Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 22

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Not really, and given the incredibly painful and negative experience a member of W/S with a missing child has had with psychics, plus the incredibly painful and negative experience people I knew with a missing daughter had as well, I'd rather think inside the box than go anywhere near that.
I so agree with that, when has any one ever helped to actually locate a missing person or solve a case? maybe a few have helped with clues, but those are really rare I think. They clearly have boxes full of letters from ppl who claim to be Psychics too....I think it does more harm than good. I like the facts man, Just the Facts :D
I guess that's why I dont link to the Mirror, it's pretty rare if I do...but the photo ops and the intvs and the salicious need to be in front of the cameras, makes me sick in this case. From the perspective of a mother.
It's not like they plead any chance they get to release her; they ask for
M O N E Y instead. The Green. Because I believe they know she wont be coming back. I believe they have always known this. I'm waiting for the day for them to prove to ME that isnt so. And so far that hasnt happened
Well; the photogs shadow is in the forefront of the photo for one. For two, I have to say, who put that photo on the altar, and wht the heck? That photo wasnt cropped just for the altar was it? Was that pic really of madel alone that day beside the pool? Wots up with that? How disturbing. Where did that alter pic come from, date of serv anyone??
Well; the photogs shadow is in the forefront of the photo for one. For two, I have to say, who put that photo on the altar, and wht the heck? That photo wasnt cropped just for the altar was it? Was that pic really of madel alone that day beside the pool? Wots up with that? How disturbing. Where did that alter pic come from, date of serv anyone??

Think you should just read the whole thread & search for others on the subject. "The Author" did a very scientific explanation thread on the 3A's on why this pic is faked. Really too complicated to start explaining the whole thing here to you if you haven't been following the dispute on this pic!
Not really, and given the incredibly painful and negative experience a member of W/S with a missing child has had with psychics, plus the incredibly painful and negative experience people I knew with a missing daughter had as well, I'd rather think inside the box than go anywhere near that.

I agree!

Come see the new pictures I posted, tell me what you think...

mmmm posted my reaction on the thread!

I posted the only known ice cream photo that we knew of in the case, I linked to one pic to make it easy, so you didnt have to wade thru 300 pics in my gallery :eek:
Sorry, I dont believe that is her.
Why do you not believe it is her just because you haven't found that pic? It is obviously Madeleine!
Think you should just read the whole thread & search for others on the subject. "The Author" did a very scientific explanation thread on the 3A's on why this pic is faked. Really too complicated to start explaining the whole thing here to you if you haven't been following the dispute on this pic!
NO need I've already been through several disputes regarding whether it was photo shopped or not. I had never SEEN the ALTAR photo NEXT to that PHOTO before. THE AUTHOR; could be correct but I'm going to sleep on it.

Thanks for answering my question...sheesh. This is only one of 300 photos I have on my blog of this case, and I've followed it since June. This particular picture we blew off a long time ago as being a fake. So again; I'm surprised that I'm waffling over it. :bang:
I agree!

mmmm posted my reaction on the thread!

Why do you not believe it is her just because you haven't found that pic? It is obviously Madeleine!

where did it come from; you grabbed it from............Where exactly?
It's not her. It doesnt look like her to me the eyes are even wrong. Not to mention the nose. That's my opinion, I want to know where it was grabbed from. Whose collection? List the URL please.
Nope sorry I dont think it's her at all. But, if you can provide a link an original link to where the photo was grabbed from, then we can look at it in another light. My source in PDL had 100s, my source at the AP gave me all they had, my other pics I have from each daily release since June 1st of Madeleine. I'd like to know where the photo came from. It just doesnt look right there is something off about it; like the OP admitted in her original post. Whether it's her or not; doesnt really matter in the grand scheme of things tho so if you dont know OP, no worries, I would like to know where it was grabbed from tho off the net. The Sun? The Mirror? The Spoof? The Telegraph? Fox?
That would be pretty helpful in determining if it's really her or not. Looks like something else to me. The photo that most of us do have of Madel with her icecream and with her little friend in the other picture that has been circulated, isnt so.....well to my eye the photo clearly has been tweaked, stretched, or lets say skewed to say the least. It's skewed that way probably to make ppl think it's her. Ppl do stuff like that. God knows WHY!
Head of PJ resigns due to media pressure


Letter from the McCanns was read at church service


Car of Madeleine case witness destroyed in blast


John McCann “torn to be back in the Algarve”

PRAIA DA Luz is a beautiful place but the McCann family will never feel comfortable returning until Madeleine has been found, Gerry McCann’s brother told a packed press conference in the Algarve on Saturday afternoon (May 3).

John McCann, spoke at length to journalists on the beachfront in the resort.

Hi Deb somewhere in my collection I have the photo of the Fala words written on the ashpalt...It's on the blog. But I dont think it's related in any way to Madel, neither does the PJ, at least that is what they reported. Since the McCanns fled on the day after their interrogation, of course they are not going to return to PDL, not even for her one yr anniversary of her death. Absolutely, unimaginable to me. Lock me up throw away the key; as a parent you couldnt have kept me away. But, the more they protest, the more guilty they appear. Sad, so sad. Madel is the victim here. Not the McCanns.
chronictonic, why do you refer to madeleine as "madel"? I'm curious because I've never heard anyone else use that name for her. Are you someone that knew her personally...or are you just using the name because you like it? Just wondering. Thanks.
Barnaby, I agree with you. Colomom has shown herself to have the highest integrity in all things relating to Madeleine. If she says the picture is purported to be Maddie, that's good enough for me.
chronictonic, why do you refer to madeleine as "madel"? I'm curious because I've never heard anyone else use that name for her. Are you someone that knew her personally...or are you just using the name because you like it? Just wondering. Thanks.

I've always had that nic for her, for the last year. On any board anywhere that I've written about her. It's a Nic because her family made it clear in the beginning that she did want to be called Maddy...she didnt go by "maddy" the PRESS dubbed her Maddy.

I type very fast, so when typing her name so much writing about her case it became Madel and it stuck for me. Rest assured, I may lurk a lot and maybe I dont post that often, but I've been here for a long time. And, I've always called her Madel. I had a concussion that has caused a lot fo typo errors my left and right hands want to mix up letters, so when I would write about her case, I kept mixing up her e and her I, lol. That was when I nicked her to Madel and it's a term of endearment, much like the UK press did with calling her Maddy. You never know, she surely didnt like being called Maddy; maybe she would have loved Madel. You just never know.
Thanks for explaining chronictonic. I have a niece named Madison who goes by the "Maddy" nickname...and loves it, but that's just her.
Oh btw I prefer to know where she grabbed the photo's always good to know that esp when its a national case. She must be sleeping right now; she didnt answer my message, but another rude poster did. It's just not proper ettiquette. I asked the OP where she nicked the photo from....what page, the AP? The Sun? Where? Yes, usually I need to know that esp if it's a photo in question that she questioned herself, lol.:woohoo:

It however will do nothing to bring her home or get her remains buried, will it?
To me, the photo has another meaning to it; probably from working with predators is the reason I see it. I dont think it's her, but If OP can tell us where it came from that will surely help with any speculation. There was one photo that we've had for a year and we dont post it because it was unclear where it came from; it does NOT look as if it is Madel. But, she did have such drastic changes in her facial structure in her photos...who knows. It's nothing to :bang: yourselves over.
Who knows Texana, but it wouldn't be the first time the "press" have made something up.
How many times have we seen that the so called information has come from a source, friend, insider etc.:waitasec:...When they have a genuine source they name I doubt this particular local exists.

Im with you on that, I rather agree with the orginal waiter, he never saw them leave the table. That's what he reported, that is what he told LE, that is what was reported all over the press.....that and the amt and no of bottles, so I'm going with his eyewitness account, because he does exist. He didnt see them do ANY kind of checking, and as I suspect, what was 10 minutes to them was more like 45 mins; if it happened at all. I believe she was long dead before they ever stepped foot at that tapas, and I always will.
Unless someone can produce said child and I can see for myself it's really her, I have to go with my gut and for a year, its' not changed. The last intv was the most pitiful. ESP when KM put out her awful hands to reenact actually SHAKING MADEL to SHAKE something out of her.................
Well, there you have it folks, it's all on tape. Watch it read it weep.

If you havent watched the most recent intv you really should. Otherwise, as for tears? IT's a year too late for me. Susan Smith II, put up the videos side by side, I did, I have, havn't most of you? A lesson in body language and lies. Everyone should take a course on it.
Thanks for explaining chronictonic. I have a niece named Madison who goes by the "Maddy" nickname...and loves it, but that's just her.
you're most welcome, anytime. Actually I rather love the nick for her, I am sure it's just a maternal thing, and that we all give our loved ones nics here, I'm sure she had one, but I do remember them saying she doesnt like to be called that......and in the beginning that stuck with me. It struck a cord, I remembered it enough to know I just didnt want to type M when writing about her, online. that would be rude.
Have a great weekend, all any of us can hope for is justice for her, she is the victim here, not her parents. Lets not forget who this is about. She doesnt have a voice. I have to have faith that the PJ and the UK will not let that go unpunished.
Good morning friends,

Wow, quite an evening, eh? Just an FYI, I have posted the link to the YouTube video where I did screen shots of those recent pictures. I have no reason to believe that they are not Maddie. Check the picture thread for more information.

chronictonic, I think we need to start over. I have sent you a PM. Please let me know if I can help in any way. I have also PM'd christine2448 and asked her to take a look at the most recent posts and perhaps do some moderating.

We are a cozy little group here and know each other very well. We go out of our way to be civil and polite to each other. I would not participate if it was any other way. Thanks to all of you that make that extra effort. That said, I am sure that you agree with me that new contributors and points of view are welcome.

Thanks for sticking up for my integrity ladies, you warm my heart :blowkiss:

You are correct, I am very careful about what I post here. If you ever have a question about my sources and I have not shown them in my post, please PM me. I will be happy to oblige.

BTW, you know why I call Maddie by that nickname?? Because Gerry said that she did not like it. IMO that's BS. Saying she did not like it was just another effort for GM to be "in control". I honestly believe that she would not mind us calling her Maddie.
And the way I understood it, it was her parents that didn't like for her to be called anything but her full name (which I refuse to write anywhere but in a search engine). Because of this, way back in the beginning, probably on our first thread, many of us started calling her Maddie.

I do kind of like the "Madel" nic also. :)

I call her Maddie because I do not trust the Mc Canns, since I deeply believe they are lying about what happened to Maddie, there is no way to know the truth about her nickname.

I just asked my hubby (graphic artist/web designer) about the ice-cream pic and he said:

"[SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Any picture can be photoshopped to be enhanced, add color, etc.

These do not look photoshopped, however, good work takes many hours
so it is all about how well they wanted to cover up their editing."
I call her Maddie because I do not trust the Mc Canns, since I deeply believe they are lying about what happened to Maddie, there is no way to know the truth about her nickname.

I just asked my hubby (graphic artist/web designer) about the ice-cream pic and he said:

"[SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Any picture can be photoshopped to be enhanced, add color, etc.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]These do not look photoshopped, however, good work takes many hours[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]so it is all about how well they wanted to cover up their editing."[/FONT][/SIZE]

I agree that the latest pics do not look photoshopped Sleuthmom!
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