Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect #29

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Jan 24, 2017
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Calling Herr Wolters. Herr Wolters urgently needed in Aisle #29.

Aisle #29 pretty much all out of stock and in urgent need of replenishing.

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So it would seem the MWT doc is not going to air in Germany next week as originally planned. Everything has gone very silent all round on the CB front. Nothing tabloid-wise, except for a couple of page-filler Express articles. Nothing from FF or HCW. No teasers from MWT or even a mention of MM recently. All feels a little odd.

I did contact channel 5 directly asking for any information about the MWT doc, why a premiere date hasn't been announced yet etc. All I had in response was a very curt reply saying the doc "doesn't have a date". Having seen the quality of programmes on Channel 5 lately, I doubt the reason for that is down to having so many great shows to cram into their quality-packed schedule of repeats. I think other issues may be at play IMO.
So it would seem the MWT doc is not going to air in Germany next week as originally planned. Everything has gone very silent all round on the CB front. Nothing tabloid-wise, except for a couple of page-filler Express articles. Nothing from FF or HCW. No teasers from MWT or even a mention of MM recently. All feels a little odd.

I did contact channel 5 directly asking for any information about the MWT doc, why a premiere date hasn't been announced yet etc. All I had in response was a very curt reply saying the doc "doesn't have a date". Having seen the quality of programmes on Channel 5 lately, I doubt the reason for that is down to having so many great shows to cram into their quality-packed schedule of repeats. I think other issues may be at play IMO.

Looks like, as if they are waiting for some kind of progress according to the possible NF revelation?!

If she really was the second caller that night, the prosecutors may have a lot of questions to her....
Re the no news . Is it possible they are waiting for the 15 year period to end on not only the MM case but also the other possible charges. By doing this it stops any Portuguese courts jeopardising existing German proceedings?
Re the no news . Is it possible they are waiting for the 15 year period to end on not only the MM case but also the other possible charges. By doing this it stops any Portuguese courts jeopardising existing German proceedings?

The 15 year period plays no role for a murder on european ground being investigated against german citizens by german prosecutors.

Re the no news . Is it possible they are waiting for the 15 year period to end on not only the MM case but also the other possible charges. By doing this it stops any Portuguese courts jeopardising existing German proceedings?
It's a fair point. For the crime of murder, Germany has no statute of limitations. In Portugal, the deadline is 15 years. So in MM's case, that will expire in 2 months.

I don't know enough about international jurisdiction to know who would have priority to charge in this case should two different countries compete to take CB to court over MM. Due to the crime taking place in Portugal, you'd assume that they would have precedence if they were permitted access to the evidence the BKA have collated and decide they want to put him on trial.

In which case, it might make sense that the BKA want to let the Portuguese statute of limitations clock run out so that they have a clear run at CB with no outside interference or the possibility of having the case taken off them. Or alternatively, if the statute of limitations has expired in Portugal, perhaps that means the BKA no longer require any sort of permission from the Portuguese authorites to raise a charge in the MM case?

That's just some assumptions on my part though. Perhaps @mrjitty can help us understand the legal priorities at play here?
So it would seem the MWT doc is not going to air in Germany next week as originally planned. Everything has gone very silent all round on the CB front. Nothing tabloid-wise, except for a couple of page-filler Express articles. Nothing from FF or HCW. No teasers from MWT or even a mention of MM recently. All feels a little odd.

I did contact channel 5 directly asking for any information about the MWT doc, why a premiere date hasn't been announced yet etc. All I had in response was a very curt reply saying the doc "doesn't have a date". Having seen the quality of programmes on Channel 5 lately, I doubt the reason for that is down to having so many great shows to cram into their quality-packed schedule of repeats. I think other issues may be at play IMO.

Maybe it's just the case that MWT's doc missed the boat and is no longer seen as a viewer grab by Ch.5? I can understand that as I really feel there's very limited public interest at this stage in the BKA's investigation. The best part of 2 years with, to all intents and purposes, bugger all to show for the sensational claim made back in June 2020.

I'm just looking at it from a broader (beyond here) perspective.

The only things that will reignite public interest in this case is one of the following:
CB is formally charged and the case goes to court;
CB is formally charged but the judge finds the evidence lacking and dismisses the case;
the BKA drops it due to insufficient evidence to bring before the judge.

Those are the only scenarios imo that would propel the case back onto the front pages.

JMO as always.
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Maybe it's just the case that MWT's doc missed the boat and is no longer seen as a viewer grab by Ch.5? I can understand that as I really feel there's very limited public interest at this stage in the BKA's investigation. The best part of 2 years with, to all intents and purposes, bugger all to show for the sensational claim made back in June 2020.

I'm just looking at it from a broader (beyond here) perspective.

The only things that will reignite public interest in this case is one of the following:
CB is formally charged and the case goes to court;
CB is formally charged but the judge finds the evidence lacking and dismisses the case;
the BKA drops it due to insufficient evidence to bring before the judge.

Those are the only scenarios imo that would propel the case back onto the front pages.

JMO as always.
Well it's possible I suppose, there's a few other things that don't quite add up to me though.

Just a couple of months ago there was story after story being churned out in the Press. Talk of impending charges in several other cases against CB. Talk of the BKA going back to Portugal to do a final round of witness interviews. Talk of collaboration talks taking place to compile all the evidence that had been gathered between the different agencies. Bombshells about possible alibis in the MM case. NF giving a public statement in the Press after a year and a half of refusing interviews. An allegation that the mystery phone number has been attributed to NF. NF's father suspecting her of involvement. FF and CB launching legal complaints....

But now... after all that frenzy.... silence. Nothing at all.

It would have made more sense for Channel 5 to piggy-back on that frenzy rather than let it go cold before releasing the doc if their worry was that the public interest might be waning. The German TV schedule wanted to air it now, so why wouldn't channel 5 if they were able to? And why did the Germans only have synopsis info for the first two episodes and not the third? The episode about the alleged alibi. Had they not been given that one to translate yet?

In the past month, all I've seen about MM is a few Express articles from people who are not involved in the case at all, speculating on one aspect or another. There's been nothing about CB or the actual case.

I don't know, you may be right, and maybe the MWT doc delay may be due to other things altogether. But the general silence just all feels a little co-ordinated to me. The lack of new information over the last 2 years has not stopped the Press running continuous stories about CB and MM. The Mirror especially, they've always had HCW on hand for a quote or two, even when there's nothing new going on.

There's not even an article saying the case is running into trouble, which is the usual go-to when the press have no new info but want some MM associated clickbait. There's been a number of fairly intriguing stories and leads in the last few months and I would have expected them to re-hash or expand upon those aspects like they usually do. But no. Nothing.

I know there's been more pressing issues dominating the news over the last 2 weeks but it just all feels a little too quiet on the CB front since the Sat.1 doc IMO.
Well it's possible I suppose, there's a few other things that don't quite add up to me though.

Just a couple of months ago there was story after story being churned out in the Press. Talk of impending charges in several other cases against CB. Talk of the BKA going back to Portugal to do a final round of witness interviews. Talk of collaboration talks taking place to compile all the evidence that had been gathered between the different agencies. Bombshells about possible alibis in the MM case. NF giving a public statement in the Press after a year and a half of refusing interviews. An allegation that the mystery phone number has been attributed to NF. NF's father suspecting her of involvement. FF and CB launching legal complaints....

Do you not think though there's just been too much of the above over the past 20 months and it's finally led to media apathy if not actual exhaustion? We've been here or its 'bombshell' equivalent many times since June 2020 with nothing of any real substance to show at the end of it other that a sorry pile of damp squibs.

I don't know, you may be right, and maybe the MWT doc delay may be due to other things altogether. But the general silence just all feels a little co-ordinated to me.

You could be right. There may well be something significant going on behind the scenes. But equally, it could be just that there have been no significant developments and nothing new to report, hence the media at large focusing their attention elsewhere.
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I did contact channel 5 directly asking for any information about the MWT doc, why a premiere date hasn't been announced yet etc. All I had in response was a very curt reply saying the doc "doesn't have a date". Having seen the quality of programmes on Channel 5 lately, I doubt the reason for that is down to having so many great shows to cram into their quality-packed schedule of repeats. I think other issues may be at play IMO.

I did wonder about what reasons could Channel 5 have for not showing the doc yet. No advertising it anywhere.
I have to agree with you about having so many great shows to cram into their quality-packed schedule of repeats. I had a good laugh over that.
They've filled 3 nights in a row with rubbish dramas for the a couple of weeks, maybe three.
Do you not think though there's just been too much of the above over the past 20 months and it's finally led to media apathy if not actual exhaustion? We've been here or its 'bombshell' equivalent many times since June 2020 with nothing of any real substance to show at the end of it other that a sorry pile of damp squibs.

You could be right. There may well be something significant going on behind the scenes. But equally, it could be just that there have been no significant developments and nothing new to report, hence the media at large focusing their attention elsewhere.
Ordinarily, a lull of this length in the tabs wouldn't be especially unusual. But like I said, the fact there was so much that came out in December and January (compared to the relatively sparse amount of "new" information we'd had over the year prior to that for example), it does feel odd that February and March have been so barren. Particularly when so much of what was revealed is still unresolved. Did the number belong to NF after all? Are the 3 other charges still happening this quarter as was indicated? Is the supposed alibi NF or another woman, some 18 year old he apparently had a week long fling with? What happened regarding CB & FF's legal complaint against Rabe? What else did CB say in those letters?

Even if the Press don't have any answers to those questions, it's still a treasure trove of interesting things they could be speculating on right now, like they usually do. It's nearly 15 years since the event and the MM story has remained in the news all that time in one way or another, so I don't buy that "apathy" within the media has now finally set in. Not when just a few months ago HCW was saying they have enough evidence to charge CB. And not when it's such an easy source of "clicks" for them.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see. But HCW was giving no comment to The Mirror at the last asking, the first time I've ever seen that from him. His quotes were one of the biggest sources of 'news' so that could partly explain why the Mirror have been mute. Might they have actually been asked to refrain from discussing certain things for the time being as well though? Was something inadvertently uncovered/revealed in that Dec/Jan frenzy that is crucial to the investigation?

I just wouldn't be surprised if the silence is due to things ramping up behind the scenes in terms of preparing for charges. And I also wouldn't be surprised if NF is a lot more important to the BKA's case than HCW has let on. JMO.
Just to expand on some of my thoughts here, if it's not clear why I'm suggesting that the Press are maybe being deliberately quiet.

I think the British Press are generally working in harmony with the German investigation, at least in the sense of being mindful about what they reveal. Lessons have probably been learnt from what has gone on before with previous suspects in the MM saga too. But I think that part of the reason HCW might have so readily engaged with the tabs is to cement a good relationship with them, in order to ensure that certain things crucial to their investigation don't get inadvertently revealed. Better to manage the narrative than let it run wild, so to speak.

Clearly, the Germans have evidence that they don't want made public yet. And clearly, the British Press have resources to potentially find out about some of this evidence. And so I wonder if there's perhaps some cooperation and understanding about not mentioning certain details, so as to not jeopardise the German investigation.

There's been a few things that have been raised through other outlets that I would have expected the British tabs to have picked up on and fashion their own story. But they haven't. They've avoided mentioning them altogether. Which seems strange, because we all know how ruthless and speculative they normally are. When it comes to the MM case, they will literally run any kind of non-story, irrelevant of its veracity. So, when they have a golden opportunity to cite another source/outlet for a really juicy story that potentially has significance... and they don't... it does make you wonder why.

These are 4 stories I would have ordinarily expected the British tabs to have reported on, but they have declined to do so.

- Last year, Amaral released another book. This fact has been briefly mentioned in the tabs, but unlike his first book, there's been hardly any details of it's content featured in any articles. Perhaps not a total shock given his reputation but there is one particular claim Amaral makes which seems hugely significant. That is that the BKA apparently unearthed autobiographical books written by CB in the box factory, in which he supposedly details disturbing crimes committed by himself and his associates. I don't believe for a second that no UK tab journo has picked up on this yet. The speculative headline is ready-made -- "Did CB write about what he did to MM?". But yet the Press don't say anything about it.

- Also last year we had the Portuguese CM articles where it seems they got hold of some of the BKA files, probably via a leak in the PJ. CM's claims about CB admitting to his mystery associate "Aberle" about killing someone went unreported here. The British Press obviously knew about the articles, but they said nothing. The Daily Star was the only paper I saw that ran a story about it. They mentioned the mystery associate and some of the other things CB was alleged to have said to him but they deliberately left out the biggest bombshell. It was clear that they were directly quoting the CM source but yet they didn't mention the part about CB admitting to killing someone, even though it was said in the very same article they were referencing as their source for the other comments.

- We had a number of stories that ran here in relation to the Sat.1 documentary that aired in January. Many quotes and references to things they found. But one thing that wasn't given any reverence in the tabs, was the claim from a former friend of NF that the she recognises the mystery phone number the BKA have apparently been appealing for all this time as belonging to NF. That is again another ready-made headline if they wanted to run it. Even if it was completely untrue, the fact the German doc makers had this woman on tape making the claim, they would have no legal problems in repeating and speculating on this claim. I don't think it's a coincidence either that NF released a story making it clear that she was not an accomplice just before this aired, after refusing all interviews prior to that. Yet HCW said the doc didn't tell them anything new they didn't already know. Which presumably includes the claim about the phone number belonging to her.

- In December, The Olive Press ran a story about the Hazel B case and stated that the BKA had identified CB's fingerprint on a knife that was in her apartment. Again, it would have been easy for the British press to re-hash the same article, but they haven't said a word about it. The Olive Press implied that this information had come from someone involved in the Sat1 doc, prior to it airing. But when it did air, there was no mention of a knife (as far as I recall), but they did state the BKA "probably" had fingerprints or DNA evidence in the Hazel case. It seemed to me like they knew something specific though, how could they come to that conclusion otherwise? It was obviously something significant as it was one of the things FF launched the legal complaint about, with him querying if HCW had given this information to Rabe. HCW denied that he'd said anything about it to Rabe when she interviewed him, although that's not to say they didn't get the information via a different source in the BKA investigation.

Another anomaly that could perhaps be added to the 4 points above is the tab's lack of mention of Christian Post. A man who was said to be one of CB's very best friends at the time, by a number of people. A blonde German who visited CB in prison in 2006 and helped remove incriminating evidence from the farmhouse. His account is known but gets no mention over here.

All JMO obviously.
‘Another anomaly that could perhaps be added to the 4 points above is the tab's lack of mention of Christian Post. A man who was said to be one of CB's very best friends at the time, by a number of people. A blonde German who visited CB in prison in 2006 and helped remove incriminating evidence from the farmhouse. His account is known but gets no mention over here’.
I’ve also wondered about this, Dlk. Post is the one friend of CB who had none/little mention.
I wonder if there's perhaps some cooperation and understanding about not mentioning certain details, so as to not jeopardise the German investigation.

As I've said (and I do appreciate the points you've made and the time/trouble you've taken to document them on here), you could well be right, that there's stuff going on in the background that requires and has been granted the equivalent of a media blackout. That would also make sense of the silence. I hope it is that for the sake of the investigation, rather than my possibly cynical view that it might have all gone pear-shaped.

Time will tell.
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