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I'll vote we just stop discussing hats. Or at least, I'll stop discussing hats ;)
Tricia said:
What if we did have a private area for JB folks. That way if we want to discuss things that are not directly case related ( as in "hats") we can bring it to the private area and not bogg down the public forum and confuse people who are reading the forum but not posting.
Yes, great idea.

BTW, it is possible for one human to have multiple ISP's.
Tricia said:
My friends it seems like we are ganging up on LP. In my opinion we should put the "hat" matter to rest. We have our opinions and LP has hers. I don't think either side could change each others opinions.

I have been thinking. Scary I know but...What if we did have a private area for JB folks. That way if we want to discuss things that are not directly case related ( as in "hats") we can bring it to the private area and not bogg down the public forum and confuse people who are reading the forum but not posting.

Whaddya think?

I thought that is what the Jury Room/Parking Lot are for. If you want to say something to someone privately why not PM them? I think it will end up being just a place for posters to go and insult people and will ultimately cause trouble.
tipper said:
I thought that is what the Jury Room/Parking Lot are for. If you want to say something to someone privately why not PM them? I think it will end up being just a place for posters to go and insult people and will ultimately cause trouble.

Good point Tipper and yes the jury room and parking lot are here at WS for the reasons we are talking about. What I was suggesting was since the JBR case is over 7 years old there are many side shows, other areas, that are indirectly related to the JBR case but have nothing to do with the case itself.

We literally could have a big forum that dealt with nothing else but the side shows in the JBR case.

I was thinking not along the lines of people getting mad at each other or disagreeing but along the lines of if someone wanted to discuss the BNF forum going up in flames for example. This topic would bore the heck out of people that didn't know anything about it but would be interesting to many who were there. Rather than clutter up the JBR forum with side issues, and believe me they come up all the time, we could have our own place to go to discuss them.

But Tipper you do raise an excellent point. It might turn into a slam forum. Last thing we need here.

ps. sorry for any spelling erorrrs. reeely tired.
It is possible for one person to have multiple ISP's. For instance, I have four at my fingertips right now. And if I went to the public library I'd have five. So, I could literally be five different "hats" with five different ISP's. Not that I would do that.....I would have too much trouble keeping up with hats and passwords and stuff like that. But to say someone isn't someone else because they have a different ISP isn't a convincing argument to me.
Tricia is right. Actually what difference does it make about Jameson's hats. LP, I gained mucho respect for you when you said adios to Bennett for dipping into the "dancing on JBR's grave fund to the tune of 40K." And to be honest a message board/forum is much more interesting when posters do differ in opinion. If you can remain open-minded, it's a good way to look at flaws in your own theories.

LP, about the SkyJustice hat, I don't think that's the original MakeToast guy, Nick. I believe he was investigated along with Bennett re: JBR's murder, wasn't he?
Misty, just to avoid any possible misunderstanding I'd like to point out that "dancing on JBR's grave fund to the tune of 40K." is not a quote of anything that LovelyPigeon ever wrote although I did leave jameson's forum because she sold interview materials to a tabloid for $40,000. That sale resulted in the National Enquirer's tabloid book "JonBenet (sic) The Police Files".
LovelyPigeon said:
Misty, just to avoid any possible misunderstanding I'd like to point out that "dancing on JBR's grave fund to the tune of 40K." is not a quote of anything that LovelyPigeon ever wrote although I did leave jameson's forum because she sold interview materials to a tabloid for $40,000. That sale resulted in the National Enquirer's tabloid book "JonBenet (sic) The Police Files".

Just wanted and needed to chime in here. I too, agree that it really doesn't matter to me if a person has a hundred hats. It just tells me that a person doesn't have a stance that they are proud of from forum to forum.

In addition to your decision that you mention above, I also feel kudos are due you for your ability to carry your positions from forum to forum and with the name Lovely Pigeon. The reality is that you were equated with Jameson on much the same level of resentment and in many cases even more resented than Jameson. Despite this, you kept your hat when you came back to discussion forums. That took courage IMO as you surely expected some of the backlash that you did in fact receive and continue to receive on many levels.

We may not have a pleasant history together LP, but I always give credit where credit is due.
Several years ago I thanked you for the energy you put into debunking Krebscam. Today might be a good time to start putting some energy into digging for the truth about SueSwamp's $40,000 sale to the NE.

IMO this sale was engineered by LinWad. He has admitted sending copies of the Ramsey's 1997, 1998, and 2000 interviews to CBS and Michael Tracey. CBS used them bacground of the 48 Hours show. What did Tracey do with his copies? There certainly are no revelations from the transcripts in Crock II.

This is my opinion of what happened. Don Gentile (NE reporter) had been contacted by Darnay Hoffman who offered partial transcripts for $25,000. Gentile contacted Wood and received the information that Tracey had copies. Gentile contacted Tracey; Tracey and SueSwamp made a deal that covered up LinWad's involvement; SueSwamp sold the transcripts to the NE; and split the cash with Tracey.

IMO LinWad had full knowledge of this transaction from the getgo BUT that is just my opinion. Maybe you can dig and find out the whole story.
This was posted at the Swamp in November 2003

Posted by SueSwamp: “Lin made the tapes available to CBS and to Mills and Tracey - they took what they wanted for their programs. I made a copy of the tapes available to AMI - they paid to have it transcribed and they used whatever parts they wanted - - Lin and I didn't have any say in what they cut out......”

This was posted by me at FFJ in November 2003

“Michael Tracey is writing a column for the Rocky Mountain News on “ethics” in the media….proving once again that the Peter Principle (In a hierarchy, people tend to rise to their level of incompetence)…is as valid today as it was 30 years ago.

This is the same Michael Tracey who produced two pro-Ramsey infomercials that he has profited from and now it looks to me that he has been able to suck at least another $20,000 out of JonBenet’s corpse. This puts him right at the banquet table with LinWad (who claims he has made more money from the Ramsey case than Darnay has made in his life), Charlie Brennan (who collected $500/week for 2 years from both the Globe and the Star PLUS $$$$ from Schiller PLUS his salary from the Rocky Mountain News), and of course Sue Bennett who received $40,000 for the interview tapes BUT I will bet that she didn’t keep the all the tab cash. IMO it is very likely that she split it with fellow bottom-feeder Michael Tracey. If true, the irony of this is over-whelming. It means that Tracey took the tabs money to produce an anti-tab TV show. Isn’t he the perfect guy to be writing a column on ethics?”
tipper said:
I thought that is what the Jury Room/Parking Lot are for. If you want to say something to someone privately why not PM them? I think it will end up being just a place for posters to go and insult people and will ultimately cause trouble.

Private Forums are a big turn off within an open forum .......If I know there is a private forum in a public forum, I am inclined not to read there and in "my posting days", not to post there. Why? Because on the public forum, it may not be what the person really thinks, they reserve that for the private forum....A good forum has both sides Websleuths!!!

I always thought the parking lot was a great place to discuss the hairy issues. Websleuths is unique in that respect.

BTW Lilac is definitely not Jams. Remember the door and Mikie and the CA meeting? A picture was taken of Mikie and Lilac and another poster..And like LP said, we chatted with her, and one of my favorite posters, had an altercation with her.

As to other multiple hats and Jams--Maybe-- I suspected it on a couple of occasions, but that was only once or twice.... I have no way to prove it. Misty has it correct on variations of the name "Jameson", she used such as Jams ect....

Most of the posters we chatted with, we emailed with, we knew and also had their real addresses. The ones that originally joined Jams in the summer of 98 were real posters....Maybe later on she used a hat ...that we didn't know or we were not aware of.
Spade said:
This was posted at the Swamp in November 2003

Posted by SueSwamp: “Lin made the tapes available to CBS and to Mills and Tracey - they took what they wanted for their programs. I made a copy of the tapes available to AMI - they paid to have it transcribed and they used whatever parts they wanted - - Lin and I didn't have any say in what they cut out......”

This was posted by me at FFJ in November 2003

“Michael Tracey is writing a column for the Rocky Mountain News on “ethics” in the media….proving once again that the Peter Principle (In a hierarchy, people tend to rise to their level of incompetence)…is as valid today as it was 30 years ago.

This is the same Michael Tracey who produced two pro-Ramsey infomercials that he has profited from and now it looks to me that he has been able to suck at least another $20,000 out of JonBenet’s corpse. This puts him right at the banquet table with LinWad (who claims he has made more money from the Ramsey case than Darnay has made in his life), Charlie Brennan (who collected $500/week for 2 years from both the Globe and the Star PLUS $$$$ from Schiller PLUS his salary from the Rocky Mountain News), and of course Sue Bennett who received $40,000 for the interview tapes BUT I will bet that she didn’t keep the all the tab cash. IMO it is very likely that she split it with fellow bottom-feeder Michael Tracey. If true, the irony of this is over-whelming. It means that Tracey took the tabs money to produce an anti-tab TV show. Isn’t he the perfect guy to be writing a column on ethics?”

You know the real deal Spade. With the exception of LP, the people who were screaming the loudest about the tabloids are the same bottom feeders who have profited. The most disgraceful of all are the Ramseys of course, homemade cookies, interviews, etc. Let's not forget that right before the homemade cookies and the NE interviews, the Ramseys spoke to a journalism class about the horrors of the tabloids. Sure did make a good impression with the students and the college when they sold out to the NE for a price shortly thereafter.

Susan Bennett sold out after years of screaming about the tabloids.

Lin Wood, Darnay Hoffman, The Ramseys, Susan Bennett, Tracey, Hunter, Haddon, etc. are true bottom feeders who have made and continue to make money from the death of a 6 year old child. One expects that behavior from the tabloids, and even from the lawyers, but how ironic that the parents themselves and those who idolize them also make money from the tabloids.

There is no doubt in my mind that LW knows how that deal with the NE and Susan Bennett happened. It was the perfect solution for the good of the Ramseys to distance them from the people and the forums who trashed the VanDams. It became a very politically incorrect time for the self proclaimed Ramsey defender and friends to be so very cruel about the VanDams.

Very bad for Ramsey bu$ine$$ indeed! I agree that the money was shared from the NE sale.

Just wanted to wish you well on your quest for the truth in the NE sale, but alas, I fear you won't find help with LP, but you never know
LovelyPigeon said:
Misty, just to avoid any possible misunderstanding I'd like to point out that "dancing on JBR's grave fund to the tune of 40K." is not a quote of anything that LovelyPigeon ever wrote although I did leave jameson's forum because she sold interview materials to a tabloid for $40,000. That sale resulted in the National Enquirer's tabloid book "JonBenet (sic) The Police Files".

Just a matter of semantics, as Bennett would say. :-)
Good to see ya!

Yes and Mike is real and has a real door, but one I had forgot about is Violet -- that was Bennett also.

P.S. Barbara, yes, I agree with you.
I don't see where any of the dual posters (WS & WB) have objected to Jams private and hidden section of her forum where posters are discussed and insulted. Why is that?
Wrangler said:
I don't see where any of the dual posters (WS & WB) have objected to Jams private and hidden section of her forum where posters are discussed and insulted. Why is that?

Jams never had a secret forum after she split with Murphy. I left in 2001 after 911, and up until that time, she didnt have a secret forum....She was approached about it from some of her members, and she said empahtically no. She said no for obvious reasons...

If you know there was one, then please tell all, as we would all like to hear about it.

Now if you are talking about "January thru April of 1998"....Jams announced on the Joshuha 7 forum, that she would be starting a forum and anyone wanting to join, to email her....That was supposed to be a private forum, but all our posts were outted in "April 1998" and the forum closed. The posts were put on another website......Really no one in their right mind would want a secret forum after that.....The posts have a way of getting out and reposted elsewhere. I can tell you a couple more forums that happened to.

Dual posters? I was here when Webbsleuths/Websleuths started long before Jams and Murphy split and saved many a post for reposting when the Webbsleuths as it was known at that time, would crash....I no longer post at Jams, so I would not be a dual poster, however in defense of some that do, they were also here back in 1998 and some ended up posting on both forums.
I didn't say a secret forum. I said she has one on there that is private and hidden (from normal viewing). She's had it since just before the Westerfield trial.
Yes, dual posters, posters who belong to both places. I didn't mention your hat, Afton. I don't know why you took it upon yourself to try and explain (away) something that you say you don't have any knowledge of either.

Back to the topic, I don't know who this maketoast really is, but I do believe it was a shared hat.
I mentioned private forum in post #51 in response to another poster and since the subject was brought up again, I wanted to respond. Unfortunately, I said secret in my post to you. I meant private, but then private and secret are pretty much the same to me.

I guess I was being overly defensive about dual posters...It has been a longtime since I posted here, and dual posters were mentioned on the thread I posted on at that time.... So yes I am sensitive about it, as I like to see the dual posters post here.
Wasn't there once a private forum here that one had to ask to be a member of? I seem to recall a couple of posters being turned down.

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