the police ".

Besides proving to be extremely critical with all hysteria which was creates by mass media around the disappearing of Madeleine, this lawyer considers that affair is "much more serious" of what people believe:

" It is not because I want to accuse somebody, but there are very close persons of McCann who absolutely do not help them. Nevertheless, the intention of my customer is to show the truth of this sad history, without getting worried of whom can be wronged ".

The support which accepted McCann on behalf of the British Government is another aspect than criticized. " I understand perfectly that our Government has legal obligation to help McCann. What I cannot understand it is that they accept support which go well beyond what could be considered normal in an affair as this one. Nevertheless, and for the first hours, it is already clearly that affair Madeleine was not a normal case of police.. My customer did not accept the smallest personal support by British authorities, if it is the one only him in receipt via COUPLE MCCANN ".

Questioned about the degree of involvement of the British Government and political connections which can be in touch with this affair, the lawyer answered: " It is not part of my job to have to explain why and how certain politicians in this affair intervened, but I fear that these interventions were harmful not only for my customer, but, also, in search of the truth. ".
Barnaby said:
skin and hair that have been "certainly frozen",

CaliKid said:
Wow, this doesn't sound like a pedophile or kidnapper to me. It sounds like a corpse hidden in a freezer and moved for burial later. But I don't get this partial match thing at all.

maybe police should check the refridge in that apt - or maybe all close by apts... for Maddie's DNA - !! - no??
And, I wouldn't go jogging on the beach, visit the Pope, or fly to the US to confer about other missing children.

other mising kids things was always puzzling - a bit premature , but I dont think you can knock the pope thing - The vast majority of Portugal and Spain is Catholic - a meet with the pope would certainl have raised the profile of her dissapearance -

The jogging - big deal if it keeps them sane - maybe they should just lock themselves in a room and drink ?

People might hate them , but they have raised a million bucks - Maddy,s name is still in the papers every day - she is still very high profile - if she is alive ( which I doubt ) Thenb at least there is a chance that someone might still read about it -

What other missing child has got such a high profile - for good or bad reasons people are still talking about her which if there is at least 1% chance of her being found is probably worth it
other mising kids things was always puzzling - a bit premature , but I dont think you can knock the pope thing - The vast majority of Portugal and Spain is Catholic - a meet with the pope would certainl have raised the profile of her dissapearance -

The jogging - big deal if it keeps them sane - maybe they should just lock themselves in a room and drink ?

People might hate them , but they have raised a million bucks - Maddy,s name is still in the papers every day - she is still very high profile - if she is alive ( which I doubt ) Thenb at least there is a chance that someone might still read about it -

What other missing child has got such a high profile - for good or bad reasons people are still talking about her which if there is at least 1% chance of her being found is probably worth it

How has the Pope helped find Madeline? Awareness isn't results.

Jogging? Well, I'm a very physical person who inline skates and bicycles. In fact, I have logged 1000 miles in the last two months cycling. HOWEVER, that said, if this was my child who disappeared, I would not be doing either. I would be looking for my child.

And, as for the awareness factor, I don't believe for a moment this is because Gerry came to the US to learn about other missing children. The awareness is because of spin and because the parents are suspects.
How has the Pope helped find Madeline? Awareness isn't results.

Jogging? Well, I'm a very physical person who inline skates and bicycles. In fact, I have logged 1000 miles in the last two months cycling. HOWEVER, that said, if this was my child who disappeared, I would not be doing either. I would be looking for my child.

And, as for the awareness factor, I don't believe for a moment this is because Gerry came to the US to learn about other missing children. The awareness is because of spin and because the parents are suspects.

who knows Trino who knows

I am actually becoming a bit sick now of the whole thing - too many hours spent reading about it - the whole things is a mess - the police seem to be no where - the Mccanns are still arguidos whatever that means - this whole forum seems to have polarised between those who think they did it and those who think they didnt with little in between - I have no idea any more - Madeline I think must be dead - Hopefully the police can either charge them all have a trial and then lets find out -

so much collumn inches written - most of it BS .

Giving it a rest for a while
who knows Trino who knows

I am actually becoming a bit sick now of the whole thing - too many hours spent reading about it - the whole things is a mess - the police seem to be no where - the Mccanns are still arguidos whatever that means - this whole forum seems to have polarised between those who think they did it and those who think they didnt with little in between - I have no idea any more - Madeline I think must be dead - Hopefully the police can either charge them all have a trial and then lets find out -

so much collumn inches written - most of it BS .

Giving it a rest for a while

I was a prolific poster here when Madelaine first went missing, I agree with your statement Gord, nothing else is known about the whereabouts of Madelaine and how she got there, Im sick of reading about Gerry and Kate, so stopped posting too. I read here a lot so am still up on whats being said here, which imo is mostly bs. The focus should be on MADELAINE MCCANN, but somewhere along the way little Madelaine was lost again.
I am so saddened that Maddie's wearabouts still remain unknown. I think it has been a huge detriment to the investigation that the McCanns innocence or guilt became the target of the investigation instead of the wearabouts of maddeline. I would have liked to see the investigation beginning with the last known sighting of Maddie and taken from that point. We have the parents words that she dissapeared after being put to bed in that apartment yet no trail of her has emerged from that. I belive that it is time to advocate for Maddie by redirecting our sights off of the innocence or guilt of her parents and on to the trail she left behind. That trail has to be out there we just haven't found it yet.

How has the Pope helped find Madeline? Awareness isn't results.

Jogging? Well, I'm a very physical person who inline skates and bicycles. In fact, I have logged 1000 miles in the last two months cycling. HOWEVER, that said, if this was my child who disappeared, I would not be doing either. I would be looking for my child.

And, as for the awareness factor, I don't believe for a moment this is because Gerry came to the US to learn about other missing children. The awareness is because of spin and because the parents are suspects.

I too do a lot of physical exercise but if my child was missing I too would be looking for her. Also I have no earthly idea where I would muster up the energy to jog, I would be totally lifeless!
Hello Friends....

I just want to let you know that there are things going on, destinct rumblings, a wheel is slowly turning, slowly but with a purpose...IMHO.

I totally understand your feeling "done" with the active discussions. I am also tired of the back and forth with no forward progress. I don't like to argue, I do not like the negative energy.

A book has been released in Portugal called Madeleine 129. Unfortunately, we cannot "share" it with you verbatim due to copyright laws. Our friends over at Proboards 79 ( have posted a summary and interpretation for those of you that are registered. Makes for interesting reading and connects some least for me.

So, I wanted to stop by and say "hello". As the holidays approach I find myself increasingly busy and distracted so my visits may be more sporatic. I am lurking though and reading every day, I hope. I wish you all the happiest of holidays, Thanksgiving is my personal favorite, take care, stay safe.

Can't access that without passwords, Colomom!

Happy Turkey Day to you and yours as well.
I was a prolific poster here when Madelaine first went missing, I agree with your statement Gord, nothing else is known about the whereabouts of Madelaine and how she got there, Im sick of reading about Gerry and Kate, so stopped posting too. I read here a lot so am still up on whats being said here, which imo is mostly bs. The focus should be on MADELAINE MCCANN, but somewhere along the way little Madelaine was lost again.
I agree Shazza most of it is just cruel BS. Partly by the PLE to take the spotlight from them. Followed by the press and the "bloggers" IMO.
maybe police should check the refridge in that apt - or maybe all close by apts... for Maddie's DNA - !! - no??

While the McCanns were still in Portugal, Gerry claimed they needed a new refrigerator and volunteered to take the old one to the dump. Very suspicious, especially with the DNA testing being done on the clothes in that bag.
While the McCanns were still in Portugal, Gerry claimed they needed a new refrigerator and volunteered to take the old one to the dump. Very suspicious, especially with the DNA testing being done on the clothes in that bag.
Link Please.
Calikid I seem to have missed this. Is it a fact? If so did it happen before or after Madeleine went missing?
While the McCanns were still in Portugal, Gerry claimed they needed a new refrigerator and volunteered to take the old one to the dump. Very suspicious, especially with the DNA testing being done on the clothes in that bag.

I wonder if a repair person verified that the fridge was no good or how Gerry would know that it couldn't be repaired.
While the McCanns were still in Portugal, Gerry claimed they needed a new refrigerator and volunteered to take the old one to the dump. Very suspicious, especially with the DNA testing being done on the clothes in that bag.
You know - I had a dream - or actually a nightmare - about a child inside a refrigerator the other night. It was horrible - I hope that isn't true. I had dismissed the idea of the cooler or refrigerator until I had the dream, but of course now I've been thinking about it again. I also hope they are trying to find it if Gerry really did take one to the dump. :eek:

Texana said:
Can't access that without passwords, Colomom!
It's free to join. :) It only takes a few minutes.
While the McCanns were still in Portugal, Gerry claimed they needed a new refrigerator and volunteered to take the old one to the dump. Very suspicious, especially with the DNA testing being done on the clothes in that bag.
I never heard this before, do you have a link?
I never heard this before, do you have a link?

Here's one of the discussions about the refrigerator:

I found some speculation about it in a comment on Greta Van Sustern's Blog:

(Of course, Greta is totally pro-McCann now.)

On Nancy Grace they mentioned it as one possibility:

This is unrelated to the refrigerator, but in that transcript, it has this comment about Cuddlecat having cadaver scent due to the 'bodies' Kate had been near as a doctor back in England:

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, that`s what we`re hearing over here, yes. When they actually went into the holiday apartment, the cadaver dogs did pick up a scent. Now, we understand that, obviously, that was the British sniffer dogs. They brought them in.

But this was still a little while into the investigation. This was not right at the beginning. And the Portuguese don`t have sniffer dogs. So, obviously, this is when the British came in and tried to give their expertise and take DNA samples. That`s when they actually picked up this scent.

GRACE: Dr. Morrone, that does not look good for the parents. I mean, come on. I`m not a scientist like you. But if she had been exposed to approximately six dead bodies before she went on vacation, then she was on vacation for a period of time, and then 25 days later they do these tests? Dr. Morrone, that doesn`t even make sense that that would still be on her.

MORRONE: Let me explain this under a very short phrase: universal precautions. When you treat patients, when you`re in autopsy, you have to scrub and clean so much to protect yourself. It`s universal precautions. There`s no way she could have taken any component of six dead bodies to vacation. If there`s cadaverine present in a DNA sample, it`s Maddy`s.
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