Malaysia airlines 370 with 239 people on board, 8 March 2014 #25

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Zaidi Ahmad, who was sacked from the military for exposing weaknesses with indelible ink used in Election 2013, will be called as a witness in the lawsuit filed by two sons whose father was on board Flight MH370.

... the dismissed major will testify based on his expertise as a former member of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).

“I believe it shouldn’t have happened, [the RMAF] should be on alert all the time.

“Heads must roll,” Zaidi told reporters during a press conference at the lawyer’s office here.

Zaidi ... had been stationed at the RMAF Butterworth airbase that the jumbo jet flew over on the day it disappeared.

“The most important thing is that this involves the government’s assets and as a Malaysian citizen, I am concerned especially with the readiness of the armed forces as a whole in handling any intrusion into our air space,” he said.

OMG, Zaidi will either end up dead or in prions on trumped up sodomy charges. He is very brave for coming forward. I believe it was just last week (?) they decided to put the ex Deputy Prime minister in jail for another 5 years for sodomy. Malaysia needs to join the 21st Century already.
I've finally caught up on all of the threads about this missing plane. I had to skip over quite a few pages in this one because the back and forth of trying to prove each other wrong was getting ridiculous. Makes me glad you can't slap someone through a phone or computer lol. It amazes me that after almost a YEAR, not one single shred has been found of this plane. While reading through the threads a lot of the theories have made sense. I do feel the plane was landed on land somewhere and is awaiting an attack or something. The way they avoided radar lines just hit me as extremely odd. Also. How can they now declare that it was an accident where there is no evidence of an accident??? I feel Malaysia just does not want to take any blame at all.

I just searched for Kate's husbands posts here. Kate is the Sailor that saw MH370 burning.
Here is her hub Mark's blog where he tells of a Naval ship Mysterious Lights and Buoy and “Search Vessel?” ; he has a few entries in his blog. ATSB
Have to shovel snow..

08-11-2014, 12:49 AM #301
I am only recently signed up but Kate, my wife is the one who may have seen it on our crossing from India. I have so far ploughed through about half way so sorry if some of my isssues are repeated elsewhere but I really think this is worth saying even if it is duplicated further on!
Originally Posted by 2rose - This statement reiterates that the MH370 Satcom was only enabled once the aircraft was further than the 200 mile radar radius of an Air Traffic Control Tower (typically found at all airports).
This logically infers that the airplane could not have been within the airspace of Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand or Indonesia.

Either this statement is incorrect (as within 3 or 7 minutes depending on source of ping rings of last primary radar it must still be well within the 200 mile range of Indonesia (Acer Banda) and Thai (Phuket) as well as Indian (Andamans) ATC towers???, or Inmarsat data has been edited.
If electronic why would the first transmission be 18:25, and thereafter until the last one at 41 minutes past the hour - that is not the way electronics work and to have a reliability 2 out of 7 being "random"generated is not a believable failure rate for high grade electronic equipment! My cheapo mobile has never changed my alarm by undetectable time variations! There is growing suspicion on Duncans blog and the ping ring/s are being discarded - too technical for me but point is if scientific community does not have confidence as they claim only partial data release then where does the evidance get credibility from - and a commercially interested party such as Inmarsat who stand to loose millions if alternative up to date technology is chosen certainly have a conflict of interest here! I do not know if there is credance in the ping ring stuff - however full data disclosure to independant groups would be an acceptable test of the validity of their claim.
Originally Posted by 2rose - Inmarsat compared the BFO for a number of flights & they also sent their research to a number of peers for review. After the release of the Inmarsat raw data, the once critical scientists on the Duncan Steel website also now support Inmarsat's theory.......
Burst Frequency Offset measures the actual frequency of a moving object. So the fact there was any BFO at all connected to MH370, means that the plane was moving & not stationary. This data was transmitted from the plane through the ground station to the Inmarsat terminal,
so more than one record was created in different locations hundreds of miles apart.

From ATSB report On page 24 ” For a given relative motion, there are many combinations of aircraft speed and heading that will produce the correct frequency change (BFO). There is however a limited range of speeds at which an aircraft can operate and therefore the number of feasible speed/direction solutions is limited (Figure 23).” If you read BFO validation page 29 ” This simulation was able to prove definitively that the BFO value is influenced by the location, speed and heading of the aircraft.”, none of which are known, “assuming a single turn followed by a predominantly straight track”. and then go onto the assumptions made for the three Analyses.
BFO is absolute nonsnense here and has absolutely no use in the investigation for the simple reason is that the inputs determine the outputs so they actually can be shown to show what ever you want! If you assume a Southern route and plug in some southern numbers it will give you some southern options, same thing if you use northern data.

Inmarsat have claimed there is radar data showing a turn North of the Andamans and MH370 heading south. on the 24 March. This has somehow "grown into fact" yet where is this evidence? Iff you look at the CNN live broadcast it shows what appears to be this evidence (see for times)
Malaysian authorities claim to have sealed evidence HOWEVER as the last known position being used for these critical calculations of BTO and BFO is the Malaysian radar data Inmarsat really has NO CREDIBILITY and there is NO EVIDENCE THAT RULES OUT THE NORTHERN OPTION or ATSB is intentionally misleading the search based on not utilizing all known data.

Personally Inmarsats conflict of interest is too great, and combined with the contradictory evidence and analysis by various groups, including Inmarsat and ATSB, I do not believe the ping ring stuff is fact! MH370 can be anywhere within its fuel range.

08-11-2014, 01:15 AM #302
On our crossing from India in addition to Kates possible sighting we saw a few other unexplained things which at the time seemed nothing out of the ordinary - lights, buoy and unusual shipping movements
THE MOST LIKELY EXPLANATIONS GIVEN TO DATE - were a naval flotilla, a acoustical target or target buoy and a search vessel.

It appears what Kate may have seen was a port engine fire and with the mysterious sealed radar data A POSSIBLE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS COULD BE AS SPECULATED - Unidentified aircraft that is not communicating approaching naval flotilla who defends itself by disabling the aircraft as a further threat, and hence radar data sealed. THIS WOULD NOT BE THE FIRST TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED SO PRECEDENCE HAS BEEN SET.
WHY NOT MAKE IT PUBLIC - Motive? - self interest and preservation through covering up incompetence?

Roselvr - 08-15-2014, 10:21 AM #314
Hi Marc; welcome! Nice to see that you finally made it over!
I've always felt they know more then they are saying. I've never understood how no one has fessed up that they saw the plane on their radar. Same goes for Australia. They were spending so much money to search; yet we had no clue if the plane was seen on radar in the area.

I'm surprised you don't carry some type of camera/ disposable camera. Would be nice to know what the buoy was. Do you have any friends that go out that way?

I found a pic of an orange buoy; how similar was it?

08-19-2014, 04:11 PM #322
I have been working with weather buoys for over 10 years and am familiar with them, including drifting buoys - nothing like your picture except possibly overall size.
solar panels at base and whip antenna (wire) with nothing attached to that.
If this were the case, where are they keeping all the passengers? I can't figure that part out...

They're all stranded on an island with mysterious "monsters," polar bears, and another group of people called The Others.

I kid. I actually have no idea.
IMO, they are all dead and were dead before the plane crashed into the ocean.
I just don't see a reason for a terrorist group to land this plane, and hold almost 300 people hostage.
It's been almost a year.
"An oil rig worker who was notoriously fired for saying he believed he saw MH370 'come down' today insisted he thinks the official search for the Malaysian jet is happening in the wrong place.

In his first detailed interview since he sent out an email to officials relaying what he thought might be the Boeing 777 aircraft, Mike McKay, 57, told MailOnline: 'Almost a year has passed, but I stand by what I saw.

'I've thought about it and thought about it, over and over and while I cannot say for certain that the burning object in the sky was definitely MH370, the timing fits in with when the Malaysian plane lost contact. I have been trying to disprove that what I saw was the aeroplane ever since.'

And so far he has failed to disprove it. Speaking at his Auckland home where he now sits out his days after losing his job as a result of sending out the email on his company computer on the rig off the south of Vietnam, Mr McKay said that everyone believed he had said with certainty that he saw MH370 crash in flames into the South China Sea.

'Unfortunately my words were misinterpreted. I was careful to say that I 'believed' I saw the aircraft come down. The email was never for public consumption."

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"Chinese relatives of MH370 passengers gathered outside the Malaysian prime minister's office Wednesday to demand his government rescind its declaration that all on board the plane were presumed dead.

"We want an explanation from (Prime Minister Najib Razak). And we want him to cancel the declaration that the incident was an accident," said Kelly Wen, a Chinese national whose husband was on the Malaysia Airlines flight.

Malaysian authorities last month declared the plane's unexplained disappearance an "accident" under global aviation conventions, saying for the first time that all 239 passengers and crew were presumed dead."
KUALA LUMPUR: Grieving Chinese relatives of MH370 passengers blasted Malaysia Airlines Friday (Feb 20), detailing a long list of complaints and traumas they said were suffered as a result of the flight's mysterious disappearance 11 months ago.

The 21 family members arrived in Malaysia last week from China to demand authorities cancel a declaration that the plane's 239 passengers and crew were presumed dead, and voiced discontent over the airline's responses to questions they submitted on a litany of issues.

Using a projector at a news conference held at a Kuala Lumpur hotel, they showed journalists photos of relatives of the passengers suffering emotional and physical trauma in China, including one elderly man whom they claimed suffered a stroke after hearing of Malaysia's declaration about the passengers.

"We are extremely dissatisfied with the replies from Malaysia Airlines," said Jiang Hui, whose mother was on the ill-fated flight. "The answers were contradictory and not within the scope of the questions asked."
Flight MH370 may have been deliberately flown off course by someone in the cockpit, a new documentary claims.

Aviation disaster experts have analysed satellite data from the lost Malaysian Airlines flight and discovered that the plane flew on for hours after losing contact.

Careful examination of the evidence has revealed that MH370 made three turns after the last radio call, first a turn to the left, then two more, taking the plane west, then south towards Antarctica.

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They really have no idea what's happened, do they? I followed this thread so closely at the start, but I have a question so apologies if it's come up already.... is it possible that the oil rig worker and Kate saw the same object that night? I am not sure where they both were at the time.
They really have no idea what's happened, do they? I followed this thread so closely at the start, but I have a question so apologies if it's come up already.... is it possible that the oil rig worker and Kate saw the same object that night? I am not sure where they both were at the time.

I know it's difficult to know who to believe and has accurate information. I really hope the find the plane one day. According to this article:

"Just last week, British yachtswoman Katherine Tee, 41, reported seeing an airliner on fire on the same night as Mr McKay's 'burning plane' - but she was in a totally different area, sailing east from southern India to Phuket in southern Thailand."

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Zaidi Ahmad, who was sacked from the military for exposing weaknesses with indelible ink used in Election 2013, will be called as a witness in the lawsuit filed by two sons whose father was on board Flight MH370.

... the dismissed major will testify based on his expertise as a former member of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).

“I believe it shouldn’t have happened, [the RMAF] should be on alert all the time.

“Heads must roll,” Zaidi told reporters during a press conference at the lawyer’s office here.

Zaidi ... had been stationed at the RMAF Butterworth airbase that the jumbo jet flew over on the day it disappeared.

“The most important thing is that this involves the government’s assets and as a Malaysian citizen, I am concerned especially with the readiness of the armed forces as a whole in handling any intrusion into our air space,” he said.

Brave man --- wow.....this is wonderful that someone is bring a lawsuit for the loss of a parent.....
"The doomed Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was taken on an emotional ‘last farewell’ fly-past of the pilot’s home island of Penang before being deliberately landed on the water and sinking intact thousands of miles away, according to a British pilot who claims to have identified its final resting place.

The unusual overflying of Penang is ‘perhaps the only clue to the perpetrator’ he says.

The theory of Simon Hardy, a senior Boeing 777 captain with a major commercial airline, has gained support from one of Britain’s top flight safety specialists, David Learmount of the respected Flight International magazine and flightglobal website."

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Airlines stop accepting rechargable battery shipments due to fire risk

WASHINGTON – Some of the world's largest airlines are banning bulk shipments of rechargeable batteries in the face of mounting evidence of their potential to cause catastrophic in-flight fires.

Citing safety concerns, United Airlines on Monday became the second major U.S. airline to announce it will no longer accept bulk shipments of rechargeable batteries, also called lithium-ion batteries, which are used to power everything from smartphones to laptops to power tools.
"The doomed Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was taken on an emotional ‘last farewell’ fly-past of the pilot’s home island of Penang before being deliberately landed on the water and sinking intact thousands of miles away, according to a British pilot who claims to have identified its final resting place.

The unusual overflying of Penang is ‘perhaps the only clue to the perpetrator’ he says.

The theory of Simon Hardy, a senior Boeing 777 captain with a major commercial airline, has gained support from one of Britain’s top flight safety specialists, David Learmount of the respected Flight International magazine and flightglobal website."

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I call bunk on the Captain taking a long last loving look at Penang and then flying so far South to kill himself and all the passengers. I still don't think the Captain was in control (or that it had anything to do with Penang being his home) - even Buckminster Fuller loved Penang!

I do find this intriguing...

Captain Hardy said the flight did something ‘quite remarkable’ by flying in and out of the airspace of Malaysia and Thailand eight times noting: ’I’ve never seen anything like that but it is a good way to cause confusion between the controllers.’

And, actually, I think it fits better with Jeff's thoughts on going North.

I do wonder sometimes if it might have gone North or West, but I have my doubts it has anything to do with Russia.
"The doomed Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was taken on an emotional ‘last farewell’ fly-past of the pilot’s home island of Penang before being deliberately landed on the water and sinking intact thousands of miles away, according to a British pilot who claims to have identified its final resting place.

The unusual overflying of Penang is ‘perhaps the only clue to the perpetrator’ he says.

The theory of Simon Hardy, a senior Boeing 777 captain with a major commercial airline, has gained support from one of Britain’s top flight safety specialists, David Learmount of the respected Flight International magazine and flightglobal website."

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I don't think he was taking a farewell fly past Penang either. Maybe someone (the pilot/co-pilot/passenger) was trying to get back to Kuala Lumpur with only visual aids (water) and manual steering because all technical controls and radar were destroyed in a fire.

If they were headed south going by Penang instead of west, could they have crashed in the mountains or jungles of Sumatra or the ocean right beyond Samatra or Java?

I found this article from back in March a year ago that gives a good overview of several of the eye witnesses who reported seeing the plane. Just wanted to bring it back up to reference their locations in view of this new suspected flight of the plane.
It has been a year now since the flight went missing. Incredible. We are getting a few news updates because of the one year anniversary.

As the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 nears the one-year mark, former Australian defence chief Sir Angus Houston says he remains hopeful of a breakthrough. He said the ongoing Australian-led search had already scoured 43% of the high-priority area.

“I think on the balance of probabilities at the moment, the chances of finding it are still good, and we should be patient and persist with the search,” Sir Angus said. “I’m still quietly optimistic that ... one day, hopefully very soon, we might wake up and hear that it’s been found.”

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s transport minister said on Saturday that if the undersea search failed to turn up anything by the end of May (when the harsh winter conditions commence), the three countries leading the effort will re-examine data and come up with a new plan.
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