Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #19

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I had a hand written passport 20 years ago. Not so strange IMO for back in 2007

Unrelated, but back in 2000 I saw locals travelling over the Malaysia/Thailand border with photocopied passports - this was for some reason that I can't remember now
Unrelated, but back in 2000 I saw locals travelling over the Malaysia/Thailand border with photocopied passports - this was for some reason that I can't remember now

As a rule, cross-border workers have a laissez-passer issued under some bilateral immigration agreement. There must be one for Malaysia-Thailand in United Nations Treaties Series.
I guess this latest prison 'informant' is the same person that FF was talking of a couple of weeks ago who he suspected of having a possible reduced sentence?
Is it just a rehash of that news?
We initially thought it could have been HB until we realised HB spoke to OG after he was released.
I guess this latest prison 'informant' is the same person that FF was talking of a couple of weeks ago who he suspected of having a possible reduced sentence?
Is it just a rehash of that news?
We initially thought it could have been HB until we realised HB spoke to OG after he was released.
I lean towards that as well! Also the transport van seen on the excavations at the allotment, it could be that informant?
Does anyone here perhaps know if these two people, Ana Matias and Miguel Matias have any relevance to NF’s former husband, Matias?


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Does this all matter if CB has confessed to potentially several people that he has something to do with Madeleine's disappearance.
If he knows something that only her abductor would know.
That he could be placed in 5A during the crime
That there is a material evidence of MM's death and potential material evidence connecting CB with MM

If, but, could, should.

Got to say, in the absence of any real evidence of any of the above to date, it really does matter. And that you think it doesn't is worrying.

Because remember, Wolters is our leading guide here as to what's necessary in order to pin CB to MM's disappearance. And he's said categorically (and repeatedly) that placing a particular phone in CB's hand in PdL on the eve of 3/5/07 is absolutely crucial to his/the LE's investigation.

And that, to date, has not happened.

I think we should take Wolters on his word on that.
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If, but, could, should.

Got to say, in the absence of any real evidence of any of the above to date, it really does matter. And that you think it doesn't is worrying.

Because remember, Wolters is our leading guide here as to what's necessary in order to pin CB to MM's disappearance. And he's said categorically (and repeatedly) that placing a particular phone in CB's hand in PdL on the eve of 3/5/07 is absolutely crucial to his/the LE's investigation.

And that, to date, has not happened.

I think we should take Wolters on his word on that.
What he's actually said is that if someone can place the phone in his hands then it would be enough for an arrest warrant. I don't recall him saying that it's crucial.
Does anyone here perhaps know if these two people, Ana Matias and Miguel Matias have any relevance to NF’s former husband, Matias?
Those seem to be surnames (family names) whereas the other Matias is a first name, isn't it? So I don't think there would be any connection, just as there wouldn't be a connection between people called Anne Matthews & Michael Matthews on the one hand, & a person called Matthew on the other.
Good points

For arguments sake, lets assume the call was nothing to do with the crime. It was just a call from outside PdL on an unrelated matter.

1. Would the caller, 13 years later, remember what the number was, and thus realise they made the call?
2. Would the caller know where CB was? I make calls all the time to people and don't bother to ask them if they are out, at home, or wherever
3. Would the caller remember, 13 years later, that they called CB before the crime?

I mean I can much more believe that had they called him after the crime, and they knew he lived local, they would ask him about it and that would stick. But a call before hand - i wonder if anyone is going to remember that

Like you, I can remember discussing Diana with 2 people - and even some specific comments - but I can't tell you who i spoke to the day before
If I move back 13 years there were many calls I have no idea which numbers were used. Not even the contents.

Of course I remember people from the time but I have no idea if I did a 30min. call to them.

At the time I had another mobile number I have no idea which one was it.

If one of those people showed up on TV with 2 mobile numbers I would be just one more looking at them.
Good points. If we agree that we do remember what we were doing when significant events happen - wouldn't recalling a phone call prior to them depend on the context in which it was made and whether you linked it to the significant event at that point?

Lots of people, for example, say I'd only been speaking to him yesterday or last Wednesday or whatever when they hear someone's died. And that memory sticks with them for years because they've made a link at the time that they wouldn't normally make.

For example, as stated, I remember what I was doing when I heard Diana had died. But I also remember that the day before I'd called my mom and she'd mentioned Diana. So the whole memory included 'mum was just talking about her yesterday'.

Likewise when I heard the student from Hull went missing I know I'd spoken to a supplier from Hull the day before. I don't recall any other person I specifically called that day.

It is highly likely I made other calls both days but because they weren't in that specific context I couldn't tell you who or what.

So I guess it could come down was there anything about CB and MMs subsequent disappearance that would make the caller link the two events and hence remember them. It could be something as simple as knowing his location - as I was just speaking to a bloke from there. Or more sinister like knowing his background.

So I guess the hope of LE is that your assumption of ordinary unconnected call wasn't the case. Cos if the call was a random acquaintance who wouldn't have made any links between the two events it will be impossible.
And HCW should comment DCI Mick Neville's (who's an investigator as reputable) statement that the fate of MM is just an opinion by German prosecutors.

“It must be remembered that Madeleine McCann may still be alive, whatever the opinion of German prosecutors.”

Madeleine may be alive despite German 'proof she's dead', says ex-Met detective
I think that's quite a cruel thing for him to say. Whilst everyone would love it to be true the chances are infinitesimally small. Even with zero proof the stats suggest she died that night. Why keep feeding her desperate parents false hope.
What he's actually said is that if someone can place the phone in his hands then it would be enough for an arrest warrant. I don't recall him saying that it's crucial.
Well, if it's enough for an arrest, then I would definitely say it's crucial to the investigation.

Identifying the caller and knowing the content of the conversation could be just as important, especially if it pertained to the crime. That may be why the witness is hesitant to come forward.
I think that's quite a cruel thing for him to say. Whilst everyone would love it to be true the chances are infinitesimally small. Even with zero proof the stats suggest she died that night. Why keep feeding her desperate parents false hope.

You're right. Even if there's no evidence she's dead, all we know she very likely is. Stated that way, it's a very hopeful and promising affirmation. Professionally, a DCI (former or current) should say nothing but "we have no evidence MM died" instead.
What he's actually said is that if someone can place the phone in his hands then it would be enough for an arrest warrant. I don't recall him saying that it's crucial.

Let's not nit-pick here:
Mr Wolters said: "At the moment if we interview the suspect he could say, ‘My girlfriend had my phone that night and I didn’t have it’.

"The person he spoke to could put the phone in his hand [by confirming that it was definitely Brückner to whom he spoke], which would mean he was in the area at the time.

"This is the evidence we want before we issue an arrest warrant and then interview him for the murder. It would help the case against him — but we would also need more evidence.

That seems fairly clear to me.

The 30-minute phone call police hope will finally solve Madeleine McCann mystery
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What he's actually said is that if someone can place the phone in his hands then it would be enough for an arrest warrant. I don't recall him saying that it's crucial.
Yes ... I think that is the issue ... it is one thing to know his phone was in the area ... but it would have to be proven that he was the one using it ... especially in a court trial
Not nitpicking, I'm aware of the comment HCW made regarding the call. But your comment was -

And he's said categorically (and repeatedly) that placing a particular phone in CB's hand in PdL on the eve of 3/5/07 is absolutely crucial to his/the LE's investigation.
He hasn't said that. Yes the call would be important if they can identify the other party but they have also made appeals for british holiday makers to review their photographs for example, which could be equally important. And they are appealing for people who know the interiors of his homes. Without knowing what other evidence they have, we don't really know what else could clinch the case for them and what is really crucial. Even if they do place CB via the call he could still claim to have been in the area for another purpose, it's not a clear indicator of guilt and HCW even says they would still need more evidence (in addition to placing CB on the phone).

Plus we don't know what the original eyewitnesses like JJ and TS have already told police, do they already confirm it is CB they saw? Is the phonecall just another further nail in the coffin?

I'm just saying the phonecall may not be the be all and end all of their case. Anything that places CB at the crime scene would be fine, the call is just one angle they are looking at. And ultimately if there is a video or something of MM and they can find that location, the phonecall and placing CB in the area may become a moot point if something more significant is unearthed.

The 'crucial' thing would be indentifying a direct link with CB to MM - forensic evidence, a body, the place she was taken, a murder weapon. Something along those lines.
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I think this was before.
Wasn't it recently reported that HCW said they can now prove he was in the apartment?
I am sure I saw it reported recently.

Haden, SF in last week's "Sexta às 9" asked HCW if they had any evidence CB was inside 5A and his answer was "I can't tell".

That's all we know and not enough to claim there's such evidence IMO.
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