Malaysia airlines 370 with 239 people on board, 8 March 2014 #25

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Another airplane reported missing today Thursday 24 July 2014
by the Spanish company operator Swiftair. The Boeing plane was scheduled to
land in the African continent @05:10 GMT, but never reached its destination.

The Air Algerie airplane with flight code AH5017 was traveling from
Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso to Algiers, Algeria
with 110 passengers & 6 crew members on board.

It is suspected to have gone down in Nigeria.

There is already a thread here ... JULY 23, 2014

Search for MH370 will not be affected by MH17 disaster, says Australia

Underwater surveys are continuing in search for MH370 despite head of the operation being dispatched to Ukraine to oversee recovery of bodies of Australian passengers aboard MH17

It was just announced that Angus Houston is expected to be away with the MH17 operation for 'several weeks' only .. and that Judith Zielke (‎Executive Director at Department of Infrastructure and Transport) will temporarily fill his shoes in the MH370 operation.

"Reports said Australian deputy prime minister Warren Truss had insisted that the effort to recover the lost MH370 will not be affected with the deployment of Houston to Ukraine. The former defence chief of Australia is expected to be back in Australia after several weeks.

Truss said Australia's commitment to the search for MH370 is "not diminished" by the MH17 disaster. He added that there were things needed to be addressed urgently but the MH370 search will not be interrupted.

Truss said the underwater search is expected to last for a year with Houston's role to be temporarily given to Judith Zielke, a senior Australian official."
This info is intended only for those who DO have an interest in follow-up
on the female sailor's sighting near Thailand ... a few days ago, her entire
thread about it was removed from the cruisers forum public view.
However there has been some discussion about it lately on the scientific
website of Duncan Steel here ...
Malaysia marks grim Eid after MH17 crash

POSTED: 28 Jul 2014 12:21

KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia on Monday (28 July) marked a solemn Eid al-Fitr, Islam's biggest festival, as families of those aboard downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 mourned the dead.

Prime Minister Najib Razak expressed his "extreme sadness, most profound sympathy and deepest condolences" to MH17 families, as well as relatives of those aboard another Malaysia Airlines jet, MH370, that went missing on March 8.

"Of course, I am able to feel and imagine what they would be going through when, upon waking up on the morning of Eid al-Fitr, their loved ones are not with them," he said in a televised address late Sunday.


Eid marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, and is usually a joyful time of family gatherings and feasting. Some 60 percent of Malaysia's 28 million people are Muslim.

I don't even know what to think about this missing plane anymore. There was a time when I believed the PINGS and thought we were close to recovery. But that seems like a million yrs ago now.

I really have no idea what happened anymore. Maybe it was shot down? Maybe it landed secretly but all the passengers were already dead. Maybe the pilot took it down in a remote ocean floor. I have no clue.
I don't even know what to think about this missing plane anymore. There was a time when I believed the PINGS and thought we were close to recovery. But that seems like a million yrs ago now.

I really have no idea what happened anymore. Maybe it was shot down? Maybe it landed secretly but all the passengers were already dead. Maybe the pilot took it down in a remote ocean floor. I have no clue.

I'm with you!
I have no idea what happened anymore.
At first, it seemed like we were close to finding out answers.
Now....not so much.
"Chinese relatives of passengers of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 claim they were detained by Beijing police for nearly 24 hours after demanding to see the carrier's official video footage showing people boarding the doomed flight.

More than 20 relatives told the South China Morning Post that since July 14 they had asked almost daily for the airline's liaison staff in Beijing to show them the footage - but always without success.

They said 16 relatives - nine men, five women and two boys, aged six and four - were detained by police on July 14, the first time they asked to see the footage."
"Chinese relatives of passengers of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 claim they were detained by Beijing police for nearly 24 hours after demanding to see the carrier's official video footage showing people boarding the doomed flight.

More than 20 relatives told the South China Morning Post that since July 14 they had asked almost daily for the airline's liaison staff in Beijing to show them the footage - but always without success.

They said 16 relatives - nine men, five women and two boys, aged six and four - were detained by police on July 14, the first time they asked to see the footage."

Now they're beating the relatives who dare to ask too many questions? This is really pitiful.
"Chinese relatives of passengers of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 claim they were detained by Beijing police for nearly 24 hours after demanding to see the carrier's official video footage showing people boarding the doomed flight.

More than 20 relatives told the South China Morning Post that since July 14 they had asked almost daily for the airline's liaison staff in Beijing to show them the footage - but always without success.

They said 16 relatives - nine men, five women and two boys, aged six and four - were detained by police on July 14, the first time they asked to see the footage."

Further from your link this is the part that is very telling:

"Another relative said: "We were also warned that more than 10 people gathering together is illegal."

Safety in numbers? Not in this case. No wonder these family members were reluctant to leave Malaysia while waiting for news.
A deep-water search for signs of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is on track to start in September, Australian officials confirmed on Thursday. They said that two ships tasked with mapping part of the southern Indian Ocean are continuing to make progress ahead of the mission this fall.

Australia’s Joint Agency Coordination Center (JACC) said that as of Wednesday, Chinese survey ship Zhu Kezhen had sounded more than 9,600 square miles, while the Australian-contracted Fugro Equator had scanned more than 16,600 square miles ....

“It is expected that the [underwater] survey work will be completed by September,” the JACC said in a statement on Thursday. “The deep-water search is expected to commence in September following the appointment of a prime contractor through a request for tender process.”
This is the progress of the bathymetric survey work, so far.

The yellow indicates the area that has now been surveyed. The orangey-brown area is the proposed search area still to be surveyed. They have about ½ done.

As of 30 July 2014, around 29,000 square kilometres of the ocean floor of the high-priority search area have been analysed and mapped. The high-priority search area is around 60,000 square kilometres.

Dutch firm Fugro to lead search for MH370 off Australia

Aug 6 (Reuters) - Dutch engineering firm Fugro will lead the search of the Indian Ocean seafloor where missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is believed to have crashed, hoping to unlock the greatest mystery in modern aviation. Australia on Wednesday awarded Fugro the lead commercial contract for the search, after months of hunting by up to two dozen countries revealed no trace of the missing Boeing 777.
Dutch firm Fugro to lead search for MH370 off Australia

Aug 6 (Reuters) - Dutch engineering firm Fugro will lead the search of the Indian Ocean seafloor where missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is believed to have crashed, hoping to unlock the greatest mystery in modern aviation. Australia on Wednesday awarded Fugro the lead commercial contract for the search, after months of hunting by up to two dozen countries revealed no trace of the missing Boeing 777.

Thanks geevee. Just heard the good news on the nightly TV news. The Dutch are doing a great job with the MH17 repatriations ... let's hope they have great success with the search for MH370.
"Mr Truss said the contract with Fugro could cost as much as $52 million, depending on the length of the search.

Fugro will use two vessels equipped with towed deep water vehicles and carrying expert personnel, to undertake the search operations.

.... hopefully we will find the aircraft or a debris field or traces of where the aircraft has entered into the water ...."
Want to say that my thoughts are still with family/loved ones of MH370 as well as MH17. Do not want families thinking the missing plane is old news that no one cares about.

This info is intended only for those who DO have an interest in follow-up
on the female sailor's sighting near Thailand ... a few days ago, her entire
thread about it was removed from the cruisers forum public view.
However there has been some discussion about it lately on the scientific
website of Duncan Steel here ...

I started reading when Kate 1st gave me the link; but have not had time to sit and figure out where the 1st reply is lol
IT HAS been five months since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 went missing, with 239 people on board.

Unlike many of its fellow bidders, Fugro’s focus isn’t about deep-sea recovery and super-advanced technologies, but instead its focus is on underwater mapping services for oil and gas companies off shore, the Times reported. That will give the search a new perspective.

“If we have contrast between the hard surfaces of debris and sediments naturally on the bottom [of the ocean], then we should find it.” Hussong said. “If it’s some place on a rocky bottom or the side of a cliff, it’ll be difficult.”

Australian Transport Safety Bureau chief commissioner Martin Dolan said the latest hunt would be a challenging task for the contractors. “We are finding some surprises as we go,” he said of the mapping, which has found depths ranging from 4.8km to 1.5km and features such as underwater volcanoes.
To navigate such difficult underwater terrain, further complicated by treacherous weather conditions, Fugro has connected with experts including Donald Hussong, a sonar guru. Hussong, who was brought out of partial retirement to assist Fugro’s sonar towing logistics, said the two vessels will each be equipped with 9 or 10 km. of cable that will tow scanners about 100 to 150 m. above the sea floor.

Hussong estimates that the relaunched search over 60,000 square km. will span approximately 9 to 10 months—a heartbeat compared to the nearly 2 years it took locate Air France Flight 447’s debris, a mere 6.5 km from the center of the search.

If the Dutch firm’s towed sonars locate debris, then the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, which aided in locating the Titanic’s wreckage in 1985, will contribute two autonomous underwater vehicles.
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