Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #11

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I could be wrong, but I took the second point as maybe solicitors working for the Irish government? Which they would need to have to represent in the ECJ?
Yes, it could be... difficult to know when the reports are so vague: 'took part' in the case, versus 'listened in', & that's just in one newspaper a few hours apart!
I'm sure the British don't want him abducting any more children either but they're not mentioned as being involved in the case. I just find it odd why only the Irish are mentioned. Then again, it is The Mirror, maybe the meant to say German or Portuguese instead of Irish.:rolleyes:
Or Italian??
Betty we have had no confirmation from anywhere of an RS living at Foral, only a Roman whose surname is still unidentied.
The source seems to be this part of an Olive Press article (which also explains why LS would appear on that list of debtors) - attached as image clip, since copy/paste is disabled on the page.


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looking at how the German criminal law works (and differs from UK) in terms of the investigative process, in terms of how Wolters - as prosecutor - fits with the German Police, CB's situation as a 'suspect'. And what might happen next.

a 101 here for starters about the german criminal proceedings, for anyone that is also interested, or can chip in with more detail.
European e-Justice Portal

and also here, the many ways open to the UK LE to obtain information from abroad (Germany in this case). if SY were investigating, and actually needed foreign information. as Portugal are a member of the EU i assume most of these options are also open to the PJ.
International Enquiries | The Crown Prosecution Service
Betty we have had no confirmation from anywhere of an RS living at Foral, only a Roman whose surname is still unidentied.

Very true, Lynda. We’ve put two and two together from NF’s supposed MySpace - which I honestly haven’t been able to verify myself, because on the link provided I could only see the one picture of them together on the beach. When trying to see other pics or her profile, the page just timed out for me.
looking at how the German criminal law works (and differs from UK) in terms of the investigative process, in terms of how Wolters - as prosecutor - fits with the German Police, CB's situation as a 'suspect'. And what might happen next.

a 101 here for starters about the german criminal proceedings, for anyone that is also interested, or can chip in with more detail.
European e-Justice Portal

and also here, the many ways open to the UK LE to obtain information from abroad (Germany in this case). if SY were investigating, and actually needed foreign information. as Portugal are a member of the EU i assume most of these options are also open to the PJ.
International Enquiries | The Crown Prosecution Service

Very valuable references, Sleuth, thank you!
i see you are saying that the abductor had time to make a clean getaway between checks. up to 30 minutes between checks. so that is a possible approx30 minutes start he had.
you also say that police were not looking at passing vehicles at 10 pm, yet they were only called at 22:41. 40 minutes after the abduction was noticed.

so you rightly point out, that is a possible 70 minutes start the abductor had, even before the police were called. the golden hour is already over.
surprised that some people cite a slow response by LE in this case.

Investigation process

you say in an earlier post that police, on their way to PdL diverted to another event. an alarm going off... do you have a link that says police were on their way to ocean club, and then turned around and went in the other direction to Odiaxere? i would be interested to see it.

22:29:36 is the time of the first call to LE from the lisbon company dealing with the alarms, it lasted for 225 seconds. before LE knew anything about MBM.
I will have a search now. I've read a couple of versions, but each 1 did say the call from Lisbon came in after the initial MM call. 16 minutes later if I remember correctly X
I will have a search now. I've read a couple of versions, but each 1 did say the call from Lisbon came in after the initial MM call. 16 minutes later if I remember correctly X
Yes I think that’s what I read too. I also thought it was a repeat call at specific intervals which suggested it was one of those auto calls triggered by the alarm system when disturbed
The source seems to be this part of an Olive Press article (which also explains why LS would appear on that list of debtors) - attached as image clip, since copy/paste is disabled on the page.

I don’t understand loobyloo, there is no mention of his surname starting with s in in this article, LS has over ever referred to him as Roman. That’s why I suggest when we speak of the Roman connected to NF & Foral we just refer to him Simply as Roman and not RS. This is what is causing a lot of confusion. I also don’t see in this article how it explains why LS would appear on the list of debtors? Do you mean because she said NF left owing her 10,000 euros?
Okay so back to our mystery Roman, the one connected to NF & Foral. We have nothing to confirm his surname starts with the letter S other than our sleuthing so I think we should just refer to him as Roman?
Unless we are mentioning a specific Roman we have found with a link to MM case? I’m hoping this makes sense to you all, I’m probably not explaining the best.
It’s my opinion that the Roman Slobodyuk mentioned in the tax case is not the Roman we are looking for, as for Roman Scott....easily an alias or diversion....nobody setting up a page to scam money for a false orphanage is going to use their own name!
I highlighted a few threads ago about a RS who accompanied Carolyn K to give a statement to PJ. I also highlighted at the time how strange I thought this was. The conversation between KK & RS took place at Jardin das Dunas the pool & health club owned by RS, this conversation is what led to KKs witness statement.
Further sleuthing has led me to find a link to a property for sale with a slightly different spelling but imo it could easily be the same property and SM is the contact agent? I could be completely barking up the wrong tree but I wholeheartedly agree with Tim N that this whole case is going to be very difficult to solve with the amount of unsavoury characters who all know each other & have been complicit in deliberately complicating this from day one. So from witness statements we know SM possibly knew CB due to the conversation with Alison saying her BF Christian (no surname mentioned for Christian mentioned so we can’t be certain it was CB) had found paedophilic images on SM computer whilst staying over at SM flat for 2 nights (why no surname for Alison when she reported this information? Why no witness statement?) could we now have a connection between RS & SM? I’m really frustrated with the whole Roman thing atm.
Top Business Opportunity! Restaurant/Pool Bar in Dream Location, Lagos
I’m sure we should be being more cautious when mentioning names other than the one in the topic for this thread. Be good to keep it going after some of us have been with it since #1! Stops me reading about the pandemic... ;)
i see you are saying that the abductor had time to make a clean getaway between checks. up to 30 minutes between checks. so that is a possible approx30 minutes start he had.
you also say that police were not looking at passing vehicles at 10 pm, yet they were only called at 22:41. 40 minutes after the abduction was noticed.

so you rightly point out, that is a possible 70 minutes start the abductor had, even before the police were called. the golden hour is already over.
surprised that some people cite a slow response by LE in this case.

Investigation process

you say in an earlier post that police, on their way to PdL diverted to another event. an alarm going off... do you have a link that says police were on their way to ocean club, and then turned around and went in the other direction to Odiaxere? i would be interested to see it.

22:29:36 is the time of the first call to LE from the lisbon company dealing with the alarms, it lasted for 225 seconds. before LE knew anything about MBM.
I'm sure the 1st call to LE regarding MM was made at 10:14pm X
I’m sure we should be being more cautious when mentioning names other than the one in the topic for this thread. Be good to keep it going after some of us have been with it since #1! Stops me reading about the pandemic... ;)

I still have four shifts to go before my annual leave and intended to pour myself (even more so :rolleyes:) into this thread then. If it gets shut down, I have feck all else going for me lol. I’ve been up to my eyes in Covid, believe it or not this has been a respite for me. I promise to behave from now on, Peanut :p
I'm sure the 1st call to LE regarding MM was made at 10:14pm X

I think it was actually 22.41 according to PJ files. One of the Tapas group asked reception to phone police at around 22.00 but didn’t hang around to make sure they did, and reception just assumed she wandered off and would be found so didn’t phone police right away. Could be wrong though!

ETA - apologies folks, it was GNR that we’re informed at 22.41. Phone records included to show same.


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Heriberto Janoch's responses to my emails:

14 Jun
"Muchas gracias por tu email,

El foro de Websleuths es muy interesante, hay personas inteligentes escribiendo allí.
Yo estoy interesado únicamente en el crimen de Madeleine McCann, así que me concentro en lo que hacía Christian B. tres meses antes y tres meses después del 3 de mayo de2007.
Me interesa por lo tanto la llamada de ese día de 19:32 a 20:02, si la VW Westfalia se fotografió en algún lugar en ese lapso de tiempo, etc.
Ya se sabe que Christian B. recorría toda la zona, desde Foral hasta Sagres, por lo que el cuerpo de Madeleine podría estar un uno de los miles de pozos, o en el mar, o enterrada en un descampado... Si la Polícia Judiciária buscó en pozos de esa zona de Boca do Río, es porque tendrían otra información más precisa."

"Muchas gracias

Lo que dices es muy interesante, y creo que pienso muy parecido. ¿Has visto mi último post: Espacio Exterior: The abduction of Madeleine McCann: What do I think about the last developments?
Creo que en estas próximas horas habrá novedades sobre el número 916510683.

Un saludo afectuoso, Heriberto."

Google translate

Jun 14
Thank you for your email,
The Websleuths forum is very interesting, there are smart people writing there. I am only interested in the crime of Madeleine McCann, so I focus on what Christian B. did three months before and three months after May 3, 2007. I am therefore interested in the call of that day from 19:32 to 20:02, if the VW Westfalia was photographed somewhere in that period of time, etc. It is already known that Christian B. traveled the entire area, from Foral to Sagres, so Madeleine's body could be one of thousands of wells, or in the sea, or buried in a wasteland ... If the Police Judiciária searched wells in that area of Boca do Río, it is because they would have other more precise information.

Thank you very much,
What you say is very interesting, and I think I think very similar. Have you seen my last post: Espacio Exterior: The abduction of Madeleine McCann: What do I think about the last developments?
I think that in these next hours there will be news about the number 916510683.

Kind regards, Heriberto
Heriberto Janoch's responses to my emails:

14 Jun
"Muchas gracias por tu email,

El foro de Websleuths es muy interesante, hay personas inteligentes escribiendo allí.
Yo estoy interesado únicamente en el crimen de Madeleine McCann, así que me concentro en lo que hacía Christian B. tres meses antes y tres meses después del 3 de mayo de2007.
Me interesa por lo tanto la llamada de ese día de 19:32 a 20:02, si la VW Westfalia se fotografió en algún lugar en ese lapso de tiempo, etc.
Ya se sabe que Christian B. recorría toda la zona, desde Foral hasta Sagres, por lo que el cuerpo de Madeleine podría estar un uno de los miles de pozos, o en el mar, o enterrada en un descampado... Si la Polícia Judiciária buscó en pozos de esa zona de Boca do Río, es porque tendrían otra información más precisa."

"Muchas gracias

Lo que dices es muy interesante, y creo que pienso muy parecido. ¿Has visto mi último post: Espacio Exterior: The abduction of Madeleine McCann: What do I think about the last developments?
Creo que en estas próximas horas habrá novedades sobre el número 916510683.

Un saludo afectuoso, Heriberto."

Google translate

Jun 14
Thank you for your email,
The Websleuths forum is very interesting, there are smart people writing there. I am only interested in the crime of Madeleine McCann, so I focus on what Christian B. did three months before and three months after May 3, 2007. I am therefore interested in the call of that day from 19:32 to 20:02, if the VW Westfalia was photographed somewhere in that period of time, etc. It is already known that Christian B. traveled the entire area, from Foral to Sagres, so Madeleine's body could be one of thousands of wells, or in the sea, or buried in a wasteland ... If the Police Judiciária searched wells in that area of Boca do Río, it is because they would have other more precise information.

Thank you very much,
What you say is very interesting, and I think I think very similar. Have you seen my last post: Espacio Exterior: The abduction of Madeleine McCann: What do I think about the last developments?
I think that in these next hours there will be news about the number 916510683.

Kind regards, Heriberto

Thanks for taking the time to do that, Bizcocho. Very much appreciated.

So, from a journalists point of view, we’re wasting our time on everything else besides what happened in the three-month period at either side of her abduction?
I wonder what makes him so sure about the phone number and the immediacy of the info that will come regarding it? Just a hunch, or does he have info from LE that makes him so sure?
Betty, have you read the last part of the post in his blog?
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I’m quite sure of that too, this timeline from The Guardian says police called at 10.15pm & local police arrive at 10.30pm & detectives from PJ arrive at 11.10pm.
Timeline: the day Madeleine McCann disappeared
Yes, MM was discovered to be gone at 10pm. I know they ran about shouting her name and somebody even said to hold off calling police until they had searched the grounds properly but Kate McCann was adamant. And the call was made almost straight away X
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