Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #11

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Yes, MM was discovered to be gone at 10pm. I know they ran about shouting her name and somebody even said to hold off calling police until they had searched the grounds properly but Kate McCann was adamant. And the call was made almost straight away X

Can you link who said to hold off calling police and also that the call was made right away?
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I really think that was an old article just rereleased without an edit. I think the “Thursday” they were on about was the XY show where they said they had additional info, and all that came from it was that they had a caller from Bavaria recognise the number. I could be completely wrong though, maybe one of our German posters could enlighten us? I think someone mentioned earlier that the next XY episode is around the middle of August?

Yes, next XY-episode is in August, but that doesn't mean, MM will be part of it.

I understood the bavarian clue not as if someone recognized the number but gave the tipp off, that prepaid cards for mobiles could be charged at banking terminals at the time. So there is a possibility to get more info. Sounded to me, that it was new and useful info for german L.E..
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Can you link who said to hold off calling police and also that the call was made right away?

We know the call was not made right away as we have access to the primary phone logs that you so helpfully posted.

Lots of what appeared in the media before the release of the PJ files is unreliable as it was not based on primary sources.
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I'm sure the British don't want him abducting any more children either but they're not mentioned as being involved in the case. I just find it odd why only the Irish are mentioned. Then again, it is The Mirror, maybe the meant to say German or Portuguese instead of Irish.:rolleyes:
The British are no longer members of the EU therefore no longer entitled to representation in the EU parliament or in its courts. I'm not even sure we'll be allowed to retain access to the European Arrest warrants after Dec.
I didn't say to close borders. But being so close to the Border, it wouldn't have cost a penny to radio through and alert them to MM. Have every driver open their boot before exiting the country. Just a few seconds for every vehicle check. Every Police Force in the World KNOWS about the vital hours immediately following the disappearance of a child. To act fast during them 1st hours is their best opportunity of recovering the child alive. Instead, those officers diverted in the opposite direction for almost an hour So wether MM was in the vicinity of the Ocean Club at the time the call to LE was made, She was certainly not around by the time they did arrive.. The abductor was basically handed extra time IMO. Portuguese officials swept reported crimes under the carpet in order to protect the Tourist Industry and they were more angry at the bad press caused by MM disappearance than they were with the fact that some sicko was stealing children from their beds at night!
If this seems like a rant to anybody, you all should know- I am actually lost for words! X

Again I don't think what you suggest is regarded as best practice by any police force.

Of course the first place they search is where they child was last seen, and they search locally first. Indeed in many cases children will turn up locally, because they wandered, got lost etc.

Its not really possible to search cars at the border within the EU, nor to close roads unless in a very local context.

I think about my own small village - you could close roads in the village (though to what purpose i have no idea) but there are 3 major roads within a few kilometers including 2 autobahns - obviously road blocks of those are simply not feasible

So when a kid goes missing in the UK, we don't see roadblocks or border checks between say scotland the england for example. It just ins't realistic.

This is the issue we have touched on before.

Much of what we reported before the availability of the PJ files is second or third hand info and not based on primary sources.

So for instance, the crime scene was already degraded for more than an hour before GNR even arrived. Things were not escalated to PJ until after midnight. All of this comes back to the major problem with the case, and the tabloid reporting. We simply don't know what the original condition of the crime scene was before the Tapas group and OC staff stampeded around the place.
i just stick to the facts much as i can. then piece together an entire picture as debating the minutia when the police have all this and much more seems to be because people havent settled on a single, unbroken theory that touches all the circumstantial and known info.

i believe that most people underestimate the coordination of people with paedophilic interests, and how insatiable some of these people are. and i think that we dont get it because we find it abhorrent and not possible. But i think that the evidence is there that there are many and they are quite connected- which totally makes sense becasue none of them want to get caught.

Maybe many of you have not had their city gripped by missing children cases and coordinated groups of people taking children from the streets over periods of decades?..look up Adelaide South Australia missing people and murders. this is where i live and the city has learnt exactly what ive proposed above. (very coordinated and involving many dodgy sickos). The cases are here at websleuths.
My entire theory is based on there being connected paedophiles amongst us- and it being particularly difficult to convict a single individual.

If you assume that is true, then everything in the MM disappearance makes sense. Everything all of a sudden becomes very possible- even plausible.

Then if still not convinced, trace CB's known movements and have a look at the coincidental rapes, abductions and murders that occur every time he was known to be nearby. Thats no coincidence. Also consider how many known p'philes seem to be near where he resides..coincidence?..maybe.

It doesnt rule out that he wasnt alone, sure.

But if he committed the crimes alone, his acquaintances wouldve known what he did - via pay per view online or other methods.

i dont think he is alone in terms of blame and involvement - i think his sicko mates either participated or viewed..and they are all trying to cover their asses by lying..which is why the case is not developing as quickly as it should. (they might be working on taking down many)

All IMO of course but id like to know if there is any problem with this take on it? there any scenario that doesnt support this version of events?

i wont be precious. ;-)

P.S. what do you think about the timing of this? 29 june 2020.
Germany probes 30,000 over paedophile network

maybe they've already taken down the many?...even if unrelated, thats a boatload of people..
I'll agree with a lot of what you've said and I'll add what are only my opinions. Not fact just speculation. I agree regarding paedophiles now operating in networks to share vile material. I'm a teacher - we never get to see anything horrible thankfully, but our child protection training includes online safety so we're aware images are marketed.

I suspect it's a very lucrative market that may well have attracted elements of organised crime for purely financial reasons.

I think it could be possible, given CB has videod other rapes that look like they're tapping into a specialist market (rape of the 72 yr old), that if he's guilty, he may also have recorded and sold whatever happened that night. I suspect that could well be the source of the cryptic nature of the 'concrete evidence' comments. In my opinion only I agree, if he's guilty, a lot of people could have paid to witness it.

Before anyone jumps in to say why haven't they charged him - he could have remained masked, they could be after others. A high profile case like this might be a catch a lot more. They could lack the definitive proof it's actually him.

Where I disagree in this case with what many are saying is that the abduction of MM was in any linked to any organised criminal attempts to abduct and sell children. It does not make sense. We live in an pretty horrible world. There are plenty of neglected children that can be taken from all over the world with relative impunity.

Most abuse of children is by people they know or people that have first groomed them over time. It isn't unknown for paedophile parents to sell images of their abuse or invite others to join in.

Then there are thousands of disadvantaged children in the care system (I have many suspicions of the link to the care home in Foral and the woman NF) or on the streets.

Wealthy couples wishing to buy a child (the preferred outcome of all of us I suspect but the least likely) have access to a world of refugees and abandonment.

So abductions of ordinary children are fairly rare and I'd say very risky if money making is your aim. From what little we know they almost always end badly very quickly (eg Sarah Payne) and are not by organised gangs.

I do believe the home for disturbed teens was purely money making and that the children may we'll have been abused for cash. But teens and 3 year olds are a very different market (and I feel sick having written that).

So I agree he may have had many sicko mates to buy the stuff and he may not have acted alone. I don't think he's part of any sophisticated criminal gang. As for acting alone - possibly
clear up confusion in MSM stories... are there enough decent editors alive to complete the task?
but i hope they are listening, and i live in hope that they improve the factual content of their stories. it would be a big step in the right direction.

edit: to improve factual content
Big ask of the UK press! The trio of Murdoch's Sun, the Daily Mail and worst of all the Express gives you some of the worse press in the world. The Telegraph and Times follow closely. I can't speak for the rest of the world but only the Guardian, FT and possibly the Mirror are remotely honest. And two of those aren't really going to print much on MM
Can you link who said to hold off calling police and also that the call was made right away?

Out of interest i went back to the 3 interviews of Oldfield which really leave a lot to be desired in terms of his evolving evidence

He claimed he asked reception staff to call the police at at 10.05 or 10.10 but then seemed to indicate he didn't stick to his guns on it after the staff suggested she might have wandered. So in other words, the police were not called at 10.05, 10,10 or 10.14.

According to Oldfield himself they arrived sometime after 11, and we know they were called at 10.41 - so all things considered, the response time seems fairly quick given the location and availability of resources.

The Tapa's group had the power to ring earlier - maybe in the confusion, no one realised the call had not been made.

Also what stands out to me from Oldfield's evidence is that so many people entered the apartment before police arrived.
@Chiatos Got a little confused bout the teenage girl and who she was with after she fled NF and R. Remember to have read ,that she was at a Romanians community and found the article :
‘“He came here to help him. One of the girls who had been sent from Germany to stay with her fled to stay with Romanians a few kilometers away.“
Villa owner of Madeleine McCann murder suspect urges police to search | FR24 News English
Also read up a little about Roman and it seems that the LE was asking and searching for him too..
I suspect it's a very lucrative market that may well have attracted elements of organised crime for purely financial reasons.

I think it could be possible, given CB has videod other rapes that look like they're tapping into a specialist market (rape of the 72 yr old), that if he's guilty, he may also have recorded and sold whatever happened that night. I suspect that could well be the source of the cryptic nature of the 'concrete evidence' comments. In my opinion only I agree, if he's guilty, a lot of people could have paid to witness it.

Before anyone jumps in to say why haven't they charged him - he could have remained masked, they could be after others. A high profile case like this might be a catch a lot more. They could lack the definitive proof it's actually him.

Where I disagree in this case with what many are saying is that the abduction of MM was in any linked to any organised criminal attempts to abduct and sell children. It does not make sense. We live in an pretty horrible world. There are plenty of neglected children that can be taken from all over the world with relative impunity.

Most abuse of children is by people they know or people that have first groomed them over time. It isn't unknown for paedophile parents to sell images of their abuse or invite others to join in.

Then there are thousands of disadvantaged children in the care system (I have many suspicions of the link to the care home in Foral and the woman NF) or on the streets.

Wealthy couples wishing to buy a child (the preferred outcome of all of us I suspect but the least likely) have access to a world of refugees and abandonment.

So abductions of ordinary children are fairly rare and I'd say very risky if money making is your aim. From what little we know they almost always end badly very quickly (eg Sarah Payne) and are not by organised gangs.

I do believe the home for disturbed teens was purely money making and that the children may we'll have been abused for cash. But teens and 3 year olds are a very different market (and I feel sick having written that).

So I agree he may have had many sicko mates to buy the stuff and he may not have acted alone. I don't think he's part of any sophisticated criminal gang. As for acting alone - possibly

i like the comment re motive. he can definitely act alone and sell his media as copies or online.

i cant get past the fact that each time an unsolved abduction occurred, CB seemed to be doing OK with cash for a while. 1995, 2007, 2015. (?)...the money eventually runs out?...or was he paid in drugs?. That might explain his regular drug running. They too (the drugs and their value) eventually run out and so does the cash. people on drugs and desperate for cash do incredible things...'horrible things'..
which will result in being ok financially for a while..but they'll ';have to leave town for a while'..
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