Madeleine McCann - Netflix documentary on this case

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Could i possibly introduce the creche registration "inconsistencies" which could clearly be suggestive of a completely different timeframe for something having occurred?

Everyone simply took the timeline given to be completely beyond question
I am pretty convinced that IF anything did happen to Madeleine then it occurred at a different time to the widely bought story given by the parents and friends.

Why the discrepencies in the signatures on the creche register?
Was Madeleine ever at the creche on the day in question?

Way too many questions that are left hanging here, where surely the family should have easily and uncontroversially been able to provide simple,unambiguous answers to them.

The lesson that they should take from this sad episode is this:

If you conduct yourself in a way which makes you look as though you have something to cannot really grumble when people are curious as to what exactly that "thing" is!

Dont forget...nobody really wanted to see them in the newspapers as often as they were..,.but again, if you put out your hand and ask for someone else's money....then you are kind of investing those people in the matter

Nothing and nobody will ever convince me that the McCann family would NOT have done things differently if they could have another run at it.......again that is not something that blameless people can normally say.

But this is just my opinion and its not worth a row of beans (just ask my wife!)
:) :) :)
Could i possibly introduce the creche registration "inconsistencies" which could clearly be suggestive of a completely different timeframe for something having occurred?

Everyone simply took the timeline given to be completely beyond question
I am pretty convinced that IF anything did happen to Madeleine then it occurred at a different time to the widely bought story given by the parents and friends.

Why the discrepencies in the signatures on the creche register?
Was Madeleine ever at the creche on the day in question?

Way too many questions that are left hanging here, where surely the family should have easily and uncontroversially been able to provide simple,unambiguous answers to them.

The lesson that they should take from this sad episode is this:

If you conduct yourself in a way which makes you look as though you have something to cannot really grumble when people are curious as to what exactly that "thing" is!

Dont forget...nobody really wanted to see them in the newspapers as often as they were..,.but again, if you put out your hand and ask for someone else's money....then you are kind of investing those people in the matter

Nothing and nobody will ever convince me that the McCann family would NOT have done things differently if they could have another run at it.......again that is not something that blameless people can normally say.

But this is just my opinion and its not worth a row of beans (just ask my wife!)
:) :) :)

I've seen this theory before but IIRC Amaral says there is a hard sighting of maddie on the final afternoon
The nursery staff were not consistent with applying the signing out procedures for sure. But this happens in many establishments. It shouldn't, but it does.
Have been lurking for a while. and lots of interesting discussion. I'm just going to come in from another angle - what if this was some type of set-up? a 'payment' if you like for another group from somewhere else in the world? drugging the children appears to be somewhat rampant amongst the tapas 7.....but it also seems like this was the prequel. maybe they were all dabbling in stuff that they shouldn't or had information that they shouldn't, but my spidey-senses are tingling and saying that this was all planned...for some reason...I feel that it was a set-up for some reason and the piper had to be paid

I think what you are theorizing is that Madeleine was payment to an unknown third party for something we don't know about?

If that was the case, why do you think the McCanns had a media strategy and still have a website up? If l was so frightened of someone l gave them one of my children, l wouldn't tell the whole world about it. But that's just me.
Madeleine McCann questions not answered...

Why did the McCanns wash cuddle cat (Maddie's favorite toy that cadaver dogs hit on) As a mom, I would keep it with my daughter's scent.
Where is Gerrys blue tennis bag that he had hours before Maddie disappeared?
Why was the McCann rental car back door open all night according to neighbor(cadaver dogs hit there).
Has it been confirmed that a blanket from the room was missing?

I wouldn't have washed the toy that early on but there may have been a time l would wash it. What's the point though, what do you think Cuddle Cat would reveal if it was dirty? She didn't wash it right away, did she?

Maybe they left the trunk open by accident. I've done it before, after carrying shopping in, but I've noticed and gone and closed it. They were in a compound so maybe they couldn't be bothered.

Don't know what happened to the tennis bag. This gets raised from time to time.

I'm not defending the McCanns at all, l think they're awful, but they have been judged and sentenced based on 'what l wouldn't do'. We all behave differently; it doesn't make us murders, liars, child abusers, whatever you want to call it.
I think what you are theorizing is that Madeleine was payment to an unknown third party for something we don't know about?

If that was the case, why do you think the McCanns had a media strategy and still have a website up? If l was so frightened of someone l gave them one of my children, l wouldn't tell the whole world about it. But that's just me.

Yeah, I totally agree with what you are saying. But, these 2 mixed with people that are unconventional - for instance: Clement Freud. my first thought is "Why?". For instance this article is creepy -
How Clement Freud invited Kate and Gerry McCann for lunch after Madeleine disappeared


https://www.***********.au/freuds-g...olitician-linked-to-missing-madeleine-mccann/ (i'm not sure if you can access this link?
Two women who claim they were abused by Clement Freud speak out in clips from ITV's Exposure documentary

especially this: "He cooked a “bloody marvellous” meal of watercress and egg salad followed by a chicken and mushroom risotto, “the best risotto we’ve ever tasted before or since” so weird. or some sort of code? i don't know. maybe i need a tinfoil hat.

There is a video contained in this article about 2 other girls (that are known of) that talk about Freud inviting them to his house for food and then he abused them. I wonder (and this is IMO of course) if he invited the Mcanns to 'observe' them...i don't know where i'm going with this...just that people of power/with power/higher ups are quite a strange bunch and think differently to us normals? Were there other 'higher ups' involved and the mcanns maybe did stuff/knew stuff/saw stuff that they shouldn't and got in over their head but higher ups supported them to help find their children as they didn't want to be exposed. does this make sense or am i rambling? lol
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Yeah, I totally agree with what you are saying. But, these 2 mixed with people that are unconventional - for instance: Clement Freud. my first thought is "Why?". For instance this article is creepy -
How Clement Freud invited Kate and Gerry McCann for lunch after Madeleine disappeared


https://www.***********.au/freuds-g...olitician-linked-to-missing-madeleine-mccann/ (i'm not sure if you can access this link?
Two women who claim they were abused by Clement Freud speak out in clips from ITV's Exposure documentary

especially this: "He cooked a “bloody marvellous” meal of watercress and egg salad followed by a chicken and mushroom risotto, “the best risotto we’ve ever tasted before or since” so weird. or some sort of code? i don't know. maybe i need a tinfoil hat.

There is a video contained in this article about 2 other girls (that are known of) that talk about Freud inviting them to his house for food and then he abused them. I wonder (and this is IMO of course) if he invited the Mcanns to 'observe' them...i don't know where i'm going with this...just that people of power/with power/higher ups are quite a strange bunch and think differently to us normals? Were there other 'higher ups' involved and the mcanns maybe did stuff/knew stuff/saw stuff that they shouldn't and got in over their head but higher ups supported them to help find their children as they didn't want to be exposed. does this make sense or am i rambling? lol

I think that some people who find themselves in positions of power cannot help but abuse it. I saw on the Crimes that Shook Britain on another case that 1-3% of males have paedophilic tendencies. The higher they go, the more opportunity they will have to act on them without repercussion. Look at Jimmy Saville.

I wonder about the Clemence Freud. The pair of them have narcissistic traits so they were probably flattered. I'm more inclined to think what was the sicko up to on the night of 3rd May 2007. He very likely did want to observe them; the question is why.
I am not a fan of the conspiracy theories

IMO it was just a simple band wagon effect. The case blew up in the media and lots of politicians and celebrities foolishly hitched on to the wagon.

Many of them later quietly distanced themselves from the case. Especially the likes of Gordon Brown were stupid to get involved.
I think that some people who find themselves in positions of power cannot help but abuse it. I saw on the Crimes that Shook Britain on another case that 1-3% of males have paedophilic tendencies. The higher they go, the more opportunity they will have to act on them without repercussion. Look at Jimmy Saville.

I wonder about the Clemence Freud. The pair of them have narcissistic traits so they were probably flattered. I'm more inclined to think what was the sicko up to on the night of 3rd May 2007. He very likely did want to observe them; the question is why.

I didn't believe for a minute when Freud's wife said she was 'shocked' by the allegations -

"The allegations will dismay Freud’s many friends and millions of fans. But they have elicited no protest of his innocence from his widow Lady Freud, the actress Jill Raymond — born June Flewett — now 89.

Instead, in the film she apologises ‘for what has happened to these woman’, expressing her shock, and her deep sorrow. Given the shocking nature of the revelations, it is almost unbearable now to repeat the tribute to the amusingly lugubrious Freud — a Liberal MP for 14 years — given by his friend Gordon Brown after Freud’s death seven years ago."

Clement Freud's wife who seduced a boy of 16 may have turned a blind eye to his depravity | Daily Mail Online

So, maybe dealing with a bunch of sociopaths? no remorse, no regret. The food reference still irks me....and the way it was described by the Mcanns was creepy. Like nothing else in the world mattered at that point in time...I don't know. I have read a few times whereby pedophiles using food references as names for children or what they were doing to children: 'cupcake' and more recently 'applehead' by michael jackson....the mind boggles
I am not a fan of the conspiracy theories

IMO it was just a simple band wagon effect. The case blew up in the media and lots of politicians and celebrities foolishly hitched on to the wagon.

Many of them later quietly distanced themselves from the case. Especially the likes of Gordon Brown were stupid to get involved.

I get this perspective as well. But, I am just really curious as to why a pedophile would invite people he 'apparently' didn't know into his home to cook food for them and 'talk'. Apparently, according to several media reports, Clement was a very private man? just weird....

Was Clement Freud part of a paedophile ring?
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This is a divisive case and wasn’t impressed by the documentary as it was a bit meh.

Firstly, a lot of what is said is circumstantial...why did they do this, why did someone do that. Often it’s not important but has warped the story.

Secondly there’s a lot of special help for this family. The fact is (and this sounds harsh) they left kids alone illegally. Whatever has happened would have been avoided if this issue was addressed. It never was. To give you an idea, when I lived in Birmingham a young single mum was in her front garden drinking beer with two local lads with her daughter upstairs. The girl fell and broke her arm. She got taken into care and the mum was prosecuted. Maybe she should have had sangria and olives instead?

The next thing to consider is that not everything said is the truth...this has to be the case based upon what we are told. Some are mistakes, some are false stories planted to keep the story in the media (I don’t believe any sighting after the first six months is credible and many have turned out to be false when examined). This is further confused by some shady characters lurking on this case including fake detectives, Freud, several rich benefactors and a lot of political interference. It’s hard to know what is genuine and what isn’t. I would consider only the pj files suitable for analysis.

Ultimately it’s a sad case as the girl has disappeared. It may be she was snatched to order and in which case it’s sad that this opportunist thief has left no trace and performed a miracle of escapism.

IMHO the only explanation I can see fitting the evidence we have is the date of the disappearance being wrong. This would explain why the cameras and phone records were deleted, why the limited photos show all the kids in the same clothes as when they landed, why there is so much confusion of who is where and when, why so many people are rushing to this area on last minute bought tickets prior to the alarm being raised (including Murat), why phones are going dead for 36 hours and not pinging, why there are scents in the wardrobe and by the window etc etc.

This then becomes a case of confused sightings and a fake crèche record over a kidnapping that left no trace. It also becomes a dark conspiracy involving a lot of people. This is borderline mental to think that many people can keep a secret that major (for no gain) for that long.

It’s a sad one and will never be solved.
I watched the Netflix program over the last week. My impression is that nothing that was reported at the time can be taken seriously, and police did a sloppy investigation in part because a local culprit would negatively impact tourism. Madeleine is not the only young child that disappeared in the time frame, making it more likely that she was one of several children who were abducted.
I've just finished watching and I feel fresh hope that one day she will be found alive. My heart breaks for her and all the other missing children.

I feel total respect for those investigators from Spain who although they didn't find Maddie, they did find evidence that led to the prosecution of a pedo ring .

Keep the faith, keep looking.
Hmm..the whole theory seems so unbelievable to me. They would've known the police would be round almost right away to search the property and secure it for evidence (if they were fully competent) and then why wouldn't you wait until everyone has gone to bed and say it happened in the night?? You wouldn't raise the alarm in the middle of dinner knowing that everyone will suddenly be on the streets looking for her...sorry just don't buy it.

don't buy it either! from the footage of the cops there the next day they had dogs with them , they would easily have discovered her if she was in a suitcase. didn't happen imo
I've just finished watching and I feel fresh hope that one day she will be found alive. My heart breaks for her and all the other missing children.

I feel total respect for those investigators from Spain who although they didn't find Maddie, they did find evidence that led to the prosecution of a pedo ring .

Keep the faith, keep looking.

They did search the deep web for evidence that Madeleine had been trafficked, and they came up empty. She would be easy to identify because of her unique right eye. I'm more interested in the person who took the other young child - the one whose mother was beat up to extract a confession.

IIRC no other children had disappeared

The link would be the Netflix program which provides information about the missing 6 year old girl in 2004 near the town where Madeleine disappeared. There is also the information from the people who described a man soliciting funds for an orphanage who was then found standing inside a woman's apartment next to her 3 year old daughter.
... I found the docu-series while scrolling through the Netflix menu, hoping to find something that would draw me out of my head - even for 30 minutes. Then I watched the 8 episodes over 2 sittings. I had not followed this disappearance so I came to this presentation with little more than an awareness garnered from main stream media. The story hooked me early on when it was reported that Madeleine's Mother described Madeleine having been tired on her arrival home from the children's day program, and evidenced this with descriptions of Madeline at dinner, while preparing for bed and having fallen asleep before the bedtime story ended. I waited throughout the 8 hours to hear more about her activities and the people she engaged with while at the children's program and was disappointed when there was no reported follow up. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights everyone - I have been able to pick up on a few references to my wonderings. !
The link would be the Netflix program which provides information about the missing 6 year old girl in 2004 near the town where Madeleine disappeared. There is also the information from the people who described a man soliciting funds for an orphanage who was then found standing inside a woman's apartment next to her 3 year old daughter.

I had never heard the report of the man who entered the apartment so l went off to find info on it on the super web.

Well, it turns out that Summers and Swan did NOT speak to the mother who reported this. They spoke to someone else who said it was told to them. Third hand stories are not credible evidence imho, especially as they were not able to verify the story with anyone else, or the mother in particular.
I had never heard the report of the man who entered the apartment so l went off to find info on it on the super web.

Well, it turns out that Summers and Swan did NOT speak to the mother who reported this. They spoke to someone else who said it was told to them. Third hand stories are not credible evidence imho, especially as they were not able to verify the story with anyone else, or the mother in particular.

Interesting. The child that was abducted in 2004 is unsolved - other than beating up family members to extract a confession. Two children missing so close to each other a couple of years apart points me in the direction of a predator who either lives in the area or regularly vacations in the area. It has to be someone who easily blends into the community because it does seem like someone was watching the apartment prior to the abduction of Madeleine.

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