Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect

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Question to everyone - IF this guy happened to be *the* guy, what would you offer him in return for say.. giving the location of MM’s remains?

Personally, and I’m torn, I’d (maybe?) even go as far as to offer him immunity from prosecution if he could reveal where the body is. He can be dealt with in.. other ways, especially with the scrutiny he is now subject to.

If it’s the only way to give the McCanns and countless other closure... I just hope this case can be solved, end of.
My question: if he was a known burglar in the area at the time of the disappearance, why was he not on police radar years ago and if so why not investigated further? He fits what the profile is often for these perps: white man usually around 25-40 years old, fits the general description of the sketch of a white man carrying a small child that one witness said, seems to be a loner (seems to not be married or have children of his own though I am not sure if that's the case but oftentimes these people are loners), not stable in employment or in housing situation it appears plus add the very relevant info re: burglary in hotels: BOOM, that would definitely be someone you really look into. I mean if an amateur had to draw a profile that would be it.

Did they not know he was a burglar till years later? Did he have an alibi? Was he even investigated? how does the rape of the American fit in- when did they find out about that? If they knew about that at any point in the last 13 years that makes the circumstantial evidence even stronger. When did they figure out him for the rape? Was it really 10 years before they connected the rape to him? There would have been DNA for that probably so whenever they connected him to the rape they immediately should have focused in on Madelaine. If it turns out to be him it seems like there will be alot that the Portguese and British police have to answer for for not figuring this out years ago.

How many burglars are there running around hotels in the area? I don't hear of massive burglaries in nice hotels in Florida or Hawaii; sure it may happen but it's not like there is a ring of burglaries because otherwise no one would vacation there. the burglars should have been the firs suspect. Is the area so unsafe that there are all these burglars running around and they just skipped him? It looks like a nice area on TV.

German police seem secure that they know how she died and that she is dead. Why? Confidence in the manner of death is intriguing. How would they know that without a body or confession? Is there a tape? Is there reason to believe what he told someone and that knowledge is second hand? Do they have him on tape confessing to someone?

It is not clear to me whether he is just such an obvious suspect and so they are announcing it now because it is so obvious and it may turn out that they really don't have much else on him and he is just a weirdo criminal unrelated to this crime OR they have some kind of tape of a murder or found DNA evidence of Madelaine somewhere.
i guess PJ did this stuff quietly already?
Surely, finding her or her remains must have been the number one priority at the time, regardless of the theory of the crime. Not only to relieve the parents minds, but for the forensic evidence, trail of clues, etc. I don't know that area at all, is it easy to dig in the soil, are there lots of vacant, private spots where no one would ever walk and notice evidence of a grave? Possibly it would require an accomplice with a large property to hide the body on. Or, someone with a boat to take remains out to sea.

IMO, no body being found after 13 years is strong evidence that someone very familiar with the local area must have done it, it's not at all easy to conceal a body or a recent grave anywhere in the world.
My question: if he was a known burglar in the area at the time of the disappearance, why was he not on police radar years ago and if so why not investigated further? He fits what the profile is often for these perps: white man usually around 25-40 years old, fits the general description of the sketch of a white man carrying a small child that one witness said, seems to be a loner (seems to not be married or have children of his own though I am not sure if that's the case but oftentimes these people are loners), not stable in employment or in housing situation it appears plus add the very relevant info re: burglary in hotels: BOOM, that would definitely be someone you really look into. I mean if an amateur had to draw a profile that would be it.

Did they not know he was a burglar till years later? Did he have an alibi? Was he even investigated? how does the rape of the American fit in- when did they find out about that? If they knew about that at any point in the last 13 years that makes the circumstantial evidence even stronger. When did they figure out him for the rape? Was it really 10 years before they connected the rape to him? There would have been DNA for that probably so whenever they connected him to the rape they immediately should have focused in on Madelaine. If it turns out to be him it seems like there will be alot that the Portguese and British police have to answer for for not figuring this out years ago.

How many burglars are there running around hotels in the area? I don't hear of massive burglaries in nice hotels in Florida or Hawaii; sure it may happen but it's not like there is a ring of burglaries because otherwise no one would vacation there. the burglars should have been the firs suspect. Is the area so unsafe that there are all these burglars running around and they just skipped him? It looks like a nice area on TV.

German police seem secure that they know how she died and that she is dead. Why? Confidence in the manner of death is intriguing. How would they know that without a body or confession? Is there a tape? Is there reason to believe what he told someone and that knowledge is second hand? Do they have him on tape confessing to someone?

It is not clear to me whether he is just such an obvious suspect and so they are announcing it now because it is so obvious and it may turn out that they really don't have much else on him and he is just a weirdo criminal unrelated to this crime OR they have some kind of tape of a murder or found DNA evidence of Madelaine somewhere.
From my understanding, he was completely under the radar in Portugal. Even despite the crimes we know he was committing whilst he was there (its really not looking good for the Portuguese police here).

I posted earlier about the rape, I believe around 14 years had gone by before he was arrested and subsequently found guilty, the Portuguese police had discovered a hair on the bed where the rape had took place pretty early on, but no dna match. It was only many years later (after his friend came forward about the tape he had saw) that they matched Christian B. dna to that body hair.
So at the time Maddie went missing, I don’t think he was on the Portuguese police radar at all. Quite worrying when you think about it.
My question: if he was a known burglar in the area at the time of the disappearance, why was he not on police radar years ago and if so why not investigated further? He fits what the profile is often for these perps: white man usually around 25-40 years old, fits the general description of the sketch of a white man carrying a small child that one witness said, seems to be a loner (seems to not be married or have children of his own though I am not sure if that's the case but oftentimes these people are loners), not stable in employment or in housing situation it appears plus add the very relevant info re: burglary in hotels: BOOM, that would definitely be someone you really look into. I mean if an amateur had to draw a profile that would be it.

Perhaps he had a (false) alibi from someone which was recanted?
My question: if he was a known burglar in the area at the time of the disappearance, why was he not on police radar years ago and if so why not investigated further? He fits what the profile is often for these perps: white man usually around 25-40 years old, fits the general description of the sketch of a white man carrying a small child that one witness said, seems to be a loner (seems to not be married or have children of his own though I am not sure if that's the case but oftentimes these people are loners), not stable in employment or in housing situation it appears plus add the very relevant info re: burglary in hotels: BOOM, that would definitely be someone you really look into. I mean if an amateur had to draw a profile that would be it.

Did they not know he was a burglar till years later? Did he have an alibi? Was he even investigated? how does the rape of the American fit in- when did they find out about that? If they knew about that at any point in the last 13 years that makes the circumstantial evidence even stronger. When did they figure out him for the rape? Was it really 10 years before they connected the rape to him? There would have been DNA for that probably so whenever they connected him to the rape they immediately should have focused in on Madelaine. If it turns out to be him it seems like there will be alot that the Portguese and British police have to answer for for not figuring this out years ago.

How many burglars are there running around hotels in the area? I don't hear of massive burglaries in nice hotels in Florida or Hawaii; sure it may happen but it's not like there is a ring of burglaries because otherwise no one would vacation there. the burglars should have been the firs suspect. Is the area so unsafe that there are all these burglars running around and they just skipped him? It looks like a nice area on TV.

German police seem secure that they know how she died and that she is dead. Why? Confidence in the manner of death is intriguing. How would they know that without a body or confession? Is there a tape? Is there reason to believe what he told someone and that knowledge is second hand? Do they have him on tape confessing to someone?

It is not clear to me whether he is just such an obvious suspect and so they are announcing it now because it is so obvious and it may turn out that they really don't have much else on him and he is just a weirdo criminal unrelated to this crime OR they have some kind of tape of a murder or found DNA evidence of Madelaine somewhere.
As discussed earlier in the thread, he came onto police radar in 2017 because of an apparent drunken confession to a friend. It seems the rape conviction, and all of the info about his being a burglar, homeless, etc., has come to light as a result of the last 3 years of investigating him as a suspect in this crime. I can just imagine how encouraged police must have been once they started to investigate and all these pieces started to fall into place. But none of it links him directly to the abduction, except that a witness says he confessed to him in a bar when the TV publicized the 10 year anniversary in 2017.
Question to everyone - IF this guy happened to be *the* guy, what would you offer him in return for say.. giving the location of MM’s remains?

Personally, and I’m torn, I’d (maybe?) even go as far as to offer him immunity from prosecution if he could reveal where the body is. He can be dealt with in.. other ways, especially with the scrutiny he is now subject to.

If it’s the only way to give the McCanns and countless other closure... I just hope this case can be solved, end of.

As someone completely removed from the situation, I would offer him ZERO.

If this IS the guy, remember...

- He killed a child
- He has a track record
- He has hidden his involvement for 13 years
- He has shown no remorse (you can't possibly count it once you've been caught as that then has an incentive attached to it)

I understand the parents would want to know where the body is, but this person, like all criminals who have committed similar crimes and kept themselves safe without being remorseful, deserve sweet f a.
From my understanding, he was completely under the radar in Portugal. Even despite the crimes we know he was committing whilst he was there (its really not looking good for the Portuguese police here).

I posted earlier about the rape, I believe around 14 years had gone by before he was arrested and subsequently found guilty, the Portuguese police had discovered a hair on the bed where the rape had took place pretty early on, but no dna match. It was only many years later (after his friend came forward about the tape he had saw) that they matched Christian B. dna to that body hair.
So at the time Maddie went missing, I don’t think he was on the Portuguese police radar at all. Quite worrying when you think about it.

Yes, from what I read around the 10th anniversary he bragged to a friend about Madelaine and then showed the friend the tape of the rape of the American woman. I believe she survived. I wonder if she had a description. Or if they ever showed her the sketch of the blond man hanging around the hotel. It would not surprise me if the rape and Madelaine were in different police jurisdictions and no one connected the dots. I don't know how far away the rape was.

If he raped the American women and abused Madelaine he certainly did not stop for 10 years and live like a saint.I suppose the BTK killer stopped for awhile as well as Golden State but that is not common. Usually it escalates. The rape escalated to a murder. Who else has he hurt across Europe after Madelaine? There has to be more victims. often once they murder they don't go back to "just" being rapists either. They usually continue to murder.

The police seem to think he is very dangerous (odd that they seem to be almost comforting a specific person that he is jail, almost like they are speaking to a specific person- "hey look he is in jail, he can't hurt you now") that makes me think that maybe they think he has an accomplice, possibly a female accomplice/girlfriend, which you sometimes see in these situations (like in Elizabeth Smart or Epstein). We also don't know how long Madelaine may have been kept alive.

Have those of you following this case closely for years even known there was a rape of an American women in the area around the time of Madelaine's disappearance (I think a few months before)? It's odd for pedophiles to also rape older women though not unheard of, but the MO- breaking into a tourist home is the same. I would have thought that close watchers of this case -and certainly the police - would have at least known of rapes in the area in time period around Madelaine's death. It looks like he was a criminal since age 17. Was there really no finger prints or any evidence at the rape to connect it to him? And did anyone ever even mention the rape and Madelaine being connected in any way? This is the first I am hearing of a rape of a tourist in the area. Again, the area looks nice - how many rapes were going on of tourists in the year or so before the kidnapping? Were there so many that this one did not stick out and that no one even thought it could possibly be connected?
Question to everyone - IF this guy happened to be *the* guy, what would you offer him in return for say.. giving the location of MM’s remains?

Personally, and I’m torn, I’d (maybe?) even go as far as to offer him immunity from prosecution if he could reveal where the body is. He can be dealt with in.. other ways, especially with the scrutiny he is now subject to.

If it’s the only way to give the McCanns and countless other closure... I just hope this case can be solved, end of.

The McCanns seem like very religious people. I think it is very important for them to have Maddie rest in peace. Unfortunately without a body and without a confession, it may be hard for them to conclusively prove his guilt here in this particular case.

But I am certain if he did this he has done more unfortunately and some of those other cases may be easier to prove, so if he were to offer up where he put her I am confident that the police could probably independently figure his connections to other crimes to put him away for life. They should be looking at any unsolved missing child (especially young girl but potentially teenagers too) across Western Europe in the last 20 years to try to connect to him. They may have DNA in some of those other cases in which case the connection will be easy to make. not sure if Europe has a central database but now they have it so hopefully they could run it through.
Funnily enough I'd watched a YouTube video by the psychiatrist Dr Todd Grande on Maddie a few days ago, and he made me realise how categorical my thinking had become.

In fact, having been convinced that the parents were involved in what happened to Maddie, after many years I changed my view, and I suspect I might know what happened, and that yes, she was indeed abducted.

So seeing this new news is incredible timing indeed.

I think that for me the obvious lies of the parents and their changing stories were what convinced me of their guilt, and probably also convinced the Portugeuse Police too, and I think the failure of the investigation lies at their feet, but this is what I suspect *might* have happened, and why they lied.

They were unqestionably irresponsible, they left their children unattended while they went out to party, and worse than that in an unlocked apartment.

As I remember it first they insisted that the room was locked, and the intruder must have got in through the window, by forcing it from the outside.

When this possibility was disproven they remebered they had in fact not been entering through the front door, with keys, but through the unlocked patio doors, and the intruder must have opened the window "as a red herring" - quite what red herring that was always escaped me - Maddie was missing, what was the intruder doing to mislead the Police from the primary situation?

The only fingerprints on the window were Kates, it hadn't been tampered with from the outside.

So imagine this - you have been utterly irresponsible, your child is now missing and you know you're for the high jump - possible criminal charges, might have your kids taken from you, lose your jobs lose everything.

In the head of a narcissist for example, you might think that unfair, I mean it's not really your fault after all - if it hadn't been for that pesky peadophile - he's the real villian, not us.

So to protect yourself a bit you might think "well, Maddie has been taken, that's the main thing and the thing the Police need to look at - so how does it matter if the abducter got in through the door or the window? If we say the door was locked we need to show how he got in, so if we open the window it'll look like that's how he did it. And since we're so super smart and they're as think as 10 short planks and we're doctors and important, they'll just believe that. But the important thing is they'll be looking for maddie".

Unfortunately they over estimated their own intellect and under estimated the intellect of the Police.

So when the Police say"no, not possible" - they have to find another way to explain how the intuder enetered - so they "remember" that oh, no actually the door was unlocked.

But now they have to explain away why the window was opened - you know, so they don't look like totally self absorbed and selfish monsters.

The Police know they are lying, and can't understand why, the whole thing now looks fishy, so the investigation focuses on the McCann parents.

And vital resources, hours days and months are lost trying to unpick the lies they've told to protect themselves from the stupidity and wrecklessness they displayed that led to the whole sorry episode.

If they'd just have said - we were stupid, we made a mistake, and not tried to fabricate evidence then they'd never have been suspects in the first place.

And Maddie might have been found.

But to look after their own interests, because that's all that matters to them, they tried to create a lie to cover their own faults, and that led the whole thing down a rabbit hole that never even existed in the first place.

Maybe - might have - etc for legal reasons - hey they sue you if you look at them funny.

But to my mind now - i've gone from they did it, to they didn't do it, to they're still the problem and caused all kinds of unnecessary problems through their own selfishness.

End of might be, maybe theory.

Wow , amazing post I wish I could have written myself . Cant like this enough ![/QUOTE]
No, he wasn't. The portuguese LE was stalked by the british media, were painted as lazy drunks and completely tarnished during the early stages of the investigation.

I was joking because someone asked me if I know how car registration works in Germany and I said that I don't have a car or driver's license, so I have no idea. The person replied to that and then I joked about shoes that I don't have to register either.
I can't get my head around the fact that if it turns out he's guilty, that someone with his criminal background, living close to the area and hardly inconspicuous re hotel jobs and even driving a distinctive car has got away with it for so long. IMO
Madeleine McCann: Paedophile suspect had 17 convictions | Daily Mail Online

CB has 17 convictions in Germany for child abuse and child *advertiser censored*
offences, driving without a licence, assault, burglary, theft and drink driving.

Brueckner's first burglary was in his home town of Wurzburg, Bavaria, in 1992, when he was 15. He was also given a two-year youth sentence in 1994 for sexually abusing a child when he was a 17. After his 12 years in Portugal he was jailed for drug smuggling in northern Germany October 2011.

In 2013 he abused another little girl and was caught with child *advertiser censored*, and was jailed for those offences in 2016. It was only in 2019 he was jailed for the rape in Praia da Luz after being found living on the streets in Milan. [...]

According to the timeline in the article, CB was in and out of jail for drug dealing and child abuse offenses against "little girls" during the 2008 - 2016 time period.
Whether or not this suspect is responsible for Maddie's disappearance and possible death; he is a very evil man. Can someone familiar with German laws explain sentencing guidelines for repeated sexual abuse/assaults against children and being in possession of child pornographic materials? I do not understand how this man was allowed back on the streets numerous times, only to commit the same offense(s). He is truly a danger to society.
I can't get my head around the fact that if it turns out he's guilty, that someone with his criminal background, living close to the area and hardly inconspicuous re hotel jobs and even driving a distinctive car has got away with it for so long. IMO
Me either, particularly with the unbelievable amount of money, time and efforts by various LE agencies involved in this investigation!!!
Yes, from what I read around the 10th anniversary he bragged to a friend about Madelaine and then showed the friend the tape of the rape of the American woman. I believe she survived. I wonder if she had a description. Or if they ever showed her the sketch of the blond man hanging around the hotel. It would not surprise me if the rape and Madelaine were in different police jurisdictions and no one connected the dots. I don't know how far away the rape was.

If he raped the American women and abused Madelaine he certainly did not stop for 10 years and live like a saint.I suppose the BTK killer stopped for awhile as well as Golden State but that is not common. Usually it escalates. The rape escalated to a murder. Who else has he hurt across Europe after Madelaine? There has to be more victims. often once they murder they don't go back to "just" being rapists either. They usually continue to murder.

The police seem to think he is very dangerous (odd that they seem to be almost comforting a specific person that he is jail, almost like they are speaking to a specific person- "hey look he is in jail, he can't hurt you now") that makes me think that maybe they think he has an accomplice, possibly a female accomplice/girlfriend, which you sometimes see in these situations (like in Elizabeth Smart or Epstein). We also don't know how long Madelaine may have been kept alive.

Have those of you following this case closely for years even known there was a rape of an American women in the area around the time of Madelaine's disappearance (I think a few months before)? It's odd for pedophiles to also rape older women though not unheard of, but the MO- breaking into a tourist home is the same. I would have thought that close watchers of this case -and certainly the police - would have at least known of rapes in the area in time period around Madelaine's death. It looks like he was a criminal since age 17. Was there really no finger prints or any evidence at the rape to connect it to him? And did anyone ever even mention the rape and Madelaine being connected in any way? This is the first I am hearing of a rape of a tourist in the area. Again, the area looks nice - how many rapes were going on of tourists in the year or so before the kidnapping? Were there so many that this one did not stick out and that no one even thought it could possibly be connected?
Apparently the sexual assault and robbery occurred in Sept. 2005, 18 months before the McCann disappearance, and it happened in the same small resort town. I doubt it attracted much publicity at the time, except among the other expats living in the area. The investigation was dropped in 2006 due to lack of evidence, and possibly forgotten by officials (not by the poor victim, of course), since there apparently were no other similar incidents. A hair was collected from the scene, but it wasn't linked to the perp until a couple of years ago.

Madeleine McCann suspect first reported to German investigators in 2013

It does seem like maybe police should have made a connection, but hindsight is 20/20. Firstly, they weren't at all convinced the little girl had been abducted; secondly the American expat had been assaulted and robbed, not abducted; third the difference in ages of the victims pointed to a very different criminal profile; 4th the lack of forensic evidence, like a similar hair to the other crime scene, to tie the crimes together.

I don't know how many crimes against tourists/expats there were in the area. Likely very few, or it wouldn't have been considered such a safe location for visitors. IIRC, the American sexual assault victim had left her door unlocked, too.

ETA, it's also possible, as you say, that local police investigated the sexual assault, while the prosecutor was brought in exclusively for the McCann case.
Also, added link
German TV station RTL.DE interviewed a friend of Bruekner's who met him in Braunschweig.

Norbert M, whose name was changed by the TV station, said: 'You couldn't tell what made him tick.'

Norbert claimed his former friend was in debt to many people and was running a kiosk in the town.

The witness claimed Bruekner had an underage Kosovan girlfriend, though he had never seen the suspect with young children.

He said: 'I heard that he left the kiosk and then went to Portugal or Spain with a girl. He then left dogs in his kiosk for weeks.

'I can imagine that he is behind the disappearance of Maddie.'

'He had no interest in becoming friends': Suspect in Madeleine McCann's disappearance was a loner | Daily Mail Online
Apparently the sexual assault and robbery occurred in Sept. 2005, 18 months before the McCann disappearance, and it happened in the same small resort town. I doubt it attracted much publicity at the time, except among the other expats living in the area. The investigation was dropped in 2006 due to lack of evidence, and possibly forgotten by officials (not by the poor victim, of course), since there apparently were no other similar incidents. A hair was collected from the scene, but it wasn't linked to the perp until a couple of years ago.

Madeleine McCann suspect first reported to German investigators in 2013

It does seem like maybe police should have made a connection, but hindsight is 20/20. Firstly, they weren't at all convinced the little girl had been abducted; secondly the American expat had been assaulted and robbed, not abducted; third the difference in ages of the victims pointed to a very different criminal profile; 4th the lack of forensic evidence, like a similar hair to the other crime scene, to tie the crimes together.

I don't know how many crimes against tourists/expats there were in the area. Likely very few, or it wouldn't have been considered such a safe location for visitors. IIRC, the American sexual assault victim had left her door unlocked, too.

ETA, it's also possible, as you say, that local police investigated the sexual assault, while the prosecutor was brought in exclusively for the McCann case.
Also, added link

Good post.

The fundamental problem all along has been that the police lack physical evidence tying anyone to the disappearance.

Even in the case of the rape with a hair left behind, if you don't know which offender to match it to, where do you go from there?

It's all very well to say they should have looked closer at this guy, but what can they find out? And there are lots of bad people in any region that you can look at.

It really is a like a hackstack with many needles in it. PJ never particularly had a defined group of suspects when they do't even know what the crime is. So who has the resources to investigate every single offender in the area? And even if you do, without probable cause police lack any powers to make progress.
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