Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #11

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I like you D, but please don't twist my words. The BKA are withholding evidence from SY and PJ. That might be interpreted as non-cooperation by some, but I didn't say that, nor did I mean it.

I'm positive the BKA have good reason for doing so, but I'm just not sure how everyone else in the Portuguese and British LE are viewing it. Hopefully they are all working towards the common goal, it's just the stuff coming out in the press (which admittedly may be bull) isn't giving me much confidence.

Not sure if it's BKA as investigation is under Braunschweig Prosecutor's jurisdiction and local LE are quite powerful in Germany. Problem here again is that no one wants to waive credits in favor of MM's just investigation she deserves. I personally doubt HCW has so many evidence as he says. I'm not an expert in law, and less so in German law, but I'm sure Strafprozeßordnung orders under no exception that a prosecutor must charge a criminal immediately as long as they have enough evidence. HCW is already admitting investigation cannot last forever, that is, he's fearing all this worldwide front page coverage he triggered was fruitless. So, if PJ and SY keep the case maybe one day we'll know what really happened that day, criminals will be punished if they're alive, and justice will be made for poor MM.
The Daily Mail reported the prosecutor said he hadn't even shared key evidence with Scotland Yard and the Portuguese police who are also investigating the case.

Madeleine McCann: Prosecutor's letter to parents says there is 'concrete evidence' she is dead

German prosecutors have written to Madeleine McCann's parents to tell them she is dead.

They refused to disclose how they knew, insisting that any further information could jeopardise the inquiry into suspect Christian Brueckner.

Hans Christian Wolters, who is leading the case, yesterday said he could not share key evidence with Scotland Yard officers or police in Portugal

Madeleine McCann's parents told by German prosecutors that she is dead

We have concrete evidence that our suspect has killed Madeleine.

“British police have been informed but don’t have all the evidence we have. The results of our investigation have been shared but not every detail has been passed to Scotland Yard.

Madeleine McCann's parents sent letter from cops saying she's dead

Kate and Gerry McCann were told by prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters they have ‘concrete evidence’ suspect Christian Brueckner killed Madeleine. However, Mr Wolters was unable to reveal what that evidence is to the couple.

He explained that sharing ‘every detail’ of the case could damage the chances of Brueckner going to trial. British police have also not been told the full information.

Madeleine McCann’s parents told she is dead in letter from German prosecutors – Metro
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The Daily Mail reported the prosecutor said he hadn't even shared key evidence with Scotland Yard and the Portuguese police who are also investigating the case.

Madeleine McCann: Prosecutor's letter to parents says there is 'concrete evidence' she is dead

German prosecutors have written to Madeleine McCann's parents to tell them she is dead.

They refused to disclose how they knew, insisting that any further information could jeopardise the inquiry into suspect Christian Brueckner.

Hans Christian Wolters, who is leading the case, yesterday said he could not share key evidence with Scotland Yard officers or police in Portugal

Madeleine McCann's parents told by German prosecutors that she is dead

We have concrete evidence that our suspect has killed Madeleine.

“British police have been informed but don’t have all the evidence we have. The results of our investigation have been shared but not every detail has been passed to Scotland Yard.

Madeleine McCann's parents sent letter from cops saying she's dead

Kate and Gerry McCann were told by prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters they have ‘concrete evidence’ suspect Christian Brueckner killed Madeleine. However, Mr Wolters was unable to reveal what that evidence is to the couple.

He explained that sharing ‘every detail’ of the case could damage the chances of Brueckner going to trial. British police have also not been told the full information.

Madeleine McCann’s parents told she is dead in letter from German prosecutors – Metro

DLK, if they have evidence MM is dead, whether they want to share or not, why haven't they as yet issued child's certificate of death? I think it can be against Human rights a sovereign state to have official evidence that a disappeared person is dead and not produce all its legal consequences.
DLK, if they have evidence MM is dead, whether they want to share or not, why haven't they as yet issued child's certificate of death? I think that can be against a Human rights a sovereign state have enough evidence that a disappeared person is dead and not produce all its legal consequences.
Because they have no definitive proof yet Mendel. Can you provide a similar example where a death certificate had been issued in a situation like this?

Besides, you are completely misinterpreting the point of my post which was to do whether BKA are sharing all their details with the other LE agencies. Please read what people are talking about before chirping in.
Document says Roman Slobodyuk changed name to Roman Linard under Canadian law in May 2010. I think Svetlana has nothing to do. There's also a Ivan Slobodyuk who also changed name to Ivan Linard (son? brother?). Hard to tell if it's same person. This is becoming too complex and we don't know if there's any connection to NF.

Why are we still discussing someone with a name who is not involved?
- NFs myspace has him as Roman Scott;
- A Roman Scott was involved with campaigning to fund a charity in the same vein as the German Youth program the two of them were involved in;
- The neighbours and individual who rented the house for 7 years to NF and RS identified him as being Italian (that article has been linked in here a couple of times today).

Some brought up this Eastern European name as being "on the list" of tax avoiders. Check the name out on facebook ... this name pretty common and there's a tonne of them on there. Tje one showing up in Portugal is not the same body type as the Roman S in NF photos who is tall, slender. The Eastern European RS who has no connection, but lives in Portugal is short and stocky.
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Because they have no definitive proof yet Mendel. Can you provide a similar example where a death certificate had been issued in a situation like this?

Besides, you are completely misinterpreting the point of my post which was to do whether BKA are sharing all their details with the other LE agencies. Please read what people are talking about before chirping in.

Yes I've already seen many such certificates issued by Federal Republic of Germany but won't develop this for obvious reasons. I'm not misinterpreting your post, DLK, I'm just commenting info you direct to if I'm so allowed.
Yes I've already seen many such certificates issued by Federal Republic of Germany but won't develop this for obvious reasons.
I'm sure you have.:rolleyes:
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Why are you so sure Roman isn't involved? I agree he may not, but I'm not so sure.

I just modified my last post ... have a look at it.

There's a Roman involved --- just not an Eastern European one.
DLK, if they have evidence MM is dead, whether they want to share or not, why haven't they as yet issued child's certificate of death? I think it can be against Human rights a sovereign state to have official evidence that a disappeared person is dead and not produce all its legal consequences.
Well as far as I know,Germany has one of the strict privacy rules here in the EU,maybe they just want to close down the investigation before they want to zero on docs? Anyway I have high regards to the LE in Germany..very high! But also LE in Germany has made some serious blunders in the past...imo ,I still watching how the Rebecca Reusch case is unfolding and it did’t turn out in very good from the start,when she was labelled as a run away...But still..Dutch LE/EU LE well imo its a mess when it comes down to children been missing..I don’t understand why the EU makes it a priority and bounded their forces? It is a sick joke.
We have some serious pedophiles here as well and it all goes to drain...Joris Demmink ?
I know I get slammed for this,but how in the world can we accept all those idiots running around and getting away with it?
Lets be honest human trafficking is worse now then ever in history.
I was out this evening so came on here hoping for an update re the broadcast tonight - did it not happen ? Or is it happening now?

I really think that was an old article just rereleased without an edit. I think the “Thursday” they were on about was the XY show where they said they had additional info, and all that came from it was that they had a caller from Bavaria recognise the number. I could be completely wrong though, maybe one of our German posters could enlighten us? I think someone mentioned earlier that the next XY episode is around the middle of August?
I really think that was an old article just rereleased without an edit. I think the “Thursday” they were on about was the XY show where they said they had additional info, and all that came from it was that they had a caller from Bavaria recognise the number. I could be completely wrong though, maybe one of our German posters could enlighten us? I think someone mentioned earlier that the next XY episode is around the middle of August?

Ah thank you. I misunderstood the previous post which mentioned the programme. X
i just stick to the facts much as i can. then piece together an entire picture as debating the minutia when the police have all this and much more seems to be because people havent settled on a single, unbroken theory that touches all the circumstantial and known info.

i believe that most people underestimate the coordination of people with paedophilic interests, and how insatiable some of these people are. and i think that we dont get it because we find it abhorrent and not possible. But i think that the evidence is there that there are many and they are quite connected- which totally makes sense becasue none of them want to get caught.

Maybe many of you have not had their city gripped by missing children cases and coordinated groups of people taking children from the streets over periods of decades?..look up Adelaide South Australia missing people and murders. this is where i live and the city has learnt exactly what ive proposed above. (very coordinated and involving many dodgy sickos). The cases are here at websleuths.
My entire theory is based on there being connected paedophiles amongst us- and it being particularly difficult to convict a single individual.

If you assume that is true, then everything in the MM disappearance makes sense. Everything all of a sudden becomes very possible- even plausible.

Then if still not convinced, trace CB's known movements and have a look at the coincidental rapes, abductions and murders that occur every time he was known to be nearby. Thats no coincidence. Also consider how many known p'philes seem to be near where he resides..coincidence?..maybe.

It doesnt rule out that he wasnt alone, sure.

But if he committed the crimes alone, his acquaintances wouldve known what he did - via pay per view online or other methods.

i dont think he is alone in terms of blame and involvement - i think his sicko mates either participated or viewed..and they are all trying to cover their asses by lying..which is why the case is not developing as quickly as it should. (they might be working on taking down many)

All IMO of course but id like to know if there is any problem with this take on it? there any scenario that doesnt support this version of events?

i wont be precious. ;-)

P.S. what do you think about the timing of this? 29 june 2020.
Germany probes 30,000 over paedophile network

maybe they've already taken down the many?...even if unrelated, thats a boatload of people..
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Ah thank you. I misunderstood the previous post which mentioned the programme. X

No worries, Canning. I don’t think you misunderstood though, there’s been a lot of confusion over that XY programme since that article was rehashed yesterday. I think it was just bad journalism (nothing new there with this case :rolleyes:).

We now know MSM are frequenting this forum so this is directed at them - any chance you all could edit your articles to clear up any confusion?
It's a shame that the PJ's questioning of CB in the original inquiry is likely to be in the Paedo section in the PJ files.
It would be really interesting to see where he said he was on the evening of 3 -5-07 and if anyone gave him an alibi.
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