Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #21

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If I'm correct next year HCW will announce that he doesn't have strong evidences to charge CB and he will NOT REVEAL what "secret info" he does have regarding Madeleine's death with the "excuse" that the same info can be used later to charge CB if they further manage to get more evidences... If I'm correct :

1) CB will never be charged over Madeleine death and
2) The "secret info" that HCW claim to have will not be know.

Also remember that on many countries when police are investigating a suspect/crime they don't necessarily need to say the truth all the time. It's common practice to tell a suspect that they (police) do already know how did they commit the crime in order to attempt to get a confession even if they are completely lost about what did happen in reality.

Just me saying but of course time will tell. Fortunately this is one of those things that we will just need to wait and hopefully next year we will know.

Unless of course that ....

3) Media and German police stop to talk about this and remain silent regarding the subject not mentioning the "secret info" as well.

I don't want to be rude and I don't want to say anything about what HCW is doing but I truly doubt that he will ever tell us about what he have regarding CB unless it's something "simple" like the declarations done by CB older friends on the lines of "CB did told me that he did the crime this way ...".

Again, time will tell.
If I'm correct next year HCW will announce that he doesn't have strong evidences to charge CB and he will NOT REVEAL what "secret info" he does have regarding Madeleine's death with the "excuse" that the same info can be used later to charge CB if they further manage to get more evidences... If I'm correct :

1) CB will never be charged over Madeleine death and
2) The "secret info" that HCW claim to have will not be know.

Also remember that on many countries when police are investigating a suspect/crime they don't necessarily need to say the truth all the time. It's common practice to tell a suspect that they (police) do already know how did they commit the crime in order to attempt to get a confession even if they are completely lost about what did happen in reality.

Just me saying but of course time will tell. Fortunately this is one of those things that we will just need to wait and hopefully next year we will know.

Unless of course that ....

3) Media and German police stop to talk about this and remain silent regarding the subject not mentioning the "secret info" as well.

I don't want to be rude and I don't want to say anything about what HCW is doing but I truly doubt that he will ever tell us about what he have regarding CB unless it's something "simple" like the declarations done by CB older friends on the lines of "CB did told me that he did the crime this way ...".

Again, time will tell.

These thoughts have been made a lot of times in here, no offence so far! HCW quoted that he won't reveal the evidence he is building his verdict of, that the suspect killed the girl, because the knowledge could bring the suspect to create possible alibis or escapes. Not more, not less.

Just because authorities start a public investigation, there is no need to combine it with the evidence they have and that has allowed a judge to legitimate that public investigation. It will always be counterproductive. The cat is out of the bag. Period!

So as you say, time will tell!

Hab' einfach Geduld!;)
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PDL has been dubbed "Little Britain", so understandable why he want's to aim info appeal at British holiday makers I suppose.

I think it's a bit more pointed than that. That he's still, at this stage, appealing to random British PdL holidaymakers who might have some crucial clue lurking in their 13yr old holiday snaps/videos seems, at best, unlikely to me.

My impression is that he has a specific target/targets in mind, possibly names that have emerged his end that he believes could be helpful to his investigation, if not actually crucial to it.

Just my impression/opinion, of course.
If I'm correct next year HCW will announce that he doesn't have strong evidences to charge CB and he will NOT REVEAL what "secret info" he does have regarding Madeleine's death with the "excuse" that the same info can be used later to charge CB if they further manage to get more evidences... If I'm correct :

1) CB will never be charged over Madeleine death and
2) The "secret info" that HCW claim to have will not be know.

Also remember that on many countries when police are investigating a suspect/crime they don't necessarily need to say the truth all the time. It's common practice to tell a suspect that they (police) do already know how did they commit the crime in order to attempt to get a confession even if they are completely lost about what did happen in reality.

Just me saying but of course time will tell. Fortunately this is one of those things that we will just need to wait and hopefully next year we will know.

Unless of course that ....

3) Media and German police stop to talk about this and remain silent regarding the subject not mentioning the "secret info" as well.

I don't want to be rude and I don't want to say anything about what HCW is doing but I truly doubt that he will ever tell us about what he have regarding CB unless it's something "simple" like the declarations done by CB older friends on the lines of "CB did told me that he did the crime this way ...".

Again, time will tell.
Interesting opinion - I wondered what your reasoning is. It would be interesting to hear it.

My opinion is that if a prosecutor publicly identifies someone the way HCW has they must have something good because the reputational damage if nothing then happened would be huge. What do you think he has that has led him to make these statements and why? Genuinely interested.
If I'm correct next year HCW will announce that he doesn't have strong evidences to charge CB and he will NOT REVEAL what "secret info" he does have regarding Madeleine's death with the "excuse" that the same info can be used later to charge CB if they further manage to get more evidences... If I'm correct :

1) CB will never be charged over Madeleine death and
2) The "secret info" that HCW claim to have will not be know.

Also remember that on many countries when police are investigating a suspect/crime they don't necessarily need to say the truth all the time. It's common practice to tell a suspect that they (police) do already know how did they commit the crime in order to attempt to get a confession even if they are completely lost about what did happen in reality.

Just me saying but of course time will tell. Fortunately this is one of those things that we will just need to wait and hopefully next year we will know.

Unless of course that ....

3) Media and German police stop to talk about this and remain silent regarding the subject not mentioning the "secret info" as well.

I don't want to be rude and I don't want to say anything about what HCW is doing but I truly doubt that he will ever tell us about what he have regarding CB unless it's something "simple" like the declarations done by CB older friends on the lines of "CB did told me that he did the crime this way ...".

Again, time will tell.
HCW says he had sent a letter to the parents of MM informing them of their 'findings'?
The parents said they never received it, SY said they 'lost,/mislaid' this letter so they never passed it on.
I believe HCW sent another one, which was actually delivered to MM's parents.
My point in raising this is: I have every faith HCW and his team do have faith and confidence in the evidence they've found, if they've sent a communication to the parents.
If they were not so sure, I can't imagine them sending such a would be so cruel.
Thoughts please.
Maybe they want to continue to hold on to the possibility MM is still alive, I can completely understand that, however defensive that may appear to us to be. Assuming of course that the quoted close source is actually close.

I'm not discounting that or the emotional toll this year's investigation has likely taken on them, but they would also surely be aware of the serious legal reasons (Germany’s double jeopardy law, which HCW has referred to in practically every interview he's done since this investigation was made public) behind his decision to not yet interview CB.

So there's no way they would not be aware of this.

So, for the McC 'source' to call it 'beyond bizarre' is therefore a little, well, beyond bizarre. Which is why I find it disconcerting.
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I'm not discounting that or the emotional toll this year's investigation has likely taken on them, but they would also surely be aware of the legal reasons (Germany’s double jeopardy law, which HCM has referred to in practically every interview he's done since this investigation was made public) as to why he is yet to interview CB.
I think and perhaps I am wrong that the double jeopardy rule only appeared in the media recently?
HCW says he had sent a letter to the parents of MM informing them of their 'findings'?
The parents said they never received it, SY said they 'lost,/mislaid' this letter so they never passed it on.
I believe HCW sent another one, which was actually delivered to MM's parents.
My point in raising this is: I have every faith HCW and his team do have faith and confidence in the evidence they've found, if they've sent a communication to the parents.
If they were not so sure, I can't imagine them sending such a would be so cruel.
Thoughts please.
I've thought that from the start. You would have to be absolutely sure before sending out such a letter to grieving parents.
Maybe not only PJ but even OG is playing time, so german prosecuters are cooking their own soup.

Maybe the game is about reputation and money. In germany, those investigations are independent from money funds, as HCW stated correctly. Why did he stated that anyway? Is the brexit the final frontier to come out, not to incriminate EU-pals, so he waits until 2021?o_O

Could FF's "falling off chair" statement support that theory?

I apologize for assuming that, but hasn't that case been solved until today, because political issues had been cared more about, than finding out the truth?

Does the unusal strategy is more related to PJ and OG, than to the suspect?

That would really be some kind of bombshell IMO....:(
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I think and perhaps I am wrong that the double jeopardy rule only appeared in the media recently?

It doesn't matter when it was given prominence in the media at large.

The idea that the McC's, whose missing child is an ongoing Met investigation, would not have been briefed by the latter as to how the German legal land lies as far as charging a suspect is concerned, is just absurd.
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The McCanns have rubbished all leads from the beginning I really don’t get them happy to have millions in funds but every time they speak out or a close pal, they ain’t happy!! I get more hope than them and I didn’t know that little girl. They baffle me. (Btw I do not think they harmed maddie before anyone takes it that way)
To complete my earlier "political issue" statement!

Is HCW waiting until 2021, because UK isn't allowed without circumstances, to extradite a british citizen (maybe a widow and former german citizen) from germany to the UK, not to jeopardise the investigation?

Simmons & Simmons
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Interesting opinion - I wondered what your reasoning is. It would be interesting to hear it.

My opinion is that if a prosecutor publicly identifies someone the way HCW has they must have something good because the reputational damage if nothing then happened would be huge. What do you think he has that has led him to make these statements and why? Genuinely interested.

Already posted here : - Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #21

Maybe he just wants to figure out as well if CB was the one who commited some other unsolved crimes and by having Madeleine MCCANN "link" he can turn CB intro someone "popular" on the media in several countries so that people who know him can talk and eventualy allow HCW to search old CB places/caravans/etc that now belong to other people. Also it might make "people talk" meaning people who know CB will tell how bad he his - "pushed by the media" that painted him as a "monster" like in the "Madeleine and the Monster" title and those declarations of old CB "friends" might end up "framing him" for other crimes even if they are un-related to Madeleine.
Already posted here : - Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #21

Maybe he just wants to figure out as well if CB was the one who commited some other unsolved crimes and by having Madeleine MCCANN "link" he can turn CB intro someone "popular" on the media in several countries so that people who know him can talk and eventualy allow HCW to search old CB places/caravans/etc that now belong to other people. Also it might make "people talk" meaning people who know CB will tell how bad he his - "pushed by the media" that painted him as a "monster" like in the "Madeleine and the Monster" title and those declarations of old CB "friends" might end up "framing him" for other crimes even if they are un-related to Madeleine.

That should the goal of a public investigation of course, don't you agree? To find out everything about the suspects past....?
HCW says he had sent a letter to the parents of MM informing them of their 'findings'?
The parents said they never received it, SY said they 'lost,/mislaid' this letter so they never passed it on.
I believe HCW sent another one, which was actually delivered to MM's parents.
My point in raising this is: I have every faith HCW and his team do have faith and confidence in the evidence they've found, if they've sent a communication to the parents.
If they were not so sure, I can't imagine them sending such a would be so cruel.
Thoughts please.

Goes without saying the "communication to the parents" do lack any solid groud.

If it were properly fundamented MCCANNS wouldn't react like this :

Madeleine McCann's parents believe probe into German suspect is 'beyond bizarre'

Think about this assume the person you love the most is missing and you don't know if it's harmed, if it's suffering, if someone killed her brutaly, etc ...

Now someone on another country that is not yours neither the country from where the one you love was snatched starts to say that your loved one is dead for sure.

Then they send you a letter saying "the one you love is dead" but i'm very sorry and i can't say any more details.

If you trully love the person you will be of broken heart and you will want to know if the person is really dead and if so how did she died, if it was "fast" if she suffered, etc ... Now all that the other person will tell you is "I can't tell you that because someone that is already in jail can change his story if i tell you how your loved one died".

Do you think that is reasonable ? How would you feel ? What would you do ?
That should the goal of a public investigation of course, don't you agree? To find out everything about the suspects past....?

At this point I want for CB living/staying places to be searched as much as possible. And I wish that nothing is found and I wish that he didn't kill/abduct any child despite his other abuse crimes.

And I don't like CB at all and I don't have "simpaty" for him and I do hope that he does rot in jail for the rape crimes that he have done but i wouldn't want for him to had gone further by capturing a little girl and using her for days as he stated (at least that's what in the media) only to kill her later.

Rather have him searched and cleared than guilty of an horrible crime. If he is "cleared" all other possibilities are still at stake including "acidental death" with cover up or even any other sort of death that was fast and painless.
Already posted here : - Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #21

Maybe he just wants to figure out as well if CB was the one who commited some other unsolved crimes and by having Madeleine MCCANN "link" he can turn CB intro someone "popular" on the media in several countries so that people who know him can talk and eventualy allow HCW to search old CB places/caravans/etc that now belong to other people. Also it might make "people talk" meaning people who know CB will tell how bad he his - "pushed by the media" that painted him as a "monster" like in the "Madeleine and the Monster" title and those declarations of old CB "friends" might end up "framing him" for other crimes even if they are un-related to Madeleine.

Then why go as far as saying that he (HCW) believes CB killed MM?
Why would he need to say that just to prosecute CB for some 'lesser' crimes?
Surely that would be risking his own and BKA reputation and make him into laughing stock.

Just imagine, what would they say?...... 'We were wrong about CB being a killer, but we only said that so we could prosecute him for getting his 'pecker' out in a playground'

Doesn't make sense to me.

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At this point I want for CB living/staying places to be searched as much as possible. And I wish that nothing is found and I wish that he didn't kill/abduct any child despite his other abuse crimes.

And I don't like CB at all and I don't have "simpaty" for him and I do hope that he does rot in jail for the rape crimes that he have done but i wouldn't want for him to had gone further by capturing a little girl and using her for days as he stated (at least that's what in the media) only to kill her later.

Rather have him searched and cleared than guilty of an horrible crime. If he is "cleared" all other possibilities are still at stake including "acidental death" with cover up or even any other sort of death that was fast and painless.

Your post makes me shiver!o_O
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