Malaysia airlines 370 with 239 people on board, 8 March 2014 #25

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I always wondered why the maldives story was not further checked out..I figured it was maybe because they really didnt want the plane found...but I have my theories. I still believe that this plane was disappeared.
I don't think it was because they didn't want the plane found, but that they went by their own analysis on what they believed happened based on Malaysia's radar and the satellite pings. The witnesses didn't fit into their scenario. The problem with that comes when they sometimes don't get the whole picture if they use blinders to solve a case - like not seeing the forest for the trees.

I don't believe the witnesses lied or were mistaken in what they saw and I can understand their analysis too. Maybe though they should go back to the beginning and do a "what if it were true" and try to incorporate these sightings along with their analysis and find a common theory on how they both could work? Maybe because of the different time zones, one "fact" may be off? One radar reading may be wrong? The speed of the plane was off? The plane did not make all the turns they thought? IDK
Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss will meet his counterparts from China and Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow to review the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Mr Truss’s office declined to comment yesterday but Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said in statement that the ministers would be “reviewing the search efforts to date and collectively deciding on next steps based on advice by the experts from the search strategy working group’’.

The Malaysian minister said the parties were “wholeheartedly committed’’ to completing the search of the priority zone.

Somehow, I think that the search may be called off unless/until there are further developments - once they have completed the current underwater search. (61% complete now.)

I wonder if we will ever know what happened to MH370.
"(Reuters) - Government ministers from Australia, China and Malaysia on Thursday said that they would extend the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 by an additional 60,000 sq miles if the wreckage is not found in the current search area.

The extended search for the jetliner, which disappeared last year but is believed to have crashed in the Indian Ocean off Australia's west coast, could take up to a year, officials said at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur.

Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai, Australian Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss and Chinese Transport Minister Yang Chuantang pledged to double the current search area if necessary.

"Should the aircraft not be found within the current search area, ministers agreed to extend the search by an additional 60,000 square kilometers to bring the search area to 120,000 square kilometers and thereby cover the entire highest probability area identified by expert analysis," they said in a joint statement.

"Ministers recognize the additional search area may take up to a year to complete given the adverse weather conditions in the upcoming winter months."
New article by a pilot blaming the captain:

I — like many of my B777 and A380 colleagues in British Airways, Qantas, and Emirates — believe that Captain Shah carefully pre-planned and brilliantly executed this hijacking which resulted in his death and the murder of 238 souls.

Even a Malaysia Airlines captain, a colleague of Captain Shah’s for 30 years, is on record for saying he believed Captain Shah is responsible.

The evidence is circumstantial but overwhelming as only a qualified and capable B777 pilot could have done this.
Anyone else read about this story?

Airline stops security researcher from boarding plane after hacking tweet

In recent weeks, Roberts gave media interviews in which he discussed airline system vulnerabilities. "Quite simply put, we can theorize on how to turn the engines off at 35,000 feet and not have any of those damn flashing lights go off in the cockpit," he told Fox News.

Roberts also told CNN he was able to connect to a box under his seat at least a dozen times to view data from the aircraft's engines, fuel and flight-management systems.
Not sure if this has been posted. IDK, but it seems ridiculous to me to spend millions of dollars based on data no one is allowed to or can corroborate.

“It’s been highly politicized from the start, as seen by the dribbling of information from the Malaysian government,” says Middleton. “Had the correct information been released earlier, it might well have resulted in a much smaller search area, as the question of whether the aircraft flew low or high early on has an impact on fuel consumption, hence how far the airplane may have been able to fly into the southern [Indian] Ocean.”

Compounding matters, the current search area is based almost entirely on satellite-data analysis from British telecommunications firm Inmarsat. This tracked a series of maintenance pings using groundbreaking analysis techniques as MH370’s own secondary radar was disabled in the cockpit. However, corroborating the Inmarsat data is impossible, meaning the search could be taking place in entirely the wrong place.

“The total lack of debris is a puzzle,” says Middleton. “And the Inmarsat information cannot be tested by intelligent and capable people because they do not have access to the proprietary information from Inmarsat.”

He adds: “The Inmarsat stuff is untestable. And although I’m not suggesting they’ve done anything improper, the search area relies very much on their calculations, and if they have made errors, we are not able to replicate their calculations. And there’s a chance they’ve stuffed up and the plane is not there at all.”
It does seem like the research on the flight of this plane needs to be looked at again from the beginning. A lot of early reports claimed the plane was flying at an extremely low altitude where it would burn up the fuel quicker and thereby make the flight much shorter. It was only after the pings were discovered that the search area was moved further south.

What also stands out to me is the total lack of debris anywhere. Back near the beginning of this tragedy, a piece of aircraft was found near an island. What about the wipe packet found last summer on the Australian shore? Did they ever make a final determination as to whatever either of these came from?
It does seem like the research on the flight of this plane needs to be looked at again from the beginning. A lot of early reports claimed the plane was flying at an extremely low altitude where it would burn up the fuel quicker and thereby make the flight much shorter. It was only after the pings were discovered that the search area was moved further south.

What also stands out to me is the total lack of debris anywhere. Back near the beginning of this tragedy, a piece of aircraft was found near an island. What about the wipe packet found last summer on the Australian shore? Did they ever make a final determination as to whatever either of these came from?

I doubt they can be sure the wipe packet came from this plane; but it wouldn't surprise me if it did.
I still feel there is classified info from the Navy ship Kate, her hub & crew saw in the water that day
Uh oh!
Looks like they are getting tired and cranky now.

Experts involved in past deep water searches say the search to find MH370 could easily miss the plane as Dutch company Fugro NV, the firm at the forefront of the mission, is using inappropriate technology for some terrain and inexperienced personnel for the highly specialized task of hunting man-made objects...

Heightening concerns, Australian authorities said on Wednesday that another search vessel, the Go Phoenix, which is using the world's best deep sea search equipment and crew provided by U.S. firm Phoenix International Holdings Inc, would pull out within weeks. No reason was given for withdrawing the vessel from the quest...

Much more at this site.
NEW THEORY is now being considered. A perfect nose dive!

My questions -
Could they do that if there was no power or out of fuel?
Would that be a deliberate action or could the plane do it on its own?
How could this play into the Maldives sightings?
Could that mean they are discounting the pings?

If the plane hit the water at a 90-degree angle and left no debris, the chances of it ever being found would be virtually zero.

Read more at http://www.**************/2164390/m...traight-to-oceans-bottom/#uGI60bK5qxb4XbZS.99

Another link -

Looks like the original link may not have been accepted so I went searching for another one that contained that same statement. Found this link that debunks this theory completely. Oh well!
12 June 2015
A Malaysia Airlines passenger plane has made an emergency landing in Melbourne, Australia after reporting a possible engine fire.

Fire engines were on site but airport officials said it landed safely at 15:00 local time (05:00 GMT).

A preliminary inspection of the plane, which has been grounded, showed "no physical evidence of fire externally", the airline said.

A Metropolitan Fire Brigade spokesman said the plane dumped fuel before making the emergency landing about 3:00pm.

UPDATE: The aircraft's systems indicated there was an engine fire, but no trace of a fire was found on board.
The thing with water crashes, is that there is USUALLY debris found.
I don't know if it would be possible for the plane to have done a nose dive (intentional or not) and not have left debris anywhere. I am no plane expert, this is JMO.

I still strongly believe the plane was spotted near Maldives, and that is where the plane eventually crashed. Not enough searching was done there. In fact, the Maldives sighting was practically written off as false. Well...I don't think it was false. More searching should have been before that assumption was made.
It looks like people are doubting the company doing the work.

ATSB announced in April that that search area had been doubled in size, even though the first priority area has still not been completely searched.

If Fugro ends up empty-handed, it will most likely be because the plane didn't crash where officials thought, said Geoff Dell, a former Australian Airlines air safety investigator and current head of accident investigation at Central Queensland University.

But it's still possible, he said, that searchers "may have driven over the top of it and didn't see it."

Danica Weeks, a New Zealander whose husband Paul was aboard Flight 370, has been aboard a Fugro search ship and trusts that the company knows what it is doing. But she also wants the data reviewed in case a crucial clue was missed.

She added: "I'm losing faith. I think any human being in this situation would."
The search area has been expanded and modified as shown in this article, but this new zone could be complicated by winter weather setting in.

Wow. Nice OLD shipwreck. The anchor is very old anchor. They dont make them like that anymore I dont think so very old.

I havent visited in awhile and glad to see people not forgetting about this plane.

Such a sad story. Hope someday they find out what happened.

I still tend to think the plane is not even south near Perth at all. I tend to think it is way back up north and northwest where it first made the turn. I think it headed west and tried for a crash landing near the Maldives where the witnesses claimed to have seen a low flying plane.

I think the Immarstat data may have just uncovered another plane's route or something.

Anyway, just wish they could find out what happened someday.
Prayers for all the lives lost and families involved.
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