Madeleine McCann - Netflix documentary on this case

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I just finished watching all 8 episodes of the documentary. I went from thinking they were innocent, to thinking they were guilty, to then finally thinking they are innocent. If anything, I hope it breathes new life into solving Madeleine's disappearance as well as drawing more attention to the global evil of human trafficking and child *advertiser censored*.
This is exactly how I felt and I think Netflix purposely orchestrated it that way.

There are still some very odd things about the case that I don't understand, listed in a previous post on this thread.

I'm 50/50 that the McCann's were involved and that Maddie died from an overdose of sleeping medication and the McCann's covered it up to look like an abduction.

I think the simplest explanation is that MM was not abducted, won't ever be found, but her parents will continue their scripted charade.

Things just don't add up for me, and I'm excluding the cadaver and blood-sniffing dogs, although they did give weight to the guilty assertion.

The chief cop, Goncalo left a very poor impression on me. In many interviews he seemed all butt-hurt and very defensive as being portrayed by the media as fat, drinking too much wine during long lunches, and incompetent: his image portrayal by the media was his main gripe. His basic theory I agree with, but then he began voicing a few more outlandish conspiracy theories, like MI5 or 6 and Gordon Brown being involved in a cover up that led to his firing, which made him lose credibility points. His firing was due to incompetence as well as bad PR, which may not be entirely fair, but he inflamed the situation by feeding bits of distorted info to the press.

I still don't know why the McCann's hired a pr team so quickly, as well as attorneys.
It smells suspicious, a bit like the Jon Benet Ramsey case.

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The issue l have with them being involved is the timeline. It all hinges on something happening earlier that day or even days before. That would mean several people lying. In the disappearance of a child, l just don't buy it. Maybe the Tapas 7 if they all needed to cover something up, but the nursery staff as well? The other holidaymakers who claim to have seen her?

The question over knowing RM - that could just be not wanting to comment when someone is a suspect as one question is sure to lead to another. I found the call RM made that night but claims not to remeber very interesting..

They appear to treat everyone with contempt and this certainly hasn't helped their cause.
This is exactly how I felt and I think Netflix purposely orchestrated it that way.

There are still some very odd things about the case that I don't understand, listed in a previous post on this thread.

I'm 50/50 that the McCann's were involved and that Maddie died from an overdose of sleeping medication and the McCann's covered it up to look like an abduction.

I think the simplest explanation is that MM was not abducted, won't ever be found, but her parents will continue their scripted charade.

Things just don't add up for me, and I'm excluding the cadaver and blood-sniffing dogs, although they did give weight to the guilty assertion.

The chief cop, Goncalo left a very poor impression on me. In many interviews he seemed all butt-hurt and very defensive as being portrayed by the media as fat, drinking too much wine during long lunches, and incompetent: his image portrayal by the media was his main gripe. His basic theory I agree with, but then he began voicing a few more outlandish conspiracy theories, like MI5 or 6 and Gordon Brown being involved in a cover up that led to his firing, which made him lose credibility points. His firing was due to incompetence as well as bad PR, which may not be entirely fair, but he inflamed the situation by feeding bits of distorted info to the press.

I still don't know why the McCann's hired a pr team so quickly, as well as attorneys.
It smells suspicious, a bit like the Jon Benet Ramsey case.


I wonder if the PR team have links to the numerous counter-blogs that have appeared over the years pushing back against the other blogs that heavily criticise them.
I wonder if the PR team have links to the numerous counter-blogs that have appeared over the years pushing back against the other blogs that heavily criticise them.

Its possible -- there was so much social media spin put out by the McCann's PR team counter-acting and threatening anyone who disagreed with the McCann's account.

They're professional fixers with crisis management and political spin experience. Many of those blogs criticizing the McCann's got shut down.

This is why I feel some ambivalence towards G&K. They received money from high powered individuals and were able to bully the counter arguments into silence by strong-arming and lawsuits.

I cannot think of any other child abduction cases using a similar strategy. Not even Jon Benet's parents went that far.

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Its possible -- there was so much social media spin put out by the McCann's PR team counter-acting and threatening anyone who disagreed with the McCann's account.

They're professional fixers with crisis management and political spin experience. Many of those blogs got shut down.

This is why I feel some ambivalence towards G&K. They received money from high powered individuals and were able to bully the counter arguments into silence by strong-arming and lawsuits.

I cannot think of any other child abduction cases using a similar strategy. Not even Jon Benet's parents went that far.


The question is why. Why are so many high profile people involved? Why the need to control the narrative from day one?
I have watched the documentary on Netflix. Really not any new or substantial information in it. Personally, I am sitting on the fence ie abduction or accidental death coverup. Just not enough concrete info and the crime scene contaminated. Additionally, ambiguous statement from witnesses etc.

I think the documentary was somewhat biased toward the McCanns.
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I wonder if they are going to show the narrative that the McCann family is trying to portray or if they are going to do the documentary based on the facts that possibly point the finger to the McCanns and their friends.

Review of the Netflix Madeleine McCann Documentary

(Criminal Profiler Pat Brown)

"It is not like I didn’t know the Netflix eight-part series about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann wasn’t likely to be highly slanted in favor of the McCanns and the abduction theory, I just didn’t think they would be quite so blatant about it...

I wondered...who were they going to bring on to analyze the evidence? As it turns out, only people who believe the dogs are wrong, the dna is meaningless, the parents’ behavior is perfectly normal, and inconsistencies are minor issues...

In other words, this was a propaganda piece that I find hard to believe the McCanns did not have a hand in...

...Final result: they trashed Goncalo Amaral. They trashed the evidence. They trashed people who question the McCanns’ innocence. Mission accomplished."

The Daily Profiler: Review of the Netflix Madeleine McCann Documentary

Review of the Netflix Madeleine McCann Documentary

(Criminal Profiler Pat Brown)

"It is not like I didn’t know the Netflix eight-part series about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann wasn’t likely to be highly slanted in favor of the McCanns and the abduction theory, I just didn’t think they would be quite so blatant about it...

I wondered...who were they going to bring on to analyze the evidence? As it turns out, only people who believe the dogs are wrong, the dna is meaningless, the parents’ behavior is perfectly normal, and inconsistencies are minor issues...

In other words, this was a propaganda piece that I find hard to believe the McCanns did not have a hand in...

...Final result: they trashed Goncalo Amaral. They trashed the evidence. They trashed people who question the McCanns’ innocence. Mission accomplished."

The Daily Profiler: Review of the Netflix Madeleine McCann Documentary

Exactly! The good thing about the documentary is that MM would be around 16 now. Most countries have Netflix...if by chance (highly doubtful) she is alive and views the documentary, it may bring back memories for her. Especially with the mention of her rare eye disease - coloboma.
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This information belongs to the Ministerio Publico in Portimao, Portugal. It was released to the public on 4 August 2008 in accordance with Portuguese Law The official case file released to the public on DVD comprised 11,223 pages of documents in four parts...

The main case file (Processo: 17 volumes, 4,717 pages) supported by-

the file of sightings around the world (Apenso 5: 14 volumes, 2,550 pages),

other information appendices (Outro Apensos: 21 volumes, 3,407 pages)

and interviews conducted in England under a request for Mutual Legal Assistance.

(Cartas Rogatorias: 9 volumes, 549 pages. Total - 1.07GB.)

The Policia Judiciaria in Portugal investigated the disappearance of Madeleine Beth McCann between 4 May 2007 and 21 July 2008

 McCann PJ files
Just finished watching. Although I’m somewhat sceptical of Netflix crime series after Making a murderer, I did find it surprisingly objective. It was interesting to find out how the Portuguese police were often in cahoots with the local press to control the narrative. Having always thought they were guilty of the cover up of Madeline’s accidental death, I now feel that maybe they have always appeared sketchy to me baecause they had sedated the children that night and I think that’s the guilt I may have been seeing all long. Gerry has a few ‘tells’ when challenged by a reporter asking about the sedation.
I do think it’s now possible she was kidnapped. The incident with the other child that was almost taken gave me chills! The dogs trouble me though, but may just be a red herring. I know of one other case where those same dogs failed to detect death so they aren’t infallible.
Unfortunately, I feel we will never truely know what happened.
I haven’t watched this series yet, but by reading of the highlights I’m disappointed examining the authenticity of “the last photo” of Madeline sitting beside her father and sister doesn’t appear to have been a part of the Netflix doc. Remembering back to 2007, I found discussion and analysis of that particular photo to be extremely fascinating, especially as it directly supports the McCanns’ timeline.
I just finished the whole series on Netflix.

As I said before I wanted to believe the parents so badly.

However, so many resources were used to find her and nothing has surfaced. The documentary spoke about the awful international pedophile rings (which would break any parents heart) but, why take a British girl when they could take someone else without as much focus? It does not make sense to me.

As much as the one fellow from Scotland Yard says he suspected them at first but then changed his mind as they seemed like caring parents - they can still be caring and loving parents but accidentally kill their child. Especially since KM specialized in anesthetics. Doctors tend to feel above the law and infallible.

What if everyone in their group participated or were aware that their children were being drugged (put to sleep every night). I am sorry but Tylenol will not knock a kid out that is not already sick - with a fever or pain.

So say all the parents drugged their kids with benzos (so why worry or check on them). Then Madeliene is found dead. Everyone in their group would be questioned and their kids would be tested for drugs in their system. (This is why I think the pact has stayed intact for so long).

I can’t figure out how they disposed of her body though.
I also just finished the Netflix series. I still feel the parents did it. Too much lack of cooperation and odd behavior from the parents. Also, if someone were going to kidnap a kid for a sex trafficking ring, why take just one when they could take 3? Or 8 given that all 8 kids were left alone and if there was supposedly a sex "ring", a team could all have done a hit simultaneously on all 3 flats and taken every single one of those unattended children, tossed them into one getaway van and been gone before the parents finished their first glass of wine.

I find it really interesting towards the end of the series when they said KM was angry that the reservation team at the Tapas restaurant made a visible note on their reservation that they were leaving the children unattended. She felt it was an open invitation for a predator to take their kids. I don't disagree with that, but it reeked of zero accountability that it was ultimately the parents' behavior and decisions that made their children vulnerable to abduction (if that's what happened).
Am watching the Netflix documentary and heard that the evening of Madeline’s disappearance, on returning home from wherever, she and her sibling(s) were very very sleepy and went straight to bed. Does anyone know what activities or where the children were before they returned home that evening? Wondering if they were with a children’s group could they have been given a sedative/Benadryl or other. Just thinking here. Also saw where a diner with the mccanns saw a man carrying a child, crossing the street “quickly”, when she went to check on her children. Normally a child of Madeline’s age would have awakened if picked up and taken out of the home. If this part was true if really makes me think she was drugged earlier (not implying her parents did this), but someone in on the plans to kidnap her.
I haven't watched all of the documentary, and I never really followed this case.

Before I started this documentary I was surprised to see that I was just googling resorts in Algarve not realizing that is where this took place. I was also surprised to hear one lady who was shocked this took place here because it was safe, to only then hear about the burglaries that had been taking place around this time.

The kids had been busy, in the sun which makes people very sleepy. Also I don't think young children wake up that easily once they are wiped out, I've got some experience in that area. Not all kids are created equal.

I've read some really crazy ideas of what took might of taken place. I don't know enough about this case to give any input. But like reading the theories. I think it was a crime of opportunity, and I know I've mention Riley Fox in plenty of my post throughout the years. A monster was out and about robbing homes and stumbled across Riley.

When I first started watching I thought maybe Madeliene was drugged earlier in the day, by a perp knowing that the children were left alone.

I'm not sure if I'll finish this, but I'll probably sleuth around. Love to see the timeline.
Re the McCann children. I have just been reading the testimony of Fiona Payne. In it she said she had not seen the children any later than lunchtime that day but that her husband had called into Kate’s appartment and saw the three children pyjamad and ready for bed.

The twins must be aware of this and able to watch this on Netflix. Wonder what they think?
A lot of the parents' actions in the days after seem controlled and purposeful. Especially when the PR team got involved. I'd think, if one was innocent, they'd just act as themselves. And the concern for their image. I wouldn't have that concern if my child were missing but I suppose others might.

I am leaning towards parents knowing what happened. But could not say beyond doubt. Could be stranger abduction like the Riley case mentioned above. Not feeling that but could be.
Thing is, how many abducted children do get found alive?

If she has been taken then the Portuguese authorities ‘taking their foot off the gas’, which they have been accused of, would not have made one iota of difference. The crucial hour or hours were back before midnight on May 3rd.

I’m not sure yet where my suspicions lie.
Am I the only one convinced it was an abduction then? I thought the documentary was brilliantly put together, I didn’t sense any bias given the different lines of investigation it portrayed.
Ultimately there was zero concrete evidence found to show she died in the apartment. Although that doesn’t prove she was abducted, to see the other child abuse crimes taking place in that area, where British tourists specifically were being targeted, is a pretty big deal. A couple also spotted carrying a child that night, pitch black, startled and frustrated when spotted by a driver.
I also didn’t think K and G came across weird or odd, I felt like I was watching two parents trying their damn hardest to hold it together.
And as for Kate swearing under her breath at the Portuguese police as they were well into the 8th hour of accusing her of killing her own daughter - I won’t say what I would have been saying (or doing) had I been in that situation.
I think there will come a day where we learn what happened.

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