Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect #30

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Very kind of you to take the time out to translate all of that.

It’s a shame there is no direct way of accessing an English version of
the content . Most of the findings were discussed when the shows first aired . If you go to around Thread 7 a lot has been translated.

However for a compact version of findings in both Portugal and Germany , I would highly recommend Jon Clarke’s book My Search for Madeleine.

The kindle version gives you a very helpful search bar, I’m not sure if the paperback is alphabetically indexed .

It is a highly useful resource in keeping up the timeline of events and will make more sense in relation to the abbreviated persons listed at the start of each thread

There is also now an audio book released .

Okay Jon, the content of the book has been thoroughly researched and i have nothing to complain about! ;)
Okay Jon, the content of the book has been thoroughly researched and i have nothing to complain about! ;)
Ha ha , I definitely don’t own a villa in Spain ! Just an advocate for anyone trying to get their head round these complex set of circumstanceso_O
Has this just been made up by the Daily Beast according to the latest SF interview, or could it be a reliable statement? What do you think?

"Wolters believes that Brückner was commissioned to kidnap McCann for a pedophile sex ring that then killed her—likely because of the media attention to her case, which would have made it impossible to sell her on or use her in illegal under-age *advertiser censored*."

Can't remember, HCW quoting this on the interview....

Has this just been made up by the Daily Beast according to the latest SF interview, or could it be a reliable statement? What do you think?

"Wolters believes that Brückner was commissioned to kidnap McCann for a pedophile sex ring that then killed her—likely because of the media attention to her case, which would have made it impossible to sell her on or use her in illegal under-age *advertiser censored*."

Can't remember, HCW quoting this on the interview....

Just an exaggeration of what SF attempted to ask HCW I think as
the remainder of the article is very poorly researched.
Very kind of you to take the time out to translate all of that.

It’s a shame there is no direct way of accessing an English version of
the content . Most of the findings were discussed when the shows first aired . If you go to around Thread 7 a lot has been translated.

However for a compact version of findings in both Portugal and Germany , I would highly recommend Jon Clarke’s book My Search for Madeleine.

The kindle version gives you a very helpful search bar, I’m not sure if the paperback is alphabetically indexed .

It is a highly useful resource in keeping up the timeline of events and will make more sense in relation to the abbreviated persons listed at the start of each thread

There is also now an audio book released .

You're welcome. I am working on translating the rest of the program. It is useful for my CB research as well. I have read articles by Jon Clarke but not his book.

I have researched the case from the PJ files for many years and have painstakingly been placing every single person's statements and all of the evidence in them in chronological order ever since. What drives me is the need to figure things out. And of course little Madeleine herself.

I am not McCann apologists but I have never believed the McCann's were involved.

I was a seldom lurker on here for years but when the German's announced CB as a suspect I actually began discussing the case here. IIRC back at thread #8. Didn't stay too long. Then CB became arguido by Portugal and I thought I'd come back to see what you guys' discussions and opinions were in relation to that.
In regards to the Portuguese TV releases in 2020 is it possible to
subtitle into English ? Apologies but bit of a technophobe. I can subtitle on YouTube but no luck on this .Thanks

Translated from 18:25 until the end of the program.

(They show a document of the police report of the April 2007 Salema beach incident. Print is small.)

(Redacted) until the 11-04-2007, which denounces an individual of white race, dark-skinned, with several moles all over his body, blond hair, short, no beard, little hair, with about 1.80 / 1.85 m in height, With 20/30 Years of Age, With 4 Teeth Upwards Outward, for the practice of the following facts:
Villa do Bispo, April 9, 2007
(Name redacted)
The Criminal Police Agency

Disguised couple: The upper jaw teeth were more prominent. The lower ear jaw is more retracted, more inward. In profile. In profile, it was more noticeable.
When he opened his mouth, the teeth were incorrect.

Nicole told us that she had come to Lisbon accompany your companion to the airport because he was going to Germany to have his teeth treated. That in Portugal this treatment was more expensive and that it was preferable to treat them in Germany.

SF: And nowadays there is no doubt that the individual in question was Christian Brueckner...

Disguised couple: From the pictures I've seen, it matches the person we found. But still she introduced him as Matthias (last name redacted.)
The owner of the yachts... She introduced us as if he were the owner of the yachts in Vilamoura. From the pictures I've seen, it matches the person we found.

SF: He was the only one going to travel, was that it?

Disguised couple: Yes, yes.

SF: Where?

Disguised couple: I heard about Wurzburg; I remember perfectly.

(A document is shown with some sentences. I captured what I could.)

"Unknown(s), male, aged between () years old, 1.80 m tall, with white complexion skin, untrimmed beard, hair ? wearing light gray pants, he also had a clear backpack,
standing the same..."

The following facts:

The complainant now clarifies that he has his residence with the address above....

to that, a monetary signal has already been received, for the reservation of said housing...

in the amount of 100,000.00 Euros...

Declares that to the Office of Ms. Lawyer Angela Ventosa, it was only the complainant and the her daughter, however on the return trip to Albufeira, the complainant ended up showing Mrs. Nicole where she had placed the envelopes, having been astonished to learn that 100,000.00 Euros fit inside that little suitcase.

He later quoted Mr. (?) Nicole what would her future be, quoting out loud and in English "If I sell the house, how will it be?", and the complainant replied that she would continue to work for the complainant at Mrs. Da Rocha, near Armacao de Pera.

Does she mention that when she got home she put the suitcase, containing the envelopes, in yours? your dresser, covering it with 3 packs of baby wipes.

Disguised couple: When we were in the car she got a call from what we understand, she was spoken in German, of course... the word "naturlich" which means with certainty, naturally.

(A document is shown that says "AUTO DE INTERROGATORIO NICOLE FEHLINGER")

During the trip, he received a call from a German friend of his, Christian Brueckner, on the number 915 078 040 and who is currently in Germany and when he is in Portugal he is transported and resides in a motorhome. He does not know who may be the author of the facts.

SF: Are you fully convinced that Nicole Fehlinger orchestrated your heist?

Disguised couple: Of course... we don't have the slightest doubt. Yes, yes... it was her for sure!

(Another document is shown)

"I think archival. In the present case (redacted) he filed a complaint against unknown persons, saying, in summary:

- Nicole always behaved suspiciously that day, so she could have been involved in the theft, although she didn't do it directly.

The facts reported are likely to be part of the crime of aggravated theft.

HCW: We don't know whose number it was. And we also don't know what the relationship between people is. We are looking for a witness to know the content of the conversation.

SF to FF: Can you tell me if he made a burglary 6 months after Madeleine was vanished with Nicole Fehlinger where they stolen 100 thousand euros from a house in Albufeira?

FF: About that I can't say anything.

SF: Can you also say he used to make burglaries?

FF: It doesn't come as a surprise to me.

SF: You wouldn't be surprised as a lawyer uh if he is convicted for these burglaries.

FF: I wouldn't be too scared.

A man is asking MS: From what you know of Brueckner, how did he get the money?

Man: Robberies; robbers in Portugal.

SF: Do you suspect that this number that called Brueckner, could have been used by Nicole (last name redacted)?

HCW: I can only say that we naturally investigated all the people who were known to us, to see if they had anything to do with this.

And this lady was an ex-girlfriend of Christian Brueckner. It is indicated as a witness. But we have no reason to think that she is connected with it.

SF: So far Nicole (last name redacted) is not a suspect for you.

HCW: No, no... we're just investigating Christian Brueckner, no one else.

SF: So still now for you Christian B. acted alone?

HCW: As far as we know, yes.

Man asks MS: Are you sure this girlfriend was getting troublesome girls back then?

MS: That's what he told me. That his girlfriend had some troublesome girls.

Man asks MS: Did you already know about this girlfriend before Madeleine McCann disappeared?

MS: Yes, I did, before the Madeleine McCann case.

SF to some man: Do you recognize this woman like the woman that was here in 2007?

Some Man: Yes. (He points to NF's hair in a picture showing NF.)

(SF mentions Saxony-Anhalt, shows picture of missing little Inga G., mentions the Kiosk, and mentions Scotland Yard.)

(A document is shown with print too small to read.)

Some highlighted excerpts are shown in bigger print:

"There were 391 photographs and 68 videos, depicting sexual abuse of girls and boys under the age of 14 by adults in a flagrant (pornographic) way, sexual contact between children."

"In two of the photographs, the accused's erect member is seen in the foreground, while in the background, in a pink skirt, the child is seen climbing a tree."

"The defendant removed the child's panties and touched the sex of this."

"The defendant, who in the first instance denied the facts, now admits them on appeal."

"Cumulative prison sentence of 1 year and months."

FF: For me, at this point, it is clear that it was Helge (last name redacted) who turned suspicion to Christian Bruckner in the Madeliene McCann case.

Man asking MS: How and what only after ten years, did Helge (last name redacted) talk about these videos?

MS: Christian Brueckner was an idiot, that was always clear. Nobody liked him, but we never talked about the Madeleine McCann case. Never!

FF: The fact is that Helge (last name redacted) um had some problems with the police in Greece. He was brought to court for human trafficking and got a sentence for 7 years and 3 months and then came out of prison after 20 months. And uh I don't know yet why he got out so fast but um that could have something to do with the Madeleine case, maybe not.

MS: Under normal circumstances, I would have known about Madeleine too, if Helge (last name redacted) really did. When she (He? CB? Helge?) got out of prison she (He? CB? Helge?) lived three months with me in Lamia. (?)

Man to MS: Could Helge (last name redacted) be lying?

MS: I'm starting to get the idea that something isn't quite right. All this is strange when you don't have money.

Man to MS: Is it possible that Helge (last name redacted) is trying to frame Christian Brueckner to get out of his own legal troubles?

MS: There is no other explanation, because when Christian Brueckner was in Spain, at the festival (of Orgiva, in 2008) (A picture is shown of a property outside surrounded by mountains) still sold 5 kg of hashish to Helge (last name redacted) to take to Germany. And if I'd known he was the killer, I wouldn't have made the deal.

HCW: These two witnesses (Seyferth and Busching) belong to another case. Action of the American woman who was raped and whose sentence was read last year here in Braunschweig. They are not central parts of our process.

FF: We are fighting more in the media then any thing other. Mr. Wolters and the BKA are doing interviews.

SF: You feel it's an unfair game?

FF: Yes, of course it is. It is very unfair. The fairest thing would be to give us the files to let us check what evidence is there and then maybe we can react on that.

SF: Does your client tell you he has nothing to do with Madeleine McCann disappearance?

FF: Everything that passes between the client and the lawyer is protected. And so I can't tell you what he tells me, but you can be sure that doesn't mean he has anything to hide.

SF: How do you react to this new information that your client is being investigated by another child abuse in algarve in 2007?

FF: What happened was that they showed the victim a series of photographs, and she was unable to identify the accused, that is, my client. Will have said that he wasn't sure and that there was only a 50% chance it was him.

HCW: We know her (Salema beach victim) and we uh speak with her so... This is the result of the things he (she?) told us.

(They show the police document again for the April 2007 Salema beach incident. The print is clearer on this one.)

(Redacted) until the 11-04-2007, which denounces an individual of white race, dark-skinned, with several moles all over his body, blond hair, short, no beard, little hair, with about 1.80 / 1.85 m in height , With 20/30 Years of Age, With 4 Teeth Upwards Outward, for the practice of the following facts:

On April 7, 2007, around 3:30 pm, at Praia da Salema, more specifically on the rocks, the aforementioned individual was completely naked, and approached his daughter (Full name redacted), born on 03-18-1997.

That his daughter was in the company of other children, and the individual asked her in English her name, and in the act continued to grab her by an arm, pulling her towards the sand, starting to masturbate, as he realized that the same German age said in the same language, wait, look.

Because of these facts, his son, also a minor, went to his side, telling him what had happened, and he immediately went to see what was happening.

He says that when he realized his presence, he fled towards the rocks, climbing the cliff, failing to see him.

That the same, in addition to being naked, had a backpack on his back, as well as a cloth wrapped around one of his arms.

That he had never seen such a person, however, if he crossed paths with him, he could identify him.

She declares that she wants criminal proceedings against the accused, as well as being compensated for what her daughter may suffer.

Which does not present Witnesses of the factors.

Who wants to be notified in the event of an eventual shelving of the process.

In this act, the complainant/complainant was warned that the alteration of the delay (blocked by sexta9 advert), through the delivery of an application or its .... the secretariat where the Cases are running... n. do c.p.p.
Bispo, April 9, 2007

FF: It's a classic case of repeated recognition. The victim does not recognize the author, only recognizes the photograph.

They show another document from GNR with an excerpt...

- For the purposes of carrying out this inquiry, I nominate the Corporal.

Portimao, April 13, 2007

Another excerpt from a document from GNR...

From the description, it is assumed that the individual is not a resident of this Municipality of Vila do Bispo, leading to the belief that he would be a Foreign Citizen.
As there is nothing more to mention and there are no plans to carry out other steps at the moment, this Inquiry is closed on the fourteenth day of April in the year two thousand and seven.

SF: Looking back, don't you regret nothing?

HCW: *Sighs* I can't say anything because I can't be evaluating the work of British and Portuguese colleagues. And I don't know in detail when they had each element of the investigation.

SF: Don't you feel responsible of him being traveling around europe in such a criminal activity uh without being stopped?

HCW: To the German authorities, he was not especially unique and they were not given the idea that he was especially dangerous. I don't know how it is in Portugal, but in the years when he was not in Germany, he was in Portugal and we are not interested in him here.

SF: Are you sure you'll be able to charge Christian B. for Madeleine's dissappearance?

HCW: What we have now is still not enough to accuse him.

FF: We can assume that there is still nothing very definite, otherwise the indictment would have already been brought, or there would have been an arrest warrant.
The case cannot therefore be as solid as the prosecution claims.

(A document from Tribunal de Braunschweig is shown.)
An excerpt reads: He is single and has no children. The liaisons with his former companions have all ended. In Germany the accused does not have any social relations, so after being released he will return to Portugal.

MS: After the trial in Braunschweig (in December 2019), I went to Frankfurt. And then the German police came to get me and they said it was a case of murder.
They didn't tell me about Madeleine McCann. But they said it was a case of murder.

Man asks MS: So did you talk to the German police about the murder?

MS: They said it was a case of homicide and then asked me if I knew two Russians in Spain. And I said I don't know any Russians in Spain.

SF: From what you know about Nicole (Last name redacted)'s life, did she ever work with people of Russian nationality?

Disguised poeple: When she talked about the Russians, she said they were the best customers when buying yachts. Her customers were the ones who bought her husband's yachts. To the husband, or the partner at the time...

Young guy: Nicole is the name of my foster mom.

SF: You saw her with other men.

Young guy: Yeah. I saw her often.

SF: And she used to go to Disco Techs?

Young guy: Yeah.

SF to Disguised couple: And what was she doing at the casino?

Disguised couple: Dancing.

SF: She was a ballerina

Disguised couple: As she told us. And they took pictures. She also said that she posed. I also posed. He also posed for photos. She called it "photo shoots."

SF to young guy: Was it easy to Nicole to get out at night?

Young guy: Yeah, there was no problem. Mathias said no problem. It's easy.

SF: She had a very free kind of life.

Young guy: Yeah.

Some man: If they were a criminal association, then that's part of the project.

At the very end it states: continua...
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The most shocking thing (at least for me) is when HCW says Helge B. is not even a central part of the case against CB regarding MM.

"These two witnesses (MS and Helge B.) belong to another case. Action of the American woman who was raped and whose sentence was read last year here in Braunschweig. They are not central parts of our process."
- Hans Christian Wolters
Hi Superdad
It’s on YouTube
MWT started his doc by claiming that he (his cyber associate) has discovered who is currently using the 683 number, but throughout the doc he has not disclosed who it is. So most probably, he will produce a second part of the doc(?)

<modsnip>I think it's justified to discuss MWT's new documentary. He is a very appreciated investigator and journalist. In my opinion as well. But i'm still looking for it's added value.

1. CB produced childporn at the neuwegersleben site, together with a woman, probably the mother of the poor little girl. How vile and disgusting.
Do you really assume this? But then why would the same mother report him to police for child *advertiser censored*/molestation with her daughter?
Well, IMO he should be afraid of prison. His type of criminal is generally the lowest form on the prison food chain. Prison is not meant to be a happy place and for him it could be double bad.
Did anyone see this? I saw a brief statement released when this new evidence and suspect was announced The statement was that they had fibers?, threads?, material? for young M in his van. I only saw it once and cannot find it again. Has anyone run across this information? Sometimes they say something once and pull it. I've been trying to find/verify the statement. Thanks
"Something belonging to MM" was allegedly found in the van. Source: SF during her interview with HCW.
The "Something" has never been specified. (Not yet.)
It seems that the whole "fibre" thing has come out of nowhere.
Thanks for the translation. Some interesting points of note.

Disguised couple: The upper jaw teeth were more prominent. The lower ear jaw is more retracted, more inward. In profile. In profile, it was more noticeable. When he opened his mouth, the teeth were incorrect.

This is the couple who were robbed of €100k and I'd say their assessment of CB's teeth/jaw in 2007 is pretty accurate. As illustrated in the pictures, from front on CB's teeth do look a little goofy but it's from the side angle where you can really see the edge teeth being further forward than normal and that he has a sloping jaw.

Disguised couple: From the pictures I've seen, it matches the person we found. But still she introduced him as Matthias

Interesting that NF didn't want to let these people know CB's real identity when she introduced him....

SF to FF: Can you tell me if he made a burglary 6 months after Madeleine was vanished with Nicole Fehlinger where they stolen 100 thousand euros from a house in Albufeira?

FF: About that I can't say anything.

While FF doesn't want to say anything, HCW has said a fair bit more. In JC's book he says:

‘Obviously it was not enough to charge her or Christian B in Portugal. But more to this I really can’t say as I don’t know what the police asked her there exactly,’ he said, adding cryptically, ‘Sometimes you have the feeling that you know what happened, but you are not in the position of being able to prove it to charge someone.’

And in the most recent interview with SF (transcrpit below) he goes further and states:

"We know they committed this robbery, Nicole and Brückner, but this robbery is time-barred."

For them to "know", it sounds like NF has possibly already confessed to the robbery, knowing that she cannot now be prosecuted for it.

HCW: These two witnesses (Seyferth and Busching) belong to another case. Action of the American woman who was raped and whose sentence was read last year here in Braunschweig. They are not central parts of our process.

As you pointed out, the HB testimony is clearly not the main evidence against CB. I think this is already demonstrated by the fact it was SY who interviewed HB so they know exactly what it is he had to say. The BKA clearly have other evidence to convince them that CB murdered MM which SY are not (or at least, weren't) privy to.

SF: Does your client tell you he has nothing to do with Madeleine McCann disappearance?

FF: Everything that passes between the client and the lawyer is protected. And so I can't tell you what he tells me, but you can be sure that doesn't mean he has anything to hide.

You'd think a simple "yes" should have sufficed there from FF given the other narrative that has come from CB's defence. FF has stated on other occasions: "My client did not commit this crime." and that CB denies involvement.

SF: How do you react to this new information that your client is being investigated by another child abuse in algarve in 2007?

FF: What happened was that they showed the victim a series of photographs, and she was unable to identify the accused, that is, my client. Will have said that he wasn't sure and that there was only a 50% chance it was him.

It appears that FF and CB have had access to the Salema files for quite some time. It also appears that the German authorities are looking to press ahead with this charge so it will be interesting to see exactly what the victim and her family say about identifying CB in these photographs and where FF gets this 50% figure from. In the Press it was previously reported the victim was "99%" sure. I also wonder how many of the family have been asked to perform an identification and what they said. You'd assume that the authorities must have further evidence to corroborate the identification if they feel they have enough to charge though. There's been some debate about whether CB's teeth can technically be described as "buck teeth" but it's clear that his teeth were certainly prominent at the front. I don't know if the term "buck teeth" originated from the Press but it's not how they are described in the PJ police report where it just states: "4 Teeth Upwards Outward". Would a 10 year old German girl even know what "buck teeth" were and be able to accurately convey this phrase to a Portuguese officer? It sounds like something that has been paraphrased by someone else IMO.

FF: It's a classic case of repeated recognition. The victim does not recognize the author, only recognizes the photograph.

What does FF mean here? Is he saying the victim didn't recognise CB in a physical line-up but did recognise him from photographs (possibly ones from 2007 before the surgery)? This sentence also seems to contradict his previous assurance that the victim was only 50% sure.
In terms of the teeth he’s definitely got something going on to the side of his mouth , hard to tell from the pic but looks like he has
a wider tooth possibly two and both have a pronounced upper gum which looks very noticeable from that particular angle .
Slightly off topic but I was struck by some of the details in the Bobbi-Anne McCleod case where Cody Ackland is currently standing trial. It's incredible how people with dark mental issues can deceive all those around them, acting completely normal even when they have just done something incredibly evil.

I think this is something MWT failed to take into account when giving credence to the fact the 'fling' apparently noticed no change in CB's behaviour following MM's disappearance. If the prison medical assessment report is accurate, and CB does have psychopathic tendencies, the truth is it is quite likely a change wouldn't really be evident even to even those who knew him well.

The actions of Ackland also go to prove that one does not need to have a criminal record for similar crimes (to murder/abduction) for them to commit such acts. What is interesting is their other activities and history, I see a lot of parallels between Ackland's obsession with Serial killers and CB's obsession with child abuse and torture.

Detectives found almost 3,000 graphic, grisly images of dead and dismembered people on Cody Ackland's phone - a horrific window into his grotesque double life.

Richard Posner, prosecuting, said: 'His interest in the macabre presents as deep-rooted; a fascination with death, murder and murderers and the means to commit murder.'

Despite this, Ackland successfully managed to hide his dark obsession from all who knew him. Speaking at Devon and Cornwall Police headquarters in Exeter, Detective Superintendent Mike West said investigators had been through Ackland's past 'with a fine toothcomb' and found nothing to link him to previous crimes.

Ray Tully QC, defending Ackland, told Plymouth Crown Court his client's obsession with images of murder victims had to be viewed through the 'prism' of his troubled childhood and mental health struggles.

'Psychiatrists characterise it as a kind of self-harm, someone who has developed an addiction to seeking out material, going back to it again and again,' he said.

'(Ackland) describes it as self-medicating, if he can shock himself he might shock himself out of what he felt he had become capable of doing.

Ackland was so unmoved by his brutal claw-hammer attack on 18-year-old Bobbi-Anne that in the hours immediately after stripping and dumping her body he was out partying with friends.

Witnesses told how he was laughing, joking and hugging people and went to a pub-lock-in before later ordering pizza. He also attended a practice session with his rock band.

Friends said the only time they had seen the killer so happy was at one of the band's gigs.

Ackland didn't know Bobbi-Anne and randomly chose her as his victim as she stood at a bus-stop near her family's home in Leigham, Plymouth, at 6.05pm on Saturday November 20th last year, heading for a night-out with her boyfriend.

He attacked her and walked backed to his car nearby, later telling police: 'That was meant to be it.'

But when he saw her move he returned, bundled her into the footwell of his red Ford Fiesta and drove 19 miles to Bellever Forest on Dartmoor where he repeatedly battered her around the head with the hammer, causing 'catastrophic' injuries.

He said he'd gone out on the night of the murder because he was 'feeling low' and 'wound up' and needed to get out of the house.

Moments later he attacked Bobbi-Anne at the bus stop with frenzied blows from his hammer.

Det Supt West went on: 'He intended to go out socialising for the night and cut through Leigham to save time.

'It was then that he spotted Bobbi-Anne, who he didn't know but who resembled girls he'd dated in the past.

'Ackland will claim that he wasn't looking for somebody - anybody in particular - it was just a coincidence. He described his actions as 'an industrial way of thinking' to get rid of a problem.

Ackland told police he 'went into problem-solving mode', headed for the wooded lane at Bovisand, dumped Bobbi-Anne's body in undergrowth, drove to his Plymouth family home and went to bed.

The following morning he claimed he asked himself 'what had actually happened' before going for pizza with a friend.

He was, according to the friend, 'chatty and having a laugh and 'hugging people', said Det Supt. West.

'Friends recalled him being happier than usual and said the only time they had seen him so happy was before one of his gigs.

'He told detectives that the killing was not on his mind because it was 'so out there' and extreme that it was almost like a film or fantasy, something that hadn't really happened.

'He told police he did not know how he felt about the murder, that it felt like someone else had committed the crime but he knew deep down it was him.

Ackland had no file on the Police National Computer and had not engaged with police either as a victim or a suspect prior to the murder.

He appeared to have led a 'secret life operated clandestinely' and his offending had 'come as a really significant shock' to those who knew him best.

In terms of the teeth he’s definitely got something going on to the side of his mouth , hard to tell from the pic but looks like he has
a wider tooth possibly two and both have a pronounced upper gum which looks very noticeable from that particular angle .
Looks like he had retrognathia, or “weak chin”, which can cause the teeth in the upper jaw to grow in crooked as well. From the pics taken from the front, it makes it look like his two front teeth and both canines are a bit more prominent than the other two incisors (hence the gum looks pronounced over the canine visible in the side profile pic). Front on, his teeth look yellow/nicotine stained. From the side it looks like he has blackened areas to his teeth, possibly a pit in the enamel at the back of the canine.
I know someone who had the opposite problem, prognathia, so the teeth at the bottom sat over the upper teeth, also leaving them crooked. She had to have basically the same surgery but have the lower jaw shaved rather than built up. The recovery ain’t pretty. But CB doesn’t look like his was too extreme to begin with.


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Looks like he had retrognathia, or “weak chin”, which can cause the teeth in the upper jaw to grow in crooked as well. From the pics taken from the front, it makes it look like his two front teeth and both canines are a bit more prominent than the other two incisors (hence the gum looks pronounced over the canine visible in the side profile pic). Front on, his teeth look yellow/nicotine stained. From the side it looks like he has blackened areas to his teeth, possibly a pit in the enamel at the back of the canine.
I know someone who had the opposite problem, prognathia, so the teeth at the bottom sat over the upper teeth, also leaving them crooked. She had to have basically the same surgery but have the lower jaw shaved rather than built up. The recovery ain’t pretty. But CB doesn’t look like his was too extreme to begin with.
You could be right. There must have been a surgery, at least at his chin.

You could be right. There must have been a surgery, at least at his chin.

View attachment 344962
The chin is definitely lifted a bit, but the retrognathia actually looks worse in that second pic, and wasn’t that post-surgery? The second pic makes his front teeth look more prominent because of how the top lip sits forward, and like his front teeth could be biting into his lower lip slightly; you often see people with buck teeth do this when they’re fully covering their teeth with their lips. But then if he wasn’t in the habit of looking after his teeth he could have bone loss, especially if he kept smoking during post-surgical recovery.
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You could be right. There must have been a surgery, at least at his chin.

View attachment 344962

This is the surgery IMO. His overbite has been corrected, I believe.
I wonder if it was the little girl on the beach who described CB as having 'rabbit teeth', that would make sense from a child's point of view imo.
The description above says he had moles on his body, we've heard a similar description given that CB has birthmarks all over his body.

“He has scars on his right leg (both thigh and hip), and birthmarks all over his body.”
Christian Brückner: Everything we know about the new German Madeleine McCann suspect
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Thanks for the translation. Some interesting points of note.

Disguised couple: The upper jaw teeth were more prominent. The lower ear jaw is more retracted, more inward. In profile. In profile, it was more noticeable. When he opened his mouth, the teeth were incorrect.

This is the couple who were robbed of €100k and I'd say their assessment of CB's teeth/jaw in 2007 is pretty accurate. As illustrated in the pictures, from front on CB's teeth do look a little goofy but it's from the side angle where you can really see the edge teeth being further forward than normal and that he has a sloping jaw.
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Disguised couple: From the pictures I've seen, it matches the person we found. But still she introduced him as Matthias

Interesting that NF didn't want to let these people know CB's real identity when she introduced him....

SF to FF: Can you tell me if he made a burglary 6 months after Madeleine was vanished with Nicole Fehlinger where they stolen 100 thousand euros from a house in Albufeira?

FF: About that I can't say anything.

While FF doesn't want to say anything, HCW has said a fair bit more. In JC's book he says:

‘Obviously it was not enough to charge her or Christian B in Portugal. But more to this I really can’t say as I don’t know what the police asked her there exactly,’ he said, adding cryptically, ‘Sometimes you have the feeling that you know what happened, but you are not in the position of being able to prove it to charge someone.’

And in the most recent interview with SF (transcrpit below) he goes further and states:

"We know they committed this robbery, Nicole and Brückner, but this robbery is time-barred."

For them to "know", it sounds like NF has possibly already confessed to the robbery, knowing that she cannot now be prosecuted for it.

HCW: These two witnesses (Seyferth and Busching) belong to another case. Action of the American woman who was raped and whose sentence was read last year here in Braunschweig. They are not central parts of our process.

As you pointed out, the HB testimony is clearly not the main evidence against CB. I think this is already demonstrated by the fact it was SY who interviewed HB so they know exactly what it is he had to say. The BKA clearly have other evidence to convince them that CB murdered MM which SY are not (or at least, weren't) privy to.

SF: Does your client tell you he has nothing to do with Madeleine McCann disappearance?

FF: Everything that passes between the client and the lawyer is protected. And so I can't tell you what he tells me, but you can be sure that doesn't mean he has anything to hide.

You'd think a simple "yes" should have sufficed there from FF given the other narrative that has come from CB's defence. FF has stated on other occasions: "My client did not commit this crime." and that CB denies involvement.

SF: How do you react to this new information that your client is being investigated by another child abuse in algarve in 2007?

FF: What happened was that they showed the victim a series of photographs, and she was unable to identify the accused, that is, my client. Will have said that he wasn't sure and that there was only a 50% chance it was him.

It appears that FF and CB have had access to the Salema files for quite some time. It also appears that the German authorities are looking to press ahead with this charge so it will be interesting to see exactly what the victim and her family say about identifying CB in these photographs and where FF gets this 50% figure from. In the Press it was previously reported the victim was "99%" sure. I also wonder how many of the family have been asked to perform an identification and what they said. You'd assume that the authorities must have further evidence to corroborate the identification if they feel they have enough to charge though. There's been some debate about whether CB's teeth can technically be described as "buck teeth" but it's clear that his teeth were certainly prominent at the front. I don't know if the term "buck teeth" originated from the Press but it's not how they are described in the PJ police report where it just states: "4 Teeth Upwards Outward". Would a 10 year old German girl even know what "buck teeth" were and be able to accurately convey this phrase to a Portuguese officer? It sounds like something that has been paraphrased by someone else IMO.

FF: It's a classic case of repeated recognition. The victim does not recognize the author, only recognizes the photograph.

What does FF mean here? Is he saying the victim didn't recognise CB in a physical line-up but did recognise him from photographs (possibly ones from 2007 before the surgery)? This sentence also seems to contradict his previous assurance that the victim was only 50% sure.
Regarding the last paragraph about the victim maybe not recognise him from a line up could maybe be due to CB having his teeth fixed, maybe much whiter due to fading tan, older, hair maybe not as fair etc, but if shown pics of CB from 07 would be much more like the man she remembers from her memory, in fairness CB has not aged well at all. omo
Regarding the last paragraph about the victim maybe not recognise him from a line up could maybe be due to CB having his teeth fixed, maybe much whiter due to fading tan, older, hair maybe not as fair etc, but if shown pics of CB from 07 would be much more like the man she remembers from her memory, in fairness CB has not aged well at all. omo
Or maybe that the victim was shown multiple sets of photos of different possible suspects but CB was in them all so that’s why she recognised him?
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